strkjv@1Corinthians:9:13 @ Do ye #G1492 # not #G3756 know #G1492 (5758) that #G3754 they which minister #G2038 (5740) about holy things #G2413 live #G2068 (5719) of the things of #G1537 the temple #G2411 ? and they which wait #G4332 (5723) at the altar # G2379 are partakers #G4829 (5736) with the altar # G2379 ?
strkjv@1Corinthians:10:18 @ Behold #G991 (5720) Israel #G2474 after #G2596 the flesh #G4561 : are #G1526 # not #G3780 they #G1526 (5748) which eat #G2068 (5723) of the sacrifices #G2378 partakers #G2844 of the altar # G2379 ?
strkjv@Hebrews:7:13 @ For #G1063 he of #G1909 whom #G3739 these things #G5023 are spoken #G3004 (5743) pertaineth #G3348 (5758) to another #G2087 tribe #G5443 , of #G575 which #G3739 no man #G3762 gave attendance #G4337 (5758) at the altar # G2379 .
strkjv@Hebrews:13:10 @ We have #G2192 (5719) an altar # G2379 , whereof #G1537 #G3739 they have #G2192 (5719) no #G3756 right #G1849 to eat #G5315 (5629) which serve #G3000 (5723) the tabernacle #G4633 .
strkjv@James:2:21 @ Was #G1344 # not #G3756 Abraham #G11 our #G2257 father #G3962 justified #G1344 (5681) by #G1537 works #G2041 , when he had offered #G399 (5660) Isaac #G2464 his #G846 son #G5207 upon #G1909 the altar # G2379 ?
strkjv@Luke:1:11 @ And #G1161 there appeared #G3700 (5681) unto him #G846 an angel #G32 of the Lord #G2962 standing #G2476 (5761) on #G1537 the right side #G1188 of the altar # G2379 of incense #G2368 .
strkjv@Luke:11:51 @ From #G575 the blood #G129 of Abel #G6 unto #G2193 the blood #G129 of Zacharias #G2197 , which #G3588 perished #G622 (5642) between #G3342 the altar # G2379 and #G2532 the temple #G3624 : verily #G3483 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , It shall be required #G1567 (5701) of #G575 this #G5026 generation #G1074 .
strkjv@Matthew:5:23 @ Therefore #G3767 if #G1437 thou bring #G4374 (5725) thy #G4675 gift #G1435 to #G1909 the altar # G2379 , and there #G2546 rememberest #G3415 (5686) that #G3754 thy #G4675 brother #G80 hath #G2192 (5719) ought #G5100 against #G2596 thee #G4675 ;
strkjv@Matthew:5:24 @ Leave #G863 (5628) there #G1563 thy #G4675 gift #G1435 before #G1715 the altar # G2379 , and #G2532 go thy way #G5217 (5720); first #G4412 be reconciled #G1259 (5649) to thy #G4675 brother #G80 , and #G2532 then #G5119 come #G2064 (5631) and offer #G4374 (5720) thy #G4675 gift #G1435 .
strkjv@Matthew:23:18 @ And #G2532 , Whosoever #G3739 #G1437 shall swear #G3660 (5661) by #G1722 the altar # G2379 , it is #G2076 (5748) nothing #G3762 ; but #G1161 whosoever #G3739 #G302 sweareth #G3660 (5661) by #G1722 the gift #G1435 that is upon #G1883 it #G846 , he is guilty #G3784 (5719).
strkjv@Matthew:23:19 @ Ye fools #G3474 and #G2532 blind #G5185 : for #G1063 whether #G5101 is greater #G3187 , the gift #G1435 , or #G2228 the altar # G2379 that sanctifieth #G37 (5723) the gift #G1435 ?
strkjv@Matthew:23:20 @ Whoso therefore #G3767 shall swear #G3660 (5660) by #G1722 the altar # G2379 , sweareth #G3660 (5719) by #G1722 it #G846 , and #G2532 by #G1722 all things #G3956 thereon #G1883 #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:23:35 @ That #G3704 upon #G1909 you #G5209 may come #G2064 (5632) all #G3956 the righteous #G1342 blood #G129 shed #G1632 (5746) upon #G1909 the earth #G1093 , from #G575 the blood #G129 of righteous #G1342 Abel #G6 unto #G2193 the blood #G129 of Zacharias #G2197 son #G5207 of Barachias #G914 , whom #G3739 ye slew #G5407 (5656) between #G3342 the temple #G3485 and #G2532 the altar # G2379 .
