strkjv@1Corinthians:1:20 @ Where # G4226 is the wise #G4680 ? where # G4226 is the scribe #G1122 ? where # G4226 is the disputer #G4804 of this #G5127 world #G165 ? hath #G3471 # not #G3780 God #G2316 made foolish #G3471 (5656) the wisdom #G4678 of this #G5127 world #G2889 ?
strkjv@1Corinthians:2:7 @ But #G235 we speak #G2980 (5719) the wisdom #G4678 of God #G2316 in #G1722 a mystery #G3466 , even the hidden #G613 (5772) wisdom, which #G3739 God #G2316 ordained #G4309 (5656) before # G4253 the world #G165 unto #G1519 our #G2257 glory #G1391 :
strkjv@1Corinthians:3:2 @ I have fed # G4222 (5656) you #G5209 with milk #G1051 , and #G2532 not #G3756 with meat #G1033 : for #G1063 hitherto #G3768 # ye were #G1410 # not #G3768 able #G1410 (5711) to bear it, neither #G235 #G3777 yet #G2089 now #G3568 are ye able #G1410 (5736).
strkjv@1Corinthians:3:6 @ I #G1473 have planted #G5452 (5656), Apollos #G625 watered # G4222 (5656); but #G235 God #G2316 gave the increase #G837 (5707).
strkjv@1Corinthians:3:7 @ So #G5620 then neither #G3777 is #G2076 (5748) he that planteth #G5452 (5723) any thing #G5100 , neither #G3777 he that watereth # G4222 (5723); but #G235 God #G2316 that giveth the increase #G837 (5723).
strkjv@1Corinthians:3:8 @ Now #G1161 he that planteth #G5452 (5723) and #G2532 he that watereth # G4222 (5723) are #G1526 (5748) one #G1520 : and #G1161 every man #G1538 shall receive #G2983 (5695) his own #G2398 reward #G3408 according #G2596 to his own #G2398 labour #G2873 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:4:5 @ Therefore #G5620 judge #G2919 (5720) nothing #G3361 #G5100 before # G4253 the time #G2540 , until #G2193 #G302 the Lord #G2962 come #G2064 (5632), who #G3739 both #G2532 will bring to light #G5461 (5692) the hidden things #G2927 of darkness #G4655 , and #G2532 will make manifest #G5319 (5692) the counsels #G1012 of the hearts #G2588 : and #G2532 then #G5119 shall every man #G1538 have #G1096 (5695) praise #G1868 of #G575 God #G2316 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:4:21 @ What #G5101 will ye #G2309 (5719)? shall I come #G2064 (5632) unto #G4314 you #G5209 with #G1722 a rod #G4464 , or #G2228 in #G1722 love #G26 , and #G5037 in the spirit #G4151 of meekness # G4236 ?
strkjv@1Corinthians:5:1 @ It is reported #G191 (5743) commonly #G3654 that there is fornication # G4202 among #G1722 you #G5213 , and #G2532 such #G5108 fornication # G4202 as #G3748 is #G3687 # not so much #G3761 as named #G3687 (5743) among #G1722 the Gentiles #G1484 , that #G5620 one #G5100 should have #G2192 (5721) his fathers #G3962 wife #G1135 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:5:9 @ I wrote #G1125 (5656) unto you #G5213 in #G1722 an epistle #G1992 not #G3361 to company #G4874 (5733) with fornicators # G4205 :
strkjv@1Corinthians:5:10 @ Yet #G2532 not #G3756 altogether #G3843 with the fornicators # G4205 of this #G5127 world #G2889 , or #G2228 with the covetous #G4123 , or #G2228 extortioners #G727 , or #G2228 with idolaters #G1496 ; for #G1893 then #G686 must ye needs #G3784 (5719) go #G1831 (5629) out of #G1537 the world #G2889 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:5:11 @ But #G1161 now #G3570 I have written #G1125 (5656) unto you #G5213 not #G3361 to keep company #G4874 (5733), if #G1437 any man #G5100 that is called #G3687 (5746) a brother #G80 be #G2228 a fornicator # G4205 , or #G2228 covetous #G4123 , or #G2228 an idolater #G1496 , or #G2228 a railer #G3060 , or #G2228 a drunkard #G3183 , or #G2228 an extortioner #G727 ; with such an one #G5108 no not #G3366 to eat #G4906 (5721).
strkjv@1Corinthians:6:1 @ Dare #G5111 (5719) any #G5100 of you #G5216 , having #G2192 (5723) a matter # G4229 against #G4314 another #G2087 , go to law #G2919 (5745) before #G1909 the unjust #G94 , and #G2532 not #G3780 before #G1909 the saints #G40 ?
strkjv@1Corinthians:6:9 @ #G2228 Know ye #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 that #G3754 the unrighteous #G94 shall #G2816 # not #G3756 inherit #G2816 (5692) the kingdom #G932 of God #G2316 ? Be #G4105 # not #G3361 deceived #G4105 (5744): neither #G3777 fornicators # G4205 , nor #G3777 idolaters #G1496 , nor #G3777 adulterers #G3432 , nor #G3777 effeminate #G3120 , nor #G3777 abusers of themselves with mankind #G733 ,
strkjv@1Corinthians:6:13 @ Meats #G1033 for the belly #G2836 , and #G2532 the belly #G2836 for meats #G1033 : but #G1161 God #G2316 shall destroy #G2673 (5692) both #G2532 it #G5026 and #G2532 them #G5023 . Now #G1161 the body #G4983 is not #G3756 for fornication # G4202 , but #G235 for the Lord #G2962 ; and #G2532 the Lord #G2962 for the body #G4983 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:6:15 @ Know ye #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 that #G3754 your #G5216 bodies #G4983 are #G2076 (5748) the members #G3196 of Christ #G5547 ? shall I #G142 # then #G3767 take #G142 (5660) the members #G3196 of Christ #G5547 , and make #G4160 (5661) them the members #G3196 of an harlot # G4204 ? God forbid #G3361 #G1096 (5636).
strkjv@1Corinthians:6:16 @ What #G2228 ? know ye #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 that #G3754 he which is joined #G2853 (5746) to an harlot # G4204 is #G2076 (5748) one #G1520 body #G4983 ? for #G1063 two #G1417 , saith he #G5346 (5748), shall be #G2071 (5704) one #G1519 #G3391 flesh #G4561 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:6:18 @ Flee #G5343 (5720) fornication # G4202 . Every #G3956 sin #G265 that #G3739 #G1437 a man #G44 doeth #G4160 (5661) is #G2076 (5748) without #G1622 the body #G4983 ; but #G1161 he that committeth fornication # G4203 (5723) sinneth #G264 (5719) against #G1519 his own #G2398 body #G4983 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:7:2 @ Nevertheless #G1223 #G1161 , to avoid fornication # G4202 , let #G2192 # every man #G1538 have #G2192 (5720) his own #G1438 wife #G1135 , and #G2532 let #G2192 # every woman #G1538 have #G2192 (5720) her own #G2398 husband #G435 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:9:7 @ Who #G5101 goeth a warfare #G4754 (5731) any time at # G4218 his own #G2398 charges #G3800 ? who #G5101 planteth #G5452 (5719) a vineyard #G290 , and #G2532 eateth #G2068 (5719) not #G3756 of #G1537 the fruit #G2590 thereof #G846 ? or #G2228 who #G5101 feedeth #G4165 (5719) a flock #G4167 , and #G2532 eateth #G2068 (5719) not #G3756 of #G1537 the milk #G1051 of the flock #G4167 ?
strkjv@1Corinthians:9:17 @ For #G1063 if #G1487 I do # G4238 (5719) this thing #G5124 willingly #G1635 , I have #G2192 (5719) a reward #G3408 : but #G1161 if #G1487 against my will #G210 , a dispensation #G3622 of the gospel is committed unto me #G4100 (5769).
strkjv@1Corinthians:10:8 @ Neither #G3366 let us commit fornication # G4203 (5725), as #G2531 some #G5100 of them #G846 committed # G4203 (5656), and #G2532 fell #G4098 (5627) in #G1722 one #G3391 day #G2250 three #G5140 and twenty #G1501 thousand #G5505 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:10:16 @ The cup # G4221 of blessing #G2129 which #G3739 we bless #G2127 (5719), is it #G2076 (5748) not #G3780 the communion #G2842 of the blood #G129 of Christ #G5547 ? The bread #G740 which #G3739 we break #G2806 (5719), is it #G2076 (5748) not #G3780 the communion #G2842 of the body #G4983 of Christ #G5547 ?
strkjv@1Corinthians:10:21 @ Ye cannot #G3756 #G1410 (5736) drink #G4095 (5721) the cup # G4221 of the Lord #G2962 , and #G2532 the cup # G4221 of devils #G1140 : ye cannot #G3756 #G1410 (5736) be partakers #G3348 (5721) of the Lords #G2962 table #G5132 , and #G2532 of the table #G5132 of devils #G1140 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:11:13 @ Judge #G2919 (5657) in #G1722 yourselves #G5213 #G846 : is it #G2076 (5748) comely # G4241 (5723) that a woman #G1135 pray #G4336 (5738) unto God #G2316 uncovered #G177 ?
strkjv@1Corinthians:11:25 @ After the same manner #G5615 also #G2532 he took the cup # G4221 , when #G3326 he had supped #G1172 (5658), saying #G3004 (5723), This #G5124 cup # G4221 is #G2076 (5748) the new #G2537 testament #G1242 in #G1722 my #G1699 blood #G129 : this #G5124 do ye #G4160 (5720), as oft as #G3740 #G302 ye drink #G4095 (5725) it, in #G1519 remembrance #G364 of me #G1699 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:11:26 @ For #G1063 as often as #G302 #G3740 ye eat #G2068 (5725) this #G5126 bread #G740 , and #G2532 drink #G4095 (5725) this #G5124 cup # G4221 , ye do shew #G2605 (5719) the Lords #G2962 death #G2288 till #G891 #G302 he #G3739 come #G2064 (5632).
strkjv@1Corinthians:11:27 @ Wherefore #G5620 whosoever #G3739 #G302 shall eat #G2068 (5725) this #G5126 bread #G740 , and #G2228 drink #G4095 (5725) this cup # G4221 of the Lord #G2962 , unworthily #G371 , shall be #G2071 (5704) guilty #G1777 of the body #G4983 and #G2532 blood #G129 of the Lord #G2962 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:11:28 @ But #G1161 let #G1381 # a man #G444 examine #G1381 (5720) himself #G1438 , and #G2532 so #G3779 let him eat #G2068 (5720) of #G1537 that bread #G740 , and #G2532 drink #G4095 (5720) of #G1537 that cup # G4221 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:12:13 @ For #G1063 #G2532 by #G1722 one #G1520 Spirit #G4151 are #G907 # we #G2249 all #G3956 baptized #G907 (5681) into #G1519 one #G1520 body #G4983 , whether #G1535 we be Jews #G2453 or #G1535 Gentiles #G1672 , whether #G1535 we be bond #G1401 or #G1535 free #G1658 ; and #G2532 have been # G4222 # all #G3956 made to drink # G4222 (5681) into #G1519 one #G1520 Spirit #G4151 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:12:15 @ If #G1437 the foot # G4228 shall say #G2036 (5632), Because #G3754 I am #G1510 (5748) not #G3756 the hand #G5495 , I am #G1510 (5748) not #G3756 of #G1537 the body #G4983 ; is #G2076 (5748) it therefore #G3756 #G3844 #G5124 not #G3756 of #G1537 the body #G4983 ?
strkjv@1Corinthians:12:17 @ If #G1487 the whole #G3650 body #G4983 were an eye #G3788 , where # G4226 were the hearing #G189 ? If #G1487 the whole #G3650 were hearing #G189 , where # G4226 were the smelling #G3750 ?
strkjv@1Corinthians:12:19 @ And #G1161 if #G1487 they were #G2258 (5713) all #G3956 one #G1520 member #G3196 , where # G4226 were the body #G4983 ?
strkjv@1Corinthians:12:21 @ And #G1161 the eye #G3788 cannot #G3756 #G1410 (5736) say #G2036 (5629) unto the hand #G5495 , I have #G2192 (5719) no #G3756 need #G5532 of thee #G4675 : nor #G2228 again #G3825 the head #G2776 to the feet # G4228 , I have #G2192 (5719) no #G3756 need #G5532 of you #G5216 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:15:25 @ For #G1063 he #G846 must #G1163 (5748) reign #G936 (5721), till #G891 #G3739 he hath put #G302 #G5087 (5632) all #G3956 enemies #G2190 under #G5259 his #G846 feet # G4228 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:15:27 @ For #G1063 he hath put #G5293 (5656) all things #G3956 under #G5259 his #G846 feet # G4228 . But #G1161 when #G3752 he saith #G2036 (5632) #G3754 all things #G3956 are put under #G5293 (5769) him, it is manifest #G1212 that #G3754 he is excepted #G1622 , which did put #G5293 # all things #G3956 under #G5293 (5660) him #G846 .
strkjv@1Corinthians:15:55 @ O death #G2288 , where # G4226 is thy #G4675 sting #G2759 ? O grave #G86 , where # G4226 is thy #G4675 victory #G3534 ?
strkjv@1Corinthians:16:19 @ The churches #G1577 of Asia #G773 salute #G782 (5736) you #G5209 . Aquila #G207 and #G2532 Priscilla # G4252 salute #G782 (5736) you #G5209 much #G4183 in #G1722 the Lord #G2962 , with #G4862 the church #G1577 that is in #G2596 their #G846 house #G3624 .
strkjv@1John:2:11 @ But #G1161 he that hateth #G3404 (5723) his #G846 brother #G80 is #G2076 (5748) in #G1722 darkness #G4653 , and #G2532 walketh #G4043 (5719) in #G1722 darkness #G4653 , and #G2532 knoweth #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 whither # G4226 he goeth #G5217 (5719), because #G3754 that darkness #G4653 hath blinded #G5186 (5656) his #G6 eyes #G3788 .
strkjv@1John:3:1 @ Behold #G1492 (5628), what manner # G4217 of love #G26 the Father #G3962 hath bestowed #G1325 (5758) upon us #G2254 , that #G2443 we should be called #G2564 (5686) the sons #G5043 of God #G2316 : therefore #G1223 #G5124 the world #G2889 knoweth #G1097 (5719) us #G2248 not #G3756 , because #G3754 it knew #G1097 (5627) him #G846 not #G3756 .
strkjv@1Peter:1:2 @ Elect #G1588 according #G2596 to the foreknowledge # G4268 of God #G2316 the Father #G3962 , through #G1722 sanctification #G38 of the Spirit #G4151 , unto #G1519 obedience #G5218 and #G2532 sprinkling #G4473 of the blood #G129 of Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 : Grace #G5485 unto you #G5213 , and #G2532 peace #G1515 , be multiplied #G4129 (5684).
strkjv@1Peter:1:20 @ Who verily #G3303 was foreordained # G4267 (5772) before # G4253 the foundation #G2602 of the world #G2889 , but #G1161 was manifest #G5319 (5685) in #G1909 these last #G2078 times #G5550 for #G1223 you #G5209 ,
strkjv@1Peter:2:10 @ Which #G3588 in time past # G4218 were not #G3756 a people #G2992 , but #G1161 are now #G3568 the people #G2992 of God #G2316 : which #G3588 had #G1653 # not #G3756 obtained mercy #G1653 (5772), but #G1161 now #G3568 have obtained mercy #G1653 (5685).
strkjv@1Peter:2:25 @ For #G1063 ye were #G2258 (5713) as #G5613 sheep # G4263 going astray #G4105 (5746); but #G235 are #G1994 # now #G3568 returned #G1994 (5648) unto #G1909 the Shepherd #G4166 and #G2532 Bishop #G1985 of your #G5216 souls #G5590 .
strkjv@1Peter:3:1 @ Likewise #G3668 , ye wives #G1135 , be in subjection #G5293 (5746) to your own #G2398 husbands #G435 ; that #G2443 , if any #G1536 obey not #G544 (5719) the word #G3056 , they #G2770 # also #G2532 may #G2770 # without # G427 the word #G3056 be won #G2770 (5686) by #G1223 the conversation #G391 of the wives #G1135 ;
strkjv@1Peter:3:4 @ But #G235 let it be the hidden #G2927 man #G444 of the heart #G2588 , in #G1722 that which is not corruptible #G862 , even the ornament of a meek # G4239 and #G2532 quiet #G2272 spirit #G4151 , which #G3739 is #G2076 (5748) in the sight #G1799 of God #G2316 of great price #G4185 .
strkjv@1Peter:3:5 @ For #G1063 after this manner #G3779 in the old time # G4218 the holy #G40 women #G1135 also #G2532 , who #G3588 trusted #G1679 (5723) in #G1909 God #G2316 , adorned #G2885 (5707) themselves #G1438 , being in subjection #G5293 (5746) unto their own #G2398 husbands #G435 :
strkjv@1Peter:3:15 @ But #G1161 sanctify #G37 (5657) the Lord #G2962 God #G2316 in #G1722 your #G5216 hearts #G2588 : and #G1161 be ready #G2092 always #G104 to #G4314 give an answer #G627 to every man #G3956 that asketh #G154 (5723) you #G5209 a reason #G3056 of #G4012 the hope #G1680 that is in #G1722 you #G5213 with #G3326 meekness # G4240 and #G2532 fear #G5401 :
strkjv@1Peter:3:20 @ Which sometime # G4218 were disobedient #G544 (5660), when #G3753 once #G530 the longsuffering #G3115 of God #G2316 waited #G1551 (5711) in #G1722 the days #G2250 of Noah #G3575 , while the ark #G2787 was a preparing #G2680 (5746), wherein #G1519 #G3739 few #G3641 , that is #G5123 (5748), eight #G3638 souls #G5590 were saved #G1295 (5681) by #G1223 water #G5204 .
strkjv@1Peter:4:3 @ For #G1063 the time #G5550 past #G3928 (5756) of our life #G979 may suffice #G713 us #G2254 to have wrought #G2716 (5664) the will #G2307 of the Gentiles #G1484 , when we walked #G4198 (5768) in #G1722 lasciviousness #G766 , lusts #G1939 , excess of wine #G3632 , revellings #G2970 , banquetings # G4224 , and #G2532 abominable #G111 idolatries #G1495 :
strkjv@1Peter:4:8 @ And #G1161 above # G4253 all things #G3956 have #G2192 (5723) fervent #G1618 charity #G26 among #G1519 yourselves #G1438 : for #G3754 charity #G26 shall cover #G2572 (5692) the multitude #G4128 of sins #G266 .
strkjv@1Peter:4:9 @ Use hospitality #G5382 one to another #G1519 #G240 without # G427 grudging #G1112 .
strkjv@1Peter:4:18 @ And #G2532 if #G1487 the righteous #G1342 scarcely #G3433 be saved #G4982 (5743), where # G4226 shall #G5316 # the ungodly #G765 and #G2532 the sinner #G268 appear #G5316 (5695)?
strkjv@1Peter:5:1 @ The elders # G4245 which are among #G1722 you #G5213 I exhort #G3870 (5719), who #G3588 am also an elder #G4850 , and #G2532 a witness #G3144 of the sufferings #G3804 of Christ #G5547 , and also #G2532 a partaker #G2844 of the glory #G1391 that shall #G3195 (5723) be revealed #G601 (5745):
strkjv@1Peter:5:2 @ Feed #G4165 (5657) the flock #G4168 of God #G2316 which is among #G1722 you #G5213 , taking the oversight #G1983 (5723) thereof, not #G3361 by constraint #G317 , but #G235 willingly #G1596 ; not #G3366 for filthy lucre #G147 , but #G235 of a ready mind # G4290 ;
strkjv@1Peter:5:5 @ Likewise #G3668 , ye younger #G3501 , submit yourselves #G5293 (5649) unto the elder # G4245 . Yea #G1161 , all #G3956 of you be subject #G5293 (5746) one to another #G240 , and be clothed #G1463 (5663) with humility #G5012 : for #G3754 God #G2316 resisteth #G498 (5731) the proud #G5244 , and #G1161 giveth #G1325 (5719) grace #G5485 to the humble #G5011 .
strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:5 @ For #G1063 neither #G3777 at any time # G4218 used we #G1096 (5675) flattering #G2850 words #G1722 #G3056 , as #G2531 ye know #G1492 (5758), nor #G3777 a cloke #G1722 #G4392 of covetousness #G4124 ; God #G2316 is witness #G3144 :
strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:13 @ To the end #G1519 he may stablish #G4741 (5658) your #G5216 hearts #G2588 unblameable #G273 in #G1722 holiness # G42 before #G1715 God #G2316 , even #G2532 our #G2257 Father #G3962 , at #G1722 the coming #G3952 of our #G2257 Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 with #G3326 all #G3956 his #G846 saints #G40 .
strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:3 @ For #G1063 this #G5124 is #G2076 (5748) the will #G2307 of God #G2316 , even your #G5216 sanctification #G38 , that ye #G5209 should abstain #G567 (5733) from #G575 fornication # G4202 :
strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:6 @ That no #G3361 man go beyond #G5233 (5721) and #G2532 defraud #G4122 (5721) his #G846 brother #G80 in #G1722 any matter # G4229 : because #G1360 that the Lord #G2962 is the avenger #G1558 of #G4012 all #G3956 such #G5130 , as #G2531 we # G4277 # also #G2532 have forewarned # G4277 (5656) you #G5213 and #G2532 testified #G1263 (5662).
strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:11 @ And #G2532 that ye study #G5389 (5738) to be quiet #G2270 (5721), and #G2532 to do # G4238 (5721) your own business #G2398 , and #G2532 to work with #G2038 (5738) your #G5216 own #G2398 hands #G5495 , as #G2531 we commanded #G3853 (5656) you #G5213 ;
strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:12 @ And #G1161 we beseech #G2065 (5719) you #G5209 , brethren #G80 , to know #G1492 (5760) them which #G3588 labour #G2872 (5723) among #G1722 you #G5213 , and #G2532 are over # G4291 (5734) you #G5216 in #G1722 the Lord #G2962 , and #G2532 admonish #G3560 (5723) you #G5209 ;
strkjv@1Timothy:1:10 @ For whoremongers # G4205 , for them that defile themselves with mankind #G733 , for menstealers #G405 , for liars #G5583 , for perjured persons #G1965 , and #G2532 if there be any #G1536 other thing #G2087 that is contrary #G480 (5736) to sound #G5198 (5723) doctrine #G1319 ;
strkjv@1Timothy:1:18 @ This #G5026 charge #G3852 I commit #G3908 (5731) unto thee #G4671 , son #G5043 Timothy #G5095 , according to #G2596 the prophecies #G4394 which went before # G4254 (5723) on #G1909 thee #G4571 , that #G2443 thou #G4754 # by #G1722 them #G846 mightest war #G4754 (5735) a good #G2570 warfare #G4752 ;
strkjv@1Timothy:2:10 @ But #G235 (which #G3739 becometh # G4241 (5719) women #G1135 professing #G1861 (5740) godliness #G2317 ) with #G1223 good #G18 works #G2041 .
strkjv@1Timothy:3:2 @ A bishop #G1985 then #G3767 must #G1163 (5748) be #G1511 (5750) blameless # G423 , the husband #G435 of one #G3391 wife #G1135 , vigilant #G3524 , sober #G4998 , of good behaviour #G2887 , given to hospitality #G5382 , apt to teach #G1317 ;
strkjv@1Timothy:3:4 @ One that ruleth # G4291 (5734) well #G2573 his own #G2398 house #G3624 , having #G2192 (5723) his children #G5043 in #G1722 subjection #G5292 with #G3326 all #G3956 gravity #G4587 ;
strkjv@1Timothy:3:5 @ (For #G1161 if a man #G1536 know #G1492 # not #G3756 how #G1492 (5758) to rule # G4291 (5629) his own #G2398 house #G3624 , how #G4459 shall he take care of #G1959 (5695) the church #G1577 of God #G2316 ?)
strkjv@1Timothy:3:12 @ Let #G2077 # the deacons #G1249 be #G2077 (5749) the husbands #G435 of one #G3391 wife #G1135 , ruling # G4291 (5734) their children #G5043 and #G2532 their own #G2398 houses #G3624 well #G2573 .
strkjv@1Timothy:4:14 @ Neglect #G272 (5720) not #G3361 the gift #G5486 that is in #G1722 thee #G4671 , which #G3739 was given #G1325 (5681) thee #G4671 by #G1223 prophecy #G4394 , with #G3326 the laying on #G1936 of the hands #G5495 of the presbytery # G4244 .
strkjv@1Timothy:4:15 @ Meditate upon #G3191 (5720) these things #G5023 ; give thyself #G2468 (5749) wholly to #G1722 them #G5125 ; that #G2443 thy #G4675 profiting # G4297 may #G5600 (5753) appear #G5318 to #G1722 all #G3956 .
strkjv@1Timothy:5:1 @ Rebuke #G1969 (5661) not #G3361 an elder # G4245 , but #G235 intreat #G3870 (5720) him as #G5613 a father #G3962 ; and the younger men #G3501 as #G5613 brethren #G80 ;
strkjv@1Timothy:5:2 @ The elder women # G4245 as #G5613 mothers #G3384 ; the younger #G3501 as #G5613 sisters #G79 , with #G1722 all #G3956 purity #G47 .
strkjv@1Timothy:5:4 @ But #G1161 if any #G1536 widow #G5503 have #G2192 (5719) children #G5043 or #G2228 nephews #G1549 , let them learn #G3129 (5720) first #G4412 to shew piety #G2151 (5721) at home #G2398 #G3624 , and #G2532 to requite #G287 #G591 (5721) their parents # G4269 : for #G1063 that #G5124 is #G2076 (5748) good #G2570 and #G2532 acceptable #G587 before #G1799 God #G2316 .
strkjv@1Timothy:5:7 @ And #G2532 these things #G5023 give in charge #G3853 (5720), that #G2443 they may be #G5600 (5753) blameless # G423 .
strkjv@1Timothy:5:10 @ Well reported of #G3140 (5746) for #G1722 good #G2570 works #G2041 ; if #G1487 she have brought up #G5044 (5656) children, if #G1487 she have lodged strangers #G3580 (5656), if #G1487 she have washed #G3538 (5656) the saints #G40 feet # G4228 , if #G1487 she have relieved #G1884 (5656) the afflicted #G2346 (5746), if #G1487 she have diligently followed #G1872 (5656) every #G3956 good #G18 work #G2041 .
strkjv@1Timothy:5:17 @ Let #G515 # the elders # G4245 that rule # G4291 (5761) well #G2573 be counted worthy #G515 (5744) of double #G1362 honour #G5092 , especially #G3122 they who labour #G2872 (5723) in #G1722 the word #G3056 and #G2532 doctrine #G1319 .
strkjv@1Timothy:5:19 @ Against #G2596 an elder # G4245 receive #G3858 (5737) not #G3361 an accusation #G2724 , but #G1508 #G1622 before #G1909 two #G1417 or #G2228 three #G5140 witnesses #G3144 .
strkjv@1Timothy:5:21 @ I charge #G1263 (5736) thee before #G1799 God #G2316 , and #G2532 the Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 , and #G2532 the elect #G1588 angels #G32 , that #G2443 thou observe #G5442 (5661) these things #G5023 without #G5565 preferring one before another # G4299 , doing #G4160 (5723) nothing #G3367 by #G2596 partiality #G4346 .
strkjv@1Timothy:5:24 @ Some #G5100 mens #G444 sins #G266 are #G1526 (5748) open beforehand # G4271 , going before # G4254 (5723) to #G1519 judgment #G2920 ; and #G1161 #G2532 some #G5100 men they follow after #G1872 (5719).
strkjv@1Timothy:5:25 @ Likewise #G5615 also #G2532 the good #G2570 works #G2041 of some are #G2076 (5748) manifest beforehand # G4271 ; and #G2532 they that are #G2192 (5723) otherwise #G247 cannot #G3756 #G1410 (5736) be hid #G2928 (5650).
strkjv@1Timothy:6:5 @ Perverse disputings #G3859 of men #G444 of corrupt #G1311 (5772) minds #G3563 , and #G2532 destitute #G650 (5772) of the truth #G225 , supposing #G3543 (5723) that gain # G4200 is #G1511 (5750) godliness #G2150 : from #G575 such #G5108 withdraw thyself #G868 (5737).
strkjv@1Timothy:6:6 @ But #G1161 godliness #G2150 with #G3326 contentment #G841 is #G2076 (5748) great #G3173 gain # G4200 .
strkjv@1Timothy:6:11 @ But #G1161 thou #G4771 , O #G5599 man #G444 of God #G2316 , flee #G5343 (5720) these things #G5023 ; and #G1161 follow after #G1377 (5720) righteousness #G1343 , godliness #G2150 , faith #G4102 , love #G26 , patience #G5281 , meekness # G4236 .
strkjv@1Timothy:6:14 @ That thou #G4571 keep #G5083 (5658) this commandment #G1785 without spot #G784 , unrebukeable # G423 , until #G3360 the appearing #G2015 of our #G2257 Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 :
strkjv@2Corinthians:2:13 @ I had #G2192 (5758) no #G3756 rest # G425 in my #G3450 spirit #G4151 , because I #G3165 found #G2147 (5629) not #G3361 Titus #G5103 my #G3450 brother #G80 : but #G235 taking my leave #G657 (5671) of them #G846 , I went from thence #G1831 (5627) into #G1519 Macedonia #G3109 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:5:10 @ For #G1063 we #G2248 must #G1163 (5748) all #G3956 appear #G5319 (5683) before #G1715 the judgment seat #G968 of Christ #G5547 ; that #G2443 every one #G1538 may receive #G2865 (5672) the things done in #G1223 his body #G4983 , according #G4314 to that #G3739 he hath done # G4238 (5656), whether #G1535 it be good #G18 or #G1535 bad #G2556 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:5:20 @ Now then #G3767 we are ambassadors # G4243 (5719) for #G5228 Christ #G5547 , as though #G5613 God #G2316 did beseech #G3870 (5723) you by #G1223 us #G2257 : we pray #G1189 (5736) you in #G5228 # Christs #G5547 stead #G5228 , be ye reconciled #G2644 (5649) to God #G2316 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:7:1 @ Having #G2192 (5723) therefore #G3767 these #G5025 promises #G1860 , dearly beloved #G27 , let us cleanse #G2511 (5661) ourselves #G1438 from #G575 all #G3956 filthiness #G3436 of the flesh #G4561 and #G2532 spirit #G4151 , perfecting #G2005 (5723) holiness # G42 in #G1722 the fear #G5401 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:7:3 @ I speak #G3004 (5719) not #G3756 this to #G4314 condemn #G2633 you: for #G1063 I have said before # G4280 (5758), that #G3754 ye are #G2075 (5748) in #G1722 our #G2257 hearts #G2588 to #G1519 die #G4880 (5629) and #G2532 live with #G4800 (5721) you.
