strkjv@Luke:8:30 @ And #G1161 Jesus #G2424 asked #G1905 (5656) him #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), What #G5101 is #G2076 (5748) thy #G4671 name #G3686 ? And #G1161 he said #G2036 (5627), Legion # G3003 : because #G3754 many #G4183 devils #G1140 were entered #G1525 (5627) into #G1519 him #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:5:9 @ And #G2532 he asked #G1905 (5707) him #G846 , What #G5101 is thy #G4671 name #G3686 ? And #G2532 he answered #G611 (5662), saying #G3004 (5723), My #G3427 name #G3686 is Legion # G3003 : for #G3754 we are #G2070 (5748) many #G4183 .
strkjv@Mark:5:15 @ And #G2532 they come #G2064 (5736) to #G4314 Jesus #G2424 , and #G2532 see #G2334 (5719) him that was possessed with the devil #G1139 (5740), and had #G2192 (5761) the legion # G3003 , sitting #G2521 (5740), and #G2532 clothed #G2439 (5772), and #G2532 in his right mind #G4993 (5723): and #G2532 they were afraid #G5399 (5675).
strkjv@Matthew:26:53 @ #G2228 Thinkest thou #G1380 (5719) that #G3754 I cannot #G3756 #G1410 (5736) now #G737 pray #G3870 (5658) to my #G3450 Father #G3962 , and #G2532 he shall presently give #G3936 (5692) me #G3427 more #G4119 than #G2228 twelve #G1427 legions # G3003 of angels #G32 ?
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