strkjv@1Corinthians:2:1 @ And I # G2504 , brethren #G80 , when I came #G2064 (5631) to #G4314 you #G5209 , came #G2064 (5627) not #G3756 with #G2596 excellency #G5247 of speech #G3056 or #G2228 of wisdom #G4678 , declaring #G2605 (5723) unto you #G5213 the testimony #G3142 of God #G2316 .2
strkjv@1Corinthians:7:8 @ I say #G3004 (5719) therefore #G1161 to the unmarried #G22 and #G2532 widows #G5503 , It is #G2076 (5748) good #G2570 for them #G846 if #G1437 they abide #G3306 (5661) even # G2504 # as #G5613 I # G2504 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:7:40 @ But #G1161 she is #G2076 (5748) happier #G3107 if #G1437 she #G3306 # so #G3779 abide #G3306 (5661), after #G2596 my #G1699 judgment #G1106 : and #G1161 I think #G1380 (5719) also # G2504 that I have #G2192 (5721) the Spirit #G4151 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:10:33 @ Even as #G2531 I # G2504 please #G700 (5719) all #G3956 men in all #G3956 things, not #G3361 seeking #G2212 (5723) mine own #G1683 profit #G4851 (5723), but #G235 the profit #G3588 of many #G4183 , that #G2443 they may be saved #G4982 (5686).
strkjv@1Corinthians:11:1 @ Be #G1096 (5737) ye followers #G3402 of me #G3450 , even as #G2531 I also # G2504 am of Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:12:12 @ For #G1063 as # G2509 the body #G4983 is #G2076 (5748) one #G1520 , and #G2532 hath #G2192 (5719) many #G4183 members #G3196 , and #G1161 all #G3956 the members #G3196 of that one #G1520 body #G4983 , being #G5607 (5752) many #G4183 , are #G2076 (5748) one #G1520 body #G4983 : so #G3779 also #G2532 is Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:15:8 @ And #G1161 last #G2078 of all #G3956 he was seen #G3700 (5681) of me also # G2504 , as #G5619 of one born out of due time #G1626 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:16:4 @ And #G1161 if #G1437 it be #G5600 (5753) meet #G514 that I go #G4198 (5738) also # G2504 , they shall go #G4198 (5695) with #G4862 me #G1698 .
strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:11 @ As # G2509 ye know #G1492 (5758) how #G5613 we exhorted #G3870 (5723) and #G2532 comforted #G3888 (5740) and charged #G3140 (5734) every #G1538 one #G1520 of you #G5209 #G5216 , as #G5613 a father #G3962 doth his #G1438 children #G5043 ,
strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:5 @ For this #G5124 cause #G1223 , when I # G2504 could #G4722 # no longer #G3371 forbear #G4722 (5723), I sent #G3992 (5656) to #G1519 know #G1097 (5629) your #G5216 faith #G4102 , lest by some means #G3381 #G4458 the tempter #G3985 (5723) have tempted #G3985 (5707) you #G5209 , and #G2532 our #G2257 labour #G2873 be #G1096 (5638) in #G1519 vain #G2756 .
strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:6 @ But #G1161 now #G737 when Timotheus #G5095 came #G2064 (5631) from #G575 you #G5216 unto #G4314 us #G2248 , and #G2532 brought #G2097 # us #G2254 good tidings #G2097 (5671) of your #G5216 faith #G4102 and #G2532 charity #G26 , and #G2532 that #G3754 ye have #G2192 (5719) good #G18 remembrance #G3417 of us #G2257 always #G3842 , desiring greatly #G1971 (5723) to see #G1492 (5629) us #G2248 , as # G2509 we #G2249 also #G2532 to see you #G5209 :
strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:12 @ And #G1161 the Lord #G2962 make #G4121 # you #G5209 to increase #G4121 (5659) and #G2532 abound #G4052 (5659) in love #G26 one #G240 # toward #G1519 another #G240 , and #G2532 toward #G1519 all #G3956 men, even #G2532 as # G2509 we #G2249 do toward #G1519 you #G5209 :
strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:5 @ Not #G3361 in #G1722 the lust #G3806 of concupiscence #G1939 , even #G2532 as # G2509 the Gentiles #G1484 which #G3588 know #G1492 (5761) not #G3361 God #G2316 :
strkjv@2Corinthians:1:14 @ As #G2531 also #G2532 ye have acknowledged #G1921 (5627) us #G2248 in #G575 part #G3313 , that #G3754 we are #G2070 (5748) your #G5216 rejoicing #G2745 , even as # G2509 ye #G5210 also #G2532 are ours #G2257 in #G1722 the day #G2250 of the Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:3:13 @ And #G2532 not #G3756 as # G2509 Moses #G3475 , which put #G5087 (5707) a vail #G2571 over #G1909 his #G1438 face #G4383 , that #G4314 the children #G5207 of Israel #G2474 could #G816 # not #G3361 stedfastly look #G816 (5658) to #G1519 the end #G5056 of that which is abolished #G2673 (5746):
strkjv@2Corinthians:3:18 @ But #G1161 we #G2249 all #G3956 , with open #G343 (5772) face #G4383 beholding as in a glass #G2734 (5734) the glory #G1391 of the Lord #G2962 , are changed #G3339 (5743) into the same #G846 image #G1504 from #G575 glory #G1391 to #G1519 glory #G1391 , even as # G2509 by #G575 the Spirit #G4151 of the Lord #G2962 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:6:17 @ Wherefore #G1352 come out #G1831 (5628) from #G1537 among #G3319 them #G846 , and #G2532 be ye separate #G873 (5682), saith #G3004 (5719) the Lord #G2962 , and #G2532 touch #G680 (5732) not #G3361 the unclean #G169 thing; and # G2504 I will receive #G1523 (5695) you #G5209 ,
strkjv@2Corinthians:8:11 @ Now #G3570 #G1161 therefore #G2532 perform #G2005 (5657) the doing #G4160 (5658) of it; that #G3704 as # G2509 there was a readiness #G4288 to will #G2309 (5721), so #G3779 there may be a performance #G2005 (5658) also #G2532 out of #G1537 that which ye have #G2192 (5721).