strkjv@2Corinthians:7:5 @ For #G1063 #G2532 , when we #G2257 were come #G2064 (5631) into #G1519 Macedonia #G3109 , our #G2257 flesh #G4561 had #G2192 (5758) no #G3762 rest # G425 , but #G235 we were troubled #G2346 (5746) on #G1722 every side #G3956 ; without #G1855 were fightings #G3163 , within #G2081 were fears #G5401 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:7:11 @ For #G1063 behold #G2400 (5628) this #G5124 selfsame thing #G846 , that #G5209 ye sorrowed #G3076 (5683) after #G2596 a godly sort #G2316 , what # G4214 carefulness #G4710 it wrought #G2716 (5662) in you #G5213 , yea #G235 , what clearing of yourselves #G627 , yea #G235 , what indignation #G24 , yea #G235 , what fear #G5401 , yea #G235 , what vehement desire #G1972 , yea #G235 , what zeal #G2205 , yea #G235 , what revenge #G1557 ! In #G1722 all #G3956 things ye have approved #G4921 (5656) yourselves #G1438 to be #G1511 (5750) clear #G53 in #G1722 this matter # G4229 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:8:6 @ Insomuch #G1519 that we #G2248 desired #G3870 (5658) Titus #G5103 , that #G2443 as #G2531 he had begun # G4278 (5662), so #G3779 he would #G2005 # also #G2532 finish #G2005 (5661) in #G1519 you #G5209 the same #G5026 grace #G5485 also #G2532 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:8:10 @ And #G2532 herein #G1722 #G5129 I give #G1325 (5719) my advice #G1106 : for #G1063 this #G5124 is expedient #G4851 (5719) for you #G5213 , who #G3748 have begun before # G4278 (5662), not #G3756 only #G3440 to do #G4160 (5658), but #G235 also #G2532 to be forward #G2309 (5721) a year #G4070 ago #G575 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:8:11 @ Now #G3570 #G1161 therefore #G2532 perform #G2005 (5657) the doing #G4160 (5658) of it; that #G3704 as #G2509 there was a readiness # G4288 to will #G2309 (5721), so #G3779 there may be a performance #G2005 (5658) also #G2532 out of #G1537 that which ye have #G2192 (5721).
strkjv@2Corinthians:8:12 @ For #G1063 if there #G1487 be first # G4295 (5736) a willing mind # G4288 , it is accepted #G2144 according to #G2526 that #G1437 a man #G5100 hath #G2192 (5725), and not #G3756 according to that #G2526 he hath #G2192 (5719) not #G3756 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:8:13 @ For #G1063 I mean not #G3756 that #G2443 other men #G243 be eased # G425 , and #G1161 ye #G5213 burdened #G2347 :
strkjv@2Corinthians:8:19 @ And #G1161 not #G3756 that only #G3440 , but #G235 who was #G5500 # also #G2532 chosen #G5500 (5685) of #G5259 the churches #G1577 to travel #G4898 with us #G2257 with #G4862 this #G5026 grace #G5485 , which #G3588 is administered #G1247 (5746) by #G5259 us #G2257 to #G4314 the glory #G1391 of the same #G846 Lord #G2962 , and #G2532 declaration of your #G5216 ready mind # G4288 :
strkjv@2Corinthians:9:2 @ For #G1063 I know #G1492 (5758) the forwardness of # G4288 # your #G5216 mind # G4288 , for which #G3739 I boast #G2744 (5736) of #G5228 you #G5216 to them of Macedonia #G3110 , that #G3754 Achaia #G882 was ready #G3903 (5769) a year #G4070 ago #G575 ; and #G2532 your #G5216 zeal #G2205 #G1537 hath provoked #G2042 (5656) very many #G4119 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:9:5 @ Therefore #G3767 I thought #G2233 (5662) it necessary #G316 to exhort #G3870 (5658) the brethren #G80 , that #G2443 they would go before # G4281 (5632) unto #G1519 you #G5209 , and #G2532 make up beforehand # G4294 (5661) your #G5216 bounty #G2129 , whereof ye had notice before # G4293 (5772), that the same #G5026 might be #G1511 (5750) ready #G2092 , #G3779 as #G5613 a matter of bounty #G2129 , and #G2532 not #G3361 as #G5618 of covetousness #G4124 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:9:7 @ Every man #G1538 according as #G2531 he purposeth # G4255 (5736) in his heart #G2588 , so let him give; not #G3361 grudgingly #G1537 #G3077 , or #G2228 of #G1537 necessity #G318 : for #G1063 God #G2316 loveth #G25 (5719) a cheerful #G2431 giver #G1395 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:10:1 @ Now #G1161 I #G1473 Paul #G3972 myself #G846 beseech #G3870 (5719) you #G5209 by #G1223 the meekness # G4236 and #G2532 gentleness #G1932 of Christ #G5547 , who #G3739 in #G2596 presence #G4383 am base #G3303 #G5011 among #G1722 you #G5213 , but #G1161 being absent #G548 (5752) am bold #G2292 (5719) toward #G1519 you #G5209 :
strkjv@2Corinthians:11:26 @ In journeyings #G3597 often #G4178 , in perils #G2794 of waters # G4215 , in perils #G2794 of robbers #G3027 , in perils #G2794 by #G1537 mine own countrymen #G1085 , in perils #G2794 by #G1537 the heathen #G1484 , in perils #G2794 in #G1722 the city #G4172 , in perils #G2794 in #G1722 the wilderness #G2047 , in perils #G2794 in #G1722 the sea #G2281 , in perils #G2794 among #G1722 false brethren #G5569 ;
strkjv@2Corinthians:12:2 @ I knew #G1492 (5758) a man #G444 in #G1722 Christ #G5547 above # G4253 # fourteen #G1180 years #G2094 ago # G4253 , (whether #G1535 in #G1722 the body #G4983 , I cannot #G3756 tell #G1492 (5758); or whether #G1535 out #G1622 of the body #G4983 , I cannot #G3756 tell #G1492 (5758): God #G2316 knoweth #G1492 (5758);) such an one #G5108 caught up #G726 (5651) to #G2193 the third #G5154 heaven #G3772 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:12:21 @ And lest #G3361 , when I come #G2064 (5631) again #G3825 , my #G3450 God #G2316 will humble #G5013 (5661) me #G3165 among #G4314 you #G5209 , and #G2532 that I shall bewail #G3996 (5692) many #G4183 which #G3588 have sinned already # G4258 (5761), and #G2532 have #G3340 # not #G3361 repented #G3340 (5660) of #G1909 the uncleanness #G167 and #G2532 fornication # G4202 and #G2532 lasciviousness #G766 which #G3739 they have committed # G4238 (5656).
strkjv@2Corinthians:13:2 @ I told you before # G4280 (5758), and #G2532 foretell you #G4302 (5719), as if #G5613 I were present #G3918 (5752), the second #G1208 time; and #G2532 being absent #G548 (5752) now #G3568 I write #G1125 (5719) to them which heretofore have sinned # G4258 (5761), and #G2532 to all #G3956 other #G3062 , that #G3754 , if #G1437 I come #G2064 (5632) again #G1519 #G3825 , I will #G5339 # not #G3756 spare #G5339 (5695):
strkjv@2John:1:1 @ The elder # G4245 unto the elect #G1588 lady #G2959 and #G2532 her #G846 children #G5043 , whom #G3739 I #G1473 love #G25 (5719) in #G1722 the truth #G225 ; and #G2532 not #G3756 I #G1473 only #G3441 , but #G235 also #G2532 all #G3956 they that have known #G1097 (5761) the truth #G225 ;
strkjv@2Peter:1:10 @ Wherefore #G1352 the rather #G3123 , brethren #G80 , give diligence #G4704 (5657) to make #G4160 (5733) your #G5216 calling #G2821 and #G2532 election #G1589 sure #G949 : for #G1063 if ye do #G4160 (5723) these things #G5023 , ye shall # G4218 # #G4417 # never #G3364 fall # G4218 #G4417 (5661):
strkjv@2Peter:1:21 @ For #G1063 the prophecy #G4394 came #G5342 (5681) not #G3756 in old time # G4218 by the will #G2307 of man #G444 : but #G235 holy #G40 men #G444 of God #G2316 spake #G2980 (5656) as they were moved #G5342 (5746) by #G5259 the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 .
strkjv@2Peter:3:2 @ That ye may be mindful #G3415 (5683) of the words #G4487 which were spoken before # G4280 (5772) by #G5259 the holy #G40 prophets #G4396 , and #G2532 of the commandment #G1785 of us #G2257 the apostles #G652 of the Lord #G2962 and #G2532 Saviour #G4990 :
strkjv@2Peter:3:4 @ And #G2532 saying #G3004 (5723), Where # G4226 is #G2076 (5748) the promise #G1860 of his #G846 coming #G3952 ? for #G1063 since #G575 #G3739 the fathers #G3962 fell asleep #G2837 (5681), all things #G3956 continue #G3779 #G1265 (5719) as they were from #G575 the beginning #G746 of the creation #G2937 .
strkjv@2Peter:3:11 @ Seeing then #G3767 that all #G3956 these things #G5130 shall be dissolved #G3089 (5746), what manner # G4217 of persons ought #G1163 (5748) ye #G5209 to be #G5225 (5721) in #G1722 all holy #G40 conversation #G391 and #G2532 godliness #G2150 ,
strkjv@2Peter:3:17 @ Ye #G5210 therefore #G3767 , beloved #G27 , seeing ye know these things before # G4267 (5723), beware #G5442 (5732) lest #G3363 ye also #G1601 # , being led away #G4879 (5685) with the error #G4106 of the wicked #G113 , fall from #G1601 (5632) your own #G2398 stedfastness #G4740 .
strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:7 @ And #G2532 to you #G5213 who are troubled #G2346 (5746) rest # G425 with #G3326 us #G2257 , when #G1722 the Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 shall be revealed #G602 from #G575 heaven #G3772 with #G3326 his #G846 mighty #G1411 angels #G32 ,
strkjv@2Timothy:1:3 @ I thank #G2192 (5719) #G5485 God #G2316 , whom #G3739 I serve #G3000 (5719) from #G575 my forefathers # G4269 with #G1722 pure #G2513 conscience #G4893 , that #G5613 without ceasing #G88 I have #G2192 (5719) remembrance #G3417 of #G4012 thee #G4675 in #G1722 my #G3450 prayers #G1162 night #G3571 and #G2532 day #G2250 ;
strkjv@2Timothy:1:9 @ Who #G3588 hath saved #G4982 (5660) us #G2248 , and #G2532 called #G2564 (5660) us with an holy #G40 calling #G2821 , not #G3756 according to #G2596 our #G2257 works #G2041 , but #G235 according to #G2596 his own #G2398 purpose # G4286 and #G2532 grace #G5485 , which #G3588 was given #G1325 (5685) us #G2254 in #G1722 Christ #G5547 Jesus #G2424 before # G4253 the world began #G5550 #G166 ,
strkjv@2Timothy:2:4 @ No man #G3762 that warreth #G4754 (5734) entangleth himself #G1707 (5743) with the affairs # G4230 of this life #G979 ; that #G2443 he may please #G700 (5661) him who hath chosen him to be a soldier #G4758 (5660).
strkjv@2Timothy:2:15 @ Study #G4704 (5657) to shew #G3936 (5658) thyself #G4572 approved #G1384 unto God #G2316 , a workman #G2040 that needeth not to be ashamed # G422 , rightly dividing #G3718 (5723) the word #G3056 of truth #G225 .
strkjv@2Timothy:2:16 @ But #G1161 shun #G4026 (5732) profane #G952 and vain babblings #G2757 : for #G1063 they will increase # G4298 (5692) unto #G1909 more #G4119 ungodliness #G763 .
strkjv@2Timothy:2:24 @ And #G1161 the servant #G1401 of the Lord #G2962 must #G1163 (5748) not #G3756 strive #G3164 (5738); but #G235 be #G1511 (5750) gentle #G2261 unto #G4314 all #G3956 men, apt to teach #G1317 , patient # G420 ,
strkjv@2Timothy:2:25 @ In #G1722 meekness # G4236 instructing #G3811 (5723) those that oppose themselves #G475 (5734); if #G3379 # God #G2316 peradventure #G3379 will give #G1325 (5632) them #G846 repentance #G3341 to #G1519 the acknowledging #G1922 of the truth #G225 ;
strkjv@2Timothy:3:4 @ Traitors # G4273 , heady #G4312 , highminded #G5187 (5772), lovers of pleasures #G5369 more #G3123 than #G2228 lovers of God #G5377 ;
strkjv@2Timothy:3:9 @ But #G235 they shall proceed # G4298 (5692) no #G3756 further #G1909 #G4119 : for #G1063 their #G846 folly #G454 shall be #G2071 (5704) manifest #G1552 unto all #G3956 men, as #G5613 theirs #G1565 also #G2532 was #G1096 (5633).
strkjv@2Timothy:3:10 @ But #G1161 thou #G4771 hast fully known #G3877 (5758) my #G3450 doctrine #G1319 , manner of life #G72 , purpose # G4286 , faith #G4102 , longsuffering #G3115 , charity #G26 , patience #G5281 ,
strkjv@2Timothy:3:13 @ But #G1161 evil #G4190 men #G444 and #G2532 seducers #G1114 shall wax # G4298 (5692) worse and worse #G1909 #G5501 , deceiving #G4105 (5723), and #G2532 being deceived #G4105 (5746).
strkjv@2Timothy:4:19 @ Salute #G782 (5663) Prisca # G4251 and #G2532 Aquila #G207 , and #G2532 the household #G3624 of Onesiphorus #G3683 .
strkjv@2Timothy:4:21 @ Do thy diligence #G4704 (5657) to come #G2064 (5629) before # G4253 winter #G5494 . Eubulus #G2103 greeteth #G782 (5736) thee #G4571 , and #G2532 Pudens # G4227 , and #G2532 Linus #G3044 , and #G2532 Claudia #G2803 , and #G2532 all #G3956 the brethren #G80 .
strkjv@3John:1:1 @ The elder # G4245 unto the wellbeloved #G27 Gaius #G1050 , whom #G3739 I #G1473 love #G25 (5719) in #G1722 the truth #G225 .
strkjv@Acts:1:16 @ Men #G435 and brethren #G80 , this #G5026 scripture #G1124 must #G1163 (5713) needs have been fulfilled #G4137 (5683), which #G3739 the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 by #G1223 the mouth #G4750 of David #G1138 spake before # G4277 (5627) concerning #G4012 Judas #G2455 , which #G3588 was #G1096 (5637) guide #G3595 to them that took #G4815 (5631) Jesus #G2424 .
strkjv@Acts:1:18 @ Now #G3303 #G3767 this man #G3778 purchased #G2932 (5662) a field #G5564 with #G1537 the reward #G3408 of iniquity #G93 ; and #G2532 falling #G1096 (5637) headlong # G4248 , he burst asunder #G2997 (5656) in the midst #G3319 , and #G2532 all #G3956 his #G846 bowels #G4698 gushed out #G1632 (5681).
strkjv@Acts:2:17 @ And #G2532 it shall come to pass #G2071 (5704) in #G1722 the last #G2078 days #G2250 , saith #G3004 (5719) God #G2316 , I will pour out #G1632 (5692) of #G575 my #G3450 Spirit #G4151 upon #G1909 all #G3956 flesh #G4561 : and #G2532 your #G5216 sons #G5207 and #G2532 your #G5216 daughters #G2364 shall prophesy #G4395 (5692), and #G2532 your #G5216 young men #G3495 shall see #G3700 (5695) visions #G3706 , and #G2532 your #G5216 old men # G4245 shall dream #G1797 (5701) dreams #G1798 :
strkjv@Acts:2:20 @ The sun #G2246 shall be turned #G3344 (5691) into #G1519 darkness #G4655 , and #G2532 the moon #G4582 into #G1519 blood #G129 , before #G2228 # G4250 that great #G3173 and #G2532 notable #G2016 day #G2250 of the Lord #G2962 come #G2064 (5629):
strkjv@Acts:2:23 @ Him #G5126 , being delivered #G1560 by the determinate #G3724 (5772) counsel #G1012 and #G2532 foreknowledge # G4268 of God #G2316 , ye have taken #G2983 (5631), and by #G1223 wicked #G459 hands #G5495 have crucified #G4362 (5660) and slain #G337 (5627):
strkjv@Acts:2:31 @ He seeing this before # G4275 (5631) spake #G2980 (5656) of #G4012 the resurrection #G386 of Christ #G5547 , that #G3754 his #G846 soul #G5590 was #G2641 # not #G3756 left #G2641 (5681) in #G1519 hell #G86 , neither #G3761 his #G846 flesh #G4561 did see #G1492 (5627) corruption #G1312 .
strkjv@Acts:2:35 @ Until #G2193 I make #G302 #G5087 (5632) thy #G4675 foes #G2190 thy #G4675 footstool # G4228 #G5286 .
strkjv@Acts:3:17 @ And #G2532 now #G3568 , brethren #G80 , I wot #G1492 (5758) that #G3754 through #G2596 ignorance #G52 ye did # G4238 (5656) it, as #G5618 did also #G2532 your #G5216 rulers #G758 .
strkjv@Acts:3:18 @ But #G1161 those things, which #G3739 God #G2316 before had shewed # G4293 (5656) by #G1223 the mouth #G4750 of all #G3956 his #G846 prophets #G4396 , that Christ #G5547 should suffer #G3958 (5629), he hath #G4137 # so #G3779 fulfilled #G4137 (5656).
strkjv@Acts:3:20 @ And #G2532 he shall send #G649 (5661) Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 , which before was preached # G4296 (5772) unto you #G5213 :
strkjv@Acts:3:24 @ Yea #G2532 , and #G1161 all #G3956 the prophets #G4396 from #G575 Samuel #G4545 and #G2532 those that follow after #G2517 , as many as #G3745 have spoken #G2980 (5656), have # G4293 # likewise #G2532 foretold # G4293 (5656) of these #G5025 days #G2250 .
strkjv@Acts:4:5 @ And #G1161 it came to pass #G1096 (5633) on #G1909 the morrow #G839 , that their #G846 rulers #G758 , and #G2532 elders # G4245 , and #G2532 scribes #G1122 ,
strkjv@Acts:4:8 @ Then #G5119 Peter #G4074 , filled #G4130 (5685) with the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 , said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 them #G846 , Ye rulers #G758 of the people #G2992 , and #G2532 elders # G4245 of Israel #G2474 ,
strkjv@Acts:4:23 @ And #G1161 being let go #G630 (5685), they went #G2064 (5627) to #G4314 their own company #G2398 , and #G2532 reported #G518 (5656) all #G3745 that the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 elders # G4245 had said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 them #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:4:35 @ And #G2532 laid them down #G5087 (5707) at #G3844 the apostles #G652 feet # G4228 : and #G1161 distribution was made #G1239 (5712) unto every man #G1538 according #G2530 as #G302 he had #G2192 (5707) need #G5100 #G5532 .
strkjv@Acts:4:37 @ Having #G5225 (5723) #G846 land #G68 , sold #G4453 (5660) it, and brought #G5342 (5656) the money #G5536 , and #G2532 laid #G5087 (5656) it at #G3844 the apostles #G652 feet # G4228 .
strkjv@Acts:5:2 @ And #G2532 kept back #G3557 (5668) part of #G575 the price #G5092 , his #G846 wife #G1135 also #G2532 being privy #G4894 (5761) to it, and #G2532 brought #G5342 (5660) a certain #G5100 part #G3313 , and laid #G5087 (5656) it at #G3844 the apostles #G652 feet # G4228 .
strkjv@Acts:5:4 @ Whiles it remained #G3306 (5723), was it not #G3780 thine own #G4671 #G3306 (5707)? and #G2532 after it was sold #G4097 (5685), was it not #G5225 (5707) in #G1722 thine own #G4674 power #G1849 ? why #G5101 #G3754 hast thou conceived #G5087 (5639) this #G5124 thing # G4229 in #G1722 thine #G4675 heart #G2588 ? thou hast #G5574 # not #G3756 lied #G5574 (5662) unto men #G444 , but #G235 unto God #G2316 .
strkjv@Acts:5:9 @ Then #G1161 Peter #G4074 said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 her #G846 , How #G5101 is it that #G3754 ye #G5213 have agreed together #G4856 (5681) to tempt #G3985 (5658) the Spirit #G4151 of the Lord #G2962 ? behold #G2400 (5628), the feet # G4228 of them which have buried #G2290 (5660) thy #G4675 husband #G435 are at #G1909 the door #G2374 , and #G2532 shall carry #G1627 # thee #G4571 out #G1627 (5692).
strkjv@Acts:5:10 @ Then #G1161 fell she down #G4098 (5627) straightway #G3916 at #G3844 his #G846 feet # G4228 , and #G2532 yielded up the ghost #G1634 (5656): and #G1161 the young men #G3495 came in #G1525 (5631), and found #G2147 (5627) her #G846 dead #G3498 , and #G2532 , carrying her forth #G1627 (5660), buried #G2290 (5656) her by #G4314 her #G846 husband #G435 .
strkjv@Acts:5:23 @ Saying #G3004 (5723), #G3754 The prison #G1201 truly #G3303 found we #G2147 (5627) shut #G2808 (5772) with #G1722 all #G3956 safety #G803 , and #G2532 the keepers #G5441 standing #G2476 (5761) without #G1854 before # G4253 the doors #G2374 : but #G1161 when we had opened #G455 (5660), we found #G2147 (5627) no man #G3762 within #G2080 .
strkjv@Acts:5:35 @ And #G5037 said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 them #G846 , Ye men #G435 of Israel #G2475 , take heed #G4337 (5720) to yourselves #G1438 what #G5101 ye intend #G3195 (5719) to do # G4238 (5721) as touching #G1909 these #G5125 men #G444 .
strkjv@Acts:5:36 @ For #G1063 before # G4253 these #G5130 days #G2250 rose up #G450 (5627) Theudas #G2333 , boasting #G3004 (5723) himself #G1438 to be #G1511 (5750) somebody #G5100 ; to whom #G3739 a number #G706 of men #G435 , about #G5616 four hundred #G5071 , joined themselves #G4347 (5681): who #G3739 was slain #G337 (5681); and #G2532 all #G3956 , as many as #G3745 obeyed #G3982 (5712) him #G846 , were scattered #G1262 (5681), and #G2532 brought #G1096 (5633) to #G1519 nought #G3762 .
strkjv@Acts:6:12 @ And #G5037 they stirred up #G4787 (5656) the people #G2992 , and #G2532 the elders # G4245 , and #G2532 the scribes #G1122 , and #G2532 came upon #G2186 (5631) him, and caught #G4884 (5656) him #G846 , and #G2532 brought #G71 (5627) him to #G1519 the council #G4892 ,
strkjv@Acts:7:2 @ And #G1161 he said #G5346 (5713), Men #G435 , brethren #G80 , and #G2532 fathers #G3962 , hearken #G191 (5657); The God #G2316 of glory #G1391 appeared #G3700 (5681) unto our #G2257 father #G3962 Abraham #G11 , when he was #G5607 (5752) in #G1722 Mesopotamia #G3318 , before # G4250 #G2228 he #G846 dwelt #G2730 (5658) in #G1722 Charran #G5488 ,
strkjv@Acts:7:5 @ And #G2532 he gave #G1325 (5656) him #G846 none #G3756 inheritance #G2817 in #G1722 it #G846 , no, not #G3761 so much as to set #G968 # his foot # G4228 on #G968 : yet #G2532 he promised #G1861 (5662) that he would give #G1325 (5629) it #G846 to him #G846 for #G1519 a possession #G2697 , and #G2532 to his #G846 seed #G4690 after #G3326 him #G846 , when as yet he #G846 had #G5607 (5752) no #G3756 child #G5043 .
strkjv@Acts:7:33 @ Then #G1161 said #G2036 (5627) the Lord #G2962 to him #G846 , Put off #G3089 (5657) thy shoes #G5266 from thy #G4675 feet # G4228 : for #G1063 the place #G5117 where #G1722 #G3739 thou standest #G2476 (5758) is #G2076 (5748) holy #G40 ground #G1093 .
strkjv@Acts:7:49 @ Heaven #G3772 is my #G3427 throne #G2362 , and #G1161 earth #G1093 is my #G3450 footstool # G4228 #G5286 : what #G4169 house #G3624 will ye build #G3618 (5692) me #G3427 ? saith #G3004 (5719) the Lord #G2962 : or #G2228 what #G5101 is the place #G5117 of my #G3450 rest #G2663 ?
strkjv@Acts:7:52 @ Which #G5101 of the prophets #G4396 have #G1377 # not #G3756 your #G5216 fathers #G3962 persecuted #G1377 (5656)? and #G2532 they have slain #G615 (5656) them which #G3588 shewed before # G4293 (5660) of #G4012 the coming #G1660 of the Just One #G1342 ; of whom #G3739 ye #G5210 have been #G1096 (5769) now #G3568 the betrayers # G4273 and #G2532 murderers #G5406 :
strkjv@Acts:7:58 @ And #G2532 cast #G1544 (5631) him out of #G1854 the city #G4172 , and stoned #G3036 (5707) him: and #G2532 the witnesses #G3144 laid down #G659 (5639) their #G846 clothes #G2440 at #G3844 a young mans #G3494 feet # G4228 , whose name was #G2564 (5746) Saul #G4569 .
strkjv@Acts:8:32 @ #G1161 The place #G4042 of the scripture #G1124 which #G3739 he read #G314 (5707) was #G2258 (5713) this #G3778 , He was led #G71 (5681) as #G5613 a sheep # G4263 to #G1909 the slaughter #G4967 ; and #G2532 like #G5613 a lamb #G286 dumb #G880 before #G1726 his #G846 shearer #G2751 (5723), so #G3779 opened he #G455 (5719) not #G3756 his #G846 mouth #G4750 :
strkjv@Acts:10:25 @ And #G1161 as #G5613 Peter #G4074 was #G1096 (5633) coming in #G1525 (5629), Cornelius #G2883 met #G4876 (5660) him #G846 , and fell down #G4098 (5631) at #G1909 his feet # G4228 , and worshipped #G4352 (5656) him.
strkjv@Acts:11:23 @ Who #G3739 , when he came #G3854 (5637), and #G2532 had seen #G1492 (5631) the grace #G5485 of God #G2316 , was glad #G5463 (5644), and #G2532 exhorted #G3870 (5707) them all #G3956 , that with purpose # G4286 of heart #G2588 they would cleave unto #G4357 (5721) the Lord #G2962 .
strkjv@Acts:11:30 @ Which #G3739 also #G2532 they did #G4160 (5656), and sent it #G649 (5660) to #G4314 the elders # G4245 by #G1223 the hands #G5495 of Barnabas #G921 and #G2532 Saul #G4569 .
strkjv@Acts:12:6 @ And #G1161 when #G3753 Herod #G2264 would #G3195 (5707) have brought # G4254 # him #G846 forth # G4254 (5721), the same #G1565 night #G3571 Peter #G4074 was #G2258 (5713) sleeping #G2837 (5746) between #G3342 two #G1417 soldiers #G4757 , bound #G1210 (5772) with two #G1417 chains #G254 : and #G5037 the keepers #G5441 before # G4253 the door #G2374 kept #G5083 (5707) the prison #G5438 .
strkjv@Acts:12:10 @ When #G1161 they were past #G1330 (5631) the first #G4413 and #G2532 the second #G1208 ward #G5438 , they came #G2064 (5627) unto #G1909 the iron #G4603 gate #G4439 that leadeth #G5342 (5723) unto #G1519 the city #G4172 ; which #G3748 opened #G455 (5681) to them #G846 of his own accord #G844 : and #G2532 they went out #G1831 (5631), and passed on through # G4281 (5627) one #G3391 street #G4505 ; and #G2532 forthwith #G2112 the angel #G32 departed #G868 (5627) from #G575 him #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:12:14 @ And #G2532 when she knew #G1921 (5631) Peters #G4074 voice #G5456 , she opened #G455 (5656) not #G3756 the gate #G4440 for #G575 gladness #G5479 , but #G1161 ran in #G1532 (5631), and told how #G518 (5656) Peter #G4074 stood #G2476 (5760) before # G4253 the gate #G4440 .
strkjv@Acts:13:24 @ When John #G2491 had first preached # G4296 (5660) before # G4253 his #G846 coming #G4383 #G1529 the baptism #G908 of repentance #G3341 to all #G3956 the people #G2992 of Israel #G2474 .
strkjv@Acts:13:25 @ And #G1161 as #G5613 John #G2491 fulfilled #G4137 (5707) his course #G1408 , he said #G3004 (5707), Whom #G5101 think ye #G5282 (5719) that I #G3165 am #G1511 (5750)? I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748) not #G3756 he. But #G235 , behold #G2400 (5628), there cometh one #G2064 (5736) after #G3326 me #G1691 , whose #G3739 shoes #G5266 of his feet # G4228 I am #G1510 (5748) not #G3756 worthy #G514 to loose #G3089 (5658).
strkjv@Acts:13:51 @ But #G1161 they shook off #G1621 (5671) the dust #G2868 of their #G846 feet # G4228 against #G1909 them #G846 , and came #G2064 (5627) unto #G1519 Iconium #G2430 .
strkjv@Acts:14:8 @ And #G2532 there sat #G2521 (5711) a certain #G5100 man #G435 at #G1722 Lystra #G3082 , impotent #G102 in his feet # G4228 , being #G5225 (5723) a cripple #G5560 from #G1537 his #G846 mothers #G3384 womb #G2836 , who #G3739 never #G3763 had walked #G4043 (5715):
strkjv@Acts:14:10 @ Said #G2036 (5627) with a loud #G3173 voice #G5456 , Stand #G450 (5628) upright #G3717 on #G1909 thy #G4675 feet # G4228 . And #G2532 he leaped #G242 (5711) and #G2532 walked #G4043 (5707).
strkjv@Acts:14:13 @ Then #G1161 the priest #G2409 of Jupiter #G2203 , which #G3588 was #G5607 (5752) before # G4253 their #G846 city #G4172 , brought #G5342 (5660) oxen #G5022 and #G2532 garlands #G4725 unto #G1909 the gates #G4440 , and would #G2309 (5707) have done sacrifice #G2380 (5721) with #G4862 the people #G3793 .
strkjv@Acts:14:23 @ And #G1161 when they had ordained #G5500 (5660) them #G846 elders # G4245 in every #G2596 church #G1577 , and had prayed #G4336 (5666) with #G3326 fasting #G3521 , they commended #G3908 (5639) them #G846 to the Lord #G2962 , on #G1519 whom #G3739 they believed #G4100 (5715).
strkjv@Acts:15:2 @ When therefore #G3767 Paul #G3972 and #G2532 Barnabas #G921 had #G1096 (5637) no #G3756 small #G3641 dissension #G4714 and #G2532 disputation #G4803 with #G4314 them #G846 , they determined #G5021 (5656) that Paul #G3972 and #G2532 Barnabas #G921 , and #G2532 certain #G5100 other #G243 of #G1537 them #G846 , should go up #G305 (5721) to #G1519 Jerusalem #G2419 unto #G4314 the apostles #G652 and #G2532 elders # G4245 about #G4012 this #G5127 question #G2213 .
