strkjv@1Corinthians:4:1 @ Let # G3049 # a man #G444 so #G3779 account # G3049 (5737) of us #G2248 , as #G5613 of the ministers #G5257 of Christ #G5547 , and #G2532 stewards #G3623 of the mysteries #G3466 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:13:5 @ Doth #G807 # not #G3756 behave itself unseemly #G807 (5719), seeketh #G2212 (5719) not #G3756 her own #G1438 , is #G3947 # not #G3756 easily provoked #G3947 (5743), thinketh # G3049 (5736) no #G3756 evil #G2556 ;
strkjv@1Corinthians:13:11 @ When #G3753 I was #G2252 (5713) a child #G3516 , I spake #G2980 (5707) as #G5613 a child #G3516 , I understood #G5426 (5707) as #G5613 a child #G3516 , I thought # G3049 (5711) as #G5613 a child #G3516 : but #G1161 when #G3753 I became #G1096 (5754) a man #G435 , I put away #G2673 (5758) childish things #G3516 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:16:1 @ Now #G1161 concerning #G4012 the collection # G3048 for #G1519 the saints #G40 , as #G5618 I have given order #G1299 (5656) to the churches #G1577 of Galatia #G1053 , even #G2532 so #G3779 do #G4160 (5657) ye #G5210 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:16:2 @ Upon #G2596 the first #G3391 day of the week #G4521 let #G5087 # every one #G1538 of you #G5216 lay #G5087 (5720) by #G3844 him #G1438 in store #G2343 (5723), as #G3748 #G302 God hath prospered him #G2137 (5747), that #G3363 # there be #G1096 (5741) no #G3363 gatherings # G3048 #G5119 when #G3752 I come #G2064 (5632).
strkjv@1Peter:5:12 @ By #G1223 Silvanus #G4610 , a faithful #G4103 brother #G80 unto you #G5213 , as #G5613 I suppose # G3049 (5736), I have written #G1125 (5656) briefly #G1223 #G3641 , exhorting #G3870 (5723), and #G2532 testifying #G1957 (5723) that this #G5026 is #G1511 (5750) the true #G227 grace #G5485 of God #G2316 wherein #G1519 #G3739 ye stand #G2476 (5758).
strkjv@2Corinthians:3:5 @ Not #G3756 that #G3754 we are #G2070 (5748) sufficient #G2425 of #G575 ourselves #G1438 to think # G3049 (5664) any thing #G5100 as #G5613 of #G1537 ourselves #G1438 ; but #G235 our #G2257 sufficiency #G2426 is of #G1537 God #G2316 ;
strkjv@2Corinthians:5:19 @ To wit #G5613 , that #G3754 God #G2316 was #G2258 (5713) in #G1722 Christ #G5547 , reconciling #G2644 (5723) the world #G2889 unto himself #G1438 , not #G3361 imputing # G3049 (5740) their #G846 trespasses #G3900 unto them #G846 ; and #G2532 hath committed #G5087 (5642) unto #G1722 us #G2254 the word #G3056 of reconciliation #G2643 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:10:2 @ But #G1161 I beseech #G1189 (5736) you, that I may not #G3361 be bold #G2292 (5658) when I am present #G3918 (5752) with that confidence #G4006 , wherewith #G3739 I think # G3049 (5736) to be bold #G5111 (5658) against #G1909 some #G5100 , which #G3588 think # G3049 (5740) of us #G2248 as #G5613 if we walked #G4043 (5723) according #G2596 to the flesh #G4561 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:10:7 @ Do ye look on #G991 (5719) things after #G2596 the outward appearance #G4383 ? If any man #G1536 trust #G3982 (5754) to himself #G1438 that he is #G1511 (5750) Christs #G5547 , let him # G3049 # of #G575 himself #G1438 think # G3049 (5737) this #G5124 again #G3825 , that #G3754 , as #G2531 he #G846 is Christs #G5547 , even #G2532 so #G3779 are we #G2249 Christs #G5547 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:10:11 @ Let # G3049 # such an one #G5108 think # G3049 (5737) this #G5124 , that #G3754 , such as #G3634 we are #G2070 (5748) in word #G3056 by #G1223 letters #G1992 when we are absent #G548 (5752), such #G5108 will we be also #G2532 in deed #G2041 when we are present #G3918 (5752).