strkjv@2Corinthians:10:4 @ (For #G1063 the weapons #G3696 of our #G2257 warfare #G4752 are not #G3756 carnal #G4559 , but #G235 mighty #G1415 through God #G2316 to #G4314 the pulling down # G2506 of strong holds #G3794 ;)
strkjv@2Corinthians:10:5 @ Casting down # G2507 (5723) imaginations #G3053 , and #G2532 every #G3956 high thing #G5313 that exalteth itself #G1869 (5734) against #G2596 the knowledge #G1108 of God #G2316 , and #G2532 bringing into captivity #G163 (5723) every #G3956 thought #G3540 to #G1519 the obedience #G5218 of Christ #G5547 ;
strkjv@2Corinthians:10:8 @ For #G1063 #G2532 though #G1437 #G5037 I should boast #G2744 (5667) somewhat #G5100 more #G4055 of #G4012 our #G2257 authority #G1849 , which #G3739 the Lord #G2962 hath given #G1325 (5656) us #G2254 for #G1519 edification #G3619 , and #G2532 not #G3756 for #G1519 your #G5216 destruction # G2506 , I should #G153 # not #G3756 be ashamed #G153 (5701):
strkjv@2Corinthians:11:16 @ I say #G3004 (5719) again #G3825 , Let #G1380 # no #G3361 man #G5100 think #G1380 (5661) me #G1511 (5750) #G3165 a fool #G878 ; if otherwise #G1490 , yet #G2579 as #G5613 a fool #G878 receive #G1209 (5663) me #G3165 , that #G2443 I # G2504 may boast myself #G2744 (5667) a #G5100 little #G3397 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:11:18 @ Seeing that #G1893 many #G4183 glory #G2744 (5736) after #G2596 the flesh #G4561 , I will glory #G2744 (5695) also # G2504 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:11:21 @ I speak #G3004 (5719) as concerning #G2596 reproach #G819 , as #G5613 though #G3754 we #G2249 had been weak #G770 (5656). Howbeit #G1161 whereinsoever #G1722 #G3739 #G302 any #G5100 is bold #G5111 (5725), (I speak #G3004 (5719) foolishly #G1722 #G877 ,) I am bold #G5111 (5719) also # G2504 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:11:22 @ Are they #G1526 (5748) Hebrews #G1445 ? so am I # G2504 . Are they #G1526 (5748) Israelites #G2475 ? so am I # G2504 . Are they #G1526 (5748) the seed #G4690 of Abraham #G11 ? so am I # G2504 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:12:20 @ For #G1063 I fear #G5399 (5736), lest #G3381 #G4458 , when I come #G2064 (5631), I shall #G2147 # not #G3756 find #G2147 (5632) you #G5209 such as #G3634 I would #G2309 (5719), and that I # G2504 shall be found #G2147 (5686) unto you #G5213 such as #G3634 ye would #G2309 (5719) not #G3756 : lest #G3381 #G4458 there be debates #G2054 , envyings #G2205 , wraths #G2372 , strifes #G2052 , backbitings #G2636 , whisperings #G5587 , swellings #G5450 , tumults #G181 :
strkjv@2Corinthians:13:10 @ Therefore #G5124 #G1223 I write #G1125 (5719) these things #G5023 being absent #G548 (5752), lest #G3363 being present #G3918 (5752) I should use #G5530 (5667) sharpness #G664 , according #G2596 to the power #G1849 which #G3739 the Lord #G2962 hath given #G1325 (5656) me #G3427 to #G1519 edification #G3619 , and #G2532 not #G3756 to #G1519 destruction # G2506 .
strkjv@Acts:1:23 @ And #G2532 they appointed #G2476 (5627) two #G1417 , Joseph # G2501 called #G2564 (5746) Barsabas #G923 , who #G3739 was surnamed #G1941 (5681) Justus #G2459 , and #G2532 Matthias #G3159 .
strkjv@Acts:4:36 @ And #G1161 Joses # G2500 , who #G3588 by #G5259 the apostles #G652 was surnamed #G1941 (5685) Barnabas #G921 , (which #G3739 is #G2076 (5748), being interpreted #G3177 (5746), The son #G5207 of consolation #G3874 ,) a Levite #G3019 , and of the country #G1085 of Cyprus #G2953 ,
strkjv@Acts:7:9 @ And #G2532 the patriarchs #G3966 , moved with envy #G2206 (5660), sold #G591 (5639) Joseph # G2501 into #G1519 Egypt #G125 : but #G2532 God #G2316 was #G2258 (5713) with #G3326 him #G846 ,
strkjv@Acts:7:13 @ And #G2532 at #G1722 the second #G1208 time Joseph # G2501 was made known #G319 (5681) to his #G846 brethren #G80 ; and #G2532 Josephs # G2501 kindred #G1085 was made #G1096 (5633) known #G5318 unto Pharaoh #G5328 .
strkjv@Acts:7:14 @ Then #G1161 sent #G649 (5660) Joseph # G2501 , and called #G3333 (5668) his #G846 father #G3962 Jacob #G2384 to him, and #G2532 all #G3956 his #G846 kindred #G4772 , #G1722 threescore #G1440 and fifteen #G4002 souls #G5590 .
strkjv@Acts:7:18 @ Till #G891 #G3739 another #G2087 king #G935 arose #G450 (5627), which #G3739 knew #G1492 (5715) not #G3756 Joseph # G2501 .
strkjv@Acts:8:19 @ Saying #G3004 (5723), Give #G1325 (5628) me also # G2504 this #G5026 power #G1849 , that #G2443 on #G2007 # whomsoever #G3739 #G1437 I lay #G2007 (5632) hands #G5495 , he may receive #G2983 (5725) the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 .
strkjv@Acts:10:26 @ But #G1161 Peter #G4074 took #G1453 # him #G846 up #G1453 (5656), saying #G3004 (5723), Stand up #G450 (5628); I # G2504 # myself #G846 also # G2504 am #G1510 (5748) a man #G444 .
strkjv@Acts:13:19 @ And #G2532 when he had destroyed # G2507 (5631) seven #G2033 nations #G1484 in #G1722 the land #G1093 of Chanaan #G5477 , he divided #G2624 # their #G846 land #G1093 to them #G846 by lot #G2624 (5656).
strkjv@Acts:13:29 @ And #G1161 when #G5613 they had fulfilled #G5055 (5656) all #G537 that was written #G1125 (5772) of #G4012 him #G846 , they took him down # G2507 (5631) from #G575 the tree #G3586 , and laid #G5087 (5656) him in #G1519 a sepulchre #G3419 .
strkjv@Acts:19:27 @ So #G1161 that not #G3756 only #G3440 this #G5124 our #G2254 craft #G3313 is in danger #G2793 (5719) to be set #G2064 (5629) at #G1519 nought #G557 ; but #G235 also #G2532 that the temple #G2411 of the great #G3173 goddess #G2299 Diana #G735 should be despised #G1519 #G3762 #G3049 (5683), and #G1161 #G2532 her #G846 magnificence #G3168 should #G3195 (5721) be destroyed # G2507 (5745), whom #G3739 all #G3650 Asia #G773 and #G2532 the world #G3625 worshippeth #G4576 (5736).