strkjv@Acts:15:4 @ And #G1161 when they were come #G3854 (5637) to #G1519 Jerusalem #G2419 , they were received #G588 (5681) of #G5259 the church #G1577 , and #G2532 of the apostles #G652 and #G2532 elders # G4245 , and #G5037 they declared #G312 (5656) all things #G3745 that God #G2316 had done #G4160 (5656) with #G3326 them #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:15:6 @ And #G1161 the apostles #G652 and #G2532 elders # G4245 came together #G4863 (5681) for to consider #G1492 (5629) of #G4012 this #G5127 matter #G3056 .
strkjv@Acts:15:20 @ But #G235 that we write #G1989 (5658) unto them #G846 , that they abstain #G567 (5733) from #G575 pollutions #G234 of idols #G1497 , and #G2532 from fornication # G4202 , and #G2532 from things strangled #G4156 , and #G2532 from blood #G129 .
strkjv@Acts:15:22 @ Then #G5119 pleased it #G1380 (5656) the apostles #G652 and #G2532 elders # G4245 , with #G4862 the whole #G3650 church #G1577 , to send #G3992 (5658) chosen #G1586 (5671) men #G435 of #G1537 their own company #G846 to #G1519 Antioch #G490 with #G4862 Paul #G3972 and #G2532 Barnabas #G921 ; namely, Judas #G2455 surnamed #G1941 (5746) Barsabas #G923 , and #G2532 Silas #G4609 , chief #G2233 (5740) men #G435 among #G1722 the brethren #G80 :
strkjv@Acts:15:23 @ And they wrote #G1125 (5660) letters by #G1223 them #G5495 #G846 after this manner #G3592 ; The apostles #G652 and #G2532 elders # G4245 and #G2532 brethren #G80 send greeting #G5463 (5721) unto the brethren #G80 which #G3588 are of #G1537 the Gentiles #G1484 in #G2596 Antioch #G490 and #G2532 Syria #G4947 and #G2532 Cilicia #G2791 :
strkjv@Acts:15:29 @ That ye abstain #G567 (5733) from meats offered to idols #G1494 , and #G2532 from blood #G129 , and #G2532 from things strangled #G4156 , and #G2532 from fornication # G4202 : from #G1537 which #G3739 if ye keep #G1301 (5723) yourselves #G1438 , ye shall do # G4238 (5692) well #G2095 . Fare ye well #G4517 (5770).
strkjv@Acts:16:4 @ And #G1161 as #G5613 they went through #G1279 (5711) the cities #G4172 , they delivered #G3860 (5707) them #G846 the decrees #G1378 for to keep #G5442 (5721), that were ordained #G2919 (5772) of #G5259 the apostles #G652 and #G2532 elders # G4245 which #G3588 were at #G1722 Jerusalem #G2419 .
strkjv@Acts:16:13 @ And #G5037 on the sabbath #G4521 #G2250 we went #G1831 (5627) out of #G1854 the city #G4172 by #G3844 a river side # G4215 , where #G3757 prayer #G4335 was wont #G3543 (5712) to be made #G1511 (5750); and #G2532 we sat down #G2523 (5660), and spake #G2980 (5707) unto the women #G1135 which resorted #G4905 (5631) thither.
strkjv@Acts:16:14 @ And #G2532 a certain #G5100 woman #G1135 named #G3686 Lydia #G3070 , a seller of purple # G4211 , of the city #G4172 of Thyatira #G2363 , which worshipped #G4576 (5740) God #G2316 , heard #G191 (5707) us: whose #G3739 heart #G2588 the Lord #G2962 opened #G1272 (5656), that she attended #G4337 (5721) unto the things which were spoken #G2980 (5746) of #G5259 Paul #G3972 .
strkjv@Acts:16:24 @ Who #G3739 , having received #G2983 (5761) such #G5108 a charge #G3852 , thrust #G906 (5627) them #G846 into #G1519 the inner #G2082 prison #G5438 , and #G2532 made #G805 # their #G846 feet # G4228 fast #G805 (5662) in #G1519 the stocks #G3586 .
strkjv@Acts:16:28 @ But #G1161 Paul #G3972 cried #G5455 (5656) with a loud #G3173 voice #G5456 , saying #G3004 (5723), Do # G4238 (5661) thyself #G4572 no #G3367 harm #G2556 : for #G1063 we are #G2070 (5748) all #G537 here #G1759 .
strkjv@Acts:16:30 @ And #G2532 brought # G4254 (5631) them #G846 out #G1854 , and said #G5346 (5713), Sirs #G2962 , what #G5101 must #G1163 (5748) I #G3165 do #G4160 (5721) to #G2443 be saved #G4982 (5686)?
strkjv@Acts:17:7 @ Whom #G3739 Jason #G2394 hath received #G5264 (5766): and #G2532 these #G3778 all #G3956 do # G4238 (5719) contrary #G561 to the decrees #G1378 of Caesar #G2541 , saying #G3004 (5723) that there is #G1511 (5750) another #G2087 king #G935 , one Jesus #G224 .
strkjv@Acts:17:11 @ #G1161 These #G3778 were #G2258 (5713) more noble #G2104 than those in #G1722 Thessalonica #G2332 , in that they #G3748 received #G1209 (5662) the word #G3056 with #G3326 all #G3956 readiness of mind # G4288 , and searched #G350 (5723) the scriptures #G1124 daily #G2250 #G2596 , whether #G1487 those things #G5023 were #G2192 (5722) so #G3779 .
strkjv@Acts:18:2 @ And #G2532 found #G2147 (5631) a certain #G5100 Jew #G2453 named #G3686 Aquila #G207 , born #G1085 in Pontus #G4193 , lately #G4373 come #G2064 (5756) from #G575 Italy #G2482 , with #G2532 his #G846 wife #G1135 Priscilla # G4252 ; (because that #G1223 Claudius #G2804 had commanded #G1299 (5760) all #G3956 Jews #G2453 to depart #G5563 (5745) from #G1537 Rome #G4516 :) and came #G4334 (5627) unto them #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:18:18 @ And #G1161 Paul #G3972 after this tarried #G4357 (5660) there yet #G2089 a good #G2425 while #G2250 , and then took his leave #G657 (5671) of the brethren #G80 , and sailed thence #G1602 (5707) into #G1519 Syria #G4947 , and #G2532 with #G4862 him #G846 Priscilla # G4252 and #G2532 Aquila #G207 ; having shorn #G2751 (5671) his head #G2776 in #G1722 Cenchrea #G2747 : for #G1063 he had #G2192 (5707) a vow #G2171 .
strkjv@Acts:18:26 @ And #G5037 he #G3778 began #G756 (5662) to speak boldly #G3955 (5738) in #G1722 the synagogue #G4864 : whom #G846 when #G1161 Aquila #G207 and #G2532 Priscilla # G4252 had heard #G191 (5660), they took #G4355 (5639) him #G846 unto them, and #G2532 expounded #G1620 (5639) unto him #G846 the way #G3598 of God #G2316 more perfectly #G197 .
strkjv@Acts:19:18 @ And #G5037 many #G4183 that believed #G4100 (5761) came #G2064 (5711), and confessed #G1843 (5734), and #G2532 shewed #G312 (5723) their #G846 deeds # G4234 .
strkjv@Acts:19:19 @ Many #G2425 of them also #G1161 which used # G4238 (5660) curious arts #G4021 brought #G4851 # their books #G976 together #G4851 (5631), and burned them #G2618 (5707) before #G1799 all #G3956 men: and #G2532 they counted #G4860 (5656) the price #G5092 of them #G846 , and #G2532 found #G2147 (5627) it fifty #G4002 thousand #G3461 pieces of silver #G694 .
strkjv@Acts:19:33 @ And #G1161 they drew # G4264 (5656) Alexander #G223 out of #G1537 the multitude #G3793 , the Jews #G2453 putting # G4261 # him #G846 forward # G4261 (5660) (5625) # G4261 (5723). And #G1161 Alexander #G223 beckoned #G2678 (5660) with the hand #G5495 , and would #G2309 (5707) have made his defence #G626 (5738) unto the people #G1218 .
strkjv@Acts:19:36 @ Seeing #G5607 (5752) then #G3767 that these things #G5130 cannot be spoken against #G368 , ye #G5209 ought #G1163 (5752) #G2076 (5748) to be #G5225 (5721) quiet #G2687 (5772), and #G2532 to do # G4238 (5721) nothing #G3367 rashly #G4312 .
strkjv@Acts:20:5 @ These #G3778 going before # G4281 (531) tarried #G3306 (5707) for us #G2248 at #G1722 Troas #G5174 .
strkjv@Acts:20:13 @ And #G1161 we #G2249 went before # G4281 (5631) to #G1909 ship #G4143 , and sailed #G321 (5681) unto #G1519 Assos #G789 , there #G1564 intending #G3195 (5723) to take in #G353 (5721) Paul #G3972 : for #G1063 so #G3779 had he #G2258 (5713) appointed #G1299 (5772), minding #G3195 (5723) himself #G846 to go afoot #G3978 (5721).
strkjv@Acts:20:17 @ And #G1161 from #G575 Miletus #G3399 he sent #G3992 (5660) to #G1519 Ephesus #G2181 , and called #G3333 (5668) the elders # G4245 of the church #G1577 .
strkjv@Acts:21:4 @ And #G2532 finding # G429 (5631) disciples #G3101 , we tarried #G1961 (5656) there #G847 seven #G2033 days #G2250 : who #G3748 said #G3004 (5707) to Paul #G3972 through #G1223 the Spirit #G4151 , that he should #G305 # not #G3361 go up #G305 (5721) to #G1519 Jerusalem #G2419 .
strkjv@Acts:21:11 @ And #G2532 when he was come #G2064 (5631) unto #G4314 us #G2248 , #G2532 he took #G142 (5660) Pauls #G3972 girdle #G2223 , and #G5037 bound #G1210 (5660) his own #G846 hands #G5495 and #G2532 feet # G4228 , and said #G2036 (5627), Thus #G3592 saith #G3004 (5719) the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 , So #G3779 shall #G1210 # the Jews #G2453 at #G1722 Jerusalem #G2419 bind #G1210 (5692) the man #G435 that #G3739 owneth #G2076 (5748) this #G3778 girdle #G2223 , and #G2532 shall deliver #G3860 (5692) him into #G1519 the hands #G5495 of the Gentiles #G1484 .
strkjv@Acts:21:18 @ And #G1161 the day following #G1966 (5752) Paul #G3972 went in #G1524 (5715) with #G4862 us #G2254 unto #G4314 James #G2385 ; and #G5037 all #G3956 the elders # G4245 were present #G3854 (5633).
strkjv@Acts:21:20 @ And #G1161 when they heard #G191 (5660) it, they glorified #G1392 (5707) the Lord #G2962 , and #G5037 said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Thou seest #G2334 (5719), brother #G80 , how many # G4214 thousands #G3461 of Jews #G2453 there are #G1526 (5748) which #G3588 believe #G4100 (5761); and #G2532 they are #G5225 (5719) all #G3956 zealous #G2207 of the law #G3551 :
strkjv@Acts:21:25 @ As #G1161 touching #G4012 the Gentiles #G1484 which believe #G4100 (5761), we #G2249 have written #G1989 (5656) and concluded #G2919 (5660) that they #G846 observe #G5083 (5721) no #G3367 such thing #G5108 , save only #G1508 that they keep #G5442 (5733) themselves #G846 from #G5037 things offered to idols #G1494 , and #G2532 from blood #G129 , and #G2532 from strangled #G4156 , and #G2532 from fornication # G4202 .
strkjv@Acts:21:38 @ Art #G1488 (5748) not #G3756 thou #G4771 #G686 that Egyptian #G124 , which before # G4253 these #G5130 days #G2250 madest an uproar #G387 (5660), and #G2532 leddest out #G1806 (5631) into #G1519 the wilderness #G2048 four thousand #G5070 men #G435 that were murderers #G4607 ?
strkjv@Acts:22:3 @ I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748) verily #G3303 a man #G435 which am a Jew #G2453 , born #G1080 (5772) in #G1722 Tarsus #G5019 , a city in Cilicia #G2791 , yet #G1161 brought up #G397 (5772) in #G1722 this #G5026 city #G4172 at #G3844 the feet # G4228 of Gamaliel #G1059 , and taught #G3811 (5772) according #G2596 to the perfect manner #G195 of the law #G3551 of the fathers #G3971 , and was #G5225 (5723) zealous #G2207 toward God #G2316 , as #G2531 ye #G5210 all #G3956 are #G2075 (5748) this day #G4594 .
strkjv@Acts:22:5 @ As #G5613 also #G2532 the high priest #G749 doth bear #G3140 # me #G3427 witness #G3140 (5719), and #G2532 all #G3956 the estate of the elders # G4244 : from #G3844 whom #G3739 also #G2532 I received #G1209 (5666) letters #G1992 unto #G4314 the brethren #G80 , and #G2532 went #G4198 (5711) to #G1519 Damascus #G1154 , to bring #G71 (5694) them which were #G5607 (5752) there #G1566 bound #G1210 (5772) unto #G1519 Jerusalem #G2419 , for to #G2443 be punished #G5097 (5686).
strkjv@Acts:22:24 @ The chief captain #G5506 commanded #G2753 (5656) him #G846 to be brought #G71 (5745) into #G1519 the castle #G3925 , and bade #G2036 (5631) that he #G846 should be examined # G426 (5745) by scourging #G3148 ; that #G2443 he might know #G1921 (5632) wherefore #G1223 #G3739 #G156 they cried #G2019 # so #G3779 against #G2019 (5707) him #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:22:29 @ Then #G3767 straightway #G2112 they departed #G868 (5627) from #G575 him #G846 which #G3588 should #G3195 (5723) have examined # G426 (5721) him #G846 : and #G1161 the chief captain #G5506 also #G2532 was afraid #G5399 (5675), after he knew #G1921 (5631) that #G3754 he was #G2076 (5748) a Roman #G4514 , and #G2532 because #G3754 he had #G2258 (5713) bound #G1210 (5761) him #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:23:14 @ And they #G3748 came to #G4334 (5631) the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 elders # G4245 , and said #G2036 (5627), We have bound #G332 (5656) ourselves #G1438 under a great curse #G331 , that we will eat #G1089 (5664) nothing #G3367 until #G2193 #G3739 we have slain #G615 (5725) Paul #G3972 .
strkjv@Acts:23:15 @ Now #G3568 therefore #G3767 ye #G5210 with #G4862 the council #G4892 signify #G1718 (5657) to the chief captain #G5506 that #G3704 he bring #G2609 # him #G846 down #G2609 (5632) unto #G4314 you #G5209 to morrow #G839 , as #G5613 though ye would #G3195 (5723) enquire #G1231 (5721) something more perfectly #G197 concerning #G4012 him #G846 : and #G1161 we #G2249 , or ever # G4253 he #G846 come near #G1448 (5658), are #G2070 (5748) ready #G2092 to kill #G337 (5629) him #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:23:35 @ I will hear #G1251 (5695) thee #G4675 , said he #G5346 (5713), when #G3752 thine #G4675 accusers #G2725 are #G3854 # also #G2532 come #G3854 (5638). And #G5037 he commanded #G2753 (5656) him #G846 to be kept #G5442 (5733) in #G1722 Herods #G2264 judgment hall # G4232 .
strkjv@Acts:24:1 @ And #G1161 after #G3326 five #G4002 days #G2250 Ananias #G367 the high priest #G749 descended #G2597 (5627) with #G3326 the elders # G4245 , and #G2532 with a certain #G5100 orator #G4489 named Tertullus #G5061 , who #G3748 informed #G1718 (5656) the governor #G2232 against #G2596 Paul #G3972 .
strkjv@Acts:24:23 @ And #G5037 he commanded #G1299 (5671) a centurion #G1543 to keep #G5083 (5745) Paul #G3972 , and #G5037 to let him have #G2192 (5721) liberty # G425 , and #G2532 that he should forbid #G2967 (5721) none #G3367 of his #G846 acquaintance #G2398 to minister #G5256 (5721) or #G2228 come #G4334 (5738) unto him #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:24:27 @ But #G1161 after #G4137 (5685) two years #G1333 Porcius # G4201 Festus #G5347 came #G2983 (5627) into Felix #G5344 room #G1240 : and #G5037 Felix #G5344 , willing #G2309 (5723) to shew #G2698 (5641) the Jews #G2453 a pleasure #G5485 , left #G2641 (5627) Paul #G3972 bound #G1210 (5772).
strkjv@Acts:25:11 @ For #G1063 if #G1487 #G3303 I be an offender #G91 (5719), or #G2532 have committed # G4238 (5758) any thing #G5100 worthy #G514 of death #G2288 , I refuse #G3868 (5736) not #G3756 to die #G599 (5629): but #G1161 if #G1487 there be #G2076 (5748) none #G3762 of these things #G3739 whereof these #G3778 accuse #G2723 (5719) me #G3450 , no man #G3762 may #G1410 (5736) deliver #G5483 (5664) me #G3165 unto them #G846 . I appeal unto #G1941 (5731) Caesar #G2541 .
strkjv@Acts:25:15 @ About #G4012 whom #G3739 , when #G1096 # I #G3450 was #G1096 (5637) at #G1519 Jerusalem #G2414 , the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 the elders # G4245 of the Jews #G2453 informed #G1718 (5656) me, desiring #G154 (5734) to have judgment #G1349 against #G2596 him #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:25:16 @ To #G4314 whom #G3739 I answered #G611 (5662), #G3754 It is #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 the manner #G1485 of the Romans #G4514 to deliver #G5483 (5738) any #G5100 man #G444 to #G1519 die #G684 , before # G4250 that #G2228 he which is accused #G2723 (5746) have #G2192 (5722) the accusers #G2725 face to face #G2596 #G4383 , #G5037 and have #G2983 (5630) licence #G5117 to answer for himself #G627 concerning #G4012 the crime laid against him #G1462 .
strkjv@Acts:25:25 @ But #G1161 when I #G1473 found #G2638 (5642) that he #G846 had committed # G4238 (5760) nothing #G3367 worthy #G514 of death #G2288 , and #G2532 #G1161 that he himself #G846 hath appealed #G5127 to #G1941 (5671) Augustus #G4575 , I have determined #G2919 (5656) to send #G3992 (5721) him #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:25:26 @ Of #G4012 whom #G3739 I have #G2192 (5719) no #G3756 certain #G804 thing #G5100 to write #G1125 (5658) unto my lord #G2962 . Wherefore #G1352 I have brought # G4254 # him #G846 forth # G4254 (5627) before #G1909 you #G5216 , and #G2532 specially #G3122 before #G1909 thee #G4675 , O king #G935 Agrippa #G67 , that #G3704 , after examination #G351 had #G1096 (5637), I might have #G2192 (5632) somewhat #G5100 to write #G1125 (5658).
strkjv@Acts:26:5 @ Which knew # G4267 (5723) me #G3165 from the beginning #G509 , if #G1437 they would #G2309 (5725) testify #G3140 (5721), that #G3754 after #G2596 the most straitest #G196 sect #G139 of our #G2251 religion #G2356 I lived #G2198 (5656) a Pharisee #G5330 .
strkjv@Acts:26:9 @ I #G1473 verily #G3303 #G3767 thought #G1380 (5656) with myself #G1683 , that I ought #G1163 (5750) to do # G4238 (5658) many things #G4183 contrary #G1727 to #G4314 the name #G3686 of Jesus #G2424 of Nazareth #G3480 .
strkjv@Acts:26:16 @ But #G235 rise #G450 (5628), and #G2532 stand #G2476 (5628) upon #G1909 thy #G4675 feet # G4228 : for #G1063 I have appeared #G3700 (5681) unto thee #G4671 for #G1519 this purpose #G5124 , to make #G4400 (5664) thee #G4571 a minister #G5257 and #G2532 a witness #G3144 both #G5037 of these things which #G3739 thou hast seen #G1492 (5627), and #G5037 of those things in the which #G3739 I will appear #G3700 (5701) unto thee #G4671 ;
strkjv@Acts:26:20 @ But #G235 shewed #G518 (5723) (5625) #G518 (5707) first #G4412 unto them of #G1722 Damascus #G1154 , and #G2532 at Jerusalem #G2414 , and #G5037 throughout #G1519 all #G3956 the coasts #G5561 of Judaea #G2449 , and #G2532 then to the Gentiles #G1484 , that they should repent #G3340 (5721) and #G2532 turn #G1994 (5721) to #G1909 God #G2316 , and do # G4238 (5723) works #G2041 meet #G514 for repentance #G3341 .
strkjv@Acts:26:26 @ For #G1063 the king #G935 knoweth #G1987 (5736) of #G4012 these #G5130 things, before #G4314 whom #G3739 also #G2532 I speak #G2980 (5719) freely #G3955 (5740): for #G1063 I am persuaded #G3982 (5743) that #G3756 none #G5100 #G3762 of these things #G5130 are hidden #G2990 (5721) from him #G846 ; for #G1063 this thing #G5124 was #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 done # G4238 (5772) in #G1722 a corner #G1137 .
strkjv@Acts:26:31 @ And #G2532 when they were gone aside #G402 (5660), they talked #G2980 (5707) between #G4314 themselves #G240 , saying #G3004 (5723), #G3754 This #G3778 man #G444 doeth # G4238 (5719) nothing #G3762 worthy #G514 of death #G2288 or #G2228 of bonds #G1199 .
strkjv@Acts:27:12 @ And #G1161 because #G5225 # the haven #G3040 was #G5225 (5723) not commodious # G428 to #G4314 winter in #G3915 , the more part #G4119 advised #G1012 #G5087 (5639) to depart #G321 (5683) thence also #G2547 , if #G1513 by any means #G4458 they might #G1410 (5739) attain #G2658 (5660) to #G1519 Phenice #G5405 , and there to winter #G3914 (5658); which is an haven #G3040 of Crete #G2914 , and lieth #G991 (5723) toward #G2596 the south west #G3047 and #G2532 #G2596 north west #G5566 .
strkjv@Acts:27:13 @ And #G1161 when the south wind #G3558 blew softly #G5285 (5660), supposing #G1380 (5660) that they had obtained #G2902 (5760) their purpose # G4286 , loosing #G142 (5660) thence, they sailed #G3881 (5711) close by #G788 Crete #G2914 .
strkjv@Acts:28:13 @ And from thence #G3606 we fetched a compass #G4022 (5631), and came #G2658 (5656) to #G1519 Rhegium #G4484 : and #G2532 after #G3326 one #G3391 day #G2250 the south wind #G3558 blew #G1920 (5637), and we came #G2064 (5627) the next day #G1206 to #G1519 Puteoli # G4223 :
strkjv@Colossians:1:5 @ For #G1223 the hope #G1680 which #G3588 is laid up #G606 (5740) for you #G5213 in #G1722 heaven #G3772 , whereof #G3739 ye heard before # G4257 (5656) in #G1722 the word #G3056 of the truth #G225 of the gospel #G2098 ;
strkjv@Colossians:1:17 @ And #G2532 he #G846 is #G2076 (5748) before # G4253 all things #G3956 , and #G2532 by #G1722 him #G846 all things #G3956 consist #G4921 (5758).
strkjv@Colossians:1:21 @ And #G2532 you #G5209 , that were #G5607 (5752) sometime # G4218 alienated #G526 (5772) and #G2532 enemies #G2190 in your mind #G1271 by #G1722 wicked #G4190 works #G2041 , yet #G1161 now #G3570 hath he reconciled #G604 (5656)
strkjv@Colossians:2:16 @ Let #G2919 # no #G3361 man #G5100 therefore #G3767 judge #G2919 (5720) you #G5209 in #G1722 meat #G1035 , or #G2228 in #G1722 drink # G4213 , or #G2228 in #G1722 respect #G3313 of an holyday #G1859 , or #G2228 of the new moon #G3561 , or #G2228 of the sabbath #G4521 days:
strkjv@Colossians:3:5 @ Mortify #G3499 (5657) therefore #G3767 your #G5216 members #G3196 which #G3588 are upon #G1909 the earth #G1093 ; fornication # G4202 , uncleanness #G167 , inordinate affection #G3806 , evil #G2556 concupiscence #G1939 , and #G2532 covetousness #G4124 , which #G3748 is #G2076 (5748) idolatry #G1495 :
strkjv@Colossians:3:7 @ In #G1722 the which #G3739 ye #G5210 also #G2532 walked #G4043 (5656) some time # G4218 , when #G3753 ye lived #G2198 (5707) in #G1722 them #G846 .
strkjv@Colossians:3:9 @ Lie #G5574 (5732) not #G3361 one to another #G1519 #G240 , seeing that ye have put off #G554 (5666) the old #G3820 man #G444 with #G4862 his #G846 deeds # G4234 ;
strkjv@Colossians:3:12 @ Put on #G1746 (5669) therefore #G3767 , as #G5613 the elect #G1588 of God #G2316 , holy #G40 and #G2532 beloved #G25 (5772), bowels #G4698 of mercies #G3628 , kindness #G5544 , humbleness of mind #G5012 , meekness # G4236 , longsuffering #G3115 ;
strkjv@Ephesians:1:4 @ According as #G2531 he hath chosen #G1586 (5668) us #G2248 in #G1722 him #G846 before # G4253 the foundation #G2602 of the world #G2889 , that we #G2248 should be #G1511 (5750) holy #G40 and #G2532 without blame #G299 before #G2714 him #G846 in #G1722 love #G26 :
strkjv@Ephesians:1:11 @ In #G1722 whom #G3739 also #G2532 we have obtained an inheritance #G2820 (5681), being predestinated #G4309 (5685) according to #G2596 the purpose # G4286 of him who worketh #G1754 (5723) all things #G3956 after #G2596 the counsel #G1012 of his own #G846 will #G2307 :
strkjv@Ephesians:1:12 @ That #G1519 we #G2248 should be #G1511 (5750) to #G1519 the praise #G1868 of his #G846 glory #G1391 , who #G3588 first trusted # G4276 (5761) in #G1722 Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@Ephesians:1:22 @ And #G2532 hath put #G5293 (5656) all #G3956 things under #G5259 his #G846 feet # G4228 , and #G2532 gave #G1325 (5656) him #G846 to be the head #G2776 over #G5228 all #G3956 things to the church #G1577 ,
strkjv@Ephesians:2:2 @ Wherein #G1722 #G3739 in time past # G4218 ye walked #G4043 (5656) according to #G2596 the course #G165 of this #G5127 world #G2889 , according to #G2596 the prince #G758 of the power #G1849 of the air #G109 , the spirit #G4151 that now #G3568 worketh #G1754 (5723) in #G1722 the children #G5207 of disobedience #G543 :
strkjv@Ephesians:2:3 @ Among #G1722 whom #G3739 also #G2532 we #G2249 all #G3956 had our conversation #G390 (5648) in times past # G4218 in #G1722 the lusts #G1939 of our #G2257 flesh #G4561 , fulfilling #G4160 (5723) the desires #G2307 of the flesh #G4561 and #G2532 of the mind #G1271 ; and #G2532 were #G2258 (5713) by nature #G5449 the children #G5043 of wrath #G3709 , even #G2532 as #G5613 others #G3062 .
strkjv@Ephesians:2:10 @ For #G1063 we are #G2070 (5748) his #G846 workmanship #G4161 , created #G2936 (5685) in #G1722 Christ #G5547 Jesus #G2424 unto #G1909 good #G18 works #G2041 , which #G3739 God #G2316 hath before ordained # G4282 (5656) that #G2443 we should walk #G4043 (5661) in #G1722 them #G846 .
strkjv@Ephesians:2:11 @ Wherefore #G1352 remember #G3421 (5720), that #G3754 ye #G5210 being in time past # G4218 Gentiles #G1484 in #G1722 the flesh #G4561 , who #G3588 are called #G3004 (5746) Uncircumcision #G203 by #G5259 that which #G3588 is called #G3004 (5746) the Circumcision #G4061 in #G1722 the flesh #G4561 made by hands #G5499 ;
strkjv@Ephesians:2:13 @ But #G1161 now #G3570 in #G1722 Christ #G5547 Jesus #G2424 ye #G5210 who #G3588 sometimes # G4218 were #G5607 (5752) far off #G3112 are made #G1096 (5675) nigh #G1451 by #G1722 the blood #G129 of Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@Ephesians:3:3 @ How that #G3754 by #G2596 revelation #G602 he made known #G1107 (5656) unto me #G3427 the mystery #G3466 ; (as #G2531 I wrote afore # G4270 (5656) in #G1722 few words #G3641 ,
strkjv@Ephesians:3:8 @ Unto me #G1698 , who am less than the least #G1647 of all #G3956 saints #G40 , is #G1325 # this #G3778 grace #G5485 given #G1325 (5681), that I should preach #G2097 (5670) among #G1722 the Gentiles #G1484 the unsearchable # G421 riches #G4149 of Christ #G5547 ;
strkjv@Ephesians:3:11 @ According to #G2596 the eternal #G165 purpose # G4286 which #G3739 he purposed #G4160 (5656) in #G1722 Christ #G5547 Jesus #G2424 our #G2257 Lord #G2962 :
strkjv@Ephesians:4:2 @ With #G3326 all #G3956 lowliness #G5012 and #G2532 meekness # G4236 , with #G3326 longsuffering #G3115 , forbearing #G430 (5740) one another #G240 in #G1722 love #G26 ;
strkjv@Ephesians:5:3 @ But #G2532 fornication # G4202 , and #G1161 all #G3956 uncleanness #G167 , or #G2228 covetousness #G4124 , let it #G3687 # not be once #G3366 named #G3687 (5744) among #G1722 you #G5213 , as #G2531 becometh # G4241 (5719) saints #G40 ;
strkjv@Ephesians:5:5 @ For #G1063 this #G5124 ye know #G2075 (5748) #G1097 (5723), that #G3754 no #G3756 #G3956 whoremonger # G4205 , nor #G2228 unclean person #G169 , nor #G2228 covetous man #G4123 , who #G3739 is #G2076 (5748) an idolater #G1496 , hath #G2192 (5719) any inheritance #G2817 in #G1722 the kingdom #G932 of Christ #G5547 and #G2532 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@Ephesians:5:8 @ For #G1063 ye were #G2258 (5713) sometimes # G4218 darkness #G4655 , but #G1161 now #G3568 are ye light #G5457 in #G1722 the Lord #G2962 : walk #G4043 (5720) as #G5613 children #G5043 of light #G5457 :
strkjv@Ephesians:5:29 @ For #G1063 no man #G3762 ever yet # G4218 hated #G3404 (5656) his own #G1438 flesh #G4561 ; but #G235 nourisheth #G1625 (5719) and #G2532 cherisheth #G2282 (5719) it #G846 , even as #G2531 #G2532 the Lord #G2962 the church #G1577 :
strkjv@Ephesians:6:15 @ And #G2532 your feet # G4228 shod #G5265 (5671) with #G1722 the preparation #G2091 of the gospel #G2098 of peace #G1515 ;
strkjv@Ephesians:6:20 @ For #G5228 which #G3739 I am an ambassador # G4243 (5719) in #G1722 bonds #G254 : that #G2443 therein #G1722 #G846 I may speak boldly #G3955 (5667), as #G5613 I #G3165 ought #G1163 (5748) to speak #G2980 (5658).