strkjv@2Corinthians:11:5 @ For #G1063 I suppose # G3049 (5736) I was #G5302 # not a whit #G3367 behind #G5302 (5760) the very #G5228 chiefest #G3029 apostles #G652 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:11:27 @ In #G1722 weariness #G2873 and #G2532 painfulness #G3449 , in #G1722 watchings #G70 often #G4178 , in #G1722 hunger # G3042 and #G2532 thirst #G1373 , in #G1722 fastings #G3521 often #G4178 , in #G1722 cold #G5592 and #G2532 nakedness #G1132 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:12:6 @ For #G1063 though #G1437 I would desire #G2309 (5661) to glory #G2744 (5664), I shall #G2071 # not #G3756 be #G2071 (5704) a fool #G878 ; for #G1063 I will say #G2046 (5692) the truth #G225 : but #G1161 now I forbear #G5339 (5736), lest #G3361 any man #G5100 should think # G3049 (5667) of #G1519 me #G1691 above #G5228 that which #G3739 he seeth #G991 (5719) me #G3165 to be, or #G2228 that he heareth #G191 (5719) of #G5100 #G1537 me #G1700 .
strkjv@2Timothy:4:16 @ At #G1722 my #G3450 first #G4413 answer #G627 no man #G3762 stood #G4836 (5633) with me #G3427 , but #G235 all #G3956 men forsook #G1459 (5627) me #G3165 : I pray God that it may # G3049 # not #G3361 be laid # G3049 (5678) to their charge #G846 .
strkjv@2Timothy:4:21 @ Do thy diligence #G4704 (5657) to come #G2064 (5629) before #G4253 winter #G5494 . Eubulus #G2103 greeteth #G782 (5736) thee #G4571 , and #G2532 Pudens #G4227 , and #G2532 Linus # G3044 , and #G2532 Claudia #G2803 , and #G2532 all #G3956 the brethren #G80 .
strkjv@Acts:7:11 @ Now #G1161 there came #G2064 (5627) a dearth # G3042 over #G1909 all #G3650 the land #G1093 of Egypt #G125 and #G2532 Chanaan #G5477 , and #G2532 great #G3173 affliction #G2347 : and #G2532 our #G2257 fathers #G3962 found #G2147 (5707) no #G3756 sustenance #G5527 .
strkjv@Acts:11:28 @ And #G1161 there stood up #G450 (5631) one #G1520 of #G1537 them #G846 named #G3686 Agabus #G13 , and signified #G4591 (5656) by #G1223 the Spirit #G4151 that there should be #G3195 (5721) #G1510 (5705) great #G3173 dearth # G3042 throughout #G1909 all #G3650 the world #G3625 : which #G3748 #G2532 came to pass #G1096 (5633) in the days of #G1909 Claudius #G2804 Caesar #G2541 .
strkjv@Acts:19:27 @ So #G1161 that not #G3756 only #G3440 this #G5124 our #G2254 craft #G3313 is in danger #G2793 (5719) to be set #G2064 (5629) at #G1519 nought #G557 ; but #G235 also #G2532 that the temple #G2411 of the great #G3173 goddess #G2299 Diana #G735 should be despised #G1519 #G3762 # G3049 (5683), and #G1161 #G2532 her #G846 magnificence #G3168 should #G3195 (5721) be destroyed #G2507 (5745), whom #G3739 all #G3650 Asia #G773 and #G2532 the world #G3625 worshippeth #G4576 (5736).
strkjv@Acts:21:35 @ And #G1161 when #G3753 he came #G1096 (5633) upon #G1909 the stairs # G304 , so it was #G4819 (5627), that he was borne #G941 (5745) of #G5259 the soldiers #G4757 for #G1223 the violence #G970 of the people #G3793 .
