strkjv@2Peter:3:13 @ Nevertheless #G1161 we #G4328 # , according to #G2596 his #G846 promise #G1862 , look for #G4328 (5719) new #G2537 heavens #G3772 and #G2532 a new #G2537 earth #G1093 , wherein #G1722 #G3739 dwelleth # G2730 (5719) righteousness #G1343 .
strkjv@Acts:1:19 @ And #G2532 it was #G1096 (5633) known #G1110 unto all #G3956 the dwellers # G2730 (5723) at Jerusalem #G2419 ; insomuch as #G5620 that #G1565 field #G5564 is called #G2564 (5683) in their #G846 proper #G2398 tongue #G1258 , Aceldama #G184 , that is to say #G5123 (5748), The field #G5564 of blood #G129 .
strkjv@Acts:1:20 @ For #G1063 it is written #G1125 (5769) in #G1722 the book #G976 of Psalms #G5568 , Let #G1096 # his #G846 habitation #G1886 be #G1096 (5676) desolate #G2048 , and #G2532 let #G2077 (5749) no man #G3361 dwell # G2730 (5723) therein #G1722 #G846 : and #G2532 his #G846 bishoprick #G1984 let #G2983 # another #G2087 take #G2983 (5630).
strkjv@Acts:2:5 @ And #G1161 there were #G2258 (5713) dwelling # G2730 (5723) at #G1722 Jerusalem #G2419 Jews #G2453 , devout #G2126 men #G435 , out of #G575 every #G3956 nation #G1484 under #G5259 heaven #G3772 .
strkjv@Acts:2:9 @ Parthians #G3934 , and #G2532 Medes #G3370 , and #G2532 Elamites #G1639 , and #G2532 the dwellers # G2730 (5723) in Mesopotamia #G3318 , and #G5037 in Judaea #G2449 , and #G2532 Cappadocia #G2587 , in Pontus #G4195 , and #G2532 Asia #G773 ,
strkjv@Acts:2:14 @ But #G1161 Peter #G4074 , standing up #G2476 (5685) with #G4862 the eleven #G1733 , lifted up #G1869 (5656) his #G846 voice #G5456 , and #G2532 said #G669 (5662) unto them #G846 , Ye men #G435 of Judaea #G2453 , and #G2532 all #G537 ye that dwell # G2730 (5723) at Jerusalem #G2419 , be #G2077 (5749) this #G5124 known #G1110 unto you #G5213 , and #G2532 hearken #G1801 (5663) to my #G3450 words #G4487 :
strkjv@Acts:4:16 @ Saying #G3004 (5723), What #G5101 shall we do #G4160 (5692) to these #G5125 men #G444 ? for #G1063 that #G3754 indeed #G3303 a notable #G1110 miracle #G4592 hath been done #G1096 (5754) by #G1223 them #G846 is manifest #G5318 to all them #G3956 that dwell # G2730 (5723) in Jerusalem #G2419 ; and #G2532 we cannot #G3756 #G1410 (5736) deny #G720 (5664) it.
strkjv@Acts:7:2 @ And #G1161 he said #G5346 (5713), Men #G435 , brethren #G80 , and #G2532 fathers #G3962 , hearken #G191 (5657); The God #G2316 of glory #G1391 appeared #G3700 (5681) unto our #G2257 father #G3962 Abraham #G11 , when he was #G5607 (5752) in #G1722 Mesopotamia #G3318 , before #G4250 #G2228 he #G846 dwelt # G2730 (5658) in #G1722 Charran #G5488 ,
strkjv@Acts:7:4 @ Then #G5119 came he #G1831 (5631) out of #G1537 the land #G1093 of the Chaldaeans #G5466 , and dwelt # G2730 (5656) in #G1722 Charran #G5488 : and from thence #G2547 , when #G3326 his #G846 father #G3962 was dead #G599 (5629), he removed #G3351 (5656) him #G846 into #G1519 this #G5026 land #G1093 , wherein #G1519 #G3739 ye #G5210 now #G3568 dwell # G2730 (5719).
strkjv@Acts:7:48 @ Howbeit #G235 the most High #G5310 dwelleth # G2730 (5719) not #G3756 in #G1722 temples #G3485 made with hands #G5499 ; as #G2531 saith #G3004 (5719) the prophet #G4396 ,
strkjv@Acts:9:22 @ But #G1161 Saul #G4569 increased #G1743 # the more #G3123 in strength #G1743 (5712), and #G2532 confounded #G4797 (5707) the Jews #G2453 which #G3588 dwelt # G2730 (5723) at #G1722 Damascus #G1154 , proving #G4822 (5723) that #G3754 this #G3778 is #G2076 (5748) very Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@Acts:9:32 @ And #G1161 it came #G1096 (5633) to pass, as #G1330 # Peter #G4074 passed throughout #G1330 (5740) #G1223 all #G3956 quarters, he came down #G2718 (5629) also #G2532 to #G4314 the saints #G40 which #G3588 dwelt # G2730 (5723) at Lydda #G3069 .