strkjv@Ephesians:6:21 @ But #G1161 that #G2443 ye #G5210 also #G2532 may know #G1492 (5762) my #G1691 affairs #G2596 , and how #G5101 I do # G4238 (5719), Tychicus #G5190 , a beloved #G27 brother #G80 and #G2532 faithful #G4103 minister #G1249 in #G1722 the Lord #G2962 , shall make known #G1107 (5692) to you #G5213 all things #G3956 :
strkjv@Galatians:1:9 @ As #G5613 we said before # G4280 (5758), so #G2532 say I #G3004 (5719) now #G737 again #G3825 , If any #G1536 man preach #G2097 # any other #G3844 # gospel #G2097 (5731) unto you #G5209 than #G3844 that #G3739 ye have received #G3880 (5627), let him be #G2077 (5749) accursed #G331 .
strkjv@Galatians:1:13 @ For #G1063 ye have heard #G191 (5656) of my #G1699 conversation #G391 in time past # G4218 in #G1722 the Jews religion #G2454 , how that #G3754 beyond #G2596 measure #G5236 I persecuted #G1377 (5707) the church #G1577 of God #G2316 , and #G2532 wasted #G4199 (5707) it #G846 :
strkjv@Galatians:1:14 @ And #G2532 profited # G4298 (5707) in #G1722 the Jews religion #G2454 above #G5228 many #G4183 my equals #G4915 in #G1722 mine own #G3450 nation #G1085 , being #G5225 (5723) more exceedingly #G4056 zealous #G2207 of the traditions #G3862 of my #G3450 fathers #G3967 .
strkjv@Galatians:1:17 @ Neither #G3761 went I up # G424 (5627) to #G1519 Jerusalem #G2414 to #G4314 them which were apostles #G652 before # G4253 me #G1700 ; but #G235 I went #G565 (5627) into #G1519 Arabia #G688 , and #G2532 returned #G5290 (5656) again #G3825 unto #G1519 Damascus #G1154 .
strkjv@Galatians:1:18 @ Then #G1899 after #G3326 three #G5140 years #G2094 I went up # G424 (5627) to #G1519 Jerusalem #G2414 to see #G2477 (5658) Peter #G4074 , and #G2532 abode #G1961 (5656) with #G4314 him #G846 fifteen #G1178 days #G2250 .
strkjv@Galatians:1:23 @ But #G1161 they had #G2258 (5713) heard #G191 (5723) only #G3440 , That #G3754 he which persecuted #G1377 (5723) us #G2248 in times past # G4218 now #G3568 preacheth #G2097 (5731) the faith #G4102 which #G3739 once # G4218 he destroyed #G4199 (5707).
strkjv@Galatians:2:6 @ But #G1161 of #G575 these who seemed #G1380 (5723) to be #G1511 (5750) somewhat #G5100 , (whatsoever #G3697 # G4218 they were #G2258 (5713), it maketh #G1308 # no #G3762 matter #G1308 (5719) to me #G3427 : God #G2316 accepteth #G2983 (5719) no #G3756 mans #G444 person #G4383 :) for #G1063 they who seemed #G1380 (5723) to be somewhat in conference added #G4323 (5639) nothing #G3762 to me #G1698 :
strkjv@Galatians:2:12 @ For #G1063 before # G4253 that certain #G5100 came #G2064 (5629) from #G575 James #G2385 , he did eat #G4906 (5707) with #G3326 the Gentiles #G1484 : but #G1161 when #G3753 they were come #G2064 (5627), he withdrew #G5288 (5707) and #G2532 separated #G873 (5707) himself #G1438 , fearing #G5399 (5740) them which were of #G1537 the circumcision #G4061 .
strkjv@Galatians:3:1 @ O #G5599 foolish #G453 Galatians #G1052 , who #G5101 hath bewitched #G940 (5656) you #G5209 , that ye should #G3982 # not #G3361 obey #G3982 (5745) the truth #G225 , before #G2596 whose #G3739 eyes #G3788 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 hath been evidently set forth # G4270 (5648), crucified #G4717 (5772) among #G1722 you #G5213 ?
strkjv@Galatians:3:8 @ And #G1161 the scripture #G1124 , foreseeing # G4275 (5631) that #G3754 God #G2316 would justify #G1344 (5719) the heathen #G1484 through #G1537 faith #G4102 , preached before the gospel # G4283 (5662) unto Abraham #G11 , saying, #G3754 In #G1722 thee #G4671 shall #G1757 # all #G3956 nations #G1484 be blessed #G1757 (5701).
strkjv@Galatians:3:23 @ But #G1161 before # G4253 faith #G4102 came #G2064 (5629), we were kept #G5432 (5712) under #G5259 the law #G3551 , shut up #G4788 (5772) unto #G1519 the faith #G4102 which should afterwards #G3195 (5723) be revealed #G601 (5683).
strkjv@Galatians:4:2 @ But #G235 is #G2076 (5748) under #G5259 tutors #G2012 and #G2532 governors #G3623 until #G891 the time appointed # G4287 of the father #G3962 .
strkjv@Galatians:5:19 @ Now #G1161 the works #G2041 of the flesh #G4561 are #G2076 (5748) manifest #G5318 , which #G3748 are #G2076 (5748) these; Adultery #G3430 , fornication # G4202 , uncleanness #G167 , lasciviousness #G766 ,
strkjv@Galatians:5:21 @ Envyings #G5355 , murders #G5408 , drunkenness #G3178 , revellings #G2970 , and #G2532 such #G5125 like #G3664 : of the which #G3739 I tell #G4302 # you #G5213 before #G4302 (5719), as #G2531 I have # G4277 # also #G2532 told you in time past # G4277 (5627), that #G3754 they which do # G4238 (5723) such things #G5108 shall #G2816 # not #G3756 inherit #G2816 (5692) the kingdom #G932 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@Galatians:5:23 @ Meekness # G4236 , temperance #G1466 : against #G2596 such #G5108 there is #G2076 (5748) no #G3756 law #G3551 .
strkjv@Galatians:5:26 @ Let us #G1096 # not #G3361 be #G1096 (5741) desirous of vain glory #G2755 , provoking # G4292 (5734) one another #G240 , envying #G5354 (5723) one another #G240 .
strkjv@Galatians:6:1 @ Brethren #G80 , if #G1437 #G2532 a man #G444 be overtaken #G4301 (5686) in #G1722 a #G5100 fault #G3900 , ye #G5210 which #G3588 are spiritual #G4152 , restore #G2675 (5720) such an one #G5108 in #G1722 the spirit #G4151 of meekness # G4236 ; considering #G4648 (5723) thyself #G4572 , lest #G3361 thou #G4771 also #G2532 be tempted #G3985 (5686).
strkjv@Hebrews:1:5 @ For #G1063 unto which #G5101 of the angels #G32 said he #G2036 (5627) at any time # G4218 , Thou #G4771 art #G1488 (5748) my #G3450 Son #G5207 , this day #G4594 have #G1080 # I #G1473 begotten #G1080 (5758) thee #G4571 ? And #G2532 again #G3825 , I #G1473 will be #G2071 (5704) to #G1519 him #G846 a Father #G3962 , and #G2532 he #G846 shall be #G2071 (5704) to #G1519 me #G3427 a Son #G5207 ?
strkjv@Hebrews:1:13 @ But #G1161 to #G4314 which #G5101 of the angels #G32 said he #G2046 (5758) at any time # G4218 , Sit #G2521 (5737) on #G1537 my #G3450 right hand #G1188 , until #G302 #G2193 I make #G5087 (5632) thine #G4675 enemies #G2190 thy #G4675 footstool #G5286 # G4228 ?
strkjv@Hebrews:2:6 @ But #G1161 one #G5100 in a certain place # G4225 testified #G1263 (5662), saying #G3004 (5723), What #G5101 is #G2076 (5748) man #G444 , that #G3754 thou art mindful #G3403 (5736) of him #G846 ? or #G2228 the son #G5207 of man #G444 , that #G3754 thou visitest #G1980 (5736) him #G846 ?
strkjv@Hebrews:2:8 @ Thou hast put #G5293 # all things #G3956 in subjection #G5293 (5656) under #G5270 his #G846 feet # G4228 . For #G1063 in #G1722 that he put #G5293 # all #G3956 in subjection under #G5293 (5658) him #G846 , he left #G863 (5656) nothing that is not #G3762 put under #G506 him #G846 . But #G1161 now #G3568 we see #G3708 (5719) not yet #G3768 all things #G3956 put under #G5293 (5772) him #G846 .
strkjv@Hebrews:2:10 @ For #G1063 it became # G4241 (5707) him #G846 , for #G1223 whom #G3739 are all things #G3956 , and #G2532 by #G1223 whom #G3739 are all things #G3956 , in bringing #G71 (5631) many #G4183 sons #G5207 unto #G1519 glory #G1391 , to make #G5048 # the captain #G747 of their #G846 salvation #G4991 perfect #G5048 (5658) through #G1223 sufferings #G3804 .
strkjv@Hebrews:4:4 @ For #G1063 he spake #G2046 (5758) in a certain place # G4225 of #G4012 the seventh #G1442 day on this wise #G3779 , And #G2532 God #G2316 did rest #G2664 (5656) the seventh #G1722 #G1442 day #G2250 from #G575 all #G3956 his #G846 works #G2041 .
strkjv@Hebrews:6:18 @ That #G2443 by #G1223 two #G1417 immutable #G276 things # G4229 , in #G1722 which #G3739 it was impossible #G102 for God #G2316 to lie #G5574 (5664), we might have #G2192 (5725) a strong #G2478 consolation #G3874 , who #G3588 have fled for refuge #G2703 (5631) to lay hold #G2902 (5658) upon the hope #G1680 set before us # G4295 (5740):
strkjv@Hebrews:6:20 @ Whither #G3699 the forerunner # G4274 is #G1525 # for #G5228 us #G2257 entered #G1525 (5627), even Jesus #G2424 , made #G1096 (5637) an high priest #G749 for #G1519 ever #G165 after #G2596 the order #G5010 of Melchisedec #G3198 .
strkjv@Hebrews:7:14 @ For #G1063 it is evident # G4271 that #G3754 our #G2257 Lord #G2962 sprang #G393 (5758) out of #G1537 Juda #G2455 ; of #G1519 which #G3739 tribe #G5443 Moses #G3475 spake #G2980 (5656) nothing #G3762 concerning #G4012 priesthood #G2420 .
strkjv@Hebrews:7:18 @ For #G1063 there is #G1096 (5736) verily #G3303 a disannulling #G115 of the commandment #G1785 going before # G4254 (5723) for #G1223 the weakness #G772 and #G2532 unprofitableness #G512 thereof #G846 .
strkjv@Hebrews:7:26 @ For #G1063 such #G5108 an high priest #G749 became # G4241 (5707) us #G2254 , who is holy #G3741 , harmless #G172 , undefiled #G283 , separate #G5563 (5772) from #G575 sinners #G268 , and #G2532 made #G1096 (5637) higher than #G5308 the heavens #G3772 ;
strkjv@Hebrews:9:2 @ For #G1063 there was #G2680 # a tabernacle #G4633 made #G2680 (5681); the first #G4413 , wherein #G1722 #G3739 #G5037 was the candlestick #G3087 , and #G2532 the table #G5132 , and #G2532 the shewbread # G4286 #G740 ; which #G3748 is called #G3004 (5743) the sanctuary #G39 .
strkjv@Hebrews:9:14 @ How much # G4214 more #G3123 shall #G2511 # the blood #G129 of Christ #G5547 , who #G3739 through #G1223 the eternal #G166 Spirit #G4151 offered #G4374 (5656) himself #G1438 without spot #G299 to God #G2316 , purge #G2511 (5692) your #G5216 conscience #G4893 from #G575 dead #G3498 works #G2041 to #G1519 serve #G3000 (5721) the living #G2198 (5723) God #G2316 ?
strkjv@Hebrews:10:1 @ For #G1063 the law #G3551 having #G2192 (5723) a shadow #G4639 of good things #G18 to come #G3195 (5723), and not #G3756 the very #G846 image #G1504 of the things # G4229 , can #G1410 (5736) never #G3763 with those #G846 sacrifices #G2378 which #G3739 they offered #G4374 (5719) year by year #G2596 #G1763 continually #G1519 #G1336 make #G5048 # the comers thereunto #G4334 (5740) perfect #G5048 (5658).
strkjv@Hebrews:10:13 @ From henceforth #G3063 expecting #G1551 (5740) till #G2193 his #G846 enemies #G2190 be made #G5087 (5686) his #G846 footstool #G5286 # G4228 .
strkjv@Hebrews:10:15 @ Whereof #G1161 the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 also #G2532 is a witness #G3140 (5719) to us #G2254 : for #G1063 after #G3326 that he had said before # G4280 (5760),
strkjv@Hebrews:10:29 @ Of how much # G4214 sorer #G5501 punishment #G5098 , suppose ye #G1380 (5719), shall he be thought worthy #G515 (5701), who #G3588 hath trodden under foot #G2662 (5660) the Son #G5207 of God #G2316 , and #G2532 hath counted #G2233 (5666) the blood #G129 of the covenant #G1242 , wherewith #G3739 #G1722 he was sanctified #G37 (5681), an unholy thing #G2839 , and #G2532 hath done despite #G1796 (5660) unto the Spirit #G4151 of grace #G5485 ?
strkjv@Hebrews:11:1 @ Now #G1161 faith #G4102 is #G2076 (5748) the substance #G5287 of things hoped for #G1679 (5746), the evidence #G1650 of things # G4229 not #G3756 seen #G991 (5746).
strkjv@Hebrews:11:2 @ For #G1063 by #G1722 it #G5026 the elders # G4245 obtained a good report #G3140 (5681).
strkjv@Hebrews:11:5 @ By faith #G4102 Enoch #G1802 was translated #G3346 (5681) that he should #G1492 # not #G3361 see #G1492 (5629) death #G2288 ; and #G2532 was #G2147 # not #G3756 found #G2147 (5712), because #G1360 God #G2316 had translated #G3346 (5656) him #G846 : for #G1063 before # G4253 his #G846 translation #G3331 he had this testimony #G3140 (5769), that he pleased #G2100 (5760) God #G2316 .
strkjv@Hebrews:11:8 @ By faith #G4102 Abraham #G11 , when he was called #G2564 (5746) to go out #G1831 (5629) into #G1519 a place #G5117 which #G3739 he should after #G3195 (5707) receive #G2983 (5721) for #G1519 an inheritance #G2817 , obeyed #G5219 (5656); and #G2532 he went out #G1831 (5627), not #G3361 knowing #G1987 (5740) whither # G4226 he went #G2064 (5736).
strkjv@Hebrews:11:13 @ These #G3778 all #G3956 died #G599 (5627) in #G2596 faith #G4102 , not #G3361 having received #G2983 (5631) the promises #G1860 , but #G235 having seen #G1492 (5631) them #G846 afar off # G4207 , and #G2532 were persuaded of #G3982 (5685) them, and #G2532 embraced #G782 (5666) them, and #G2532 confessed #G3670 (5660) that #G3754 they were #G1526 (5748) strangers #G3581 and #G2532 pilgrims #G3927 on #G1909 the earth #G1093 .
strkjv@Hebrews:11:31 @ By faith #G4102 the harlot # G4204 Rahab #G4460 perished #G4881 (5639) not #G3756 with them that believed not #G544 (5660), when she had received #G1209 (5666) the spies #G2685 with #G3326 peace #G1515 .
strkjv@Hebrews:11:37 @ They were stoned #G3034 (5681), they were sawn asunder # G4249 (5681), were tempted #G3985 (5681), were slain #G599 (5627) with #G1722 the sword #G5408 #G3162 : they wandered about #G4022 (5627) in #G1722 sheepskins #G3374 and #G1722 goatskins #G122 #G1192 ; being destitute #G5302 (5746), afflicted #G2346 (5746), tormented #G2558 (5746);
strkjv@Hebrews:11:40 @ God #G2316 having provided # G4265 (5671) some #G5100 # better #G2909 thing #G5100 for #G4012 us #G2257 , that #G3363 # they #G5048 # without #G5565 us #G2257 should #G5048 # not #G3363 be made perfect #G5048 (5686).
strkjv@Hebrews:12:1 @ Wherefore #G5105 seeing we also #G2532 are #G2192 (5723) compassed about #G4029 (5740) #G2254 with so great #G5118 a cloud #G3509 of witnesses #G3144 , let #G659 # us #G2249 lay aside #G659 (5642) every #G3956 weight #G3591 , and #G2532 the sin #G266 which doth so easily beset #G2139 us, and let us run #G5143 (5725) with #G1223 patience #G5281 the race #G73 that is set before # G4295 (5740) us #G2254 ,
strkjv@Hebrews:12:2 @ Looking #G872 (5723) unto #G1519 Jesus #G2424 the author #G747 and #G2532 finisher #G5051 of our faith #G4102 ; who #G3739 for #G473 the joy #G5479 that was set before # G4295 (5740) him #G846 endured #G5278 (5656) the cross #G4716 , despising #G2706 (5660) the shame #G152 , and #G5037 is set down #G2523 (5656) at #G1722 the right hand #G1188 of the throne #G2362 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@Hebrews:12:13 @ And #G2532 make #G4160 (5657) straight #G3717 paths #G5163 for your #G5216 feet # G4228 , lest that #G3363 which is lame #G5560 be turned out of the way #G1624 (5652); but #G1161 let it #G2390 # rather #G3123 be healed #G2390 (5686).
strkjv@Hebrews:12:16 @ Lest #G3361 there be any #G5100 fornicator # G4205 , or #G2228 profane person #G952 , as #G5613 Esau #G2269 , who #G3739 for #G473 one #G3391 morsel of meat #G1035 sold #G591 (5639) his #G846 birthright #G4415 .
strkjv@Hebrews:13:4 @ Marriage #G1062 is honourable #G5093 in #G1722 all #G3956 , and #G2532 the bed #G2845 undefiled #G283 : but #G1161 whoremongers # G4205 and #G2532 adulterers #G3432 God #G2316 will judge #G2919 (5692) (5719).
strkjv@Hebrews:13:20 @ Now #G1161 the God #G2316 of peace #G1515 , that brought again #G321 (5631) from #G1537 the dead #G3498 our #G2257 Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 , that great #G3173 shepherd #G4166 of the sheep # G4263 , through #G1722 the blood #G129 of the everlasting #G166 covenant #G1242 ,
strkjv@James:1:21 @ Wherefore #G1352 lay apart #G659 (5642) all #G3956 filthiness #G4507 and #G2532 superfluity #G4050 of naughtiness #G2549 , and receive #G1209 (5663) with #G1722 meekness # G4240 the engrafted #G1721 word #G3056 , which #G3588 is able #G1410 (5740) to save #G4982 (5658) your #G5216 souls #G5590 .
strkjv@James:2:25 @ Likewise #G3668 #G1161 also #G2532 was #G1344 # not #G3756 Rahab #G4460 the harlot # G4204 justified #G1344 (5681) by #G1537 works #G2041 , when she had received #G5264 (5666) the messengers #G32 , and #G2532 had sent them out #G1544 (5631) another #G2087 way #G3598 ?
strkjv@James:3:13 @ Who #G5101 is a wise man #G4680 and #G2532 endued with knowledge #G1990 among #G1722 you #G5213 ? let him shew #G1166 (5657) out of #G1537 a good #G2570 conversation #G391 his #G846 works #G2041 with #G1722 meekness # G4240 of wisdom #G4678 .
strkjv@James:3:16 @ For #G1063 where #G3699 envying #G2205 and #G2532 strife #G2052 is, there #G1563 is confusion #G181 and #G2532 every #G3956 evil #G5337 work # G4229 .
strkjv@James:5:9 @ Grudge #G4727 (5720) not #G3361 one against another #G2596 #G240 , brethren #G80 , lest #G3363 ye be condemned #G2632 (5686): behold #G2400 (5628), the judge #G2923 standeth #G2476 (5707) before # G4253 the door #G2374 .
strkjv@James:5:12 @ But #G1161 above # G4253 all things #G3956 , my #G3450 brethren #G80 , swear #G3660 (5720) not #G3361 , neither #G3383 by heaven #G3772 , neither #G3383 by the earth #G1093 , neither #G3383 by any #G5100 other #G243 oath #G3727 : but #G1161 let #G2277 # your #G5216 yea #G3483 be #G2277 (5749) yea #G3483 ; and #G2532 your nay #G3756 , nay #G3756 ; lest #G3363 ye fall #G4098 (5632) into #G1519 condemnation #G5272 .
strkjv@James:5:14 @ Is #G770 # any #G5100 sick #G770 (5719) among #G1722 you #G5213 ? let him call #G4341 (5663) for the elders # G4245 of the church #G1577 ; and #G2532 let them pray #G4336 (5663) over #G1909 him #G846 , anointing #G218 (5660) him #G846 with oil #G1637 in #G1722 the name #G3686 of the Lord #G2962 :
strkjv@Jude:1:4 @ For #G1063 there are certain #G5100 men #G444 crept in unawares #G3921 (5656), who #G3588 were before # G4270 # of old #G3819 ordained # G4270 (5772) to #G1519 this #G5124 condemnation #G2917 , ungodly men #G765 , turning #G3346 (5723) the grace #G5485 of our #G2257 God #G2316 into #G1519 lasciviousness and #G2532 denying #G720 (5740) the only #G3441 Lord #G1203 God #G2316 , and #G2532 our #G2257 Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@Jude:1:7 @ Even as #G5613 Sodom #G4670 and #G2532 Gomorrha #G1116 , and #G2532 the cities #G4172 about #G4012 them #G846 in like #G3664 #G5125 manner #G5158 , giving themselves over to fornication #G1608 (5660), and #G2532 going #G565 (5631) after #G3694 strange #G2087 flesh #G4561 , are set forth for # G4295 (5736) an example #G1164 , suffering #G5254 (5723) the vengeance #G1349 of eternal #G166 fire #G4442 .
strkjv@Jude:1:17 @ But #G1161 , beloved #G27 , remember #G3415 (5682) ye #G5210 the words #G4487 which #G3588 were spoken before # G4280 (5772) of #G5259 the apostles #G652 of our #G2257 Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 ;
strkjv@John:1:38 @ Then #G1161 Jesus #G2424 turned #G4762 (5651), and #G2532 saw #G2300 (5666) them #G846 following #G190 (5723), and saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , What #G5101 seek ye #G2212 (5719)? #G1161 They said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Rabbi #G4461 , (which #G3739 is to say #G3004 (5743), being interpreted #G2059 (5746), Master #G1320 ,) where # G4226 dwellest thou #G3306 (5719)?
strkjv@John:1:39 @ He saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , Come #G2064 (5737) and #G2532 see #G1492 (5628). They came #G2064 (5627) and #G2532 saw #G1492 (5627) where # G4226 he dwelt #G3306 (5719), and #G2532 abode #G3306 (5656) with #G3844 him #G846 that #G1565 day #G2250 : for #G1161 it was #G2258 (5713) about #G5613 the tenth #G1182 hour #G5610 .
strkjv@John:1:48 @ Nathanael #G3482 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Whence #G4159 knowest thou #G1097 (5719) me #G3165 ? Jesus #G2424 answered #G611 (5662) and #G2532 said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Before # G4253 that Philip #G5376 called #G5455 (5658) thee #G4571 , when thou wast #G5607 (5752) under #G5259 the fig tree #G4808 , I saw #G1492 (5627) thee #G4571 .
strkjv@John:2:14 @ And #G2532 found #G2147 (5627) in #G1722 the temple #G2411 those that sold #G4453 (5723) oxen #G1016 and #G2532 sheep # G4263 and #G2532 doves #G4058 , and #G2532 the changers of money #G2773 sitting #G2521 (5740):
strkjv@John:2:15 @ And #G2532 when he had made #G4160 (5660) a scourge #G5416 of #G1537 small cords #G4979 , he drove #G1544 (5627) them all #G3956 out of #G1537 the temple #G2411 , and #G5037 the sheep # G4263 , and #G2532 the oxen #G1016 ; and #G2532 poured out #G1632 (5656) the changers #G2855 money #G2772 , and #G2532 overthrew #G390 (5656) the tables #G5132 ;
strkjv@John:3:8 @ The wind #G4151 bloweth #G4154 (5719) where #G3699 it listeth #G2309 (5719), and #G2532 thou hearest #G191 (5719) the sound #G5456 thereof #G846 , but #G235 canst #G1492 # not #G3756 tell #G1492 (5758) whence #G4159 it cometh #G2064 (5736), and #G2532 whither # G4226 it goeth #G5217 (5719): so #G3779 is #G2076 (5748) every one #G3956 that is born #G1080 (5772) of #G1537 the Spirit #G4151 .
strkjv@John:3:20 @ For #G1063 every one #G3956 that doeth # G4238 (5723) evil #G5337 hateth #G3404 (5719) the light #G5457 , neither #G2532 #G3756 cometh #G2064 (5736) to #G4314 the light #G5457 , lest #G3363 his #G846 deeds #G2041 should be reproved #G1651 (5686).
strkjv@John:4:49 @ The nobleman #G937 saith #G3004 (5719) unto #G4314 him #G846 , Sir #G2962 , come down #G2597 (5628) ere # G4250 my #G3450 child #G3813 die #G599 (5629).
strkjv@John:5:2 @ Now #G1161 there is #G2076 (5748) at #G1722 Jerusalem #G2414 by #G1909 the sheep # G4262 market a pool #G2861 , which #G3588 is called #G1951 (5746) in the Hebrew tongue #G1447 Bethesda #G964 , having #G2192 (5723) five #G4002 porches #G4745 .
strkjv@John:5:7 @ The impotent man #G770 (5723) answered #G611 (5662) him #G846 , Sir #G2962 , I have #G2192 (5719) no #G3756 man #G444 , when #G3752 the water #G5204 is troubled #G5015 (5686), to #G2443 put #G906 (5725) me #G3165 into #G1519 the pool #G2861 : but #G1161 while #G1722 #G3739 I #G1473 am coming #G2064 (5736), another #G243 steppeth down #G2597 (5719) before # G4253 me #G1700 .
strkjv@John:5:29 @ And #G2532 shall come forth #G1607 (5695); they that have done #G4160 (5660) good #G18 , unto #G1519 the resurrection #G386 of life #G2222 ; and #G1161 they that have done # G4238 (5660) evil #G5337 , unto #G1519 the resurrection #G386 of damnation #G2920 .
strkjv@John:6:3 @ And #G1161 Jesus #G2424 went up # G424 (5627) into #G1519 a mountain #G3735 , and #G2532 there #G1563 he sat #G2521 (5711) with #G3326 his #G846 disciples #G3101 .
strkjv@John:6:25 @ And #G2532 when they had found #G2147 (5631) him #G846 on the other side #G4008 of the sea #G2281 , they said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Rabbi #G4461 , when # G4219 camest thou #G1096 (5754) hither #G5602 ?
strkjv@John:6:55 @ For #G1063 my #G3450 flesh #G4561 is #G2076 (5748) meat #G1035 indeed #G230 , and #G2532 my #G3450 blood #G129 is #G2076 (5748) drink # G4213 indeed #G230 .
strkjv@John:7:11 @ Then #G3767 the Jews #G2453 sought #G2212 (5707) him #G846 at #G1722 the feast #G1859 , and #G2532 said #G3004 (5707), Where # G4226 is #G2076 (5748) he #G1565 ?
strkjv@John:7:17 @ If #G1437 any man #G5100 will #G2309 (5725) do #G4160 (5721) his #G846 will #G2307 , he shall know #G1097 (5695) of #G4012 the doctrine #G1322 , whether # G4220 it be #G2076 (5748) of #G1537 God #G2316 , or #G2228 whether I #G1473 speak #G2980 (5719) of #G575 myself #G1683 .
strkjv@John:7:35 @ Then #G3767 said #G2036 (5627) the Jews #G2453 among #G4314 themselves #G1438 , Whither # G4226 will #G3195 (5719) he #G3778 go #G4198 (5738), that #G3754 we #G2249 shall #G2147 # not #G3756 find #G2147 (5692) him #G846 ? will #G3361 #G3195 (5719) he go #G4198 (5738) unto #G1519 the dispersed #G1290 among the Gentiles #G1672 , and #G2532 teach #G1321 (5721) the Gentiles #G1672 ?
strkjv@John:7:38 @ He that believeth #G4100 (5723) on #G1519 me #G1691 , as #G2531 the scripture #G1124 hath said #G2036 (5627), out of #G1537 his #G846 belly #G2836 shall flow #G4482 (5692) rivers # G4215 of living #G2198 (5723) water #G5204 .
strkjv@John:8:9 @ And #G1161 they which heard #G191 (5660) it, #G2532 being convicted #G1651 (5746) by #G5259 their own conscience #G4893 , went out #G1831 (5711) one by one #G1527 , beginning #G756 (5671) at #G575 the eldest # G4245 , even unto #G2193 the last #G2078 : and #G2532 Jesus #G2424 was left #G2641 (5681) alone #G3441 , and #G2532 the woman #G1135 standing #G2476 (5761) in #G1722 the midst #G3319 .
strkjv@John:8:10 @ When #G1161 Jesus #G2424 had lifted up himself #G352 (5660), and #G2532 saw #G2300 (5666) none #G3367 but #G4133 the woman #G1135 , he said #G2036 (5627) unto her #G846 , Woman #G1135 , where # G4226 are #G1526 (5748) those #G1565 thine #G4675 accusers #G2725 ? hath #G2632 # no man #G3762 condemned #G2632 (5656) thee #G4571 ?
strkjv@John:8:14 @ Jesus #G2424 answered #G611 (5662) and #G2532 said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , Though #G2579 I #G1473 bear record #G3140 (5725) of #G4012 myself #G1683 , yet my #G3450 record #G3141 is #G2076 (5748) true #G227 : for #G3754 I know #G1492 (5758) whence #G4159 I came #G2064 (5627), and #G2532 whither # G4226 I go #G5217 (5719); but #G1161 ye #G5210 cannot #G3756 tell #G1492 (5758) whence #G4159 I come #G2064 (5736), and #G2532 whither # G4226 I go #G5217 (5719).
