strkjv@2Corinthians:2:11 @ Lest #G3363 Satan #G5259 #G4567 should get an advantage of us #G4122 (5686): for #G1063 we are not #G3756 ignorant #G50 (5719) of his #G846 devices # G3540 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:3:14 @ But #G235 their #G846 minds # G3540 were blinded #G4456 (5681): for #G1063 until #G891 this day #G4594 remaineth #G3306 (5719) the same #G846 vail #G2571 untaken #G3361 away #G343 (5746) in #G1909 the reading #G320 of the old #G3820 testament #G1242 ; which #G3748 vail is done away #G2673 (5743) in #G1722 Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:4:4 @ In #G1722 whom #G3739 the god #G2316 of this #G5127 world #G165 hath blinded #G5186 (5656) the minds # G3540 of them which believe not #G571 , lest #G1519 #G3361 the light #G5462 of the glorious #G1391 gospel #G2098 of Christ #G5547 , who #G3739 is #G2076 (5748) the image #G1504 of God #G2316 , should shine #G826 (5658) unto them #G846 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:10:5 @ Casting down #G2507 (5723) imaginations #G3053 , and #G2532 every #G3956 high thing #G5313 that exalteth itself #G1869 (5734) against #G2596 the knowledge #G1108 of God #G2316 , and #G2532 bringing into captivity #G163 (5723) every #G3956 thought # G3540 to #G1519 the obedience #G5218 of Christ #G5547 ;
strkjv@2Corinthians:11:3 @ But #G1161 I fear #G5399 (5736), lest #G3381 by any means #G4458 , as #G5613 the serpent #G3789 beguiled #G1818 (5656) Eve #G2096 through #G1722 his #G846 subtilty #G3834 , so #G3779 your #G5216 minds # G3540 should be corrupted #G5351 (5652) from #G575 the simplicity #G572 that is in #G1519 Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@Philippians:4:7 @ And #G2532 the peace #G1515 of God #G2316 , which #G3588 passeth #G5242 (5723) all #G3956 understanding #G3563 , shall keep #G5432 (5692) your #G5216 hearts #G2588 and #G2532 minds #G5216 # G3540 through #G1722 Christ #G5547 Jesus #G2424 .
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