strkjv@Acts:22:13 @ Came #G2064 (5631) unto #G4314 me #G3165 , and #G2532 stood #G2186 (5631), and said #G2036 (5627) unto me #G3427 , Brother #G80 Saul #G4549 , receive thy sight #G308 (5657). And # G2504 # the same #G846 hour #G5610 I # G2504 looked up #G308 (5656) upon #G1519 him #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:22:19 @ And I # G2504 said #G2036 (5627), Lord #G2962 , they #G846 know #G1987 (5736) that #G3754 I #G1473 imprisoned #G2252 (5713) #G5439 (5723) and #G2532 beat #G1194 (5723) in every #G2596 synagogue #G4864 them that believed #G4100 (5723) on #G1909 thee #G4571 :
strkjv@Acts:26:29 @ And #G1161 Paul #G3972 said #G2036 (5627), I would #G302 #G2172 (5665) to God #G2316 , that not #G3756 only #G3440 thou #G4571 , but #G235 also #G2532 all #G3956 that hear #G191 (5723) me #G3450 this day #G4594 , were #G1096 (5635) both #G2532 almost #G1722 #G3641 , and #G2532 altogether #G1722 #G4183 such #G5108 as #G3697 # G2504 I am #G1510 (5748), except #G3924 these #G5130 bonds #G1199 .
strkjv@Ephesians:1:15 @ Wherefore #G1223 #G5124 I also # G2504 , after I heard #G191 (5660) of #G2596 your #G5209 faith #G4102 in #G1722 the Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 , and #G2532 love #G26 unto #G1519 all #G3956 the saints #G40 ,
strkjv@Galatians:4:12 @ Brethren #G80 , I beseech #G1189 (5736) you #G5216 , be #G1096 (5737) as #G5613 I #G1473 am; for #G3754 I # G2504 am as #G5613 ye #G5210 are: ye have not injured #G91 (5656) me #G3165 at all #G3762 .
strkjv@Galatians:6:14 @ But #G1161 God forbid #G3361 #G1096 (5636) that I #G1698 should glory #G2744 (5738), save #G1508 in #G1722 the cross #G4716 of our #G2257 Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 , by #G1223 whom #G3739 the world #G2889 is crucified #G4717 (5769) unto me #G1698 , and I # G2504 unto the world #G2889 .
strkjv@Hebrews:4:2 @ For #G2532 #G1063 unto us was #G2070 (5748) the gospel preached #G2097 (5772), as well as # G2509 unto them #G2548 : but #G235 the word #G3056 preached #G189 did #G5623 # not #G3756 profit #G5623 (5656) them #G1565 , not #G3361 being mixed #G4786 (5772) with faith #G4102 in them that heard #G191 (5660) it.
strkjv@Hebrews:5:4 @ And #G2532 no #G3756 man #G5100 taketh #G2983 (5719) this honour #G5092 unto himself #G1438 , but #G235 he that is called #G2564 (5746) of #G5259 God #G2316 , as # G2509 #G2532 was Aaron #G2 .
strkjv@Hebrews:8:9 @ Not #G3756 according to #G2596 the covenant #G1242 that #G3739 I made with #G4160 (5656) their #G846 fathers #G3962 in #G1722 the day #G2250 when I took #G1949 (5637) them #G846 by the hand #G3450 #G5495 to lead #G1806 (5629) them #G846 out of #G1537 the land #G1093 of Egypt #G125 ; because #G3754 they #G846 continued #G1696 (5656) not #G3756 in #G1722 my #G3450 covenant #G1242 , and I # G2504 regarded #G272 # them #G846 not #G272 (5656), saith #G3004 (5719) the Lord #G2962 .
strkjv@Hebrews:10:2 @ For then #G1893 would they #G302 not #G3756 have ceased #G3973 (5668) to be offered #G4374 (5746)? because #G1223 that the worshippers #G3000 (5723) once #G530 purged # G2508 (5772) should have had #G2192 (5721) no #G3367 more #G2089 conscience #G4893 of sins #G266 .
strkjv@Hebrews:11:21 @ By faith #G4102 Jacob #G2384 , when he was a dying #G599 (5723), blessed #G2127 (5656) both #G1538 the sons #G5207 of Joseph # G2501 ; and #G2532 worshipped #G4352 (5656), leaning upon #G1909 the top #G206 of his #G846 staff #G4464 .
strkjv@Hebrews:11:22 @ By faith #G4102 Joseph # G2501 , when he died #G5053 (5723), made mention #G3421 (5656) of #G4012 the departing #G1841 of the children #G5207 of Israel #G2474 ; and #G2532 gave commandment #G1781 (5662) concerning #G4012 his #G846 bones #G3747 .
strkjv@James:2:18 @ Yea #G235 , a man #G5100 may say #G2046 (5692), Thou #G4771 hast #G2192 (5719) faith #G4102 , and I # G2504 have #G2192 (5719) works #G2041 : shew #G1166 (5657) me #G3427 thy #G4675 faith #G4102 without #G1537 thy #G4675 works #G2041 , and I # G2504 will shew #G1166 (5692) thee #G4671 my #G3450 faith #G4102 by #G1537 my #G3450 works #G2041 .
strkjv@John:1:31 @ And I # G2504 knew #G1492 (5715) him #G846 not #G3756 : but #G235 that #G2443 he should be made manifest #G5319 (5686) to Israel #G2474 , therefore #G1223 #G5124 am #G2064 # I #G1473 come #G2064 (5627) baptizing #G907 (5723) with #G1722 water #G5204 .
strkjv@John:1:33 @ And I # G2504 knew #G1492 (5715) him #G846 not #G3756 : but #G235 he that sent #G3992 (5660) me #G3165 to baptize #G907 (5721) with #G1722 water #G5204 , the same #G1565 said #G2036 (5627) unto me #G3427 , Upon #G1909 whom #G3739 #G302 thou shalt see #G1492 (5632) the Spirit #G4151 descending #G2597 (5723), and #G2532 remaining #G3306 (5723) on #G1909 him #G846 , the same #G3778 is #G2076 (5748) he which baptizeth #G907 (5723) with #G1722 the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 .