strkjv@John:8:19 @ Then #G3767 said they #G3004 (5707) unto him #G846 , Where # G4226 is #G2076 (5748) thy #G4675 Father #G3962 ? Jesus #G2424 answered #G611 (5662), Ye #G1492 # neither #G3777 know #G1492 (5758) me #G1691 , nor #G3777 my #G3450 Father #G3962 : if #G1487 ye had known #G1492 (5715) me #G1691 , #G2532 ye should have known #G1492 (5715) my #G3450 Father #G3962 also #G302 .
strkjv@John:8:41 @ Ye #G5210 do #G4160 (5719) the deeds #G2041 of your #G5216 father #G3962 . Then #G3767 said they #G2036 (5627) to him #G846 , We #G2249 be #G1080 # not #G3756 born #G1080 (5769) of #G1537 fornication # G4202 ; we have #G2192 (5719) one #G1520 Father #G3962 , even God #G2316 .
strkjv@John:8:58 @ Jesus #G2424 said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , Verily #G281 , verily #G281 , I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , Before # G4250 Abraham #G11 was #G1096 (5635), I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748).
strkjv@John:9:12 @ Then #G3767 said they #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Where # G4226 is #G2076 (5748) he #G1565 ? He said #G3004 (5719), I know #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 .
strkjv@John:9:13 @ They brought #G71 (5719) to #G4314 the Pharisees #G5330 him #G846 that aforetime # G4218 was blind #G5185 .
strkjv@John:10:1 @ Verily #G281 , verily #G281 , I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , He that entereth #G1525 (5740) not #G3361 by #G1223 the door #G2374 into #G1519 the sheepfold # G4263 #G833 , but #G235 climbeth up #G305 (5723) some other way #G237 , the same #G1565 is #G2076 (5748) a thief #G2812 and #G2532 a robber #G3027 .
strkjv@John:10:2 @ But #G1161 he that entereth in #G1525 (5740) by #G1223 the door #G2374 is #G2076 (5748) the shepherd #G4166 of the sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@John:10:3 @ To him #G5129 the porter #G2377 openeth #G455 (5719); and #G2532 the sheep # G4263 hear #G191 (5719) his #G846 voice #G5456 : and #G2532 he calleth #G2564 (5719) his own #G2398 sheep # G4263 by #G2596 name #G3686 , and #G2532 leadeth #G1806 # them #G846 out #G1806 (5719).
strkjv@John:10:4 @ And #G2532 when #G3752 he putteth forth #G1544 (5632) his own #G2398 sheep # G4263 , he goeth #G4198 (5736) before #G1715 them #G846 , and #G2532 the sheep # G4263 follow #G190 (5719) him #G846 : for #G3754 they know #G1492 (5758) his #G846 voice #G5456 .
strkjv@John:10:7 @ Then #G3767 said #G2036 (5627) Jesus #G2424 unto them #G846 again #G3825 , Verily #G281 , verily #G281 , I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , #G3754 I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748) the door #G2374 of the sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@John:10:8 @ All #G3956 that ever #G3745 came #G2064 (5627) before # G4253 me #G1700 are #G1526 (5748) thieves #G2812 and #G2532 robbers #G3027 : but #G235 the sheep # G4263 did #G191 # not #G3756 hear #G191 (5656) them #G846 .
strkjv@John:10:11 @ I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748) the good #G2570 shepherd #G4166 : the good #G2570 shepherd #G4166 giveth #G5087 (5719) his #G846 life #G5590 for #G5228 the sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@John:10:12 @ But #G1161 he that is #G5607 (5752) an hireling #G3411 , and #G2532 not #G3756 the shepherd #G4166 , whose #G3739 own #G2398 the sheep # G4263 are #G1526 (5748) not #G3756 , seeth #G2334 (5719) the wolf #G3074 coming #G2064 (5740), and #G2532 leaveth #G863 (5719) the sheep # G4263 , and #G2532 fleeth #G5343 (5719): and #G2532 the wolf #G3074 catcheth #G726 (5719) them #G846 , and #G2532 scattereth #G4650 (5719) the sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@John:10:13 @ #G1161 The hireling #G3411 fleeth #G5343 (5719), because #G3754 he is #G2076 (5748) an hireling #G3411 , and #G2532 #G846 careth #G3199 (5719) not #G3756 for #G4012 the sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@John:10:15 @ As #G2531 the Father #G3962 knoweth #G1097 (5719) me #G3165 , even so #G2504 # know #G1097 (5719) I #G2504 the Father #G3962 : and #G2532 I lay down #G5087 (5719) my #G3450 life #G5590 for #G5228 the sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@John:10:16 @ And #G2532 other #G243 sheep # G4263 I have #G2192 (5719), which #G3739 are #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 of #G1537 this #G5026 fold #G833 : them also #G2548 I #G3165 must #G1163 (5748) bring #G71 (5629), and #G2532 they shall hear #G191 (5692) my #G3450 voice #G5456 ; and #G2532 there shall be #G1096 (5695) one #G3391 fold #G4167 , and one #G1520 shepherd #G4166 .
strkjv@John:10:24 @ Then #G3767 came #G2944 # the Jews #G2453 round about #G2944 (5656) him #G846 , and #G2532 said #G3004 (5707) unto him #G846 , How long #G2193 # G4219 dost thou make #G142 (5719) us #G2257 to doubt #G5590 ? If #G1487 thou #G4771 be #G1488 (5748) the Christ #G5547 , tell #G2036 (5628) us #G2254 plainly #G3954 .
strkjv@John:10:26 @ But #G235 ye #G5210 believe #G4100 (5719) not #G3756 , because #G1063 ye are #G2075 (5748) not #G3756 of #G1537 my #G1699 sheep # G4263 , as #G2531 I said #G2036 (5627) unto you #G5213 .
strkjv@John:10:27 @ My #G1699 sheep # G4263 hear #G191 (5719) my #G3450 voice #G5456 , and I #G2504 know #G1097 (5719) them #G846 , and #G2532 they follow #G190 (5719) me #G3427 :
strkjv@John:11:2 @ #G1161 (It was #G2258 (5713) that Mary #G3137 which #G3588 anointed #G218 (5660) the Lord #G2962 with ointment #G3464 , and #G2532 wiped #G1591 (5660) his #G846 feet # G4228 with her #G846 hair #G2359 , whose #G3739 brother #G80 Lazarus #G2976 was sick #G770 (5707).)
strkjv@John:11:32 @ Then #G3767 when #G5613 Mary #G3137 was come #G2064 (5627) where #G3699 Jesus #G2424 was #G2258 (5713), and saw #G1492 (5631) him #G846 , she fell down #G4098 (5627) at #G1519 his #G846 feet # G4228 , saying #G3004 (5723) unto him #G846 , Lord #G2962 , if #G1487 thou hadst been #G2258 (5713) here #G5602 , my #G3450 brother #G80 had #G302 not #G3756 died #G599 (5627).
strkjv@John:11:34 @ And #G2532 said #G2036 (5627), Where # G4226 have ye laid #G5087 (5758) him #G846 ? They said #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Lord #G2962 , come #G2064 (5736) and #G2532 see #G1492 (5657).
strkjv@John:11:44 @ And #G2532 he that was dead #G2348 (5761) came forth #G1831 (5627), bound #G1210 (5772) hand #G5495 and #G2532 foot # G4228 with graveclothes #G2750 : and #G2532 his #G846 face #G3799 was bound about #G4019 (5718) with a napkin #G4676 . Jesus #G2424 saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , Loose #G3089 (5657) him #G846 , and #G2532 let him #G863 (5628) go #G5217 (5721).
strkjv@John:11:55 @ And #G1161 the Jews #G2453 passover #G3957 was #G2258 (5713) nigh at hand #G1451 : and #G2532 many #G4183 went #G305 (5627) out of #G1537 the country #G5561 up #G1519 to Jerusalem #G2414 before # G4253 the passover #G3957 , to #G2443 purify #G48 (5661) themselves #G1438 .
strkjv@John:11:57 @ Now #G1161 both #G2532 the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 the Pharisees #G5330 had given #G1325 (5715) a commandment #G1785 , that #G2443 , if #G1437 any man #G5100 knew #G1097 (5632) where # G4226 he were #G2076 (5748), he should shew #G3377 (5661) it, that #G3704 they might take #G4084 (5661) him #G846 .
strkjv@John:12:1 @ Then #G3767 Jesus #G2424 six #G1803 days #G2250 before # G4253 the passover #G3957 came #G2064 (5627) to #G1519 Bethany #G963 , where #G3699 Lazarus #G2976 was #G2258 (5713) which #G3588 had been dead #G2348 (5761), whom #G3739 he raised #G1453 (5656) from #G1537 the dead #G3498 .
strkjv@John:12:3 @ Then #G3767 took #G2983 (5631) Mary #G3137 a pound #G3046 of ointment #G3464 of spikenard #G3487 #G4101 , very costly #G4186 , and anointed #G218 (5656) the feet # G4228 of Jesus #G2424 , and #G2532 wiped #G1591 (5656) his #G846 feet # G4228 with her #G846 hair #G2359 : and #G1161 the house #G3614 was filled #G4137 (5681) with #G1537 the odour #G3744 of the ointment #G3464 .
strkjv@John:12:35 @ Then #G3767 Jesus #G2424 said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , Yet #G2089 a little #G3398 while #G5550 is #G2076 (5748) the light #G5457 with #G3326 you #G5216 . Walk #G4043 (5720) while #G2193 ye have #G2192 (5719) the light #G5457 , lest #G3363 darkness #G4653 come upon #G2638 (5632) you #G5209 : for #G2532 he that walketh #G4043 (5723) in #G1722 darkness #G4653 knoweth #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 whither # G4226 he goeth #G5217 (5719).
strkjv@John:13:1 @ Now #G1161 before # G4253 the feast #G1859 of the passover #G3957 , when Jesus #G2424 knew #G1492 (5761) that #G3754 his #G846 hour #G5610 was come #G2064 (5754) that #G2443 he should depart #G3327 (5632) out of #G1537 this #G5127 world #G2889 unto #G4314 the Father #G3962 , having loved #G25 (5660) his own #G2398 which #G3588 were in #G1722 the world #G2889 , he loved #G25 (5656) them #G846 unto #G1519 the end #G5056 .
strkjv@John:13:5 @ After that #G1534 he poureth #G906 (5719) water #G5204 into #G1519 a bason #G3537 , and #G2532 began #G756 (5662) to wash #G3538 (5721) the disciples #G3101 feet # G4228 , and #G2532 to wipe #G1591 (5721) them with the towel #G3012 wherewith #G3739 he was #G2258 (5713) girded #G1241 (5772).
strkjv@John:13:6 @ Then #G3767 cometh he #G2064 (5736) to #G4314 Simon #G4613 Peter #G4074 : and #G2532 Peter #G1565 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Lord #G2962 , dost #G3538 # thou #G4771 wash #G3538 (5719) my #G3450 feet # G4228 ?
strkjv@John:13:8 @ Peter #G4074 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Thou shalt #G3538 # never #G1519 #G165 #G3364 wash #G3538 (5661) my #G3450 feet # G4228 . Jesus #G2424 answered #G611 (5662) him #G846 , If #G3362 # I wash #G3538 (5661) thee #G4571 not #G3362 , thou hast #G2192 (5719) no #G3756 part #G3313 with #G3326 me #G1700 .
strkjv@John:13:9 @ Simon #G4613 Peter #G4074 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Lord #G2962 , not #G3361 my #G3450 feet # G4228 only #G3440 , but #G235 also #G2532 my hands #G5495 and #G2532 my head #G2776 .
strkjv@John:13:10 @ Jesus #G2424 saith #G3004 (5719) to him #G846 , He that is washed #G3068 (5772) needeth #G5532 not #G3756 #G2192 (5719) save #G2228 to wash #G3538 (5670) his feet # G4228 , but #G235 is #G2076 (5748) clean #G2513 every whit #G3650 : and #G2532 ye #G5210 are #G2075 (5748) clean #G2513 , but #G235 not #G3780 all #G3956 .
strkjv@John:13:12 @ So #G3767 after #G3753 he had washed #G3538 (5656) their #G846 feet # G4228 , and #G2532 had taken #G2983 (5627) his #G846 garments #G2440 , and was set down #G377 (5631) again #G3825 , he said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , Know ye #G1097 (5719) (5720) what #G5101 I have done #G4160 (5758) to you #G5213 ?
strkjv@John:13:14 @ If #G1487 I #G1473 then #G3767 , your Lord #G2962 and #G2532 Master #G1320 , have washed #G3538 (5656) your #G5216 feet # G4228 ; ye #G5210 also #G2532 ought #G3784 (5719) to wash #G3538 (5721) one anothers #G240 feet # G4228 .
strkjv@John:13:19 @ Now #G575 #G737 I tell #G3004 (5719) you #G5213 before # G4253 it come #G1096 (5635), that #G2443 , when #G3752 it is come to pass #G1096 (5638), ye may believe #G4100 (5661) that #G3754 I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748) he.
strkjv@John:13:36 @ Simon #G4613 Peter #G4074 said #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Lord #G2962 , whither # G4226 goest #G5217 (5719) thou? Jesus #G2424 answered #G611 (5662) him #G846 , Whither #G3699 I go #G5217 (5719), thou canst #G1410 (5736) not #G3756 follow #G190 (5658) me #G3427 now #G3568 ; but #G1161 thou shalt follow #G190 (5692) me #G3427 afterwards #G5305 .
strkjv@John:14:5 @ Thomas #G2381 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Lord #G2962 , we know #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 whither # G4226 thou goest #G5217 (5719); and #G2532 how #G4459 can we #G1410 (5736) know #G1492 (5760) the way #G3598 ?
strkjv@John:14:29 @ And #G2532 now #G3568 I have told #G2046 (5758) you #G5213 before # G4250 it come to pass #G1096 (5635), that #G2443 , when #G3752 it is come to pass #G1096 (5638), ye might believe #G4100 (5661).
strkjv@John:16:5 @ But #G1161 now #G3568 I go my way #G5217 (5719) to #G4314 him that sent #G3992 (5660) me #G3165 ; and #G2532 none #G3762 of #G1537 you #G5216 asketh #G2065 (5719) me #G3165 , Whither # G4226 goest thou #G5217 (5719)?
strkjv@John:17:5 @ And #G2532 now #G3568 , O Father #G3962 , glorify #G1392 (5657) thou #G4771 me #G3165 with #G3844 thine own self #G4572 with the glory #G1391 which #G3739 I had #G2192 (5707) with #G3844 thee #G4671 before # G4253 the world #G2889 was #G1511 (5750).
strkjv@John:17:24 @ Father #G3962 , I will #G2309 (5719) that #G2443 they also #G2548 , whom #G3739 thou hast given #G1325 (5758) me #G3427 , be #G5600 (5753) with #G3326 me #G1700 where #G3699 I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748); that #G2443 they may behold #G2334 (5725) my #G1699 glory #G1391 , which #G3739 thou hast given #G1325 (5656) me #G3427 : for #G3754 thou lovedst #G25 (5656) me #G3165 before # G4253 the foundation #G2602 of the world #G2889 .
strkjv@John:18:11 @ Then #G3767 said #G2036 (5627) Jesus #G2424 unto Peter #G4074 , Put up #G906 (5628) thy #G4675 sword #G3162 into #G1519 the sheath #G2336 : the cup # G4221 which #G3739 my Father #G3962 hath given #G1325 (5758) me #G3427 , shall I #G4095 # not #G3378 drink #G4095 (5632) it #G846 ?
strkjv@John:18:28 @ Then #G3767 led they #G71 (5719) Jesus #G2424 from #G575 Caiaphas #G2533 unto #G1519 the hall of judgment # G4232 : and #G1161 it was #G2258 (5713) early #G4405 ; and #G2532 they themselves #G846 went #G1525 (5627) not #G3756 into #G1519 the judgment hall # G4232 , lest #G3363 they should be defiled #G3392 (5686); but #G235 that #G2443 they might eat #G5315 (5632) the passover #G3957 .
strkjv@John:18:33 @ Then #G3767 Pilate #G4091 entered #G1525 (5627) into #G1519 the judgment hall # G4232 again #G3825 , and #G2532 called #G5455 (5656) Jesus #G2424 , and #G2532 said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Art #G1488 (5748) thou #G4771 the King #G935 of the Jews #G2453 ?
strkjv@John:19:2 @ And #G2532 the soldiers #G4757 platted #G4120 (5660) a crown #G4735 of #G1537 thorns #G173 , and put it on #G2007 (5656) his #G846 head #G2776 , and #G2532 they put on #G4016 (5627) him #G846 a purple # G4210 robe #G2440 ,
strkjv@John:19:5 @ Then #G3767 came #G1831 (5627) Jesus #G2424 forth #G1854 , wearing #G5409 (5723) the crown #G4735 of thorns #G174 , and #G2532 the purple # G4210 robe #G2440 . And #G2532 Pilate saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , Behold #G2396 the man #G444 !
strkjv@John:19:9 @ And #G2532 went #G1525 (5627) again #G3825 into #G1519 the judgment hall # G4232 , and #G2532 saith #G3004 (5719) unto Jesus #G2424 , Whence #G4159 art #G1488 (5748) thou #G4771 ? But #G1161 Jesus #G2424 gave #G1325 (5656) him #G846 no #G3756 answer #G612 .
strkjv@John:20:2 @ Then #G3767 she runneth #G5143 (5719), and #G2532 cometh #G2064 (5736) to #G4314 Simon #G4613 Peter #G4074 , and #G2532 to #G4314 the other #G243 disciple #G3101 , whom #G3739 Jesus #G2424 loved #G5368 (5707), and #G2532 saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , They have taken away #G142 (5656) the Lord #G2962 out of #G1537 the sepulchre #G3419 , and #G2532 we know #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 where # G4226 they have laid #G5087 (5656) him #G846 .
strkjv@John:20:12 @ And #G2532 seeth #G2334 (5719) two #G1417 angels #G32 in #G1722 white #G3022 sitting #G2516 (5740), the one #G1520 at #G4314 the head #G2776 , and #G2532 the other #G1520 at #G4314 the feet # G4228 , where #G3699 the body #G4983 of Jesus #G2424 had lain #G2749 (5711).
strkjv@John:20:13 @ And #G2532 they #G1565 say #G3004 (5719) unto her #G846 , Woman #G1135 , why #G5101 weepest thou #G2799 (5719)? She saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , Because #G3754 they have taken away #G142 (5656) my #G3450 Lord #G2962 , and #G2532 I know #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 where # G4226 they have laid #G5087 (5656) him #G846 .
strkjv@John:20:15 @ Jesus #G2424 saith #G3004 (5719) unto her #G846 , Woman #G1135 , why #G5101 weepest thou #G2799 (5719)? whom #G5101 seekest thou #G2212 (5719)? She #G1565 , supposing #G1380 (5723) #G3754 him to be #G2076 (5748) the gardener #G2780 , saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Sir #G2962 , if #G1487 thou #G4771 have borne #G941 # him #G846 hence #G941 (5656), tell #G2036 (5628) me #G3427 where # G4226 thou hast laid #G5087 (5656) him #G846 , and I #G2504 will take #G142 # him #G846 away #G142 (5692).
strkjv@John:21:16 @ He saith #G3004 (5719) to him #G846 again #G3825 the second time #G1208 , Simon #G4613 , son of Jonas #G2495 , lovest thou #G25 (5719) me #G3165 ? He saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Yea #G3483 , Lord #G2962 ; thou #G4771 knowest #G1492 (5758) that #G3754 I love #G5368 (5719) thee #G4571 . He saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Feed #G4165 (5720) my #G3450 sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@John:21:17 @ He saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 the third #G5154 time, Simon #G4613 , son of Jonas #G2495 , lovest #G5368 (5719) thou me #G3165 ? Peter #G4074 was grieved #G3076 (5681) because #G3754 he said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 the third #G5154 time, Lovest #G5368 (5719) thou me #G3165 ? And #G2532 he said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Lord #G2962 , thou #G4771 knowest #G1492 (5758) all things #G3956 ; thou #G4771 knowest #G1097 (5719) that #G3754 I love #G5368 (5719) thee #G4571 . Jesus #G2424 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Feed #G1006 (5720) my #G3450 sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@Luke:1:1 @ Forasmuch #G1895 as many #G4183 have taken in hand #G2021 (5656) to set forth in order #G392 (5664) a declaration #G1335 of #G4012 those things # G4229 which are most surely believed #G4135 (5772) among #G1722 us #G2254 ,
strkjv@Luke:1:7 @ And #G2532 they #G846 had #G2258 (5713) no #G3756 child #G5043 , because #G2530 that Elisabeth #G1665 was #G2258 (5713) barren #G4723 , and #G2532 they #G846 both #G297 were #G2258 (5713) now well stricken # G4260 (5761) in #G1722 years #G2250 .
strkjv@Luke:1:17 @ And #G2532 he #G846 shall go # G4281 (5695) before #G1799 him #G846 in #G1722 the spirit #G4151 and #G2532 power #G1411 of Elias #G2243 , to turn #G1994 (5658) the hearts #G2588 of the fathers #G3962 to #G1909 the children #G5043 , and #G2532 the disobedient #G545 to #G1722 the wisdom #G5428 of the just #G1342 ; to make ready #G2090 (5658) a people #G2992 prepared #G2680 (5772) for the Lord #G2962 .
strkjv@Luke:1:18 @ And #G2532 Zacharias #G2197 said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 the angel #G32 , Whereby #G2596 #G5101 shall I know #G1097 (5695) this #G5124 ? for #G1063 I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748) an old man # G4246 , and #G2532 my #G3450 wife #G1135 well stricken # G4260 (5761) in #G1722 years #G2250 #G846 .
strkjv@Luke:1:29 @ And #G1161 when she saw #G1492 (5631) him, she was troubled #G1298 (5681) at #G1909 his #G846 saying #G3056 , and #G2532 cast in her mind #G1260 (5711) what manner # G4217 of salutation #G783 this #G3778 should be #G1498 (5751).
strkjv@Luke:1:76 @ And #G2532 thou #G4771 , child #G3813 , shalt be called #G2564 (5701) the prophet #G4396 of the Highest #G5310 : for #G1063 thou shalt go #G4313 (5695) before # G4253 the face #G4383 of the Lord #G2962 to prepare #G2090 (5658) his #G846 ways #G3598 ;
strkjv@Luke:1:79 @ To give light #G2014 (5658) to them that sit #G2521 (5740) in #G1722 darkness #G4655 and #G2532 in the shadow #G4639 of death #G2288 , to guide #G2720 (5658) our #G2257 feet # G4228 into #G1519 the way #G3598 of peace #G1515 .
strkjv@Luke:2:16 @ And #G2532 they came #G2064 (5627) with haste #G4692 (5660), and #G2532 #G5037 found # G429 (5627) Mary #G3137 , and #G2532 Joseph #G2501 , and #G2532 the babe #G1025 lying #G2749 (5740) in #G1722 a manger #G5336 .
strkjv@Luke:2:21 @ And #G2532 when #G3753 eight #G3638 days #G2250 were accomplished #G4130 (5681) for the circumcising #G4059 (5629) of the child #G3813 , #G2532 his #G846 name #G3686 was called #G2564 (5681) JESUS #G2424 , which #G3588 was so named #G2564 (5685) of #G5259 the angel #G32 before # G4253 he #G846 was conceived #G4815 (5683) in #G1722 the womb #G2836 .
strkjv@Luke:2:26 @ And #G2532 it was #G2258 (5713) revealed #G5537 (5772) unto him #G846 by #G5259 the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 , that he should #G1492 # not #G3361 see #G1492 (5629) death #G2288 , before # G4250 #G2228 he had seen #G1492 (5632) the Lords #G2962 Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@Luke:2:36 @ And #G2532 there was #G2258 (5713) one Anna #G451 , a prophetess #G4398 , the daughter #G2364 of Phanuel #G5323 , of #G1537 the tribe #G5443 of Aser #G768 : she #G3778 (5625) #G846 was of a great #G4183 #G1722 age #G2250 # G4260 (5761), and had lived #G2198 (5660) with #G3326 an husband #G435 seven #G2033 years #G2094 from #G575 her #G846 virginity #G3932 ;
strkjv@Luke:2:52 @ And #G2532 Jesus #G2424 increased # G4298 (5707) in wisdom #G4678 and #G2532 stature #G2244 , and #G2532 in favour #G5485 with #G3844 God #G2316 and #G2532 man #G444 .
strkjv@Luke:3:13 @ And #G1161 he said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 them #G846 , Exact # G4238 (5719) no #G3367 more #G4119 than #G3844 that which is appointed #G1299 (5772) you #G5213 .
strkjv@Luke:4:11 @ And #G2532 #G3754 in #G1909 their hands #G5495 they shall bear #G142 # thee #G4571 up #G142 (5692), lest at any time #G3379 thou dash #G4350 (5661) thy #G4675 foot # G4228 against #G4314 a stone #G3037 .
strkjv@Luke:6:4 @ How #G5613 he went #G1525 (5627) into #G1519 the house #G3624 of God #G2316 , and #G2532 did take #G2983 (5627) and #G2532 eat #G5315 (5627) the shewbread #G740 # G4286 , and #G2532 gave #G1325 (5656) also #G2532 to them that were with #G3326 him #G846 ; which #G3739 it is #G1832 # not #G3756 lawful #G1832 (5748) to eat #G5315 (5629) but for #G1508 the priests #G2409 alone #G3441 ?
strkjv@Luke:6:16 @ And Judas #G2455 the brother of James #G2385 , and #G2532 Judas #G2455 Iscariot #G2469 , which #G3739 also #G2532 was #G1096 (5633) the traitor # G4273 .
strkjv@Luke:6:48 @ He is #G2076 (5748) like #G3664 a man #G444 which #G3739 built #G3618 (5723) an house #G3614 , and #G2532 digged #G4626 (5656) deep #G900 (5656), and #G2532 laid #G5087 (5656) the foundation #G2310 on #G1909 a rock #G4073 : and #G1161 when the flood #G4132 arose #G1096 (5637), the stream # G4215 beat vehemently #G4366 (5656) upon that #G1565 house #G3614 , and #G2532 could #G2480 (5656) not #G3756 shake #G4531 (5658) it #G846 : for #G1063 it was founded #G2311 (5718) upon #G1909 a rock #G4073 .
strkjv@Luke:6:49 @ But #G1161 he that heareth #G191 (5660), and #G2532 doeth #G4160 (5660) not #G3361 , is #G2076 (5748) like #G3664 a man #G444 that without #G5565 a foundation #G2310 built #G3618 (5660) an house #G3614 upon #G1909 the earth #G1093 ; against #G4366 # which #G3739 the stream # G4215 did beat vehemently #G4366 (5656), and #G2532 immediately #G2112 it fell #G4098 (5627); and #G2532 the ruin #G4485 of that #G1565 house #G3614 was #G1096 (5633) great #G3173 .
strkjv@Luke:7:3 @ And #G1161 when he heard #G191 (5660) of #G4012 Jesus #G2424 , he sent #G649 (5656) unto #G4314 him #G846 the elders # G4245 of the Jews #G2453 , beseeching #G2065 (5723) him #G846 that #G3704 he would come #G2064 (5631) and heal #G1295 (5661) his #G846 servant #G1401 .
strkjv@Luke:7:27 @ This #G3778 is #G2076 (5748) he, of #G4012 whom #G3739 it is written #G1125 (5769), Behold #G2400 (5628), I #G1473 send #G649 (5719) my #G3450 messenger #G32 before # G4253 thy #G4675 face #G4383 , which #G3739 shall prepare #G2680 (5692) thy #G4675 way #G3598 before #G1715 thee #G4675 .
strkjv@Luke:7:38 @ And #G2532 stood #G2476 (5631) at #G3844 his #G846 feet # G4228 behind #G3694 him weeping #G2799 (5723), and began #G756 (5662) to wash #G1026 (5721) his #G846 feet # G4228 with tears #G1144 , and #G2532 did wipe #G1591 (5707) them with the hairs #G2359 of her #G846 head #G2776 , and #G2532 kissed #G2705 (5707) his #G846 feet # G4228 , and #G2532 anointed #G218 (5707) them with the ointment #G3464 .
strkjv@Luke:7:39 @ Now #G1161 when the Pharisee #G5330 which #G3588 had bidden #G2564 (5660) him #G846 saw #G1492 (5631) it, he spake #G2036 (5627) within #G1722 himself #G1438 , saying #G3004 (5723), This man #G3778 , if #G1487 he were #G2258 (5713) a prophet #G4396 , #G302 would have known #G1097 (5707) who #G5101 and #G2532 what manner # G4217 of woman #G1135 this is that #G3748 toucheth #G680 (5731) him #G846 : for #G3754 she is #G2076 (5748) a sinner #G268 .
strkjv@Luke:7:44 @ And #G2532 he turned #G4762 (5651) to #G4314 the woman #G1135 , and said #G5346 (5713) unto Simon #G4613 , Seest thou #G991 (5719) this #G5026 woman #G1135 ? I entered #G1525 (5627) into #G1519 thine #G4675 house #G3614 , thou gavest me #G1325 (5656) no #G3756 water #G5204 for #G1909 my #G3450 feet # G4228 : but #G1161 she #G3778 (5625) #G846 hath washed #G1026 (5656) my #G3450 feet # G4228 with tears #G1144 , and #G2532 wiped #G1591 (5656) them with the hairs #G2359 of her #G846 head #G2776 .
strkjv@Luke:7:45 @ Thou gavest #G1325 (5656) me #G3427 no #G3756 kiss #G5370 : but #G1161 this woman #G3778 (5625) #G846 since #G575 the time #G3739 I came in #G1525 (5627) hath #G1257 # not #G3756 ceased #G1257 (5627) to kiss #G2705 (5723) my #G3450 feet # G4228 .
strkjv@Luke:7:46 @ My #G3450 head #G2776 with oil #G1637 thou didst #G218 # not #G3756 anoint #G218 (5656): but #G1161 this woman #G3778 (5625) #G846 hath anointed #G218 (5656) my #G3450 feet # G4228 with ointment #G3464 .
strkjv@Luke:8:25 @ And #G1161 he said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , Where # G4226 is #G2076 (5748) your #G5216 faith #G4102 ? And #G1161 they being afraid #G5399 (5679) wondered #G2296 (5656), saying #G3004 (5723) one to another #G4314 #G240 , What manner of man #G5101 #G686 is #G2076 (5748) this #G3778 ! for #G3754 he commandeth #G2004 (5719) even #G2532 the winds #G417 and #G2532 water #G5204 , and #G2532 they obey #G5219 (5719) him #G846 .
strkjv@Luke:8:35 @ Then #G1161 they went out #G1831 (5627) to see #G1492 (5629) what was done #G1096 (5756); and #G2532 came #G2064 (5627) to #G4314 Jesus #G2424 , and #G2532 found #G2147 (5627) the man #G444 , out of #G575 whom #G3739 the devils #G1140 were departed #G1831 (5715), sitting #G2521 (5740) at #G3844 the feet # G4228 of Jesus #G2424 , clothed #G2439 (5772), and #G2532 in his right mind #G4993 (5723): and #G2532 they were afraid #G5399 (5675).