strkjv@Acts:21:40 @ And #G1161 when he had given #G2010 # him #G846 licence #G2010 (5660), Paul #G3972 stood #G2476 (5761) on #G1909 the stairs # G304 , and beckoned #G2678 (5656) with the hand #G5495 unto the people #G2992 . And #G1161 when there was made #G1096 (5637) a great #G4183 silence #G4602 , he spake #G4377 (5656) unto them in the Hebrew #G1446 tongue #G1258 , saying #G3004 (5723),
strkjv@Acts:27:8 @ And #G5037 , hardly #G3433 passing #G3881 (5740) it #G846 , came #G2064 (5627) unto #G1519 a #G5100 place #G5117 which is called #G2564 (5746) The fair #G2570 havens #G2568 # G3040 ; nigh #G1451 whereunto #G3739 was #G2258 (5713) the city #G4172 of Lasea #G2996 .
strkjv@Acts:27:12 @ And #G1161 because #G5225 # the haven # G3040 was #G5225 (5723) not commodious #G428 to #G4314 winter in #G3915 , the more part #G4119 advised #G1012 #G5087 (5639) to depart #G321 (5683) thence also #G2547 , if #G1513 by any means #G4458 they might #G1410 (5739) attain #G2658 (5660) to #G1519 Phenice #G5405 , and there to winter #G3914 (5658); which is an haven # G3040 of Crete #G2914 , and lieth #G991 (5723) toward #G2596 the south west # G3047 and #G2532 #G2596 north west #G5566 .
strkjv@Galatians:3:6 @ Even as #G2531 Abraham #G11 believed #G4100 (5656) God #G2316 , and #G2532 it was accounted # G3049 (5681) to him #G846 for #G1519 righteousness #G1343 .
strkjv@Hebrews:11:19 @ Accounting # G3049 (5666) that #G3754 God #G2316 was able #G1415 to raise him up #G1453 (5721), even #G2532 from #G1537 the dead #G3498 ; from whence #G3606 also #G2532 he received #G2865 (5668) him #G846 in #G1722 a figure #G3850 .
strkjv@James:2:23 @ And #G2532 the scripture #G1124 was fulfilled #G4137 (5681) which saith #G3004 (5723), #G1161 Abraham #G11 believed #G4100 (5656) God #G2316 , and #G2532 it was imputed # G3049 (5681) unto him #G846 for #G1519 righteousness #G1343 : and #G2532 he was called #G2564 (5681) the Friend #G5384 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@John:12:3 @ Then #G3767 took #G2983 (5631) Mary #G3137 a pound # G3046 of ointment #G3464 of spikenard #G3487 #G4101 , very costly #G4186 , and anointed #G218 (5656) the feet #G4228 of Jesus #G2424 , and #G2532 wiped #G1591 (5656) his #G846 feet #G4228 with her #G846 hair #G2359 : and #G1161 the house #G3614 was filled #G4137 (5681) with #G1537 the odour #G3744 of the ointment #G3464 .
strkjv@John:19:39 @ And #G1161 there came #G2064 (5627) also #G2532 Nicodemus #G3530 , which #G3588 at the first #G4412 came #G2064 (5631) to #G4314 Jesus #G2424 by night #G3571 , and brought #G5342 (5723) a mixture #G3395 of myrrh #G4666 and #G2532 aloes #G250 , about #G5616 an hundred #G1540 pound # G3046 weight.
strkjv@Luke:4:25 @ But #G1161 I tell #G3004 (5719) you #G5213 of #G1909 a truth #G225 , many #G4183 widows #G5503 were #G2258 (5713) in #G1722 Israel #G2474 in #G1722 the days #G2250 of Elias #G2243 , when #G3753 the heaven #G3772 was shut up #G2808 (5681) #G1909 three #G5140 years #G2094 and #G2532 six #G1803 months #G3376 , when #G5613 great #G3173 famine # G3042 was #G1096 (5633) throughout #G1909 all #G3956 the land #G1093 ;
strkjv@Luke:5:1 @ And #G1161 it came to pass #G1096 (5633), that, as #G1722 the people #G3793 pressed upon #G1945 (5738) him #G846 to hear #G191 (5721) the word #G3056 of God #G2316 , #G2532 he #G846 stood #G2258 (5713) #G2476 (5761) by #G3844 the lake # G3041 of Gennesaret #G1082 ,
strkjv@Luke:5:2 @ And #G2532 saw #G1492 (5627) two #G1417 ships #G4143 standing #G2476 (5761) by #G3844 the lake # G3041 : but #G1161 the fishermen #G231 were gone #G576 (5631) out of #G575 them #G846 , and were washing #G637 (5656) their nets #G1350 .