strkjv@Acts:9:35 @ And #G2532 all #G3956 that dwelt # G2730 (5723) at Lydda #G3069 and #G2532 Saron #G4565 saw #G1492 (5627) him #G846 , and #G3748 turned #G1994 (5656) to #G1909 the Lord #G2962 .
strkjv@Acts:11:29 @ Then #G1161 the disciples #G3101 , every #G1538 man #G846 according to #G2531 his ability #G2141 (5711) #G5100 , determined #G3724 (5656) to send #G3992 (5658) relief #G1248 unto #G1519 the brethren #G80 which dwelt # G2730 (5723) in #G1722 Judaea #G2449 :
strkjv@Acts:13:27 @ For #G1063 they that dwell # G2730 (5723) at #G1722 Jerusalem #G2419 , and #G2532 their #G846 rulers #G758 , because they knew #G50 # him #G5126 not #G50 (5660), nor yet #G2532 the voices #G5456 of the prophets #G4396 which #G3588 are read #G314 (5746) #G2596 every #G3956 sabbath day #G4521 , they have fulfilled #G4137 (5656) them in condemning #G2919 (5660) him.
strkjv@Acts:17:24 @ God #G2316 that made #G4160 (5660) the world #G2889 and #G2532 all things #G3956 therein #G1722 #G846 , seeing that he #G3778 is #G5225 (5723) Lord #G2962 of heaven #G3772 and #G2532 earth #G1093 , dwelleth # G2730 (5719) not #G3756 in #G1722 temples #G3485 made with hands #G5499 ;
strkjv@Acts:17:26 @ And #G5037 hath made #G4160 (5656) of #G1537 one #G1520 blood #G129 all #G3956 nations #G1484 of men #G444 for to dwell # G2730 (5721) on #G1909 all #G3956 the face #G4383 of the earth #G1093 , and hath determined #G3724 (5660) the times #G2540 before appointed #G4384 (5772), and #G2532 the bounds #G3734 of their #G846 habitation #G2733 ;
strkjv@Acts:19:10 @ And #G1161 this #G5124 continued #G1096 (5633) by the space #G1909 of two #G1417 years #G2094 ; so #G5620 that all #G3956 they which dwelt in # G2730 (5723) Asia #G773 heard #G191 (5658) the word #G3056 of the Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 , both #G5037 Jews #G2453 and #G2532 Greeks #G1672 .
strkjv@Acts:19:17 @ And #G1161 this #G5124 was #G1096 (5633) known #G1110 to all #G3956 the Jews #G2453 and #G5037 Greeks #G1672 also #G2532 dwelling # G2730 (5723) at Ephesus #G2181 ; and #G2532 fear #G5401 fell #G1968 (5627) on #G1909 them #G846 all #G3956 , and #G2532 the name #G3686 of the Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 was magnified #G3170 (5712).
strkjv@Acts:22:12 @ And #G1161 one #G5100 Ananias #G367 , a devout #G2152 man #G435 according #G2596 to the law #G3551 , having a good report #G3140 (5746) of #G5259 all #G3956 the Jews #G2453 which dwelt # G2730 (5723) there,
strkjv@Colossians:1:19 @ For it pleased #G2106 (5656) the Father that #G3754 in #G1722 him #G846 should # G2730 # all #G3956 fulness #G4138 dwell # G2730 (5658);
strkjv@Colossians:2:9 @ For #G3754 in #G1722 him #G846 dwelleth # G2730 (5719) all #G3956 the fulness #G4138 of the Godhead #G2320 bodily #G4985 .
strkjv@Ephesians:3:17 @ That Christ #G5547 may dwell # G2730 (5658) in #G1722 your #G5216 hearts #G2588 by #G1223 faith #G4102 ; that #G2443 ye, being rooted #G4492 (5772) and #G2532 grounded #G2311 (5772) in #G1722 love #G26 ,
strkjv@Hebrews:11:9 @ By faith #G4102 he sojourned #G3939 (5656) in #G1519 the land #G1093 of promise #G1860 , as #G5613 in a strange country #G245 , dwelling # G2730 (5660) in #G1722 tabernacles #G4633 with #G3326 Isaac #G2464 and #G2532 Jacob #G2384 , the heirs with him #G4789 of the same #G846 promise #G1860 :
strkjv@James:4:5 @ #G2228 Do ye think #G1380 (5719) that #G3754 the scripture #G1124 saith #G3004 (5719) in vain #G2761 , The spirit #G4151 that #G3739 dwelleth # G2730 (5656) in #G1722 us #G2254 lusteth #G1971 (5719) to #G4314 envy #G5355 ?