strkjv@Luke:8:41 @ And #G2532 , behold #G2400 (5628), there came #G2064 (5627) a man #G435 named #G3739 #G3686 Jairus #G2383 , and #G2532 he #G846 was #G5225 (5707) a ruler #G758 of the synagogue #G4864 : and #G2532 he fell down #G4098 (5631) at #G3844 Jesus #G2424 feet # G4228 , and besought #G3870 (5707) him #G846 that he would come #G1525 (5629) into #G1519 his #G846 house #G3624 :
strkjv@Luke:9:5 @ And #G2532 whosoever #G3745 #G302 will #G1209 # not #G3361 receive #G1209 (5667) you #G5209 , when ye go #G1831 (5740) out of #G575 that #G1565 city #G4172 , shake off #G660 (5657) the very #G2532 dust #G2868 from #G575 your #G5216 feet # G4228 for #G1519 a testimony #G3142 against #G1909 them #G846 .
strkjv@Luke:9:22 @ Saying #G2036 (5631), #G3754 The Son #G5207 of man #G444 must #G1163 (5748) suffer #G3958 (5629) many things #G4183 , and #G2532 be rejected #G593 (5683) of #G575 the elders # G4245 and #G2532 chief priests #G749 and #G2532 scribes #G1122 , and #G2532 be slain #G615 (5683), and #G2532 be raised #G1453 (5683) the third #G5154 day #G2250 .
strkjv@Luke:9:41 @ And #G1161 Jesus #G2424 answering #G611 (5679) said #G2036 (5627), O #G5599 faithless #G571 and #G2532 perverse #G1294 (5772) generation #G1074 , how #G2193 long # G4219 shall I be #G2071 (5704) with #G4314 you #G5209 , and #G2532 suffer #G430 (5695) you #G5216 ? Bring #G4317 (5628) thy #G4675 son #G5207 hither #G5602 .
strkjv@Luke:9:52 @ And #G2532 sent #G649 (5656) messengers #G32 before # G4253 his #G846 face #G4383 : and #G2532 they went #G4198 (5679), and entered #G1525 (5627) into #G1519 a village #G2968 of the Samaritans #G4541 , to #G5620 make ready #G2090 (5658) for him #G846 .
strkjv@Luke:9:58 @ And #G2532 Jesus #G2424 said #G2036 (5627) uto him #G846 , Foxes #G258 have #G2192 (5719) holes #G5454 , and #G2532 birds #G4071 of the air #G3772 have nests #G2682 ; but #G1161 the Son #G5207 of man #G444 hath #G2192 (5719) not #G3756 where # G4226 to lay #G2827 (5725) his head #G2776 .
strkjv@Luke:10:1 @ #G1161 After #G3326 these things #G5023 the Lord #G2962 appointed #G322 (5656) other #G2087 seventy #G1440 also #G2532 , and #G2532 sent #G649 (5656) them #G846 two #G303 and two #G1417 before # G4253 his #G846 face #G4383 into #G1519 every #G3956 city #G4172 and #G2532 place #G5117 , whither #G3757 (5625) #G3739 he himself #G846 would #G3195 (5707) come #G2064 (5738).
strkjv@Luke:10:39 @ And #G2532 she #G3592 had #G2258 (5713) a sister #G79 called #G2564 (5746) Mary #G3137 , which #G3739 also #G2532 sat #G3869 (5660) at #G3844 Jesus #G2424 feet # G4228 , and heard #G191 (5707) his #G846 word #G3056 .
strkjv@Luke:11:13 @ If #G1487 ye #G5210 then #G3767 , being #G5225 (5723) evil #G4190 , know #G1492 (5758) how to give #G1325 (5721) good #G18 gifts #G1390 unto your #G5216 children #G5043 : how much # G4214 more #G3123 shall #G1325 # your heavenly #G3772 Father #G3962 #G1537 give #G1325 (5692) the Holy #G40 Spirit #G4151 to them that ask #G154 (5723) him #G846 ?
strkjv@Luke:11:38 @ And #G1161 when the Pharisee #G5330 saw #G1492 (5631) it, he marvelled #G2296 (5656) that #G3754 he had #G907 # not #G3756 first #G4412 washed #G907 (5681) before # G4253 dinner #G712 .
strkjv@Luke:11:39 @ And #G1161 the Lord #G2962 said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 him #G846 , Now #G3568 do #G2511 # ye #G5210 Pharisees #G5330 make clean #G2511 (5719) the outside #G1855 of the cup # G4221 and #G2532 the platter #G4094 ; but #G1161 your #G5216 inward part #G2081 is full #G1073 (5719) of ravening #G724 and #G2532 wickedness #G4189 .
strkjv@Luke:12:17 @ And #G2532 he thought #G1260 (5711) within #G1722 himself #G1438 , saying #G3004 (5723), What #G5101 shall I do #G4160 (5661), because #G3754 I have #G2192 (5719) no #G3756 room where # G4226 to bestow #G4863 (5692) my #G3450 fruits #G2590 ?
strkjv@Luke:12:24 @ Consider #G2657 (5657) the ravens #G2876 : for #G3754 they neither #G3756 sow #G4687 (5719) nor #G3761 reap #G2325 (5719); which #G3739 neither #G3756 have #G2076 (5748) storehouse #G5009 nor #G3761 barn #G596 ; and #G2532 God #G2316 feedeth #G5142 (5719) them #G846 : how much # G4214 more #G3123 are #G1308 # ye #G5210 better than #G1308 (5719) the fowls #G4071 ?
strkjv@Luke:12:28 @ If #G1487 then #G1161 God #G2316 so #G3779 clothe #G294 (5719) the grass #G5528 , which #G5607 (5752) is to day #G4594 in #G1722 the field #G68 , and #G2532 to morrow #G839 is cast #G906 (5746) into #G1519 the oven #G2823 ; how much # G4214 more #G3123 will he clothe you #G5209 , O ye of little faith #G3640 ?
strkjv@Luke:12:36 @ And #G2532 ye yourselves #G5210 like #G3664 unto men #G444 that wait #G4327 (5740) for their #G1438 lord #G2962 , when # G4219 he will return #G360 (5692) from #G1537 the wedding #G1062 ; that #G2443 when he cometh #G2064 (5631) and #G2532 knocketh #G2925 (5660), they may open #G455 (5661) unto him #G846 immediately #G2112 .
strkjv@Luke:12:58 @ When #G5613 #G1063 thou goest #G5217 (5719) with #G3326 thine #G4675 adversary #G476 to #G1909 the magistrate #G758 , as thou art in #G1722 the way #G3598 , give #G1325 (5628) diligence #G2039 that thou mayest be delivered #G525 (5771) from #G575 him #G846 ; lest #G3379 he hale #G2694 (5661) thee #G4571 to #G4314 the judge #G2923 , and #G2532 the judge #G2923 deliver #G3860 (5632) thee #G4571 to the officer # G4233 , and #G2532 the officer # G4233 cast #G906 (5725) thee #G4571 into #G1519 prison #G5438 .
strkjv@Luke:13:15 @ The Lord #G2962 then #G3767 answered #G611 (5662) him #G846 , and #G2532 said #G2036 (5627), Thou hypocrite #G5273 , doth #G3089 # not #G3756 each one #G1538 of you #G5216 on the sabbath #G4521 loose #G3089 (5719) his #G846 ox #G1016 or #G2228 his ass #G3688 from #G575 the stall #G5336 , and #G2532 lead him away #G520 (5631) to watering # G4222 (5719)?
strkjv@Luke:13:34 @ O Jerusalem #G2419 , Jerusalem #G2419 , which #G3588 killest #G615 (5723) the prophets #G4396 , and #G2532 stonest #G3036 (5723) them that are sent #G649 (5772) unto #G4314 thee #G846 ; how often # G4212 would #G2309 (5656) I have gathered #G1996 # thy #G4675 children #G5043 together #G1996 (5658), as #G3739 #G5158 a hen #G3733 doth gather her #G1438 brood #G3555 under #G5259 her wings #G4420 , and #G2532 ye would #G2309 (5656) not #G3756 !
strkjv@Luke:14:32 @ Or else #G1490 , while the other #G846 is #G5607 (5752) yet #G2089 a great way off # G4206 , he sendeth #G649 (5660) an ambassage # G4242 , and desireth #G2065 (5719) conditions #G4314 of peace #G1515 .
strkjv@Luke:15:4 @ What #G5101 man #G444 of #G1537 you #G5216 , having #G2192 (5723) an hundred #G1540 sheep # G4263 , if #G2532 he lose #G622 (5660) one #G1520 of #G1537 them #G846 , doth #G2641 # not #G3756 leave #G2641 (5719) the ninety and nine #G1768 in #G1722 the wilderness #G2048 , and #G2532 go #G4198 (5736) after #G1909 that which is lost #G622 (5756), until #G2193 he find #G2147 (5632) it #G846 ?
strkjv@Luke:15:6 @ And #G2532 when he cometh #G2064 (5631) #G1519 home #G3624 , he calleth together #G4779 (5719) his friends #G5384 and #G2532 neighbours #G1069 , saying #G3004 (5723) unto them #G846 , Rejoice #G4796 (5645) with me #G3427 ; for #G3754 I have found #G2147 (5627) my #G3450 sheep # G4263 which #G3588 was lost #G622 (5756).
strkjv@Luke:15:17 @ And #G1161 when he came #G2064 (5631) to #G1519 himself #G1438 , he said #G2036 (5627), How many # G4214 hired servants #G3407 of my #G3450 fathers #G3962 have bread #G740 enough and to spare #G4052 (5719), and #G1161 I #G1473 perish #G622 (5731) with hunger #G3042 !
strkjv@Luke:15:22 @ But #G1161 the father #G3962 said #G2036 (5627) to #G4314 his #G846 servants #G1401 , Bring forth #G1627 (5657) the best #G4413 robe #G4749 , and #G2532 put it on #G1746 (5657) him #G846 ; and #G2532 put #G1325 (5628) a ring #G1146 on #G1519 his #G846 hand #G5495 , and #G2532 shoes #G5266 on #G1519 his feet # G4228 :
strkjv@Luke:15:25 @ Now #G1161 his #G846 elder # G4245 son #G5207 was #G2258 (5713) in #G1722 the field #G68 : and #G2532 as #G5613 he came #G2064 (5740) and drew nigh #G1448 (5656) to the house #G3614 , he heard #G191 (5656) musick #G4858 and #G2532 dancing #G5525 .
strkjv@Luke:15:30 @ But #G1161 as soon as #G3753 this #G3778 thy #G4675 son #G5207 was come #G2064 (5627), which #G3588 hath devoured #G2719 (5631) thy #G4675 living #G979 with #G3326 harlots # G4204 , thou hast killed #G2380 (5656) for him #G846 the fatted #G4618 calf #G3448 .
strkjv@Luke:16:5 @ So #G2532 he called #G4341 (5666) every #G1538 one #G1520 of his #G1438 lords #G2962 debtors #G5533 unto him, and said #G3004 (5707) unto the first #G4413 , How much # G4214 owest thou #G3784 (5719) unto my #G3450 lord #G2962 ?
strkjv@Luke:16:7 @ Then #G1899 said he #G2036 (5627) to another #G2087 , And #G1161 how much # G4214 owest #G3784 (5719) thou #G4771 ? And #G1161 he said #G2036 (5627), An hundred #G1540 measures #G2884 of wheat #G4621 . And #G2532 he said #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Take #G1209 (5663) thy #G4675 bill #G1121 , and #G2532 write #G1125 (5657) fourscore #G3589 .
strkjv@Luke:16:19 @ #G1161 There was #G2258 (5713) a certain #G5100 rich #G4145 man #G444 , which #G2532 was clothed #G1737 (5710) in purple # G4209 and #G2532 fine linen #G1040 , and fared #G2165 (5746) sumptuously #G2988 every #G2596 day #G2250 :
strkjv@Luke:17:12 @ And #G2532 as he #G846 entered #G1525 (5740) into #G1519 a certain #G5100 village #G2968 , there met #G528 (5656) him #G846 ten #G1176 men #G435 that were lepers #G3015 , which #G3739 stood #G2476 (5627) afar off # G4207 :
strkjv@Luke:17:16 @ And #G2532 fell down #G4098 (5627) on #G1909 his face #G4383 at #G3844 his #G846 feet # G4228 , giving #G2168 # him #G846 thanks #G2168 (5723): and #G2532 he #G846 was #G2258 (5713) a Samaritan #G4541 .
strkjv@Luke:17:17 @ And #G1161 Jesus #G2424 answering #G611 (5679) said #G2036 (5627), Were there #G2511 # not #G3780 ten #G1176 cleansed #G2511 (5681)? but #G1161 where # G4226 are the nine #G1767 ?
strkjv@Luke:17:20 @ And #G1161 when he was demanded #G1905 (5685) of #G5259 the Pharisees #G5330 , when # G4219 the kingdom #G932 of God #G2316 should come #G2064 (5736), he answered #G611 (5662) them #G846 and #G2532 said #G2036 (5627), The kingdom #G932 of God #G2316 cometh #G2064 (5736) not #G3756 with #G3326 observation #G3907 :
strkjv@Luke:17:37 @ And #G2532 they answered #G611 (5679) and said #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Where # G4226 , Lord #G2962 ? And #G1161 he said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , Wheresoever #G3699 the body #G4983 is, thither #G1563 will #G4863 # the eagles #G105 be gathered together #G4863 (5701).
strkjv@Luke:18:39 @ And #G2532 they which went before # G4254 (5723) rebuked #G2008 (5707) him #G846 , that #G2443 he should hold his peace #G4623 (5661): but #G1161 he #G846 cried #G2896 (5707) so much #G4183 the more #G3123 , Thou Son #G5207 of David #G1138 , have mercy #G1653 (5657) on me #G3165 .
strkjv@Luke:19:13 @ And #G1161 he called #G2564 (5660) his #G1438 ten #G1176 servants #G1401 , and delivered #G1325 (5656) them #G846 ten #G1176 pounds #G3414 , and #G2532 said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 them #G846 , Occupy # G4231 (5663) till #G2193 I come #G2064 (5736).
strkjv@Luke:19:14 @ But #G1161 his #G846 citizens #G4177 hated #G3404 (5707) him #G846 , and #G2532 sent #G649 (5656) a message # G4242 after #G3694 him #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), We will #G2309 # not #G3756 have #G2309 (5719) this #G5126 man to reign #G936 (5658) over #G1909 us #G2248 .
strkjv@Luke:19:23 @ Wherefore #G1302 then #G2532 gavest #G1325 # not #G3756 thou #G1325 (5656) my #G3450 money #G694 into #G1909 the bank #G5132 , that #G2532 at my coming #G2064 (5631) I #G1473 might #G302 have required # G4238 (5656) mine own #G846 with #G4862 usury #G5110 ?
strkjv@Luke:20:1 @ And #G2532 it came to pass #G1096 (5633), that on #G1722 one #G3391 of those #G1565 days #G2250 , as he #G846 taught #G1321 (5723) the people #G2992 in #G1722 the temple #G2411 , and #G2532 preached the gospel #G2097 (5734), the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 the scribes #G1122 came upon #G2186 (5627) him with #G4862 the elders # G4245 ,
strkjv@Luke:20:43 @ Till #G2193 #G302 I make #G5087 (5632) thine #G4675 enemies #G2190 thy #G4675 footstool # G4228 #G5286 .
strkjv@Luke:21:7 @ And #G1161 they asked #G1905 (5656) him #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), Master #G1320 , but #G3767 when # G4219 shall #G2071 # these things #G5023 be #G2071 (5704)? and #G2532 what #G5101 sign #G4592 will there be when #G3752 these things #G5023 shall #G3195 (5725) come to pass #G1096 (5738)?
strkjv@Luke:21:12 @ But #G1161 before # G4253 all #G537 these #G5130 , they shall lay #G1911 (5692) their #G846 hands #G5495 on #G1909 you #G5209 , and #G2532 persecute #G1377 (5692) you, delivering #G3860 (5723) you up #G1519 to the synagogues #G4864 , and #G2532 into prisons #G5438 , being brought #G71 (5746) before #G1909 kings #G935 and #G2532 rulers #G2232 for #G1752 # my #G3450 names #G3686 sake #G1752 .
strkjv@Luke:21:30 @ When #G3752 they now #G2235 shoot forth # G4261 (5632), ye see #G991 (5723) and know #G1097 (5719) of #G575 your own selves #G1438 that #G3754 summer #G2330 is #G2076 (5748) now #G2235 nigh at hand #G1451 .
strkjv@Luke:22:9 @ And #G1161 they said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Where # G4226 wilt thou #G2309 (5719) that we prepare #G2090 (5661)?
strkjv@Luke:22:11 @ And #G2532 ye shall say #G2046 (5692) unto the goodman #G3617 of the house #G3614 , The Master #G1320 saith #G3004 (5719) unto thee #G4671 , Where # G4226 is #G2076 (5748) the guestchamber #G2646 , where #G3699 I shall eat #G5315 (5632) the passover #G3957 with #G3326 my #G3450 disciples #G3101 ?
strkjv@Luke:22:15 @ And #G2532 he said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 them #G846 , With desire #G1939 I have desired #G1937 (5656) to eat #G5315 (5629) this #G5124 passover #G3957 with #G3326 you #G5216 before # G4253 I #G3165 suffer #G3958 (5629):
strkjv@Luke:22:17 @ And #G2532 he took #G1209 (5666) the cup # G4221 , and gave thanks #G2168 (5660), and said #G2036 (5627), Take #G2983 (5628) this #G5124 , and #G2532 divide #G1266 (5657) it among yourselves #G1438 :
strkjv@Luke:22:20 @ Likewise #G5615 also #G2532 the cup # G4221 after #G3326 supper #G1172 (5658), saying #G3004 (5723), This #G5124 cup # G4221 is the new #G2537 testament #G1242 in #G1722 my #G3450 blood #G129 , which #G3588 is shed #G1632 (5746) for #G5228 you #G5216 .
strkjv@Luke:22:23 @ And #G2532 they #G846 began #G756 (5662) to enquire #G4802 (5721) among #G4314 themselves #G1438 , which #G5101 #G686 of #G1537 them #G846 it was #G1498 (5751) that should #G3195 (5723) do # G4238 (5721) this thing #G5124 .
strkjv@Luke:22:32 @ But #G1161 I #G1473 have prayed #G1189 (5681) for #G4012 thee #G4675 , that #G3363 # thy #G4675 faith #G4102 fail #G1587 (5725) not #G3363 : and #G2532 when # G4218 thou #G4771 art converted #G1994 (5660), strengthen #G4741 (5657) thy #G4675 brethren #G80 .
strkjv@Luke:22:34 @ And #G1161 he said #G2036 (5627), I tell #G3004 (5719) thee #G4671 , Peter #G4074 , the cock #G220 shall #G5455 # not #G3364 crow #G5455 (5692) this day #G4594 , before that # G4250 thou shalt #G2228 thrice #G5151 deny #G533 (5695) that thou #G3361 knowest #G1492 (5760) me #G3165 .
strkjv@Luke:22:42 @ Saying #G3004 (5723), Father #G3962 , if #G1487 thou be willing #G1014 (5736), remove #G3911 (5629) (5625) #G3911 (5628) this #G5124 cup # G4221 from #G575 me #G1700 : nevertheless #G4133 not #G3361 my #G3450 will #G2307 , but #G235 thine #G4674 , be done #G1096 (5634).
strkjv@Luke:22:47 @ And #G1161 while he #G846 yet #G2089 spake #G2980 (5723), behold #G2400 (5628) a multitude #G3793 , and #G2532 he that was called #G3004 (5746) Judas #G2455 , one #G1520 of the twelve #G1427 , went before # G4281 (5711) them #G846 , and #G2532 drew near #G1448 (5656) unto Jesus #G2424 to kiss #G5368 (5658) him #G846 .
strkjv@Luke:22:52 @ Then #G1161 Jesus #G2424 said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 the chief priests #G749 , and #G2532 captains #G4755 of the temple #G2411 , and #G2532 the elders # G4245 , which were come #G3854 (5637) to #G1909 him #G846 , Be ye come out #G1831 (5758), as #G5613 against #G1909 a thief #G3027 , with #G3326 swords #G3162 and #G2532 staves #G3586 ?
strkjv@Luke:22:61 @ And #G2532 the Lord #G2962 turned #G4762 (5651), and looked upon #G1689 (5656) Peter #G4074 . And #G2532 Peter #G4074 remembered #G5279 (5656) the word #G3056 of the Lord #G2962 , how #G5613 he had said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Before #G3754 # G4250 the cock #G220 crow #G5455 (5658), thou shalt deny #G533 (5695) me #G3165 thrice #G5151 .
strkjv@Luke:22:66 @ And #G2532 as soon as #G5613 it was #G1096 (5633) day #G2250 , the elders # G4244 of the people #G2992 and #G5037 the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 the scribes #G1122 came together #G4863 (5681), and #G2532 led #G321 (5627) him #G846 into #G1519 their #G1438 council #G4892 , saying #G3004 (5723),
strkjv@Luke:23:15 @ No #G235 , nor yet #G3761 Herod #G2264 : for #G1063 I sent #G375 (5656) you #G5209 to #G4314 him #G846 ; and #G2532 , lo #G2400 (5628), nothing #G3762 worthy #G514 of death #G2288 is #G2076 (5748) done # G4238 (5772) unto him #G846 .
strkjv@Luke:23:41 @ And #G2532 we #G2249 indeed #G3303 justly #G1346 ; for #G1063 we receive #G618 (5719) the due reward #G514 of our #G3739 deeds # G4238 (5656): but #G1161 this man #G3778 hath done # G4238 (5656) nothing #G3762 amiss #G824 .
strkjv@Luke:23:51 @ (The same #G3778 had #G4784 # not #G3756 consented #G4784 (5768) #G2258 (5713) to the counsel #G1012 and #G2532 deed # G4234 of them #G846 ;) he was of #G575 Arimathaea #G707 , a city #G4172 of the Jews #G2453 : #G2532 who #G3739 also #G2532 himself #G846 waited for #G4327 (5711) the kingdom #G932 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@Luke:24:28 @ And #G2532 they drew nigh #G1448 (5656) unto #G1519 the village #G2968 , whither #G3757 they went #G4198 (5711): and #G2532 he #G846 made as though #G4364 (5710) he would have gone #G4198 (5738) further # G4208 .
strkjv@Luke:24:39 @ Behold #G1492 (5628) my #G3450 hands #G5495 and #G2532 my #G3450 feet # G4228 , that #G3754 it is #G1510 (5748) I #G1473 myself #G846 : handle #G5584 (5657) me #G3165 , and #G2532 see #G1492 (5628); for #G3754 a spirit #G4151 hath #G2192 (5719) not #G3756 flesh #G4561 and #G2532 bones #G3747 , as #G2531 ye see #G2334 (5719) me #G1691 have #G2192 (5723).
strkjv@Luke:24:40 @ And #G2532 when he had thus #G5124 spoken #G2036 (5631), he shewed #G1925 (5656) them #G846 his hands #G5495 and #G2532 his feet # G4228 .
strkjv@Mark:1:2 @ As #G5613 it is written #G1125 (5769) in #G1722 the prophets #G4396 , Behold #G2400 (5628), I #G1473 send #G649 (5719) my #G3450 messenger #G32 before # G4253 thy #G4675 face #G4383 , which #G3739 shall prepare #G2680 (5692) thy #G4675 way #G3598 before #G1715 thee #G4675 .
strkjv@Mark:1:5 @ And #G2532 there went out #G1607 (5711) unto #G4314 him #G846 all #G3956 the land #G5561 of Judaea #G2449 , and #G2532 they of Jerusalem #G2415 , and #G2532 were #G907 # all #G3956 baptized #G907 (5712) of #G5259 him #G846 in #G1722 the river # G4215 of Jordan #G2446 , confessing #G1843 (5734) their #G846 sins #G266 .
strkjv@Mark:1:19 @ And #G2532 when he had gone # G4260 # a little #G3641 further # G4260 (5631) thence #G1564 , he saw #G1492 (5627) James #G2385 the son #G3588 of Zebedee #G2199 , and #G2532 John #G2491 his #G846 brother #G80 , who #G846 also #G2532 were in #G1722 the ship #G4143 mending #G2675 (5723) their nets #G1350 .
strkjv@Mark:2:26 @ How #G4459 he went #G1525 (5627) into #G1519 the house #G3624 of God #G2316 in the days #G1909 of Abiathar #G8 the high priest #G749 , and #G2532 did eat #G5315 (5627) the shewbread #G740 # G4286 , which #G3739 is #G1832 # not #G3756 lawful #G1832 (5748) to eat #G5315 (5629) but for #G1508 the priests #G2409 , and #G2532 gave #G1325 (5656) also #G2532 to them which were #G5607 (5752) with #G4862 him #G846 ?
strkjv@Mark:5:22 @ And #G2532 , behold #G2400 (5628), there cometh #G2064 (5736) one #G1520 of the rulers of the synagogue #G752 , Jairus #G2383 by name #G3686 ; and #G2532 when he saw #G1492 (5631) him #G846 , he fell #G4098 (5719) at #G4314 his #G846 feet # G4228 ,
strkjv@Mark:6:11 @ And #G2532 whosoever #G3745 #G302 shall #G1209 # not #G3361 receive #G1209 (5667) you #G5209 , nor #G3366 hear #G191 (5661) you #G5216 , when ye depart #G1607 (5740) thence #G1564 , shake off #G1621 (5657) the dust #G5522 under #G5270 your #G5216 feet # G4228 for #G1519 a testimony #G3142 against them #G846 . Verily #G281 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , It shall be #G2071 (5704) more tolerable #G414 for Sodom #G4670 and #G2228 Gomorrha #G1116 in #G1722 the day #G2250 of judgment #G2920 , than #G2228 for that #G1565 city #G4172 .
strkjv@Mark:6:33 @ And #G2532 the people #G3793 saw #G1492 (5627) them #G846 departing #G5217 (5723), and #G2532 many #G4183 knew #G1921 (5627) him #G846 , and #G2532 ran #G4936 (5627) afoot #G3979 thither #G1563 out of #G575 all #G3956 cities #G4172 , and #G2532 outwent # G4281 (5627) them #G846 , and #G2532 came together #G4905 (5627) unto #G4314 him #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:6:34 @ And #G2532 Jesus #G2424 , when he came out #G1831 (5631), saw #G1492 (5627) much #G4183 people #G3793 , and #G2532 was moved with compassion #G4697 (5675) toward #G1909 them #G846 , because #G3754 they were #G2258 (5713) as #G5613 sheep # G4263 not #G3361 having #G2192 (5723) a shepherd #G4166 : and #G2532 he began #G756 (5662) to teach #G1321 (5721) them #G846 many things #G4183 .
strkjv@Mark:6:38 @ #G1161 He saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , How many # G4214 loaves #G740 have ye #G2192 (5719)? go #G5217 (5720) and #G2532 see #G1492 (5628). And #G2532 when they knew #G1097 (5631), they say #G3004 (5719), Five #G4002 , and #G2532 two #G1417 fishes #G2486 .
strkjv@Mark:6:40 @ And #G2532 they sat down #G377 (5627) in ranks # G4237 # G4237 , by #G303 hundreds #G1540 , and #G2532 by #G303 fifties #G4004 .
strkjv@Mark:6:45 @ And #G2532 straightway #G2112 he constrained #G315 (5656) his #G846 disciples #G3101 to get #G1684 (5629) into #G1519 the ship #G4143 , and #G2532 to go # G4254 # to #G1519 the other side #G4008 before # G4254 (5721) unto #G4314 Bethsaida #G966 , while #G2193 he #G846 sent away #G630 (5661) the people #G3793 .
strkjv@Mark:7:3 @ For #G1063 the Pharisees #G5330 , and #G2532 all #G3956 the Jews #G2453 , except #G3362 they wash #G3538 (5672) their hands #G5495 oft #G4435 , eat #G2068 (5719) not #G3756 , holding #G2902 (5723) the tradition #G3862 of the elders # G4245 .
strkjv@Mark:7:4 @ And #G2532 when they come from #G575 the market #G58 , except #G3362 they wash #G907 (5672), they eat #G2068 (5719) not #G3756 . And #G2532 many #G4183 other things #G243 there be #G2076 (5748), which #G3739 they have received #G3880 (5627) to hold #G2902 (5721), as the washing #G909 of cups # G4221 , and #G2532 pots #G3582 , #G2532 brasen vessels #G5473 , and #G2532 of tables #G2825 .
strkjv@Mark:7:5 @ Then #G1899 the Pharisees #G5330 and #G2532 scribes #G1122 asked #G1905 (5719) him #G846 , Why #G1302 walk #G4043 (5719) not #G3756 thy #G4675 disciples #G3101 according #G2596 to the tradition #G3862 of the elders # G4245 , but #G235 eat #G2068 (5719) bread #G740 with unwashen #G449 hands #G5495 ?
strkjv@Mark:7:6 @ He answered #G611 (5679) and #G1161 said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , #G3754 Well #G2573 hath Esaias #G2268 prophesied #G4395 (5656) of #G4012 you #G5216 hypocrites #G5273 , as #G5613 it is written #G1125 (5769), This #G3778 people #G2992 honoureth #G5091 (5719) me #G3165 with their lips #G5491 , but #G1161 their #G846 heart #G2588 is #G568 (5719) far # G4206 from #G575 me #G1700 .
strkjv@Mark:7:8 @ For #G1063 laying aside #G863 (5631) the commandment #G1785 of God #G2316 , ye hold #G2902 (5719) the tradition #G3862 of men #G444 , as the washing #G909 of pots #G3582 and #G2532 cups # G4221 : and #G2532 many #G4183 other #G243 such #G5108 like things #G3946 ye do #G4160 (5719).
strkjv@Mark:7:21 @ For #G1063 from within #G2081 , out of #G1537 the heart #G2588 of men #G444 , proceed #G1607 (5736) evil #G2556 thoughts #G1261 , adulteries #G3430 , fornications # G4202 , murders #G5408 ,
strkjv@Mark:7:25 @ For #G1063 a certain woman #G1135 , whose #G3739 #G846 young daughter #G2365 had #G2192 (5707) an unclean #G169 spirit #G4151 , heard #G191 (5660) of #G4012 him #G846 , and came #G2064 (5631) and fell #G4363 (5627) at #G4314 his #G846 feet # G4228 :
strkjv@Mark:8:5 @ And #G2532 he asked #G1905 (5707) them #G846 , How many # G4214 loaves #G740 have ye #G2192 (5719)? And #G1161 they said #G2036 (5627), Seven #G2033 .
strkjv@Mark:8:19 @ When #G3753 I brake #G2806 (5656) the five #G4002 loaves #G740 among #G1519 five thousand #G4000 , how many # G4214 baskets #G2894 full #G4134 of fragments #G2801 took ye up #G142 (5656)? They say #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Twelve #G1427 .
