strkjv@1Corinthians:1:9 @ God #G2316 is faithful #G4103 , by #G1223 whom #G3739 ye were called #G2564 (5681) unto #G1519 the fellowship # G2842 of his #G846 Son #G5207 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 our #G2257 Lord #G2962 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:10:16 @ The cup #G4221 of blessing #G2129 which #G3739 we bless #G2127 (5719), is it #G2076 (5748) not #G3780 the communion # G2842 of the blood #G129 of Christ #G5547 ? The bread #G740 which #G3739 we break #G2806 (5719), is it #G2076 (5748) not #G3780 the communion # G2842 of the body #G4983 of Christ #G5547 ?
strkjv@1John:1:3 @ That which #G3739 we have seen #G3708 (5758) and #G2532 heard #G191 (5754) declare we #G518 (5719) unto you #G5213 , that #G2443 ye #G5210 also #G2532 may have #G2192 (5725) fellowship # G2842 with #G3326 us #G2257 : and #G2532 truly our #G2251 fellowship # G2842 #G1161 is with #G3326 the Father #G3962 , and #G2532 with #G3326 his #G846 Son #G5207 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@1John:1:6 @ If #G1437 we say #G2036 (5632) that #G3754 we have #G2192 (5719) fellowship # G2842 with #G3326 him #G846 , and #G2532 walk #G4043 (5725) in #G1722 darkness #G4655 , we lie #G5574 (5727), and #G2532 do #G4160 (5719) not #G3756 the truth #G225 :
strkjv@1John:1:7 @ But #G1161 if #G1437 we walk #G4043 (5725) in #G1722 the light #G5457 , as #G5613 he #G846 is #G2076 (5748) in #G1722 the light #G5457 , we have #G2192 (5719) fellowship # G2842 one with another #G3326 #G240 , and #G2532 the blood #G129 of Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 his #G846 Son #G5207 cleanseth #G2511 (5719) us #G2248 from #G575 all #G3956 sin #G266 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:6:14 @ Be ye #G1096 (5737) not #G3361 unequally yoked together #G2086 (5723) with unbelievers #G571 : for #G1063 what #G5101 fellowship #G3352 hath righteousness #G1343 with #G2532 unrighteousness #G458 ? and #G1161 what #G5101 communion # G2842 hath light #G5457 with #G4314 darkness #G4655 ?
strkjv@2Corinthians:8:4 @ Praying #G1189 (5740) us #G2257 with #G3326 much #G4183 intreaty #G3874 that we #G2248 would receive #G1209 (5664) the gift #G5485 , and #G2532 take upon us the fellowship # G2842 of the ministering #G1248 to #G1519 the saints #G40 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:9:13 @ Whiles by #G1223 the experiment #G1382 of this #G5026 ministration #G1248 they glorify #G1392 (5723) God #G2316 for #G1909 your #G5216 professed #G3671 subjection #G5292 unto #G1519 the gospel #G2098 of Christ #G5547 , and #G2532 for your liberal #G572 distribution # G2842 unto #G1519 them #G846 , and #G2532 unto #G1519 all #G3956 men;
strkjv@2Corinthians:13:14 @ The grace #G5485 of the Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 , and #G2532 the love #G26 of God #G2316 , and #G2532 the communion # G2842 of the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 , be with #G3326 you #G5216 all #G3956 . Amen #G281 . # The second #G1208 epistle to #G4314 the Corinthians #G2881 was written #G1125 (5648) from #G575 Philippi #G5375 , a city of Macedonia #G3109 , by #G1223 Titus #G5103 and #G2532 Lucas #G3065 .#
strkjv@Acts:2:42 @ And #G1161 they continued #G2258 (5713) stedfastly #G4342 (5723) in the apostles #G652 doctrine #G1322 and #G2532 fellowship # G2842 , and #G2532 in breaking #G2800 of bread #G740 , and #G2532 in prayers #G4335 .
strkjv@Ephesians:3:9 @ And #G2532 to make #G5461 # all #G3956 men see #G5461 (5658) what #G5101 is the fellowship # G2842 of the mystery #G3466 , which #G3588 from #G575 the beginning of the world #G165 hath been hid #G613 (5772) in #G1722 God #G2316 , who #G3588 created #G2936 (5660) all things #G3956 by #G1223 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 :
strkjv@Galatians:2:9 @ And #G2532 when James #G2385 , #G2532 Cephas #G2786 , and #G2532 John #G2491 , who #G3588 seemed #G1380 (5723) to be #G1511 (5750) pillars #G4769 , perceived #G1097 (5631) the grace #G5485 that was given #G1325 (5685) unto me #G3427 , they gave #G1325 (5656) to me #G1698 and #G2532 Barnabas #G921 the right hands #G1188 of fellowship # G2842 ; that #G2443 we #G2249 should go unto #G1519 the heathen #G1484 , and #G1161 they #G846 unto #G1519 the circumcision #G4061 .
strkjv@Hebrews:13:16 @ But #G1161 to do good #G2140 and #G2532 to communicate # G2842 forget #G1950 (5737) not #G3361 : for #G1063 with such #G5108 sacrifices #G2378 God #G2316 is well pleased #G2100 (5743).
strkjv@Philemon:1:6 @ That #G3704 the communication # G2842 of thy #G4675 faith #G4102 may become #G1096 (5638) effectual #G1756 by #G1722 the acknowledging #G1922 of every #G3956 good thing #G18 which #G3588 is in #G1722 you #G5213 in #G1519 Christ #G5547 Jesus #G2424 .
strkjv@Philippians:1:5 @ For #G1909 your #G5216 fellowship # G2842 in #G1519 the gospel #G2098 from #G575 the first #G4413 day #G2250 until #G891 now #G3568 ;
strkjv@Philippians:2:1 @ If there be therefore #G3767 any #G1536 consolation #G3874 in #G1722 Christ #G5547 , if any #G1536 comfort #G3890 of love #G26 , if any #G1536 fellowship # G2842 of the Spirit #G4151 , if any #G1536 bowels #G4698 and #G2532 mercies #G3628 ,
strkjv@Philippians:3:10 @ That I may know #G1097 (5629) him #G846 , and #G2532 the power #G1411 of his #G846 resurrection #G386 , and #G2532 the fellowship # G2842 of his #G846 sufferings #G3804 , being made conformable #G4833 (5746) unto his #G846 death #G2288 ;
strkjv@Romans:15:26 @ For #G1063 it hath pleased them #G2106 (5656) of Macedonia #G3109 and #G2532 Achaia #G882 to make #G4160 (5670) a certain #G5100 contribution # G2842 for #G1519 the poor #G4434 saints #G40 which #G3588 are at #G1722 Jerusalem #G2419 .
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