strkjv@Luke:11:26 @ Then #G5119 goeth he #G4198 (5736), and #G2532 taketh #G3880 (5719) to him seven #G2033 other #G2087 spirits #G4151 more wicked #G4191 than himself #G1438 ; and #G2532 they enter in #G1525 (5631), and dwell # G2730 (5719) there #G1563 : and #G2532 the last #G2078 state of that #G1565 man #G444 is #G1096 (5736) worse #G5501 than the first #G4413 .
strkjv@Luke:13:4 @ Or #G2228 those #G1565 eighteen #G1176 #G2532 #G3638 , upon #G1909 whom #G3739 the tower #G4444 in #G1722 Siloam #G4611 fell #G4098 (5627), and #G2532 slew #G615 (5656) them #G846 , think ye #G1380 (5719) that #G3754 they #G3778 were #G1096 (5633) sinners #G3781 above #G3844 all #G3956 men #G444 that dwelt # G2730 (5723) in #G1722 Jerusalem #G2419 ?
strkjv@Matthew:2:23 @ And #G2532 he came #G2064 (5631) and dwelt # G2730 (5656) in #G1519 a city #G4172 called #G3004 (5746) Nazareth #G3478 : that #G3704 it might be fulfilled #G4137 (5686) which #G3588 was spoken #G4483 (5685) by #G1223 the prophets #G4396 , #G3754 He shall be called #G2564 (5701) a Nazarene #G3480 .
strkjv@Matthew:4:13 @ And #G2532 leaving #G2641 (5631) Nazareth #G3478 , he came #G2064 (5631) and dwelt # G2730 (5656) in #G1519 Capernaum #G2584 , which #G3588 is upon the sea coast #G3864 , in #G1722 the borders #G3725 of Zabulon #G2194 and #G2532 Nephthalim #G3508 :
strkjv@Matthew:12:45 @ Then #G5119 goeth he #G4198 (5736), and #G2532 taketh #G3880 (5719) with #G3326 himself #G1438 seven #G2033 other #G2087 spirits #G4151 more wicked #G4191 than himself #G1438 , and #G2532 they enter in #G1525 (5631) and dwell # G2730 (5719) there #G1563 : and #G2532 the last #G2078 state of that #G1565 man #G444 is #G1096 (5736) worse than #G5501 the first #G4413 . Even so #G3779 shall it be #G2071 (5704) also #G2532 unto this #G5026 wicked #G4190 generation #G1074 .
strkjv@Matthew:23:21 @ And #G2532 whoso shall swear #G3660 (5660) by #G1722 the temple #G3485 , sweareth #G3660 (5719) by #G1722 it #G846 , and #G2532 by #G1722 him that dwelleth # G2730 (5723) therein #G846 .
strkjv@Revelation:2:13 @ I know #G1492 (5758) thy #G4675 works #G2041 , and #G2532 where #G4226 thou dwellest # G2730 (5719), even where #G3699 Satans #G4567 seat #G2362 is: and #G2532 thou holdest fast #G2902 (5719) my #G3450 name #G3686 , and #G2532 hast #G720 # not #G3756 denied #G720 (5662) my #G3450 faith #G4102 , even #G2532 in #G1722 those days #G2250 wherein #G1722 #G3739 Antipas #G493 was my #G3450 faithful #G4103 martyr #G3144 , who #G3739 was slain #G615 (5681) among #G3844 you #G5213 , where #G3699 Satan #G4567 dwelleth # G2730 (5719).
strkjv@Revelation:3:10 @ Because #G3754 thou hast kept #G5083 (5656) the word #G3056 of my #G3450 patience #G5281 , I also #G2504 will keep #G5083 (5692) thee #G4571 from #G1537 the hour #G5610 of temptation #G3986 , which #G3588 shall come #G3195 (5723) #G2064 (5738) upon #G1909 all #G3650 the world #G3625 , to try #G3985 (5658) them that dwell # G2730 (5723) upon #G1909 the earth #G1093 .
strkjv@Revelation:6:10 @ And #G2532 they cried #G2896 (5707) with a loud #G3173 voice #G5456 , saying #G3004 (5723), How #G2193 long #G4219 , O Lord #G1203 , holy #G40 and #G2532 true #G228 , dost thou #G2919 # not #G3756 judge #G2919 (5719) and #G2532 avenge #G1556 (5719) our #G2257 blood #G129 on #G575 them that dwell # G2730 (5723) on #G1909 the earth #G1093 ?