strkjv@Mark:8:20 @ And #G1161 when #G3753 the seven #G2033 among #G1519 four thousand #G5070 , how many # G4214 baskets #G4711 full #G4138 of fragments #G2801 took ye up #G142 (5656)? And #G1161 they said #G2036 (5627), Seven #G2033 .
strkjv@Mark:8:31 @ And #G2532 he began #G756 (5662) to teach #G1321 (5721) them #G846 , that #G3754 the Son #G5207 of man #G444 must #G1163 (5748) suffer #G3958 (5629) many things #G4183 , and #G2532 be rejected #G593 (5683) of #G575 the elders # G4245 , and #G2532 of the chief priests #G749 , and #G2532 scribes #G1122 , and #G2532 be killed #G615 (5683), and #G2532 after #G3326 three #G5140 days #G2250 rise again #G450 (5629).
strkjv@Mark:9:19 @ He answereth #G611 (5679) him #G846 , and #G1161 saith #G3004 (5719), O #G5599 faithless #G571 generation #G1074 , how long #G2193 # G4219 shall I be #G2071 (5704) with #G4314 you #G5209 ? how long #G2193 # G4219 shall I suffer #G430 (5695) you #G5216 ? bring #G5342 (5720) him #G846 unto #G4314 me #G3165 .
strkjv@Mark:9:21 @ And #G2532 he asked #G1905 (5656) his #G846 father #G3962 , How long # G4214 is it #G2076 (5748) ago #G5550 since #G5613 this #G5124 came #G1096 (5754) unto him #G846 ? And #G1161 he said #G2036 (5627), Of a child #G3812 .
strkjv@Mark:9:41 @ For #G1063 whosoever #G3739 #G302 shall give # G4222 # you #G5209 a cup # G4221 of water #G5204 to drink # G4222 (5661) in #G1722 my #G3450 name #G3686 , because #G3754 ye belong #G2075 (5748) to Christ #G5547 , verily #G281 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , he shall #G622 # not #G3364 lose #G622 (5661) his #G846 reward #G3408 .
strkjv@Mark:9:45 @ And #G2532 if #G1437 thy #G4675 foot # G4228 offend #G4624 (5725) thee #G4571 , cut #G609 # it #G846 off #G609 (5657): it is #G2076 (5748) better #G2570 for thee #G4671 to enter #G1525 (5629) halt #G5560 into #G1519 life #G2222 , than #G2228 having #G2192 (5723) two #G1417 feet # G4228 to be cast #G906 (5683) into #G1519 hell #G1067 , into #G1519 the fire #G4442 that never shall be quenched #G762 :
strkjv@Mark:10:32 @ And #G1161 they were #G2258 (5713) in #G1722 the way #G3598 going up #G305 (5723) to #G1519 Jerusalem #G2414 ; and #G2532 Jesus #G2424 went #G2258 (5713) before # G4254 (5723) them #G846 : and #G2532 they were amazed #G2284 (5712); and #G2532 as they followed #G190 (5723), they were afraid #G5399 (5711). And #G2532 he took #G3880 (5631) again #G3825 the twelve #G1427 , and began #G756 (5662) to tell #G3004 (5721) them #G846 what things should #G3195 (5723) happen #G4819 (5721) unto him #G846 ,
strkjv@Mark:10:38 @ But #G1161 Jesus #G2424 said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , Ye know #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 what #G5101 ye ask #G154 (5731): can ye #G1410 (5736) drink #G4095 (5629) of the cup # G4221 that #G3739 I #G1473 drink of #G4095 (5719)? and #G2532 be baptized #G907 (5743) with the baptism #G908 that #G3739 I #G1473 am baptized with #G907 (5683)?
strkjv@Mark:10:39 @ And #G1161 they said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , We can #G1410 (5736). And #G1161 Jesus #G2424 said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , Ye shall #G4095 # indeed #G3303 drink #G4095 (5719) of the cup # G4221 that #G3739 I #G1473 drink of #G4095 (5695); and #G2532 with the baptism #G908 that #G3739 I #G1473 am baptized withal #G907 (5743) shall ye be baptized #G907 (5701):
strkjv@Mark:11:9 @ And #G2532 they that went before # G4254 (5723), and #G2532 they that followed #G190 (5723), cried #G2896 (5707), saying #G3004 (5723), Hosanna #G5614 ; Blessed #G2127 (5772) is he that cometh #G2064 (5740) in #G1722 the name #G3686 of the Lord #G2962 :
strkjv@Mark:11:27 @ And #G2532 they come #G2064 (5736) again #G3825 to #G1519 Jerusalem #G2414 : and #G2532 as he #G846 was walking #G4043 (5723) in #G1722 the temple #G2411 , there come #G2064 (5736) to #G4314 him #G846 the chief priests #G749 , and #G2532 the scribes #G1122 , and #G2532 the elders # G4245 ,
strkjv@Mark:12:36 @ For #G1063 David #G1138 himself #G846 said #G2036 (5627) by #G1722 the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 , The LORD #G2962 said #G2036 (5627) to my #G3450 Lord #G2962 , Sit thou #G2521 (5737) on #G1537 my #G3450 right hand #G1188 , till #G2193 #G302 I make #G5087 (5632) thine #G4675 enemies #G2190 thy #G4675 footstool #G5286 # G4228 .
strkjv@Mark:13:1 @ And #G2532 as he #G846 went #G1607 (5740) out of #G1537 the temple #G2411 , one #G1520 of his #G846 disciples #G3101 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Master #G1320 , see #G2396 what manner # G4217 of stones #G3037 and #G2532 what # G4217 buildings #G3619 are here!
strkjv@Mark:13:4 @ Tell #G2036 (5628) us #G2254 , when # G4219 shall these things #G5023 be #G2071 (5704)? and #G2532 what #G5101 shall be the sign #G4592 when #G3752 all #G3956 these things #G5023 shall #G3195 (5725) be fulfilled #G4931 (5745)?
strkjv@Mark:13:23 @ But #G1161 take #G991 # ye #G5210 heed #G991 (5720): behold #G2400 (5628), I have foretold # G4280 (5758) you #G5213 all things #G3956 .
strkjv@Mark:13:33 @ Take ye heed #G991 (5720), watch #G69 (5720) and #G2532 pray #G4336 (5737): for #G1063 ye know #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 when # G4219 the time #G2540 is #G2076 (5748).
strkjv@Mark:13:35 @ Watch ye #G1127 (5720) therefore #G3767 : for #G1063 ye know #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 when # G4219 the master #G2962 of the house #G3614 cometh #G2064 (5736), at even #G3796 , or #G2228 at midnight #G3317 , or #G2228 at the cockcrowing #G219 , or #G2228 in the morning #G4404 :
strkjv@Mark:14:12 @ And #G2532 the first #G4413 day #G2250 of unleavened bread #G106 , when #G3753 they killed #G2380 (5707) the passover #G3957 , his #G846 disciples #G3101 said #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Where # G4226 wilt thou #G2309 (5719) that we go #G565 (5631) and prepare #G2090 (5661) that #G2443 thou mayest eat #G5315 (5632) the passover #G3957 ?
strkjv@Mark:14:14 @ And #G2532 wheresoever #G3699 #G1437 he shall go in #G1525 (5632), say ye #G2036 (5628) to the goodman of the house #G3617 , #G3754 The Master #G1320 saith #G3004 (5719), Where # G4226 is #G2076 (5748) the guestchamber #G2646 , where #G3699 I shall eat #G5315 (5632) the passover #G3957 with #G3326 my #G3450 disciples #G3101 ?
strkjv@Mark:14:23 @ And #G2532 he took #G2983 (5631) the cup # G4221 , and when he had given thanks #G2168 (5660), he gave #G1325 (5656) it to them #G846 : and #G2532 they all #G3956 drank #G4095 (5627) of #G1537 it #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:14:27 @ And #G2532 Jesus #G2424 saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , #G3754 All ye #G3956 shall be offended #G4624 (5701) because of #G1722 me #G1722 #G1698 this #G5026 night #G3571 : for #G3754 it is written #G1125 (5769), I will smite #G3960 (5692) the shepherd #G4166 , and #G2532 the sheep # G4263 shall be scattered #G1287 (5701).
strkjv@Mark:14:28 @ But #G235 after #G3326 that I #G3165 am risen #G1453 (5683), I will go before # G4254 (5692) you #G5209 into #G1519 Galilee #G1056 .
strkjv@Mark:14:30 @ And #G2532 Jesus #G2424 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Verily #G281 I say #G3004 (5719) unto thee #G4671 , That #G3754 this day #G4594 , even in #G1722 this #G5026 night #G3571 , before # G4250 #G2228 the cock #G220 crow #G5455 (5658) twice #G1364 , thou shalt deny #G533 (5695) me #G3165 thrice #G5151 .
strkjv@Mark:14:35 @ And #G2532 he went forward # G4281 (5631) a little #G3397 , and fell #G4098 (5627) on #G1909 the ground #G1093 , and #G2532 prayed #G4336 (5711) that #G2443 , if #G1487 it were #G2076 (5748) possible #G1415 , the hour #G5610 might pass #G3928 (5632) from #G575 him #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:14:36 @ And #G2532 he said #G3004 (5707), Abba #G5 , Father #G3962 , all things #G3956 are possible #G1415 unto thee #G4671 ; take away #G3911 (5628) this #G5124 cup # G4221 from #G575 me #G1700 : nevertheless #G235 not #G3756 what #G5101 I #G1473 will #G2309 (5719), but #G235 what #G5101 thou #G4771 wilt.
strkjv@Mark:14:38 @ Watch ye #G1127 (5720) and #G2532 pray #G4336 (5737), lest #G3363 ye enter #G1525 (5632) into #G1519 temptation #G3986 . The spirit #G4151 truly #G3303 is ready # G4289 , but #G1161 the flesh #G4561 is weak #G772 .
strkjv@Mark:14:43 @ And #G2532 immediately #G2112 , while he #G846 yet #G2089 spake #G2980 (5723), cometh #G3854 (5736) Judas #G2455 , one #G1520 #G5607 (5752) of the twelve #G1427 , and #G2532 with #G3326 him #G846 a great #G4183 multitude #G3793 with #G3326 swords #G3162 and #G2532 staves #G3586 , from #G3844 the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 the scribes #G1122 and #G2532 the elders # G4245 .
strkjv@Mark:14:53 @ And #G2532 they led #G520 # Jesus #G2424 away #G520 (5627) to #G4314 the high priest #G749 : and #G2532 with him #G846 were assembled #G4905 (5736) all #G3956 the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 the elders # G4245 and #G2532 the scribes #G1122 .
strkjv@Mark:14:68 @ But #G1161 he denied #G720 (5662), saying #G3004 (5723), I know #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 , neither #G3761 understand I #G1987 (5736) what #G5101 thou #G4771 sayest #G3004 (5719). And #G2532 he went #G1831 (5627) out #G1854 into #G1519 the porch # G4259 ; and #G2532 the cock #G220 crew #G5455 (5656).
strkjv@Mark:14:72 @ And #G2532 the #G1537 second time #G1208 the cock #G220 crew #G5455 (5656). And #G2532 Peter #G4074 called to mind #G363 (5681) the word #G4487 that #G3739 Jesus #G2424 said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , #G3754 Before # G4250 the cock #G220 crow #G5455 (5658) twice #G1364 , thou shalt deny #G533 (5695) me #G3165 thrice #G5151 . And #G2532 when he thought thereon #G1911 (5631), he wept #G2799 (5707).
strkjv@Mark:15:1 @ And #G2532 straightway #G2112 in #G1909 the morning #G4404 the chief priests #G749 held #G4160 (5660) a consultation #G4824 with #G3326 the elders # G4245 and #G2532 scribes #G1122 and #G2532 the whole #G3650 council #G4892 , and bound #G1210 (5660) Jesus #G2424 , and carried him away #G667 (5656), and #G2532 delivered #G3860 (5656) him to Pilate #G4091 .
strkjv@Mark:15:4 @ And #G1161 Pilate #G4091 asked #G1905 (5656) him #G846 again #G3825 , saying #G3004 (5723), Answerest thou #G611 (5736) nothing #G3756 #G3762 ? behold #G2396 how many things # G4214 they witness #G2649 (5719) against thee #G4675 .
strkjv@Mark:15:16 @ And #G1161 the soldiers #G4757 led #G520 # him #G846 away #G520 (5627) into #G2080 the hall #G833 , called #G3603 Praetorium # G4232 ; and #G2532 they call together #G4779 (5719) the whole #G3650 band #G4686 .
strkjv@Mark:15:17 @ And #G2532 they clothed #G1746 (5719) him #G846 with purple # G4209 , and #G2532 platted #G4120 (5660) a crown #G4735 of thorns #G174 , and put it about #G4060 (5719) his #G846 head,
strkjv@Mark:15:20 @ And #G2532 when #G3753 they had mocked #G1702 (5656) him #G846 , they took off #G1562 (5656) the purple # G4209 from him #G846 , and #G2532 put #G1746 # his own #G2398 clothes #G2440 on #G1746 (5656) him #G846 , and #G2532 led #G1806 # him #G846 out #G1806 (5719) to #G2443 crucify #G4717 (5661) him #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:15:36 @ And #G1161 one #G1520 ran #G5143 (5631) and #G2532 filled #G1072 # a spunge #G4699 full #G1072 (5660) of vinegar #G3690 , and #G5037 put it on #G4060 (5631) a reed #G2563 , and gave # G4222 # him #G846 to drink # G4222 (5707), saying #G3004 (5723), Let alone #G863 (5628); let us see #G1492 (5632) whether #G1487 Elias #G2243 will come #G2064 (5736) to take #G2507 # him #G846 down #G2507 (5629).
strkjv@Mark:15:47 @ And #G1161 Mary #G3137 Magdalene #G3094 and #G2532 Mary #G3137 the mother of Joses #G2500 beheld #G2334 (5707) where # G4226 he was laid #G5087 (5743).
strkjv@Mark:16:7 @ But #G235 go your way #G5217 (5720), tell #G2036 (5628) his #G846 disciples #G3101 and #G2532 Peter #G4074 that #G3754 he goeth before # G4254 (5719) you #G5209 into #G1519 Galilee #G1056 : there #G1563 shall ye see #G3700 (5695) him #G846 , as #G2531 he said #G2036 (5627) unto you #G5213 .
strkjv@Matthew:1:18 @ Now #G1161 the birth #G1083 of Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 was #G2258 (5713) on this wise #G3779 : When as #G1063 his #G846 mother #G3384 Mary #G3137 was espoused #G3423 (5685) to Joseph #G2501 , before # G4250 #G2228 they #G846 came together #G4905 (5629), she was found #G2147 (5681) with child #G1722 #G1064 #G2192 (5723) of #G1537 the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 .
strkjv@Matthew:2:2 @ Saying #G3004 (5723), Where # G4226 is #G2076 (5748) he that is born #G5088 (5685) King #G935 of the Jews #G2453 ? for #G1063 we have seen #G1492 (5627) his #G846 star #G792 in #G1722 the east #G395 , and #G2532 are come #G2064 (5627) to worship #G4352 (5658) him #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:2:4 @ And #G2532 when he had gathered #G4863 # all #G3956 the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 scribes #G1122 of the people #G2992 together #G4863 (5631), he demanded #G4441 (5711) of #G3844 them #G846 where # G4226 Christ #G5547 should be born #G1080 (5743).
strkjv@Matthew:2:9 @ When #G1161 they had heard #G191 (5660) the king #G935 , they departed #G4198 (5675); and #G2532 , lo #G2400 (5628), the star #G792 , which #G3739 they saw #G1492 (5627) in #G1722 the east #G395 , went before # G4254 (5707) them #G846 , till #G2193 it came #G2064 (5631) and stood #G2476 (5627) over #G1883 where #G3757 the young child #G3813 was #G2258 (5713).
strkjv@Matthew:3:15 @ And #G1161 Jesus #G2424 answering #G611 (5679) said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 him #G846 , Suffer #G863 (5628) it to be so now #G737 : for #G1063 thus #G3779 it becometh # G4241 (5723) #G2076 (5748) us #G2254 to fulfil #G4137 (5658) all #G3956 righteousness #G1343 . Then #G5119 he suffered #G863 (5719) him #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:4:6 @ And #G2532 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , If #G1487 thou be #G1488 (5748) the Son #G5207 of God #G2316 , cast #G906 (5628) thyself #G4572 down #G2736 : for #G1063 it is written #G1125 (5769), #G3754 He shall give #G1781 # his #G846 angels #G32 charge #G1781 (5699) concerning #G4012 thee #G4675 : and #G2532 in #G1909 their hands #G5495 they shall bear #G142 # thee #G4571 up #G142 (5692), lest at any time #G3379 thou dash #G4350 (5661) thy #G4675 foot # G4228 against #G4314 a stone #G3037 .
strkjv@Matthew:4:21 @ And #G2532 going on # G4260 (5631) from thence #G1564 , he saw #G1492 (5627) other #G243 two #G1417 brethren #G80 , James #G2385 the son of #G3588 Zebedee #G2199 , and #G2532 John #G2491 his #G846 brother #G80 , in #G1722 a ship #G4143 with #G3326 Zebedee #G2199 their #G846 father #G3962 , mending #G2675 (5723) their #G846 nets #G1350 ; and #G2532 he called #G2564 (5656) them #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:5:5 @ Blessed #G3107 are the meek # G4239 : for #G3754 they #G846 shall inherit #G2816 (5692) the earth #G1093 .
strkjv@Matthew:5:12 @ Rejoice #G5463 (5720), and #G2532 be exceeding glad #G21 (5737): for #G3754 great #G4183 is your #G5216 reward #G3408 in #G1722 heaven #G3772 : for #G1063 so #G3779 persecuted they #G1377 (5656) the prophets #G4396 which #G3588 were before # G4253 you #G5216 .
strkjv@Matthew:5:32 @ But #G1161 I #G1473 say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , That #G3754 whosoever #G3739 #G302 shall put away #G630 (5661) his #G846 wife #G1135 , saving #G3924 for the cause #G3056 of fornication # G4202 , causeth #G4160 (5719) her #G846 to commit adultery #G3429 (5738): and #G2532 whosoever #G3739 #G1437 shall marry #G1060 (5661) her that is divorced #G630 (5772) committeth adultery #G3429 (5736).
strkjv@Matthew:5:35 @ Nor #G3383 by #G1722 the earth #G1093 ; for #G3754 it is #G2076 (5748) his #G846 footstool # G4228 #G5286 : neither #G3383 by #G1519 Jerusalem #G2414 ; for #G3754 it is #G2076 (5748) the city #G4172 of the great #G3173 King #G935 .
strkjv@Matthew:6:8 @ Be #G3666 # not #G3361 ye #G3666 # therefore #G3767 like #G3666 (5686) unto them #G846 : for #G1063 your #G5216 Father #G3962 knoweth #G1492 (5758) what things #G3739 ye have #G2192 (5719) need of #G5532 , before # G4253 ye #G5209 ask #G154 (5658) him #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:6:23 @ But #G1161 if #G1437 thine #G4675 eye #G3788 be #G5600 (5753) evil #G4190 , thy #G4675 whole #G3650 body #G4983 shall be #G2071 (5704) full of darkness #G4652 . If #G1487 therefore #G3767 the light #G5457 that is #G2076 (5748) in #G1722 thee #G4671 be darkness #G4655 , how great # G4214 is that darkness #G4655 !
strkjv@Matthew:7:6 @ Give #G1325 (5632) not #G3361 that which #G3588 is holy #G40 unto the dogs #G2965 , neither #G3366 cast #G906 (5632) ye your #G5216 pearls #G3135 before #G1715 swine #G5519 , lest #G3379 they trample #G2662 (5661) them #G846 under #G1722 their #G846 feet # G4228 , and #G2532 turn again #G4762 (5651) and rend #G4486 (5661) you #G5209 .
strkjv@Matthew:7:11 @ If #G1487 ye #G5210 then #G3767 , being #G5607 (5752) evil #G4190 , know #G1492 (5758) how to give #G1325 (5721) good #G18 gifts #G1390 unto your #G5216 children #G5043 , how much # G4214 more #G3123 shall your #G5216 Father #G3962 which #G3588 is in #G1722 heaven #G3772 give #G1325 (5692) good things #G18 to them that ask #G154 (5723) him #G846 ?
strkjv@Matthew:7:15 @ Beware #G1161 #G4337 (5720) of #G575 false prophets #G5578 , which #G3748 come #G2064 (5736) to #G4314 you #G5209 in #G1722 sheeps # G4263 clothing #G1742 , but #G1161 inwardly #G2081 they are #G1526 (5748) ravening #G727 wolves #G3074 .
strkjv@Matthew:7:25 @ And #G2532 the rain #G1028 descended #G2597 (5627), and #G2532 the floods # G4215 came #G2064 (5627), and #G2532 the winds #G417 blew #G4154 (5656), and #G2532 beat upon #G4363 (5627) that #G1565 house #G3614 ; and #G2532 it fell #G4098 (5627) not #G3756 : for #G1063 it was founded #G2311 (5718) upon #G1909 a rock #G4073 .
strkjv@Matthew:7:27 @ And #G2532 the rain #G1028 descended #G2597 (5627), and #G2532 the floods # G4215 came #G2064 (5627), and #G2532 the winds #G417 blew #G4154 (5656), and #G2532 beat upon #G4350 (5656) that #G1565 house #G3614 ; and #G2532 it fell #G4098 (5627): and #G2532 great #G3173 was #G2258 (5713) the fall #G4431 of it #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:8:20 @ And #G2532 Jesus #G2424 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , The foxes #G258 have #G2192 (5719) holes #G5454 , and #G2532 the birds #G4071 of the air #G3772 have nests #G2682 ; but #G1161 the Son #G5207 of man #G444 hath #G2192 (5719) not #G3756 where # G4226 to lay #G2827 (5725) his head #G2776 .
strkjv@Matthew:8:27 @ But #G1161 the men #G444 marvelled #G2296 (5656), saying #G3004 (5723), What manner of man # G4217 is #G2076 (5748) this #G3778 , that #G3754 even #G2532 the winds #G417 and #G2532 the sea #G2281 obey #G5219 (5719) him #G846 !
strkjv@Matthew:8:29 @ And #G2532 , behold #G2400 (5628), they cried out #G2896 (5656), saying #G3004 (5723), What #G5101 have we #G2254 to do with #G2532 thee #G4671 , Jesus #G2424 , thou Son #G5207 of God #G2316 ? art thou come #G2064 (5627) hither #G5602 to torment #G928 (5658) us #G2248 before # G4253 the time #G2540 ?
strkjv@Matthew:9:36 @ But #G1161 when he saw #G1492 (5631) the multitudes #G3793 , he was moved with compassion #G4697 (5675) on #G4012 them #G846 , because #G3754 they fainted #G2258 (5713) #G1590 (5772), and #G2532 were scattered abroad #G4496 (5772), as #G5616 sheep # G4263 having #G2192 (5723) no #G3361 shepherd #G4166 .
strkjv@Matthew:10:6 @ But #G1161 go #G4198 (5737) rather #G3123 to #G4314 the lost #G622 (5756) sheep # G4263 of the house #G3624 of Israel #G2474 .
strkjv@Matthew:10:14 @ And #G2532 whosoever #G3739 shall #G1209 # not #G3362 receive #G1209 (5667) you #G5209 , nor #G3366 hear #G191 (5661) your #G5216 words #G3056 , when ye depart out #G1831 (5740) of that #G1565 house #G3614 or #G2228 city #G4172 , shake off #G1621 (5657) the dust #G2868 of your #G5216 feet # G4228 .
strkjv@Matthew:10:16 @ Behold #G2400 (5628), I #G1473 send #G649 # you #G5209 forth #G649 (5719) as #G5613 sheep # G4263 in #G1722 the midst #G3319 of wolves #G3074 : be ye #G1096 (5737) therefore #G3767 wise #G5429 as #G5613 serpents #G3789 , and #G2532 harmless #G185 as #G5613 doves #G4058 .
strkjv@Matthew:10:25 @ It is enough #G713 for the disciple #G3101 that #G2443 he be #G1096 (5638) as #G5613 his #G846 master #G1320 , and #G2532 the servant #G1401 as #G5613 his #G846 lord #G2962 . If #G1487 they have called #G2564 (5656) the master of the house #G3617 Beelzebub #G954 , how much # G4214 more #G3123 shall they call them of his #G846 household #G3615 ?
strkjv@Matthew:10:29 @ Are #G4453 # not #G3780 two #G1417 sparrows #G4765 sold #G4453 (5743) for a farthing #G787 ? and #G2532 one #G1520 of #G1537 them #G846 shall #G4098 # not #G3756 fall #G4098 (5695) on #G1909 the ground #G1093 without # G427 your #G5216 Father #G3962 .
strkjv@Matthew:10:42 @ And #G2532 whosoever #G3739 #G1437 shall give to drink # G4222 (5661) unto one #G1520 of these #G5130 little ones #G3398 a cup # G4221 of cold #G5593 water only #G3440 in #G1519 the name #G3686 of a disciple #G3101 , verily #G281 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , he shall in no wise #G3364 lose #G622 (5661) his #G846 reward #G3408 .
strkjv@Matthew:11:10 @ For #G1063 this #G3778 is #G2076 (5748) he, of #G4012 whom #G3739 it is written #G1125 (5769), Behold #G2400 (5628), I #G1473 send #G649 (5719) my #G3450 messenger #G32 before # G4253 thy #G4675 face #G4383 , which #G3739 shall prepare #G2680 (5692) thy #G4675 way #G3598 before #G1715 thee #G4675 .
strkjv@Matthew:11:29 @ Take #G142 (5657) my #G3450 yoke #G2218 upon #G1909 you #G5209 , and #G2532 learn #G3129 (5628) of #G575 me #G1700 ; for #G3754 I am #G1510 (5748) meek # G4235 and #G2532 lowly #G5011 in heart #G2588 : and #G2532 ye shall find #G2147 (5692) rest #G372 unto your #G5216 souls #G5590 .
strkjv@Matthew:12:4 @ How #G4459 he entered into #G1525 (5627) #G1519 the house #G3624 of God #G2316 , and #G2532 did eat #G5315 (5627) the shewbread #G740 # G4286 , which #G3739 was #G2258 (5713) not #G3756 lawful #G1832 (5752) for him #G846 to eat #G5315 (5629), neither for #G3761 them which #G3326 were with him #G846 , but #G1508 only #G3441 for the priests #G2409 ?
strkjv@Matthew:12:11 @ And #G1161 he said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , What #G5101 man #G444 shall there be #G2071 (5704) among #G1537 you #G5216 , that #G3739 shall have #G2192 (5692) one #G1520 sheep # G4263 , and #G2532 if #G1437 it #G5124 fall #G1706 (5632) into #G1519 a pit #G999 on the sabbath day #G4521 , will he #G2902 # not #G3780 lay hold #G2902 (5692) on it #G846 , and #G2532 lift it out #G1453 (5692)?
strkjv@Matthew:12:12 @ How much # G4214 then #G3767 is a man #G444 better than #G1308 (5719) a sheep # G4263 ? Wherefore #G5620 it is lawful #G1832 (5748) to do #G4160 (5721) well #G2573 on the sabbath days #G4521 .
strkjv@Matthew:14:8 @ And #G1161 she, being before instructed # G4264 (5685) of #G5259 her #G846 mother #G3384 , said #G5346 (5748), Give #G1325 (5628) me #G3427 here #G5602 John #G2491 Baptists #G910 head #G2776 in #G1909 a charger #G4094 .
strkjv@Matthew:14:22 @ And #G2532 straightway #G2112 Jesus #G2424 constrained #G315 (5656) his #G846 disciples #G3101 to get #G1684 (5629) into #G1519 a ship #G4143 , and #G2532 to go before # G4254 (5721) him #G846 unto #G1519 the other side #G4008 , while #G2193 #G3739 he sent #G630 # the multitudes #G3793 away #G630 (5661).
strkjv@Matthew:15:2 @ Why #G1302 do thy #G4675 disciples #G3101 transgress #G3845 (5719) the tradition #G3862 of the elders # G4245 ? for #G1063 they wash #G3538 (5731) not #G3756 their #G846 hands #G5495 when #G3752 they eat #G2068 (5725) bread #G740 .
strkjv@Matthew:15:8 @ This #G3778 people #G2992 draweth nigh #G1448 (5719) unto me #G3427 with their #G846 mouth #G4750 , and #G2532 honoureth #G5091 (5719) me #G3165 with their lips #G5491 ; but #G1161 their #G846 heart #G2588 is #G568 (5719) far # G4206 from #G575 me #G1700 .
strkjv@Matthew:15:19 @ For #G1063 out of #G1537 the heart #G2588 proceed #G1831 (5736) evil #G4190 thoughts #G1261 , murders #G5408 , adulteries #G3430 , fornications # G4202 , thefts #G2829 , false witness #G5577 , blasphemies #G988 :
strkjv@Matthew:15:24 @ But #G1161 he answered #G611 (5679) and said #G2036 (5627), I am #G649 # not #G3756 sent #G649 (5648) but #G1508 unto #G1519 the lost #G622 (5756) sheep # G4263 of the house #G3624 of Israel #G2474 .
strkjv@Matthew:15:30 @ And #G2532 great #G4183 multitudes #G3793 came #G4334 (5656) unto him #G846 , having #G2192 (5723) with #G3326 them those that were #G1438 lame #G5560 , blind #G5185 , dumb #G2974 , maimed #G2948 , and #G2532 many #G4183 others #G2087 , and #G2532 cast #G4496 # them #G846 down #G4496 (5656) at #G3844 Jesus #G2424 feet # G4228 ; and #G2532 he healed #G2323 (5656) them #G846 :
strkjv@Matthew:15:34 @ And #G2532 Jesus #G2424 saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , How many # G4214 loaves #G740 have ye #G2192 (5719)? And #G1161 they said #G2036 (5627), Seven #G2033 , and #G2532 a few #G3641 little fishes #G2485 .
strkjv@Matthew:16:9 @ Do ye #G3539 # not yet #G3768 understand #G3539 (5719), neither #G3761 remember #G3421 (5719) the five #G4002 loaves #G740 of the five thousand #G4000 , and #G2532 how many # G4214 baskets #G2894 ye took up #G2983 (5627)?
strkjv@Matthew:16:10 @ Neither #G3761 the seven #G2033 loaves #G740 of the four thousand #G5070 , and #G2532 how many # G4214 baskets #G4711 ye took up #G2983 (5627)?
strkjv@Matthew:16:21 @ From #G575 that time forth #G5119 began #G756 (5662) Jesus #G2424 to shew #G1166 (5721) unto his #G846 disciples #G3101 , how that #G3754 he #G846 must #G1163 (5748) go #G565 (5629) unto #G1519 Jerusalem #G2414 , and #G2532 suffer #G3958 (5629) many things #G4183 of #G575 the elders # G4245 and #G2532 chief priests #G749 and #G2532 scribes #G1122 , and #G2532 be killed #G615 (5683), and #G2532 be raised again #G1453 (5683) the third #G5154 day #G2250 .