strkjv@John:1:34 @ And I # G2504 saw #G3708 (5758), and #G2532 bare record #G3140 (5758) that #G3754 this #G3778 is #G2076 (5748) the Son #G5207 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@John:1:45 @ Philip #G5376 findeth #G2147 (5719) Nathanael #G3482 , and #G2532 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , We have found #G2147 (5758) him, of whom #G3739 Moses #G3475 in #G1722 the law #G3551 , and #G2532 the prophets #G4396 , did write #G1125 (5656), Jesus #G2424 of #G575 Nazareth #G3478 , the son #G5207 of Joseph # G2501 .
strkjv@John:4:5 @ Then #G3767 cometh he #G2064 (5736) to #G1519 a city #G4172 of Samaria #G4540 , which is called #G3004 (5746) Sychar #G4965 , near #G4139 to the parcel of ground #G5564 that #G3739 Jacob #G2384 gave #G1325 (5656) to his #G846 son #G5207 Joseph # G2501 .
strkjv@John:5:17 @ But #G1161 Jesus #G2424 answered #G611 (5662) them #G846 , My #G3450 Father #G3962 worketh #G2038 (5736) hitherto #G2193 #G737 , and I # G2504 work #G2038 (5736).
strkjv@John:6:42 @ And #G2532 they said #G3004 (5707), Is #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 this #G3778 Jesus #G2424 , the son #G5207 of Joseph # G2501 , whose #G3739 father #G3962 and #G2532 mother #G3384 we #G2249 know #G1492 (5758)? how is it #G4459 then #G3767 that he #G3778 saith #G3004 (5719), #G3754 I came down #G2597 (5758) from #G1537 heaven #G3772 ?
strkjv@John:6:56 @ He that eateth #G5176 (5723) my #G3450 flesh #G4561 , and #G2532 drinketh #G4095 (5723) my #G3450 blood #G129 , dwelleth #G3306 (5719) in #G1722 me #G1698 , and I # G2504 in #G1722 him #G846 .
strkjv@John:6:57 @ As #G2531 the living #G2198 (5723) Father #G3962 hath sent #G649 (5656) me #G3165 , and I # G2504 live #G2198 (5719) by #G1223 the Father #G3962 : so #G2532 he that eateth #G5176 (5723) me #G3165 , even he #G2548 shall live #G2198 (5695) by #G1223 me #G1691 .
strkjv@John:7:28 @ Then #G3767 cried #G2896 (5656) Jesus #G2424 in #G1722 the temple #G2411 as he taught #G1321 (5723), #G2532 saying #G3004 (5723), Ye both # G2504 know me #G1492 (5758), and #G2532 ye know #G1492 (5758) whence #G4159 I am #G1510 (5748): and #G2532 I am #G2064 # not #G3756 come #G2064 (5754) of #G575 myself #G1683 , but #G235 he that sent #G3992 (5660) me #G3165 is #G2076 (5748) true #G228 , whom #G3739 ye #G5210 know #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 .
strkjv@John:8:26 @ I have #G2192 (5719) many things #G4183 to say #G2980 (5721) and #G2532 to judge #G2919 (5721) of #G4012 you #G5216 : but #G235 he that sent #G3992 (5660) me #G3165 is #G2076 (5748) true #G227 ; and I # G2504 speak #G3004 (5719) to #G1519 the world #G2889 those things #G5023 which #G3739 I have heard #G191 (5656) of #G3844 him #G846 .
strkjv@John:10:15 @ As #G2531 the Father #G3962 knoweth #G1097 (5719) me #G3165 , even so # G2504 # know #G1097 (5719) I # G2504 the Father #G3962 : and #G2532 I lay down #G5087 (5719) my #G3450 life #G5590 for #G5228 the sheep #G4263 .
strkjv@John:10:27 @ My #G1699 sheep #G4263 hear #G191 (5719) my #G3450 voice #G5456 , and I # G2504 know #G1097 (5719) them #G846 , and #G2532 they follow #G190 (5719) me #G3427 :
strkjv@John:10:28 @ And I # G2504 give #G1325 (5719) unto them #G846 eternal #G166 life #G2222 ; and #G2532 they shall #G622 # never #G3364 #G1519 #G165 perish #G622 (5643), neither #G2532 #G3756 shall #G726 # any #G5100 man pluck #G726 (5692) them #G846 out of #G1537 my #G3450 hand #G5495 .
strkjv@John:10:38 @ But #G1161 if #G1487 I do #G4160 (5719), though #G2579 ye believe #G4100 (5725) not #G3361 me #G1698 , believe #G4100 (5657) the works #G2041 : that #G2443 ye may know #G1097 (5632), and #G2532 believe #G4100 (5661), that #G3754 the Father #G3962 is in #G1722 me #G1698 , and I # G2504 in #G1722 him #G846 .
strkjv@John:12:32 @ And I # G2504 , if #G1437 I be lifted up #G5312 (5686) from #G1537 the earth #G1093 , will draw #G1670 (5692) all #G3956 men unto #G4314 me #G1683 .
strkjv@John:14:20 @ At #G1722 that #G1565 day #G2250 ye #G5210 shall know #G1097 (5695) that #G3754 I #G1473 am in #G1722 my #G3450 Father #G3962 , and #G2532 ye #G5210 in #G1722 me #G1698 , and I # G2504 in #G1722 you #G5213 .
strkjv@John:15:2 @ Every #G3956 branch #G2814 in #G1722 me #G1698 that #G846 beareth #G5342 (5723) not #G3361 fruit #G2590 he taketh away #G142 (5719): and #G2532 every #G3956 branch that beareth #G5342 (5723) fruit #G2590 , he purgeth # G2508 (5719) it #G846 , that #G2443 it may bring forth #G5342 (5725) more #G4119 fruit #G2590 .
strkjv@John:15:4 @ Abide #G3306 (5657) in #G1722 me #G1698 , and I # G2504 in #G1722 you #G5213 . As #G2531 the branch #G2814 cannot #G3756 #G1410 (5736) bear #G5342 (5721) fruit #G2590 of #G575 itself #G1438 , except #G3362 it abide #G3306 (5661) in #G1722 the vine #G288 ; no more #G3761 #G3779 can ye #G5210 , except #G3362 ye abide #G3306 (5661) in #G1722 me #G1698 .
strkjv@John:15:5 @ I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748) the vine #G288 , ye #G5210 are the branches #G2814 : He that abideth #G3306 (5723) in #G1722 me #G1698 , and I # G2504 in #G1722 him #G846 , the same #G3778 bringeth forth #G5342 (5719) much #G4183 fruit #G2590 : for #G3754 without #G5565 me #G1700 ye can #G1410 (5736) do #G4160 (5721) nothing #G3756 #G3762 .