strkjv@Luke:8:22 @ Now #G2532 it came to pass #G1096 (5633) on #G1722 a certain #G3391 day #G2250 , that #G2532 he #G846 went #G1684 (5627) into #G1519 a ship #G4143 with #G2532 his #G846 disciples #G3101 : and #G2532 he said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 them #G846 , Let us go over #G1330 (5632) unto #G1519 the other side #G4008 of the lake # G3041 . And #G2532 they launched forth #G321 (5681).
strkjv@Luke:8:23 @ But #G1161 as they #G846 sailed #G4126 (5723) he fell asleep #G879 (5656): and #G2532 there came down #G2597 (5627) a storm #G2978 of wind #G417 on #G1519 the lake # G3041 ; and #G2532 they were filled #G4845 (5712) with water, and #G2532 were in jeopardy #G2793 (5707).
strkjv@Luke:8:33 @ Then #G1161 went #G1831 (5631) the devils #G1140 out of #G575 the man #G444 , and entered #G1525 (5627) into #G1519 the swine #G5519 : and #G2532 the herd #G34 ran #G3729 (5656) violently down #G2596 a steep #G2911 place into #G1519 the lake # G3041 , and #G2532 were choked #G638 (5648).
strkjv@Luke:15:14 @ And #G1161 when he #G846 had spent #G1159 (5660) all #G3956 , there arose #G1096 (5633) a mighty #G2478 famine # G3042 in #G2596 that #G1565 land #G5561 ; and #G2532 he #G846 began #G756 (5662) to be in want #G5302 (5745).
strkjv@Luke:15:17 @ And #G1161 when he came #G2064 (5631) to #G1519 himself #G1438 , he said #G2036 (5627), How many #G4214 hired servants #G3407 of my #G3450 fathers #G3962 have bread #G740 enough and to spare #G4052 (5719), and #G1161 I #G1473 perish #G622 (5731) with hunger # G3042 !
strkjv@Luke:21:11 @ And #G5037 great #G3173 earthquakes #G4578 shall be #G2071 (5704) in #G2596 divers places #G5117 , and #G2532 famines # G3042 , and #G2532 pestilences #G3061 ; and #G5037 fearful sights #G5400 and #G2532 great #G3173 signs #G4592 shall there be #G2071 (5704) from #G575 heaven #G3772 .
strkjv@Luke:22:37 @ For #G1063 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , that #G3754 this #G5124 that is written #G1125 (5772) must #G1163 (5748) yet #G2089 be accomplished #G5055 (5683) in #G1722 me #G1698 , And #G2532 he was reckoned # G3049 (5681) among #G3326 the transgressors #G459 : for #G2532 #G1063 the things concerning #G4012 me #G1700 have #G2192 (5719) an end #G5056 .
strkjv@Mark:11:31 @ And #G2532 they reasoned # G3049 (5711) with #G4314 themselves #G1438 , saying #G3004 (5723), If #G1437 we shall say #G2036 (5632), From #G1537 heaven #G3772 ; he will say #G2046 (5692), Why #G1302 then #G3767 did ye #G4100 # not #G3756 believe #G4100 (5656) him #G846 ?
strkjv@Mark:13:8 @ For #G1063 nation #G1484 shall rise #G1453 (5701) against #G1909 nation #G1484 , and #G2532 kingdom #G932 against #G1909 kingdom #G932 : and #G2532 there shall be #G2071 (5704) earthquakes #G4578 in divers #G2596 places #G5117 , and #G2532 there shall be #G2071 (5704) famines # G3042 and #G2532 troubles #G5016 : these #G5023 are the beginnings #G746 of sorrows #G5604 .
strkjv@Mark:15:28 @ And #G2532 the scripture #G1124 was fulfilled #G4137 (5681), which #G3588 saith #G3004 (5723), And #G2532 he was numbered # G3049 (5681) with #G3326 the transgressors #G459 .
strkjv@Matthew:12:20 @ A bruised #G4937 (5772) reed #G2563 shall he #G2608 # not #G3756 break #G2608 (5656), and #G2532 smoking #G5188 (5746) flax # G3043 shall he #G4570 # not #G3756 quench #G4570 (5692), till #G2193 #G302 he send forth #G1544 (5632) judgment #G2920 unto #G1519 victory #G3534 .