strkjv@Revelation:8:13 @ And #G2532 I beheld #G1492 (5627), and #G2532 heard #G191 (5656) an #G1520 angel #G32 flying #G4072 (5740) through #G1722 the midst of heaven #G3321 , saying #G3004 (5723) with a loud #G3173 voice #G5456 , Woe #G3759 , woe #G3759 , woe #G3759 , to the inhabiters # G2730 (5723) of #G1909 the earth #G1093 by reason of #G1537 the other #G3062 voices #G5456 of the trumpet #G4536 of the three #G5140 angels #G32 , which #G3588 are yet #G3195 (5723) to sound #G4537 (5721)!
strkjv@Revelation:11:10 @ And #G2532 they that dwell # G2730 (5723) upon #G1909 the earth #G1093 shall rejoice #G5463 (5692) over #G1909 them #G846 , and #G2532 make merry #G2165 (5701), and #G2532 shall send #G3992 (5692) gifts #G1435 one to another #G240 ; because #G3754 these #G3778 two #G1417 prophets #G4396 tormented #G928 (5656) them that dwelt # G2730 (5723) on #G1909 the earth #G1093 .
strkjv@Revelation:12:12 @ Therefore #G1223 #G5124 rejoice #G2165 (5744), ye heavens #G3772 , and #G2532 ye that dwell #G4637 (5723) in #G1722 them #G846 . Woe #G3759 to the inhabiters # G2730 (5723) of the earth #G1093 and #G2532 of the sea #G2281 ! for #G3754 the devil #G1228 is come down #G2597 (5627) unto #G4314 you #G5209 , having #G2192 (5723) great #G3173 wrath #G2372 , because he knoweth #G1492 (5761) that #G3754 he hath #G2192 (5719) but a short #G3641 time #G2540 .
strkjv@Revelation:13:8 @ And #G2532 all #G3956 that dwell # G2730 (5723) upon #G1909 the earth #G1093 shall worship #G4352 (5692) him #G846 , whose #G3739 names #G3686 are #G1125 # not #G3756 written #G1125 (5769) in #G1722 the book #G976 of life #G2222 of the Lamb #G721 slain #G4969 (5772) from #G575 the foundation #G2602 of the world #G2889 .
strkjv@Revelation:13:12 @ And #G2532 he exerciseth #G4160 (5719) all #G3956 the power #G1849 of the first #G4413 beast #G2342 before #G1799 him #G846 , and #G2532 causeth #G4160 (5719) the earth #G1093 and #G2532 them which dwell # G2730 (5723) therein #G1722 #G846 to #G2443 worship #G4352 (5661) the first #G4413 beast #G2342 , whose #G3739 #G846 deadly #G2288 wound #G4127 was healed #G2323 (5681).
strkjv@Revelation:13:14 @ And #G2532 deceiveth #G4105 (5719) them that dwell # G2730 (5723) on #G1909 the earth #G1093 by #G1223 the means of those miracles #G4592 which #G3739 he #G846 had power #G1325 (5681) to do #G4160 (5658) in the sight #G1799 of the beast #G2342 ; saying #G3004 (5723) to them that dwell # G2730 (5723) on #G1909 the earth #G1093 , that they should make #G4160 (5658) an image #G1504 to the beast #G2342 , which #G3739 had #G2192 (5719) the wound #G4127 by a sword #G3162 , and #G2532 did live #G2198 (5656).
strkjv@Revelation:14:6 @ And #G2532 I saw #G1492 (5627) another #G243 angel #G32 fly #G4072 (5740) in #G1722 the midst of heaven #G3321 , having #G2192 (5723) the everlasting #G166 gospel #G2098 to preach #G2097 (5658) unto them that dwell # G2730 (5723) on #G1909 the earth #G1093 , and #G2532 to every #G3956 nation #G1484 , and #G2532 kindred #G5443 , and #G2532 tongue #G1100 , and #G2532 people #G2992 ,
strkjv@Revelation:17:2 @ With #G3326 whom #G3739 the kings #G935 of the earth #G1093 have committed fornication #G4203 (5656), and #G2532 the inhabitants # G2730 (5723) of the earth #G1093 have been made drunk #G3184 (5681) with #G1537 the wine #G3631 of her #G846 fornication #G4202 .
strkjv@Revelation:17:8 @ The beast #G2342 that #G3739 thou sawest #G1492 (5627) was #G2258 (5713), and #G2532 is #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 ; and #G2532 shall #G3195 (5719) ascend #G305 (5721) out of #G1537 the bottomless pit #G12 , and #G2532 go #G5217 (5721) into #G1519 perdition #G684 : and #G2532 they that dwell # G2730 (5723) on #G1909 the earth #G1093 shall wonder #G2296 (5695), whose #G3739 names #G3686 were #G1125 # not #G3756 written #G1125 (5769) in #G1909 the book #G975 of life #G2222 from #G575 the foundation #G2602 of the world #G2889 when they behold #G991 (5723) the beast #G2342 that was #G3748 #G2258 (5713), and #G2532 is #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 , and yet #G2539 is #G2076 (5748).
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