strkjv@John:15:9 @ As #G2531 the Father #G3962 hath loved #G25 (5656) me #G3165 , so # G2504 # have #G25 # I # G2504 loved #G25 (5656) you #G5209 : continue ye #G3306 (5657) in #G1722 my #G1699 love #G26 .
strkjv@John:17:18 @ As #G2531 thou hast sent #G649 (5656) me #G1691 into #G1519 the world #G2889 , even so # G2504 # have #G649 # I also # G2504 sent #G649 (5656) them #G846 into #G1519 the world #G2889 .
strkjv@John:17:21 @ That #G2443 they all #G3956 may be #G5600 (5753) one #G1520 ; as #G2531 thou #G4771 , Father #G3962 , art in #G1722 me #G1698 , and I # G2504 in #G1722 thee #G4671 , that #G2443 they #G846 also #G2532 may be #G5600 (5753) one #G1520 in #G1722 us #G2254 : that #G2443 the world #G2889 may believe #G4100 (5661) that #G3754 thou #G4771 hast sent #G649 (5656) me #G3165 .
strkjv@John:17:26 @ And #G2532 I have declared #G1107 (5656) unto them #G846 thy #G4675 name #G3686 , and #G2532 will declare #G1107 (5692) it: that #G2443 the love #G26 wherewith #G3739 thou hast loved #G25 (5656) me #G3165 may be #G5600 (5753) in #G1722 them #G846 , and I # G2504 in #G1722 them #G846 .
strkjv@John:19:38 @ And #G1161 after #G3326 this #G5023 Joseph # G2501 of #G575 Arimathaea #G707 , being #G5607 (5752) a disciple #G3101 of Jesus #G2424 , but #G1161 secretly #G2928 (5772) for #G1223 fear #G5401 of the Jews #G2453 , besought #G2065 (5656) Pilate #G4091 that #G2443 he might take away #G142 (5661) the body #G4983 of Jesus #G2424 : and #G2532 Pilate #G4091 gave him leave #G2010 (5656). He came #G2064 (5627) therefore #G3767 , and #G2532 took #G142 (5656) the body #G4983 of Jesus #G2424 .
strkjv@John:19:39 @ And #G1161 there came #G2064 (5627) also #G2532 Nicodemus #G3530 , which #G3588 at the first #G4412 came #G2064 (5631) to #G4314 Jesus #G2424 by night #G3571 , and brought #G5342 (5723) a mixture #G3395 of myrrh #G4666 and #G2532 aloes # G250 , about #G5616 an hundred #G1540 pound #G3046 weight.
strkjv@John:20:15 @ Jesus #G2424 saith #G3004 (5719) unto her #G846 , Woman #G1135 , why #G5101 weepest thou #G2799 (5719)? whom #G5101 seekest thou #G2212 (5719)? She #G1565 , supposing #G1380 (5723) #G3754 him to be #G2076 (5748) the gardener #G2780 , saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Sir #G2962 , if #G1487 thou #G4771 have borne #G941 # him #G846 hence #G941 (5656), tell #G2036 (5628) me #G3427 where #G4226 thou hast laid #G5087 (5656) him #G846 , and I # G2504 will take #G142 # him #G846 away #G142 (5692).
strkjv@John:20:21 @ Then #G3767 said #G2036 (5627) Jesus #G2424 to them #G846 again #G3825 , Peace #G1515 be unto you #G5213 : as #G2531 my Father #G3962 hath sent #G649 (5758) me #G3165 , even so # G2504 # send #G3992 (5719) I # G2504 you #G5209 .
strkjv@Luke:1:3 @ It seemed #G1380 (5656) good to me also # G2504 , having had perfect #G199 understanding #G3877 (5761) of all things #G3956 from the very first #G509 , to write #G1125 (5658) unto thee #G4671 in order #G2517 , most excellent #G2903 Theophilus #G2321 ,
strkjv@Luke:1:27 @ To #G4314 a virgin #G3933 espoused #G3423 (5772) to a man #G435 whose #G3739 name #G3686 was Joseph # G2501 , of #G1537 the house #G3624 of David #G1138 ; and #G2532 the virgins #G3933 name #G3686 was Mary #G3137 .
strkjv@Luke:1:52 @ He hath put down # G2507 (5627) the mighty #G1413 from #G575 their seats #G2362 , and #G2532 exalted #G5312 (5656) them of low degree #G5011 .
strkjv@Luke:2:4 @ And #G1161 Joseph # G2501 also #G2532 went up #G305 (5627) from #G575 Galilee #G1056 , out of #G1537 the city #G4172 of Nazareth #G3478 , into #G1519 Judaea #G2449 , unto #G1519 the city #G4172 of David #G1138 , which #G3748 is called #G2564 (5743) Bethlehem #G965 ; (because #G1223 he #G846 was #G1511 (5750) of #G1537 the house #G3624 and #G2532 lineage #G3965 of David #G1138 :)
strkjv@Luke:2:16 @ And #G2532 they came #G2064 (5627) with haste #G4692 (5660), and #G2532 #G5037 found #G429 (5627) Mary #G3137 , and #G2532 Joseph # G2501 , and #G2532 the babe #G1025 lying #G2749 (5740) in #G1722 a manger #G5336 .
strkjv@Luke:2:33 @ And #G2532 Joseph # G2501 and #G2532 his #G846 mother #G3384 marvelled #G2258 (5713) #G2296 (5723) at #G1909 those things which were spoken #G2980 (5746) of #G4012 him #G846 .
strkjv@Luke:2:43 @ And #G2532 when they had fulfilled #G5048 (5660) the days #G2250 , as #G1722 they #G846 returned #G5290 (5721), the child #G3816 Jesus #G2424 tarried behind #G5278 (5656) in #G1722 Jerusalem #G2419 ; and #G2532 Joseph # G2501 and #G2532 his #G846 mother #G3384 knew #G1097 (5627) not #G3756 of it.
strkjv@Luke:2:48 @ And #G2532 when they saw #G1492 (5631) him #G846 , they were amazed #G1605 (5648): and #G2532 his #G846 mother #G3384 said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 him #G846 , Son #G5043 , why #G5101 hast thou #G4160 # thus #G3779 dealt #G4160 (5656) with us #G2254 ? behold #G2400 (5628), thy #G4675 father #G3962 and I # G2504 have sought #G2212 (5707) thee #G4571 sorrowing #G3600 (5746).