strkjv@Matthew:24:7 @ For #G1063 nation #G1484 shall rise #G1453 (5701) against #G1909 nation #G1484 , and #G2532 kingdom #G932 against #G1909 kingdom #G932 : and #G2532 there shall be #G2071 (5704) famines # G3042 , and #G2532 pestilences #G3061 , and #G2532 earthquakes #G4578 , in divers #G2596 places #G5117 .
strkjv@Philippians:3:13 @ Brethren #G80 , I #G1473 count # G3049 (5736) not #G3756 myself #G1683 to have apprehended #G2638 (5760): but #G1161 this one thing #G1520 I do, forgetting #G1950 (5740) those things #G3303 which are behind #G3694 , and #G1161 reaching forth unto #G1901 (5740) those things which are before #G1715 ,
strkjv@Philippians:4:8 @ Finally #G3063 , brethren #G80 , whatsoever things #G3745 are #G2076 (5748) true #G227 , whatsoever things #G3745 are honest #G4586 , whatsoever things #G3745 are just #G1342 , whatsoever things #G3745 are pure #G53 , whatsoever things #G3745 are lovely #G4375 , whatsoever things #G3745 are of good report #G2163 ; if there be any #G1536 virtue #G703 , and #G2532 if there be any #G1536 praise #G1868 , think # G3049 (5737) on these things #G5023 .
strkjv@Revelation:6:8 @ And #G2532 I looked #G1492 (5627), and #G2532 behold #G2400 (5628) a pale #G5515 horse #G2462 : and #G2532 his #G846 name #G3686 that sat #G2521 (5740) on #G1883 him #G846 was Death #G2288 , and #G2532 Hell #G86 followed #G190 (5719) with #G3326 him #G846 . And #G2532 power #G1849 was given #G1325 (5681) unto them #G846 over #G1909 the fourth part #G5067 of the earth #G1093 , to kill #G615 (5658) with #G1722 sword #G4501 , and #G2532 with #G1722 hunger # G3042 , and #G2532 with #G1722 death #G2288 , and #G2532 with #G5259 the beasts #G2342 of the earth #G1093 .
strkjv@Revelation:15:6 @ And #G2532 the seven #G2033 angels #G32 came #G1831 (5627) out of #G1537 the temple #G3485 , having #G2192 (5723) the seven #G2033 plagues #G4127 , clothed #G1746 (5765) in pure #G2513 and #G2532 white #G2986 linen # G3043 , and #G2532 having their breasts #G4738 girded #G4024 (5772) with #G4012 golden #G5552 girdles #G2223 .
strkjv@Revelation:18:8 @ Therefore #G5124 #G1223 shall #G2240 # her #G846 plagues #G4127 come #G2240 (5692) in #G1722 one #G3391 day #G2250 , death #G2288 , and #G2532 mourning #G3997 , and #G2532 famine # G3042 ; and #G2532 she shall be utterly burned #G2618 (5701) with #G1722 fire #G4442 : for #G3754 strong #G2478 is the Lord #G2962 God #G2316 who #G3588 judgeth #G2919 (5723) her #G846 .
strkjv@Revelation:18:14 @ And #G2532 the fruits #G3703 that thy #G4675 soul #G5590 lusted after #G1939 are departed #G565 (5627) from #G575 thee #G4675 , and #G2532 all things #G3956 which #G3588 were dainty # G3045 and #G2532 goodly #G2986 are departed #G565 (5627) from #G575 thee #G4675 , and #G2532 thou shalt find #G2147 (5661) them #G846 no more #G3765 at all #G3364 .
strkjv@Revelation:19:20 @ And #G2532 the beast #G2342 was taken #G4084 (5681), and #G2532 with #G3326 him #G5127 the false prophet #G5578 that wrought #G4160 (5660) miracles #G4592 before #G1799 him #G846 , with #G1722 which #G3739 he deceived #G4105 (5656) them that had received #G2983 (5631) the mark #G5480 of the beast #G2342 , and #G2532 them that worshipped #G4352 (5723) his #G846 image #G1504 . These both #G1417 were cast #G906 (5681) alive #G2198 (5723) into #G1519 a lake # G3041 of fire #G4442 burning #G2545 (5746) with #G1722 brimstone #G2303 .
