strkjv@Acts:2:2 @ And #G2532 suddenly #G869 there came #G1096 (5633) a sound # G2279 from #G1537 heaven #G3772 as #G5618 of a rushing #G5342 (5730) mighty #G972 wind #G4157 , and #G2532 it filled #G4137 (5656) all #G3650 the house #G3624 where #G3757 they were #G2258 (5713) sitting #G2521 (5740).
strkjv@Hebrews:12:19 @ And #G2532 the sound # G2279 of a trumpet #G4536 , and #G2532 the voice #G5456 of words #G4487 ; which #G3739 voice they that heard #G191 (5660) intreated #G3868 (5662) that the word #G3056 should #G4369 # not #G3361 # be spoken #G4369 (5683) to them #G846 any more #G3361 :
strkjv@Luke:4:37 @ And #G2532 the fame # G2279 of #G4012 him #G846 went out #G1607 (5711) into #G1519 every #G3956 place #G5117 of the country round about #G4066 .
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