strkjv@Luke:3:23 @ And #G2532 Jesus #G2424 himself #G846 began #G756 (5734) to be #G2258 (5713) about #G5616 thirty #G5144 years of age #G2094 , being #G5607 (5752) (as #G5613 was supposed #G3543 (5712)) the son #G5207 of Joseph # G2501 , which was the son of Heli #G2242 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:24 @ Which was the son of Matthat #G3158 , which was the son of Levi #G3017 , which was the son of Melchi #G3197 , which was the son of Janna #G2388 , which was the son of Joseph # G2501 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:26 @ Which was the son of Maath #G3092 , which was the son of Mattathias #G3161 , which was the son of Semei #G4584 , which was the son of Joseph # G2501 , which was the son of Juda #G2455 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:30 @ Which was the son of Simeon #G4826 , which was the son of Juda #G2455 , which was the son of Joseph # G2501 , which was the son of Jonan #G2494 , which was the son of Eliakim #G1662 ,
strkjv@Luke:4:22 @ And #G2532 all #G3956 bare #G3140 # him #G846 witness #G3140 (5707), and #G2532 wondered #G2296 (5707) at #G1909 the gracious #G5485 words #G3056 which #G3588 proceeded #G1607 (5740) out of #G1537 his #G846 mouth #G4750 . And #G2532 they said #G3004 (5707), Is #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 this #G3778 Josephs # G2501 son #G5207 ?
strkjv@Luke:11:9 @ And # G2504 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , Ask #G154 (5720), and #G2532 it shall be given #G1325 (5701) you #G5213 ; seek #G2212 (5720), and #G2532 ye shall find #G2147 (5692); knock #G2925 (5720), and #G2532 it shall be opened #G455 (5691) unto you #G5213 .
strkjv@Luke:12:18 @ And #G2532 he said #G2036 (5627), This #G5124 will I do #G4160 (5692): I will pull down # G2507 (5692) my #G3450 barns #G596 , and #G2532 build #G3618 (5692) greater #G3187 ; and #G2532 there #G1563 will I bestow #G4863 (5692) all #G3956 my #G3450 fruits #G1081 and #G2532 my #G3450 goods #G18 .
strkjv@Luke:16:9 @ And I # G2504 say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , Make #G4160 (5657) to yourselves #G1438 friends #G5384 of #G1537 the mammon #G3126 of unrighteousness #G93 ; that #G2443 , when #G3752 ye fail #G1587 (5632), they may receive #G1209 (5667) you #G5209 into #G1519 everlasting #G166 habitations #G4633 .
strkjv@Luke:20:3 @ And #G1161 he answered #G611 (5679) and said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 them #G846 , I # G2504 # will #G2065 # also # G2504 ask #G2065 (5692) you #G5209 one #G1520 thing #G3056 ; and #G2532 answer #G2036 (5628) me #G3427 :
strkjv@Luke:22:29 @ And I # G2504 appoint #G1303 (5731) unto you #G5213 a kingdom #G932 , as #G2531 my #G3450 Father #G3962 hath appointed #G1303 (5639) unto me #G3427 ;
strkjv@Luke:23:50 @ And #G2532 , behold #G2400 (5628), there was a man #G435 named #G3686 Joseph # G2501 , a counsellor #G1010 ; and he was a good #G5225 (5723) #G18 man #G435 , and #G2532 a just #G1342 :
strkjv@Luke:23:53 @ And #G2532 he took # G2507 # it #G846 down # G2507 (5631), and wrapped #G1794 (5656) it #G846 in linen #G4616 , and #G2532 laid #G5087 (5656) it #G846 in #G1722 a sepulchre #G3418 that was hewn in stone #G2991 , wherein #G3757 never #G3756 man #G3764 before #G3762 was #G2258 (5713) laid #G2749 (5740).
strkjv@Mark:6:3 @ Is #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 this #G3778 the carpenter #G5045 , the son #G5207 of Mary #G3137 , #G1161 the brother #G80 of James #G2385 , and #G2532 Joses # G2500 , and #G2532 of Juda #G2455 , and #G2532 Simon #G4613 ? and #G2532 are #G1526 (5748) not #G3756 his #G846 sisters #G79 here #G5602 with #G4314 us #G2248 ? And #G2532 they were offended #G4624 (5712) at #G1722 him #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:11:29 @ And #G1161 Jesus #G2424 answered #G611 (5679) and said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , I will #G1905 # also # G2504 ask #G1905 (5692) of you #G5209 one #G1520 question #G3056 , and #G2532 answer #G611 (5676) me #G3427 , and #G2532 I will tell #G2046 (5692) you #G5213 by #G1722 what #G4169 authority #G1849 I do #G4160 (5719) these things #G5023 .
strkjv@Mark:15:36 @ And #G1161 one #G1520 ran #G5143 (5631) and #G2532 filled #G1072 # a spunge #G4699 full #G1072 (5660) of vinegar #G3690 , and #G5037 put it on #G4060 (5631) a reed #G2563 , and gave #G4222 # him #G846 to drink #G4222 (5707), saying #G3004 (5723), Let alone #G863 (5628); let us see #G1492 (5632) whether #G1487 Elias #G2243 will come #G2064 (5736) to take # G2507 # him #G846 down # G2507 (5629).
strkjv@Mark:15:40 @ There #G1161 were #G2258 (5713) also #G2532 women #G1135 looking #G2334 (5723) on afar #G3113 off #G575 : among #G2532 #G1722 whom #G3739 was #G2258 (5713) Mary #G3137 Magdalene #G3094 , and #G2532 Mary #G3137 the mother #G3384 of James #G2385 the less #G3398 and #G2532 of Joses # G2500 , and #G2532 Salome #G4539 ;
strkjv@Mark:15:43 @ Joseph # G2501 of #G575 Arimathaea #G707 , an honourable #G2158 counsellor #G1010 , which #G3739 also #G2532 #G846 waited #G4327 (5740) for #G2258 (5713) the kingdom #G932 of God #G2316 , came #G2064 (5627), and went in #G1525 (5627) boldly #G5111 (5660) unto #G4314 Pilate #G4091 , and #G2532 craved #G154 (5668) the body #G4983 of Jesus #G2424 .
strkjv@Mark:15:45 @ And #G2532 when he knew #G1097 (5631) it of #G575 the centurion #G2760 , he gave #G1433 (5662) the body #G4983 to Joseph # G2501 .