strkjv@Revelation:20:10 @ And #G2532 the devil #G1228 that deceived #G4105 (5723) them #G846 was cast #G906 (5681) into #G1519 the lake # G3041 of fire #G4442 and #G2532 brimstone #G2303 , where #G3699 the beast #G2342 and #G2532 the false prophet #G5578 are, and #G2532 shall be tormented #G928 (5701) day #G2250 and #G2532 night #G3571 for #G1519 ever #G165 and ever #G165 .
strkjv@Revelation:20:14 @ And #G2532 death #G2288 and #G2532 hell #G86 were cast #G906 (5681) into #G1519 the lake # G3041 of fire #G4442 . This #G3778 is #G2076 (5748) the second #G1208 death #G2288 .
strkjv@Revelation:20:15 @ And #G2532 whosoever #G1536 was #G2147 # not #G3756 found #G2147 (5681) written #G1125 (5772) in #G1722 the book #G976 of life #G2222 was cast #G906 (5681) into #G1519 the lake # G3041 of fire #G4442 .
strkjv@Revelation:21:8 @ But #G1161 the fearful #G1169 , and #G2532 unbelieving #G571 , and #G2532 the abominable #G948 (5772), and #G2532 murderers #G5406 , and #G2532 whoremongers #G4205 , and #G2532 sorcerers #G5332 , and #G2532 idolaters #G1496 , and #G2532 all #G3956 liars #G5571 , shall have their #G846 part #G3313 in #G1722 the lake # G3041 which #G3588 burneth #G2545 (5746) with fire #G4442 and #G2532 brimstone #G2303 : which is #G3603 (5748) the second #G1208 death #G2288 .
strkjv@Romans:2:3 @ And #G1161 thinkest thou # G3049 (5736) this #G5124 , O #G5599 man #G444 , that judgest #G2919 (5723) them which do #G4238 (5723) such things #G5108 , and #G2532 doest #G4160 (5723) the same #G846 , that #G3754 thou #G4771 shalt escape #G1628 (5695) the judgment #G2917 of God #G2316 ?
strkjv@Romans:2:26 @ Therefore #G3767 if #G1437 the uncircumcision #G203 keep #G5442 (5725) the righteousness #G1345 of the law #G3551 , shall # G3049 # not #G3780 his #G846 uncircumcision #G203 be counted # G3049 (5701) for #G1519 circumcision #G4061 ?
strkjv@Romans:3:28 @ Therefore #G3767 we conclude # G3049 (5736) that a man #G444 is justified #G1344 (5745) by faith #G4102 without #G5565 the deeds #G2041 of the law #G3551 .
strkjv@Romans:4:3 @ For #G1063 what #G5101 saith #G3004 (5719) the scripture #G1124 ? #G1161 Abraham #G11 believed #G4100 (5656) God #G2316 , and #G2532 it was counted # G3049 (5681) unto him #G846 for #G1519 righteousness #G1343 .
strkjv@Romans:4:4 @ Now #G1161 to him that worketh #G2038 (5740) is # G3049 # the reward #G3408 not #G3756 reckoned # G3049 (5736) of #G2596 grace #G5485 , but #G235 of #G2596 debt #G3783 .
strkjv@Romans:4:5 @ But #G1161 to him that worketh #G2038 (5740) not #G3361 , but #G1161 believeth #G4100 (5723) on #G1909 him that justifieth #G1344 (5723) the ungodly #G765 , his #G846 faith #G4102 is counted # G3049 (5736) for #G1519 righteousness #G1343 .
strkjv@Romans:4:6 @ Even as #G2509 David #G1138 also #G2532 describeth #G3004 (5719) the blessedness #G3108 of the man #G444 , unto whom #G3739 God #G2316 imputeth # G3049 (5736) righteousness #G1343 without #G5565 works #G2041 ,
strkjv@Romans:4:8 @ Blessed #G3107 is the man #G435 to whom #G3739 the Lord #G2962 will # G3049 # not #G3364 impute # G3049 (5667) sin #G266 .
