strkjv@Acts:10:38 @ How #G5613 God #G2316 anointed #G5548 (5656) Jesus #G2424 of #G575 Nazareth # G3478 with the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 and #G2532 with power #G1411 : who #G846 #G3739 went about #G1330 (5627) doing good #G2109 (5723), and #G2532 healing #G2390 (5740) all #G3956 that were oppressed #G2616 (5746) of #G5259 the devil #G1228 ; for #G3754 God #G2316 was #G2258 (5713) with #G3326 him #G846 .
strkjv@John:1:45 @ Philip #G5376 findeth #G2147 (5719) Nathanael #G3482 , and #G2532 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , We have found #G2147 (5758) him, of whom #G3739 Moses #G3475 in #G1722 the law #G3551 , and #G2532 the prophets #G4396 , did write #G1125 (5656), Jesus #G2424 of #G575 Nazareth # G3478 , the son #G5207 of Joseph #G2501 .
strkjv@John:1:46 @ And #G2532 Nathanael #G3482 said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Can #G1410 (5736) there any #G5100 good thing #G18 come #G1511 (5750) out of #G1537 Nazareth # G3478 ? Philip #G5376 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Come #G2064 (5736) and #G2532 see #G1492 (5657).
strkjv@Luke:1:26 @ And #G1161 in #G1722 the sixth #G1623 month #G3376 the angel #G32 Gabriel #G1043 was sent #G649 (5648) from #G5259 God #G2316 unto #G1519 a city #G4172 of Galilee #G1056 , named #G3739 #G3686 Nazareth # G3478 ,
strkjv@Luke:2:4 @ And #G1161 Joseph #G2501 also #G2532 went up #G305 (5627) from #G575 Galilee #G1056 , out of #G1537 the city #G4172 of Nazareth # G3478 , into #G1519 Judaea #G2449 , unto #G1519 the city #G4172 of David #G1138 , which #G3748 is called #G2564 (5743) Bethlehem #G965 ; (because #G1223 he #G846 was #G1511 (5750) of #G1537 the house #G3624 and #G2532 lineage #G3965 of David #G1138 :)
strkjv@Luke:2:39 @ And #G2532 when #G5613 they had performed #G5055 (5656) all things #G537 according #G2596 to the law #G3551 of the Lord #G2962 , they returned #G5290 (5656) into #G1519 Galilee #G1056 , to #G1519 their own #G846 city #G4172 Nazareth # G3478 .
strkjv@Luke:2:51 @ And #G2532 he went down #G2597 (5627) with #G3326 them #G846 , and #G2532 came #G2064 (5627) to #G1519 Nazareth # G3478 , and #G2532 was #G2258 (5713) subject #G5293 (5746) unto them #G846 : but #G2532 his #G846 mother #G3384 kept #G1301 (5707) all #G3956 these #G5023 sayings #G4487 in #G1722 her #G846 heart #G2588 .
strkjv@Luke:4:16 @ And #G2532 he came #G2064 (5627) to #G1519 Nazareth # G3478 , where #G3757 he had been #G2258 (5713) brought up #G5142 (5772): and #G2532 , as #G2596 # his #G846 custom #G1486 (5756) was #G2596 , he went #G1525 (5627) into #G1519 the synagogue #G4864 on #G1722 the sabbath #G4521 day #G2250 , and #G2532 stood up #G450 (5627) for to read #G314 (5629).
strkjv@Mark:1:9 @ And #G2532 it came to pass #G1096 (5633) in #G1722 those #G1565 days #G2250 , that Jesus #G2424 came #G2064 (5627) from #G575 Nazareth # G3478 of Galilee #G1056 , and #G2532 was baptized #G907 (5681) of #G5259 John #G2491 in #G1519 Jordan #G2446 .
strkjv@Matthew:2:23 @ And #G2532 he came #G2064 (5631) and dwelt #G2730 (5656) in #G1519 a city #G4172 called #G3004 (5746) Nazareth # G3478 : that #G3704 it might be fulfilled #G4137 (5686) which #G3588 was spoken #G4483 (5685) by #G1223 the prophets #G4396 , #G3754 He shall be called #G2564 (5701) a Nazarene #G3480 .
strkjv@Matthew:4:13 @ And #G2532 leaving #G2641 (5631) Nazareth # G3478 , he came #G2064 (5631) and dwelt #G2730 (5656) in #G1519 Capernaum #G2584 , which #G3588 is upon the sea coast #G3864 , in #G1722 the borders #G3725 of Zabulon #G2194 and #G2532 Nephthalim #G3508 :
strkjv@Matthew:21:11 @ And #G1161 the multitude #G3793 said #G3004 (5707), This #G3778 is #G2076 (5748) Jesus #G2424 the prophet #G4396 of #G575 Nazareth # G3478 of Galilee #G1056 .
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