strkjv@Mark:15:46 @ And #G2532 he bought #G59 (5660) fine linen #G4616 , and #G2532 took him down # G2507 (5631), and wrapped #G1750 (5656) him #G846 in the linen #G4616 , and #G2532 laid #G2698 (5656) him #G846 in #G1722 a sepulchre #G3419 which #G3739 was #G2258 (5713) hewn #G2998 (5772) out of #G1537 a rock #G4073 , and #G2532 rolled #G4351 (5656) a stone #G3037 unto #G1909 the door #G2374 of the sepulchre #G3419 .
strkjv@Mark:15:47 @ And #G1161 Mary #G3137 Magdalene #G3094 and #G2532 Mary #G3137 the mother of Joses # G2500 beheld #G2334 (5707) where #G4226 he was laid #G5087 (5743).
strkjv@Matthew:1:10 @ And #G1161 Ezekias #G1478 begat #G1080 (5656) Manasses #G3128 ; and #G1161 Manasses #G3128 begat #G1080 (5656) Amon #G300 ; and #G1161 Amon #G300 begat #G1080 (5656) Josias # G2502 ;
strkjv@Matthew:1:11 @ And #G1161 Josias # G2502 begat #G1080 (5656) Jechonias #G2423 and #G2532 his #G846 brethren #G80 , about the time #G1909 they were carried away #G3350 to Babylon #G897 :
strkjv@Matthew:1:16 @ And #G1161 Jacob #G2384 begat #G1080 (5656) Joseph # G2501 the husband #G435 of Mary #G3137 , of #G1537 whom #G3739 was born #G1080 (5681) Jesus #G2424 , who #G3588 is called #G3004 (5746) Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@Matthew:1:18 @ Now #G1161 the birth #G1083 of Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 was #G2258 (5713) on this wise #G3779 : When as #G1063 his #G846 mother #G3384 Mary #G3137 was espoused #G3423 (5685) to Joseph # G2501 , before #G4250 #G2228 they #G846 came together #G4905 (5629), she was found #G2147 (5681) with child #G1722 #G1064 #G2192 (5723) of #G1537 the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 .
strkjv@Matthew:1:19 @ Then #G1161 Joseph # G2501 her #G846 husband #G435 , being #G5607 (5752) a just #G1342 man, and #G2532 not #G3361 willing #G2309 (5723) to make #G3856 # her #G846 a publick example #G3856 (5658), was minded #G1014 (5675) to put #G630 # her #G846 away #G630 (5658) privily #G2977 .
strkjv@Matthew:1:20 @ But #G1161 while he #G846 thought on #G1760 (5679) these things #G5023 , behold #G2400 (5628), the angel #G32 of the Lord #G2962 appeared #G5316 (5648) unto him #G846 in #G2596 a dream #G3677 , saying #G3004 (5723), Joseph # G2501 , thou son #G5207 of David #G1138 , fear #G5399 (5680) not #G3361 to take #G3880 (5629) unto thee #G4675 Mary #G3137 thy wife #G1135 : for #G1063 that which is conceived #G1080 (5685) in #G1722 her #G846 is #G2076 (5748) of #G1537 the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 .
strkjv@Matthew:1:24 @ Then #G1161 Joseph # G2501 being raised #G1326 (5685) from #G575 sleep #G5258 did #G4160 (5656) as #G5613 the angel #G32 of the Lord #G2962 had bidden #G4367 (5656) him #G846 , and #G2532 took #G3880 (5627) unto him #G846 his wife #G1135 :
strkjv@Matthew:2:8 @ And #G2532 he sent #G3992 (5660) them #G846 to #G1519 Bethlehem #G965 , and said #G2036 (5627), Go #G4198 (5679) and search #G1833 (5657) diligently #G199 for #G4012 the young child #G3813 ; and #G1161 when #G1875 ye have found #G2147 (5632) him, bring #G518 # me #G3427 word again #G518 (5657), that #G3704 I may come #G2064 (5631) and worship #G4352 (5661) him #G846 also # G2504 .
strkjv@Matthew:2:13 @ And #G1161 when they #G846 were departed #G402 (5660), behold #G2400 (5628), the angel #G32 of the Lord #G2962 appeareth #G5316 (5727) to Joseph # G2501 in #G2596 a dream #G3677 , saying #G3004 (5723), Arise #G1453 (5685), and take #G3880 (5628) the young child #G3813 and #G2532 his #G846 mother #G3384 , and #G2532 flee #G5343 (5720) into #G1519 Egypt #G125 , and #G2532 be thou #G2468 (5749) there #G1563 until #G2193 I #G302 bring #G2036 # thee #G4671 word #G2036 (5632): for #G1063 Herod #G2264 will #G3195 (5719) seek #G2212 (5721) the young child #G3813 to destroy #G622 (5658) him #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:2:19 @ But #G1161 when Herod #G2264 was dead #G5053 (5660), behold #G2400 (5628), an angel #G32 of the Lord #G2962 appeareth #G5316 (5727) in #G2596 a dream #G3677 to Joseph # G2501 in #G1722 Egypt #G125 ,
strkjv@Matthew:5:18 @ For #G1063 verily #G281 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , Till #G2193 #G302 heaven #G3772 and #G2532 earth #G1093 pass #G3928 (5632), one #G1520 jot # G2503 or #G2228 one #G3391 tittle #G2762 shall in no wise #G3364 pass #G3928 (5632) from #G575 the law #G3551 , till #G2193 #G302 all #G3956 be fulfilled #G1096 (5638).
strkjv@Matthew:10:32 @ Whosoever #G3956 #G3748 therefore #G3767 shall confess #G3670 (5692) #G1722 me #G1698 before #G1715 men #G444 , #G1722 him #G846 will I confess #G3670 (5692) also # G2504 before #G1715 my #G3450 Father #G3962 which #G3588 is in #G1722 heaven #G3772 .
strkjv@Matthew:10:33 @ But #G1161 whosoever #G3748 shall #G302 deny #G720 (5667) me #G3165 before #G1715 men #G444 , him #G846 will I also # G2504 deny #G720 (5695) before #G1715 my #G3450 Father #G3962 which #G3588 is in #G1722 heaven #G3772 .
strkjv@Matthew:11:28 @ Come #G1205 (5773) unto #G4314 me #G3165 , all #G3956 ye that labour #G2872 (5723) and #G2532 are heavy laden #G5412 (5772), and I # G2504 will give #G373 # you #G5209 rest #G373 (5692).
strkjv@Matthew:13:55 @ Is #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 this #G3778 the carpenters #G5045 son #G5207 ? is #G3004 # not #G3780 his #G846 mother #G3384 called #G3004 (5743) Mary #G3137 ? and #G2532 his #G846 brethren #G80 , James #G2385 , and #G2532 Joses # G2500 , and #G2532 Simon #G4613 , and #G2532 Judas #G2455 ?