strkjv@Romans:4:9 @ Cometh this #G3778 blessedness #G3108 then #G3767 upon #G1909 the circumcision #G4061 only, or #G2228 upon #G1909 the uncircumcision #G203 also #G2532 ? for #G1063 we say #G3004 (5719) that #G3754 faith #G4102 was reckoned # G3049 (5681) to Abraham #G11 for #G1519 righteousness #G1343 .
strkjv@Romans:4:10 @ How #G4459 was it # G3049 # then #G3767 reckoned # G3049 (5681)? when he was #G5607 (5752) in #G1722 circumcision #G4061 , or #G2228 in #G1722 uncircumcision #G203 ? Not #G3756 in #G1722 circumcision #G4061 , but #G235 in #G1722 uncircumcision #G203 .
strkjv@Romans:4:11 @ And #G2532 he received #G2983 (5627) the sign #G4592 of circumcision #G4061 , a seal #G4973 of the righteousness #G1343 of the faith #G4102 which #G3588 he had yet being #G1722 uncircumcised #G203 : that #G1519 he #G846 might be #G1511 (5750) the father #G3962 of all #G3956 them that believe #G4100 (5723), though #G1223 they be not circumcised #G203 ; that #G1519 righteousness #G1343 might be imputed # G3049 (5683) unto them #G846 also #G2532 :
strkjv@Romans:4:22 @ And #G2532 therefore #G1352 it was imputed # G3049 (5681) to him #G846 for #G1519 righteousness #G1343 .
strkjv@Romans:4:23 @ Now #G1161 it was #G1125 # not #G3756 written #G1125 (5648) for his sake #G1223 #G846 alone #G3440 , that #G3754 it was imputed # G3049 (5681) to him #G846 ;
strkjv@Romans:4:24 @ But #G235 for #G1223 us #G2248 also #G2532 , to whom #G3739 it shall be #G3195 (5719) imputed # G3049 (5745), if we believe #G4100 (5723) on #G1909 him that raised up #G1453 (5660) Jesus #G2424 our #G2257 Lord #G2962 from #G1537 the dead #G3498 ;
strkjv@Romans:6:11 @ Likewise #G3779 reckon # G3049 (5737) ye #G5210 also #G2532 yourselves #G1438 to be #G1511 (5750) dead #G3498 indeed #G3303 unto sin #G266 , but #G1161 alive #G2198 (5723) unto God #G2316 through #G1722 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 our #G2257 Lord #G2962 .
strkjv@Romans:8:18 @ For #G1063 I reckon # G3049 (5736) that #G3754 the sufferings #G3804 of this present #G3568 time #G2540 are not #G3756 worthy #G514 to be compared with #G4314 the glory #G1391 which shall #G3195 (5723) be revealed #G601 (5683) in #G1519 us #G2248 .
strkjv@Romans:8:35 @ Who #G5101 shall separate #G5563 (5692) us #G2248 from #G575 the love #G26 of Christ #G5547 ? shall tribulation #G2347 , or #G2228 distress #G4730 , or #G2228 persecution #G1375 , or #G2228 famine # G3042 , or #G2228 nakedness #G1132 , or #G2228 peril #G2794 , or #G2228 sword #G3162 ?
strkjv@Romans:8:36 @ As #G2531 it is written #G1125 (5769), #G3754 For thy #G4675 sake #G1752 we are killed #G2289 (5743) all #G3650 the day long #G2250 ; we are accounted # G3049 (5681) as #G5613 sheep #G4263 for the slaughter #G4967 .
strkjv@Romans:9:8 @ That is #G5123 (5748), They which are the children #G5043 of the flesh #G4561 , these #G5023 are not #G3756 the children #G5043 of God #G2316 : but #G235 the children #G5043 of the promise #G1860 are counted # G3049 (5736) for #G1519 the seed #G4690 .
strkjv@Romans:14:14 @ I know #G1492 (5758), and #G2532 am persuaded #G3982 (5769) by #G1722 the Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 , that #G3754 there is nothing #G3762 unclean #G2839 of #G1223 itself #G1438 : but #G1508 to him that esteemeth # G3049 (5740) any thing #G5100 to be #G1511 (5750) unclean #G2839 , to him #G1565 it is unclean #G2839 .
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