strkjv@Revelation:6:9 @ And #G2532 when #G3753 he had opened #G455 (5656) the fifth #G3991 seal #G4973 , I saw #G1492 (5627) under #G5270 the altar # G2379 the souls #G5590 of them that were slain #G4969 (5772) for #G1223 the word #G3056 of God #G2316 , and #G2532 for #G1223 the testimony #G3141 which #G3739 they held #G2192 (5707):
strkjv@Revelation:8:3 @ And #G2532 another #G243 angel #G32 came #G2064 (5627) and #G2532 stood #G2476 (5681) at #G1909 the altar # G2379 , having #G2192 (5723) a golden #G5552 censer #G3031 ; and #G2532 there was given #G1325 (5681) unto him #G846 much #G4183 incense #G2368 , that #G2443 he should offer #G1325 (5661) it with the prayers #G4335 of all #G3956 saints #G40 upon #G1909 the golden #G5552 altar # G2379 which #G3588 was before #G1799 the throne #G2362 .
strkjv@Revelation:8:5 @ And #G2532 the angel #G32 took #G2983 (5758) the censer #G3031 , and #G2532 filled #G1072 (5656) it #G846 with #G1537 fire #G4442 of the altar # G2379 , and #G2532 cast #G906 (5627) it into #G1519 the earth #G1093 : and #G2532 there were #G1096 (5633) voices #G5456 , and #G2532 thunderings #G1027 , and #G2532 lightnings #G796 , and #G2532 an earthquake #G4578 .
strkjv@Revelation:9:13 @ And #G2532 the sixth #G1623 angel #G32 sounded #G4537 (5656), and #G2532 I heard #G191 (5656) a #G3391 voice #G5456 from #G1537 the four #G5064 horns #G2768 of the golden #G5552 altar # G2379 which #G3588 is before #G1799 God #G2316 ,
strkjv@Revelation:11:1 @ And #G2532 there was given #G1325 (5681) me #G3427 a reed #G2563 like #G3664 unto a rod #G4464 : and #G2532 the angel #G32 stood #G2476 (5715), saying #G3004 (5723), Rise #G1453 (5669), and #G2532 measure #G3354 (5657) the temple #G3485 of God #G2316 , and #G2532 the altar # G2379 , and #G2532 them that worship #G4352 (5723) therein #G1722 #G846 .
strkjv@Revelation:14:18 @ And #G2532 another #G243 angel #G32 came #G1831 (5627) out #G1537 from the altar # G2379 , which had #G2192 (5723) power #G1849 over #G1909 fire #G4442 ; and #G2532 cried #G5455 (5656) with a loud #G3173 cry #G2906 to him that had #G2192 (5723) the sharp #G3691 sickle #G1407 , saying #G3004 (5723), Thrust in #G3992 (5657) thy #G4675 sharp #G3691 sickle #G1407 , and #G2532 gather #G5166 (5657) the clusters #G1009 of the vine #G288 of the earth #G1093 ; for #G3754 her #G846 grapes #G4718 are fully ripe #G187 (5656).
strkjv@Revelation:16:7 @ And #G2532 I heard #G191 (5656) another #G243 out of #G1537 the altar # G2379 say #G3004 (5723), Even so #G3483 , Lord #G2962 God #G2316 Almighty #G3841 , true #G228 and #G2532 righteous #G1342 are thy #G4675 judgments #G2920 .
strkjv@Romans:11:3 @ Lord #G2962 , they have killed #G615 (5656) thy #G4675 prophets #G4396 , and #G2532 digged down #G2679 (5656) thine #G4675 altars # G2379 ; and I #G2504 am left #G5275 (5681) alone #G3441 , and #G2532 they seek #G2212 (5719) my #G3450 life #G5590 .
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