strkjv@Matthew:16:18 @ And #G1161 I say #G3004 (5719) also # G2504 unto thee #G4671 , That #G3754 thou #G4771 art #G1488 (5748) Peter #G4074 , and #G2532 upon #G1909 this #G5026 rock #G4073 I will build #G3618 (5692) my #G3450 church #G1577 ; and #G2532 the gates #G4439 of hell #G86 shall #G2729 # not #G3756 prevail against #G2729 (5692) it #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:21:24 @ And #G1161 Jesus #G2424 answered #G611 (5679) and said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , I also # G2504 will ask #G2065 (5692) you #G5209 one #G1520 thing #G3056 , which #G3739 if #G1437 ye tell #G2036 (5632) me #G3427 , I in like wise # G2504 will tell #G2046 (5692) you #G5213 by #G1722 what #G4169 authority #G1849 I do #G4160 (5719) these things #G5023 .
strkjv@Matthew:26:15 @ And said #G2036 (5627) unto them, What #G5101 will ye #G2309 (5719) give #G1325 (5629) me #G3427 , and # G2504 I will deliver #G3860 (5692) him #G846 unto you #G5213 ? And #G1161 they covenanted #G2476 (5627) with him #G846 for thirty #G5144 pieces of silver #G694 .
strkjv@Matthew:27:10 @ And #G2532 gave #G1325 (5656) them #G846 for #G1519 the potters #G2763 field #G68 , as # G2505 the Lord #G2962 appointed #G4929 (5656) me #G3427 .
strkjv@Matthew:27:56 @ Among #G1722 which #G3739 was #G2258 (5713) Mary #G3137 Magdalene #G3094 , and #G2532 Mary #G3137 the mother #G3384 of James #G2385 and #G2532 Joses # G2500 , and #G2532 the mother #G3384 of Zebedees #G2199 children #G5207 .
strkjv@Matthew:27:57 @ When #G1161 the even #G3798 was come #G1096 (5637), there came #G2064 (5627) a rich #G4145 man #G444 of #G575 Arimathaea #G707 , named #G5122 Joseph # G2501 , who #G3739 also #G2532 himself #G846 was #G3100 # Jesus #G2424 disciple #G3100 (5656):
strkjv@Matthew:27:59 @ And #G2532 when Joseph # G2501 had taken #G2983 (5631) the body #G4983 , he wrapped #G1794 (5656) it #G846 in a clean #G2513 linen cloth #G4616 ,
strkjv@Philippians:2:19 @ But #G1161 I trust #G1679 (5719) in #G1722 the Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 to send #G3992 (5658) Timotheus #G5095 shortly #G5030 unto you #G5213 , that #G2443 I also # G2504 may be of good comfort #G2174 (5725), when I know #G1097 (5631) your #G5216 state #G4012 .
strkjv@Philippians:2:28 @ I sent #G3992 (5656) him #G846 therefore #G3767 the more carefully #G4708 , that #G2443 , when ye see #G1492 (5631) him #G846 again #G3825 , ye may rejoice #G5463 (5647), and that I # G2504 may be #G5600 (5753) the less sorrowful #G253 .
strkjv@Revelation:2:6 @ But #G235 this #G5124 thou hast #G2192 (5719), that #G3754 thou hatest #G3404 (5719) the deeds #G2041 of the Nicolaitans #G3531 , which #G3739 I also # G2504 hate #G3404 (5719).
strkjv@Revelation:2:27 @ And #G2532 he shall rule #G4165 (5692) them #G846 with #G1722 a rod #G4464 of iron #G4603 ; as #G5613 the vessels #G4632 of a potter #G2764 shall they be broken to shivers #G4937 (5743): even # G2504 # as #G5613 I # G2504 received #G2983 (5758) of #G3844 my #G3450 Father #G3962 .
strkjv@Revelation:3:10 @ Because #G3754 thou hast kept #G5083 (5656) the word #G3056 of my #G3450 patience #G5281 , I also # G2504 will keep #G5083 (5692) thee #G4571 from #G1537 the hour #G5610 of temptation #G3986 , which #G3588 shall come #G3195 (5723) #G2064 (5738) upon #G1909 all #G3650 the world #G3625 , to try #G3985 (5658) them that dwell #G2730 (5723) upon #G1909 the earth #G1093 .
strkjv@Revelation:3:21 @ To him #G846 that overcometh #G3528 (5723) will I grant #G1325 (5692) to sit #G2523 (5658) with #G3326 me #G1700 in #G1722 my #G3450 throne #G2362 , even # G2504 # as #G5613 I also # G2504 overcame #G3528 (5656), and #G2532 am set down #G2523 (5656) with #G3326 my #G3450 Father #G3962 in #G1722 his #G846 throne #G2362 .
strkjv@Revelation:7:8 @ Of #G1537 the tribe #G5443 of Zabulon #G2194 were sealed #G4972 (5772) twelve #G1427 thousand #G5505 . Of #G1537 the tribe #G5443 of Joseph # G2501 were sealed #G4972 (5772) twelve #G1427 thousand #G5505 . Of #G1537 the tribe #G5443 of Benjamin #G958 were sealed #G4972 (5772) twelve #G1427 thousand #G550 .
strkjv@Romans:3:7 @ For #G1063 if #G1487 the truth #G225 of God #G2316 hath more abounded #G4052 (5656) through #G1722 my #G1699 lie #G5582 unto #G1519 his #G846 glory #G1391 ; why #G5101 yet #G2089 am #G2919 # I also # G2504 judged #G2919 (5743) as #G5613 a sinner #G268 ?
strkjv@Romans:4:6 @ Even as # G2509 David #G1138 also #G2532 describeth #G3004 (5719) the blessedness #G3108 of the man #G444 , unto whom #G3739 God #G2316 imputeth #G3049 (5736) righteousness #G1343 without #G5565 works #G2041 ,
strkjv@Romans:11:3 @ Lord #G2962 , they have killed #G615 (5656) thy #G4675 prophets #G4396 , and #G2532 digged down #G2679 (5656) thine #G4675 altars #G2379 ; and I # G2504 am left #G5275 (5681) alone #G3441 , and #G2532 they seek #G2212 (5719) my #G3450 life #G5590 .
strkjv@Romans:12:4 @ For #G1063 as # G2509 we have #G2192 (5719) many #G4183 members #G3196 in #G1722 one #G1520 body #G4983 , and #G1161 all #G3956 members #G3196 have #G2192 (5719) not #G3756 the same #G846 office #G4234 :
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