strkjv@Matthew:16:27 @ For #G1063 the Son #G5207 of man #G444 shall #G3195 (5719) come #G2064 (5738) in #G1722 the glory #G1391 of his #G846 Father #G3962 with #G3326 his #G846 angels #G32 ; and #G2532 then #G5119 he shall reward #G591 (5692) every man #G1538 according #G2596 to his #G846 works # G4234 .
strkjv@Matthew:17:17 @ Then #G1161 Jesus #G2424 answered #G611 (5679) and said #G2036 (5627), O #G5599 faithless #G571 and #G2532 perverse #G1294 (5772) generation #G1074 , how long #G2193 # G4219 shall I be #G2071 (5704) with #G3326 you #G5216 ? how long #G2193 # G4219 shall I suffer #G430 (5695) you #G5216 ? bring #G5342 (5720) him #G846 hither #G5602 to me #G3427 .
strkjv@Matthew:18:8 @ Wherefore #G1161 if #G1487 thy #G4675 hand #G5495 or #G2228 thy #G4675 foot # G4228 offend thee #G4624 (5719), cut #G1581 # them #G846 off #G1581 (5657), and #G2532 cast #G906 (5628) them from #G575 thee #G4571 #G4675 : it is #G2076 (5748) better #G2570 for thee #G4671 to enter into #G1525 (5629) #G1519 life #G2222 halt #G5560 or #G2228 maimed #G2948 , rather than #G2228 having #G2192 (5723) two #G1417 hands #G5495 or #G2228 two #G1417 feet # G4228 to be cast #G906 (5683) into #G1519 everlasting #G166 fire #G4442 .
strkjv@Matthew:18:12 @ How #G5101 think #G1380 (5719) ye #G5213 ? if #G1437 #G5100 a man #G444 have #G1096 (5638) an hundred #G1540 sheep # G4263 , and #G2532 one #G1520 of #G1537 them #G846 be gone astray #G4105 (5686), doth he #G863 # not #G3780 leave #G863 (5631) the ninety and nine #G1768 , and goeth #G4198 (5679) into #G1909 the mountains #G3735 , and seeketh #G2212 (5719) that which #G3588 is gone astray #G4105 (5746)?
strkjv@Matthew:18:19 @ Again #G3825 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , That #G3754 if #G1437 two #G1417 of you #G5216 shall agree #G4856 (5661) on #G1909 earth #G1093 as touching #G4012 any #G3956 thing # G4229 that #G3739 #G1437 they shall ask #G154 (5672), it shall be done #G1096 (5695) for them #G846 of #G3844 my #G3450 Father #G3962 which #G3588 is in #G1722 heaven #G3772 .
strkjv@Matthew:18:21 @ Then #G5119 came #G4334 (5631) Peter #G4074 to him #G846 , and said #G2036 (5627), Lord #G2962 , how oft # G4212 shall my #G3450 brother #G80 sin #G264 (5692) against #G1519 me #G1691 , and #G2532 I forgive #G863 (5692) him #G846 ? till #G2193 seven times #G2034 ?
strkjv@Matthew:18:29 @ And #G3767 his #G846 fellowservant #G4889 fell down #G4098 (5631) at #G1519 his #G846 feet # G4228 , and besought #G3870 (5707) him #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), Have patience #G3114 (5657) with #G1909 me #G1698 , and #G2532 I will pay #G591 (5692) thee #G4671 all #G3956 .
strkjv@Matthew:19:9 @ And #G1161 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , #G3754 Whosoever #G3739 #G302 shall put away #G630 (5661) his #G846 wife #G1135 , except #G1508 it be for #G1909 fornication # G4202 , and #G2532 shall marry #G1060 (5661) another #G243 , committeth adultery #G3429 (5736): and #G2532 whoso marrieth #G1060 (5660) her which #G3588 is put away #G630 (5772) doth commit adultery #G3429 (5736).
strkjv@Matthew:20:22 @ But #G1161 Jesus #G2424 answered #G611 (5679) and said #G2036 (5627), Ye know #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 what #G5101 ye ask #G154 (5731). Are ye able #G1410 (5736) to drink #G4095 (5629) of the cup # G4221 that #G3739 I #G1473 shall #G3195 (5719) drink of #G4095 (5721), and #G2532 to be baptized #G907 (5743) with the baptism #G908 that #G3739 I #G1473 am baptized with #G907 (5683)? They say #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , We are able #G1410 (5736).
strkjv@Matthew:20:23 @ And #G2532 he saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , Ye shall drink #G4095 (5695) indeed #G3303 of my #G3450 cup # G4221 , and #G2532 be baptized #G907 (5743) with the baptism #G908 that #G3739 I #G1473 am baptized with #G907 (5701): but #G1161 to sit #G2523 (5658) on #G1537 my #G3450 right hand #G1188 , and #G2532 on #G1537 my #G3450 left #G2176 , is #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 mine #G1699 to give #G1325 (5629), but #G235 it shall be given to them for whom #G3739 it is prepared #G2090 (5769) of #G5259 my #G3450 Father #G3962 .
strkjv@Matthew:21:5 @ Tell ye #G2036 (5628) the daughter #G2364 of Sion #G4622 , Behold #G2400 (5628), thy #G4675 King #G935 cometh #G2064 (5736) unto thee #G4671 , meek # G4239 , and #G2532 sitting #G1910 (5761) upon #G1909 an ass #G3688 , and #G2532 a colt #G4454 the foal #G5207 of an ass #G5268 .
strkjv@Matthew:21:9 @ And #G1161 the multitudes #G3793 that went before # G4254 (5723), and #G2532 that followed #G190 (5723), cried #G2896 (5707), saying #G3004 (5723), Hosanna #G5614 to the Son #G5207 of David #G1138 : Blessed #G2127 (5772) is he that cometh #G2064 (5740) in #G1722 the name #G3686 of the Lord #G2962 ; Hosanna #G5614 in #G1722 the highest #G5310 .
strkjv@Matthew:21:23 @ And #G2532 when he #G846 was come #G2064 (5631) into #G1519 the temple #G2411 , the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 the elders # G4245 of the people #G2992 came #G4334 (5656) unto him #G846 as he was teaching #G1321 (5723), and said #G3004 (5723), By #G1722 what #G4169 authority #G1849 doest thou #G4160 (5719) these things #G5023 ? and #G2532 who #G5101 gave #G1325 (5656) thee #G4671 this #G5026 authority #G1849 ?
strkjv@Matthew:21:31 @ Whether #G5101 of #G1537 them twain #G1417 did #G4160 (5656) the will #G2307 of his father #G3962 ? They say #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , The first #G4413 . Jesus #G2424 saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , Verily #G281 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , That #G3754 the publicans #G5057 and #G2532 the harlots # G4204 go # G4254 # into #G1519 the kingdom #G932 of God #G2316 before # G4254 (5719) you #G5209 .
strkjv@Matthew:21:32 @ For #G1063 John #G2491 came #G2064 (5627) unto #G4314 you #G5209 in #G1722 the way #G3598 of righteousness #G1343 , and #G2532 ye believed #G4100 (5656) him #G846 not #G3756 : but #G1161 the publicans #G5057 and #G2532 the harlots # G4204 believed #G4100 (5656) him #G846 : and #G1161 ye #G5210 , when ye had seen #G1492 (5631) it, repented #G3338 (5675) not #G3756 afterward #G5305 , that ye might believe #G4100 (5658) him #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:22:13 @ Then #G5119 said #G2036 (5627) the king #G935 to the servants #G1249 , Bind #G1210 (5660) him #G846 hand #G5495 and #G2532 foot # G4228 , and take #G142 # him #G846 away #G142 (5657), and #G2532 cast #G1544 (5628) him into #G1519 outer #G1857 darkness #G4655 ; there #G1563 shall be #G2071 (5704) weeping #G2805 and #G2532 gnashing #G1030 of teeth #G3599 .
strkjv@Matthew:22:44 @ The LORD #G2962 said #G2036 (5627) unto my #G3450 Lord #G2962 , Sit thou #G2521 (5737) on #G1537 my #G3450 right hand #G1188 , till #G2193 #G302 I make #G5087 (5632) thine #G4675 enemies #G2190 thy #G4675 footstool #G5286 # G4228 ?
strkjv@Matthew:23:25 @ Woe #G3759 unto you #G5213 , scribes #G1122 and #G2532 Pharisees #G5330 , hypocrites #G5273 ! for #G3754 ye make clean #G2511 (5719) the outside #G1855 of the cup # G4221 and #G2532 of the platter #G3953 , but #G1161 within #G2081 they are full #G1073 (5719) of #G1537 extortion #G724 and #G2532 excess #G192 .
strkjv@Matthew:23:26 @ Thou blind #G5185 Pharisee #G5330 , cleanse #G2511 (5657) first #G4412 that which is within #G1787 the cup # G4221 and #G2532 platter #G3953 , that #G2443 the outside #G1622 of them #G846 may be #G1096 (5638) clean #G2513 also #G2532 .
strkjv@Matthew:23:37 @ O Jerusalem #G2419 , Jerusalem #G2419 , thou that killest #G615 (5723) the prophets #G4396 , and #G2532 stonest #G3036 (5723) them which are sent #G649 (5772) unto #G4314 thee #G846 , how often # G4212 would I #G2309 (5656) have gathered #G1996 # thy #G4675 #G3739 children #G5043 together #G1996 (5629), even as #G5158 a hen #G3733 gathereth #G1996 (5719) her #G1438 chickens #G3556 under #G5259 her wings #G4420 , and #G2532 ye would #G2309 (5656) not #G3756 !
strkjv@Matthew:24:3 @ And #G1161 as he #G846 sat #G2521 (5740) upon #G1909 the mount #G3735 of Olives #G1636 , the disciples #G3101 came #G4334 (5656) unto him #G846 privately #G2596 #G2398 , saying #G3004 (5723), Tell #G2036 (5628) us #G2254 , when # G4219 shall #G2071 # these things #G5023 be #G2071 (5704)? and #G2532 what #G5101 shall be the sign #G4592 of thy #G4674 coming #G3952 , and #G2532 of the end #G4930 of the world #G165 ?
strkjv@Matthew:24:25 @ Behold #G2400 (5628), I have told # G4280 # you #G5213 before # G4280 (5758).
strkjv@Matthew:24:38 @ For #G1063 as #G5618 in #G1722 the days #G2250 that were #G2258 (5713) before # G4253 the flood #G2627 they were eating #G5176 (5723) and #G2532 drinking #G4095 (5723), marrying #G1060 (5723) and #G2532 giving in marriage #G1547 (5723), until #G891 the day #G2250 that #G3739 Noe #G3575 entered #G1525 (5627) into #G1519 the ark #G2787 ,
strkjv@Matthew:25:32 @ And #G2532 before #G1715 him #G846 shall be gathered #G4863 (5701) all #G3956 nations #G1484 : and #G2532 he shall separate #G873 (5692) them #G846 one #G240 # from #G575 another #G240 , as #G5618 a shepherd #G4166 divideth #G873 (5719) his sheep # G4263 from #G575 the goats #G2056 :
strkjv@Matthew:25:33 @ And #G2532 he shall set #G2476 (5692) #G3303 the sheep # G4263 on #G1537 his #G846 right hand #G1188 , but #G1161 the goats #G2055 on #G1537 the left #G2176 .
strkjv@Matthew:25:35 @ For #G1063 I was an hungred #G3983 (5656), and #G2532 ye gave #G1325 (5656) me #G3427 meat #G5315 (5629): I was thirsty #G1372 (5656), and #G2532 ye gave # G4222 # me #G3165 drink # G4222 (5656): I was #G2252 (5713) a stranger #G3581 , and #G2532 ye took #G4863 # me #G3165 in #G4863 (5627):
strkjv@Matthew:25:37 @ Then #G5119 shall the righteous #G1342 answer #G611 (5700) him #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), Lord #G2962 , when # G4219 saw we #G1492 (5627) thee #G4571 an hungred #G3983 (5723), and #G2532 fed #G5142 (5656) thee? or #G2228 thirsty #G1372 (5723), and #G2532 gave thee drink # G4222 (5656)?
strkjv@Matthew:25:38 @ #G1161 When # G4219 saw we #G1492 (5627) thee #G4571 a stranger #G3581 , and #G2532 took thee in #G4863 (5627)? or #G2228 naked #G1131 , and #G2532 clothed #G4016 (5627) thee?
strkjv@Matthew:25:39 @ #G1161 Or when # G4219 saw we #G1492 (5627) thee #G4571 sick #G772 , or #G2228 in #G1722 prison #G5438 , and #G2532 came #G2064 (5627) unto #G4314 thee #G4571 ?
strkjv@Matthew:25:42 @ For #G1063 I was an hungred #G3983 (5656), and #G2532 ye gave #G1325 (5656) me #G3427 no #G3756 meat #G5315 (5629): I was thirsty #G1372 (5656), and #G2532 ye gave # G4222 # me #G3165 no #G3756 drink # G4222 (5656):
strkjv@Matthew:25:44 @ Then #G5119 shall they #G846 also #G2532 answer #G611 (5700) him #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), Lord #G2962 , when # G4219 saw we #G1492 (5627) thee #G4571 an hungred #G3983 (5723), or #G2228 athirst #G1372 (5723), or #G2228 a stranger #G3581 , or #G2228 naked #G1131 , or #G2228 sick #G772 , or #G2228 in #G1722 prison #G5438 , and #G2532 did #G1247 # not #G3756 minister #G1247 (5656) unto thee #G4671 ?
strkjv@Matthew:26:3 @ Then #G5119 assembled together #G4863 (5681) the chief priests #G749 , and #G2532 the scribes #G1122 , and #G2532 the elders # G4245 of the people #G2992 , unto #G1519 the palace #G833 of the high priest #G749 , who #G3588 was called #G3004 (5746) Caiaphas #G2533 ,
strkjv@Matthew:26:17 @ Now #G1161 the first #G4413 day of the feast of unleavened bread #G106 the disciples #G3101 came #G4334 (5656) to Jesus #G2424 , saying #G3004 (5723) unto him #G846 , Where # G4226 wilt thou #G2309 (5719) that we prepare #G2090 (5661) for thee #G4671 to eat #G5315 (5629) the passover #G3957 ?
strkjv@Matthew:26:27 @ And #G2532 he took #G2983 (5631) the cup # G4221 , and #G2532 gave thanks #G2168 (5660), and gave #G1325 (5656) it to them #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), Drink ye #G4095 (5628) all #G3956 of #G1537 it #G846 ;
strkjv@Matthew:26:31 @ Then #G5119 saith #G3004 (5719) Jesus #G2424 unto them #G846 , All #G3956 ye #G5210 shall be offended #G4624 (5701) because #G1722 of me #G1722 #G1698 this #G5026 night #G3571 : for #G1063 it is written #G1125 (5769), I will smite #G3960 (5692) the shepherd #G4166 , and #G2532 the sheep # G4263 of the flock #G4167 shall be scattered abroad #G1287 (5701).
strkjv@Matthew:26:32 @ But #G1161 after #G3326 I #G3165 am risen again #G1453 (5683), I will go before # G4254 (5692) you #G5209 into #G1519 Galilee #G1056 .
strkjv@Matthew:26:34 @ Jesus #G2424 said #G5346 (5713) unto him #G846 , Verily #G281 I say #G3004 (5719) unto thee #G4671 , That #G3754 this #G1722 #G5026 night #G3571 , before # G4250 the cock #G220 crow #G5455 (5658), thou shalt deny #G533 (5695) me #G3165 thrice #G5151 .
strkjv@Matthew:26:39 @ And #G2532 he went # G4281 # a little #G3397 further # G4281 (5631), and fell #G4098 (5627) on #G1909 his #G846 face #G4383 , and #G2532 prayed #G4336 (5740), saying #G3004 (5723), O my #G3450 Father #G3962 , if #G1487 it be #G2076 (5748) possible #G1415 , let #G3928 # this #G5124 cup # G4221 pass #G3928 (5628) from #G575 me #G1700 : nevertheless #G4133 not #G3756 as #G5613 I #G1473 will #G2309 (5719), but #G235 as #G5613 thou #G4771 wilt.
strkjv@Matthew:26:41 @ Watch #G1127 (5720) and #G2532 pray #G4336 (5737), that #G3363 # ye enter #G1525 (5632) not #G3363 into #G1519 temptation #G3986 : the spirit #G4151 indeed #G3303 is willing # G4289 , but #G1161 the flesh #G4561 is weak #G772 .
strkjv@Matthew:26:42 @ He went away #G565 (5631) again #G3825 the #G1537 second time #G1208 , and prayed #G4336 (5662), saying #G3004 (5723), O my #G3450 Father #G3962 , if #G1487 this #G5124 cup # G4221 may #G1410 (5736) not #G3756 pass away #G3928 (5629) from #G575 me #G1700 , except #G3362 I drink #G4095 (5632) it #G846 , thy #G4675 will #G2307 be done #G1096 (5676).
strkjv@Matthew:26:47 @ And #G2532 while #G2089 # he #G846 yet #G2089 spake #G2980 (5723), lo #G2400 (5628), Judas #G2455 , one #G1520 of the twelve #G1427 , came #G2064 (5627), and #G2532 with #G3326 him #G846 a great #G4183 multitude #G3793 with #G3326 swords #G3162 and #G2532 staves #G3586 , from #G575 the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 elders # G4245 of the people #G2992 .
strkjv@Matthew:26:57 @ And #G1161 they that had laid hold #G2902 (5660) on Jesus #G2424 led him away #G520 (5627) to #G4314 Caiaphas #G2533 the high priest #G749 , where #G3699 the scribes #G1122 and #G2532 the elders # G4245 were assembled #G4863 (5681).
strkjv@Matthew:26:59 @ Now #G1161 the chief priests #G749 , and #G2532 elders # G4245 , and #G2532 all #G3650 the council #G4892 , sought #G2212 (5707) false witness #G5577 against #G2596 Jesus #G2424 , to #G3704 put #G2289 # him #G846 to death #G2289 (5661);
strkjv@Matthew:26:75 @ And #G2532 Peter #G4074 remembered #G3415 (5681) the word #G4487 of Jesus #G2424 , which #G3588 said #G2046 (5761) unto him #G846 , Before #G3754 # G4250 the cock #G220 crow #G5455 (5658), thou shalt deny #G533 (5695) me #G3165 thrice #G5151 . And #G2532 he went out #G1854 , and #G1831 (5631) wept #G2799 (5656) bitterly #G4090 .
strkjv@Matthew:27:1 @ When #G1161 the morning #G4405 was come #G1096 (5637), all #G3956 the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 elders # G4245 of the people #G2992 took #G2983 (5627) counsel #G4824 against #G2596 Jesus #G2424 to #G5620 put #G2289 # him #G846 to death #G2289 (5658):
strkjv@Matthew:27:3 @ Then #G5119 Judas #G2455 , which #G3588 had betrayed #G3860 (5723) him #G846 , when he saw #G1492 (5631) that #G3754 he was condemned #G2632 (5681), repented himself #G3338 (5679), and brought again #G654 (5656) the thirty #G5144 pieces of silver #G694 to the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 elders # G4245 ,
strkjv@Matthew:27:12 @ And #G2532 when #G1722 he #G846 was accused #G2723 (5745) of #G5259 the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 elders # G4245 , he answered #G611 (5662) nothing #G3762 .
strkjv@Matthew:27:13 @ Then #G5119 said #G3004 (5719) Pilate #G4091 unto him #G846 , Hearest thou #G191 (5719) not #G3756 how many things # G4214 they witness against #G2649 (5719) thee #G4675 ?
strkjv@Matthew:27:20 @ But #G1161 the chief priests #G749 and #G2532 elders # G4245 persuaded #G3982 (5656) the multitude #G3793 that #G2443 they should ask #G154 (5672) Barabbas #G912 , and #G1161 destroy #G622 (5661) Jesus #G2424 .
strkjv@Matthew:27:27 @ Then #G5119 the soldiers #G4757 of the governor #G2232 took #G3880 (5631) Jesus #G2424 into #G1519 the common hall # G4232 , and gathered #G4863 (5627) unto #G1909 him #G846 the whole #G3650 band #G4686 of soldiers.
strkjv@Matthew:27:41 @ #G1161 Likewise #G3668 also #G2532 the chief priests #G749 mocking #G1702 (5723) him, with #G3326 the scribes #G1122 and #G2532 elders # G4245 , said #G3004 (5707),
strkjv@Matthew:27:48 @ And #G2532 straightway #G2112 one #G1520 of #G1537 them #G846 ran #G5143 (5631), and #G2532 took #G2983 (5631) a spunge #G4699 , and #G5037 filled #G4130 (5660) it with vinegar #G3690 , and #G2532 put it on #G4060 (5631) a reed #G2563 , and gave # G4222 # him #G846 to drink # G4222 (5707).
strkjv@Matthew:28:7 @ And #G2532 go #G4198 (5679) quickly #G5035 , and tell #G2036 (5628) his #G846 disciples #G3101 that #G3754 he is risen #G1453 (5681) from #G575 the dead #G3498 ; and #G2532 , behold #G2400 (5628), he goeth before # G4254 (5719) you #G5209 into #G1519 Galilee #G1056 ; there #G1563 shall ye see #G3700 (5695) him #G846 : lo #G2400 (5628), I have told #G2036 (5627) you #G5213 .
strkjv@Matthew:28:9 @ And #G1161 as #G5613 they went #G4198 (5711) to tell #G518 (5658) his #G846 disciples #G3101 , #G2532 behold #G2400 (5628), Jesus #G2424 met #G528 (5656) them #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), All hail #G5463 (5720). And #G1161 they came #G4334 (5631) and held #G2902 (5656) him #G846 by the feet # G4228 , and #G2532 worshipped #G4352 (5656) him #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:28:12 @ And #G2532 when they were assembled #G4863 (5685) with #G3326 the elders # G4245 , and #G5037 had taken #G2983 (5631) counsel #G4824 , they gave #G1325 (5656) large #G2425 money #G694 unto the soldiers #G4757 ,
strkjv@Philemon:1:9 @ Yet for #G1223 loves #G26 sake I #G3870 # rather #G3123 beseech #G3870 (5719) thee, being #G5607 (5752) such an one #G5108 as #G5613 Paul #G3972 the aged # G4246 , and #G1161 now #G3570 also #G2532 a prisoner #G1198 of Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@Philemon:1:11 @ Which #G3588 in time past # G4218 was #G890 # to thee #G4671 unprofitable #G890 , but #G1161 now #G3570 profitable #G2173 to thee #G4671 and #G2532 to me #G1698 :
strkjv@Philemon:1:16 @ Not now #G3765 as #G5613 a servant #G1401 , but #G235 above #G5228 a servant #G1401 , a brother #G80 beloved #G27 , specially #G3122 to me #G1698 , but #G1161 how much # G4214 more #G3123 unto thee #G4671 , both #G2532 in #G1722 the flesh #G4561 , and #G2532 in #G1722 the Lord #G2962 ?
strkjv@Philippians:1:12 @ But #G1161 I would #G1014 (5736) ye #G5209 should understand #G1097 (5721), brethren #G80 , that #G3754 the things which happened unto #G2596 me #G1691 have fallen out #G2064 (5754) rather #G3123 unto #G1519 the furtherance # G4297 of the gospel #G2098 ;
strkjv@Philippians:1:13 @ So that #G5620 my #G3450 bonds #G1199 in #G1722 Christ #G5547 are #G1096 (5635) manifest #G5318 in #G1722 all #G3650 the palace # G4232 , and #G2532 in all #G3956 other #G3062 places;
strkjv@Philippians:1:25 @ And #G2532 having this #G5124 confidence #G3982 (5756), I know #G1492 (5758) that #G3754 I shall abide #G3306 (5692) and #G2532 continue #G4839 (5692) with you #G5213 all #G3956 for #G1519 your #G5216 furtherance # G4297 and #G2532 joy #G5479 of faith #G4102 ;
strkjv@Philippians:4:9 @ Those things #G5023 , which #G3739 ye have #G3129 # both #G2532 learned #G3129 (5627), and #G2532 received #G3880 (5627), and #G2532 heard #G191 (5656), and #G2532 seen #G1492 (5627) in #G1722 me #G1698 , do # G4238 (5719): and #G2532 the God #G2316 of peace #G1515 shall be #G2071 (5704) with #G3326 you #G5216 .
strkjv@Philippians:4:10 @ But #G1161 I rejoiced #G5463 (5644) in #G1722 the Lord #G2962 greatly #G3171 , that #G3754 now #G2235 at the last # G4218 your care #G5426 (5721) #G330 # of #G5228 me #G1700 hath flourished again #G330 (5627); wherein #G1909 #G3739 ye were #G5426 # also #G2532 careful #G5426 (5707), but #G1161 ye lacked opportunity #G170 (5711).
strkjv@Revelation:1:15 @ And #G2532 his #G846 feet # G4228 like #G3664 unto fine brass #G5474 , as #G5613 if they burned #G4448 (5772) in #G1722 a furnace #G2575 ; and #G2532 his #G846 voice #G5456 as #G5613 the sound #G5456 of many #G4183 waters #G5204 .
strkjv@Revelation:1:17 @ And #G2532 when #G3753 I saw #G1492 (5627) him #G846 , I fell #G4098 (5627) at #G4314 his #G846 feet # G4228 as #G5613 dead #G3498 . And #G2532 he laid #G2007 (5656) his #G846 right #G1188 hand #G5495 upon #G1909 me #G1691 , saying #G3004 (5723) unto me #G3427 , Fear #G5399 (5737) not #G3361 ; I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748) the first #G4413 and #G2532 the last #G2078 :
strkjv@Revelation:2:13 @ I know #G1492 (5758) thy #G4675 works #G2041 , and #G2532 where # G4226 thou dwellest #G2730 (5719), even where #G3699 Satans #G4567 seat #G2362 is: and #G2532 thou holdest fast #G2902 (5719) my #G3450 name #G3686 , and #G2532 hast #G720 # not #G3756 denied #G720 (5662) my #G3450 faith #G4102 , even #G2532 in #G1722 those days #G2250 wherein #G1722 #G3739 Antipas #G493 was my #G3450 faithful #G4103 martyr #G3144 , who #G3739 was slain #G615 (5681) among #G3844 you #G5213 , where #G3699 Satan #G4567 dwelleth #G2730 (5719).
strkjv@Revelation:2:14 @ But #G235 I have #G2192 (5719) a few things #G3641 against #G2596 thee #G4675 , because #G3754 thou hast #G2192 (5719) there #G1563 them that hold #G2902 (5723) the doctrine #G1322 of Balaam #G903 , who #G3739 taught #G1722 #G1321 (5707) Balac #G904 to cast #G906 (5629) a stumblingblock #G4625 before #G1799 the children #G5207 of Israel #G2474 , to eat #G5315 (5629) things sacrificed unto idols #G1494 , and #G2532 to commit fornication # G4203 (5658).
strkjv@Revelation:2:18 @ And #G2532 unto the angel #G32 of the church #G1577 in #G1722 Thyatira #G2363 write #G1125 (5657); These things #G3592 saith #G3004 (5719) the Son #G5207 of God #G2316 , who #G3588 hath #G2192 (5723) his #G846 eyes #G3788 like #G5613 unto a flame #G5395 of fire #G4442 , and #G2532 his #G846 feet # G4228 are like #G3664 fine brass #G5474 ;
strkjv@Revelation:2:20 @ Notwithstanding #G235 I have #G2192 (5719) a few things #G3641 against #G2596 thee #G4675 , because #G3754 thou sufferest #G1439 (5719) that woman #G1135 Jezebel #G2403 , which #G3588 calleth #G3004 (5723) herself #G1438 a prophetess #G4398 , to teach #G1321 (5721) and #G2532 to seduce #G4105 (5745) my #G1699 servants #G1401 to commit fornication # G4203 (5658), and #G2532 to eat #G5315 (5629) things sacrificed unto idols #G1494 .
strkjv@Revelation:2:21 @ And #G2532 I gave #G1325 (5656) her #G846 space #G5550 to #G2443 repent #G3340 (5661) of #G1537 her #G846 fornication # G4202 ; and #G2532 she repented #G3340 (5656) not #G3756 .
strkjv@Revelation:3:9 @ Behold #G2400 (5628), I will make #G1325 (5719) them of #G1537 the synagogue #G4864 of Satan #G4567 , which #G3588 say #G3004 (5723) they #G1438 are #G1511 (5750) Jews #G2453 , and #G2532 are #G1526 (5748) not #G3756 , but #G235 do lie #G5574 (5727); behold #G2400 (5628), I will make #G4160 (5692) them #G846 to #G2443 come #G2240 (5661) and #G2532 worship #G4352 (5661) before #G1799 thy #G4675 feet # G4228 , and #G2532 to know #G1097 (5632) that #G3754 I #G1473 have loved #G25 (5656) thee #G4571 .
strkjv@Revelation:4:4 @ And #G2532 round about #G2943 the throne #G2362 were four #G5064 and #G2532 twenty #G1501 seats #G2362 : and #G2532 upon #G1909 the seats #G2362 I saw #G1492 (5627) four #G5064 and #G2532 twenty #G1501 elders # G4245 sitting #G2521 (5740), clothed #G4016 (5772) in #G1722 white #G3022 raiment #G2440 ; and #G2532 they had #G2192 (5627) on #G1909 their #G846 heads #G2776 crowns #G4735 of gold #G5552 .
strkjv@Revelation:4:10 @ The four #G5064 and #G2532 twenty #G1501 elders # G4245 fall down #G4098 (5699) before #G1799 him that sat #G2521 (5740) on #G1909 the throne #G2362 , and #G2532 worship #G4352 (5719) him that liveth #G2198 (5723) for #G1519 ever #G165 and ever #G165 , and #G2532 cast #G906 (5719) their #G846 crowns #G4735 before #G1799 the throne #G2362 , saying #G3004 (5723),
strkjv@Revelation:5:5 @ And #G2532 one #G1520 of #G1537 the elders # G4245 saith #G3004 (5719) unto me #G3427 , Weep #G2799 (5720) not #G3361 : behold #G2400 (5628), the Lion #G3023 of #G5607 (5752) #G1537 the tribe #G5443 of Juda #G2455 , the Root #G4491 of David #G1138 , hath prevailed #G3528 (5656) to open #G455 (5658) the book #G975 , and #G2532 to loose #G3089 (5658) the seven #G2033 seals #G4973 thereof #G846 .
strkjv@Revelation:5:6 @ And #G2532 I beheld #G1492 (5627), and #G2532 , lo #G2400 (5628), in #G1722 the midst #G3319 of the throne #G2362 and #G2532 of the four #G5064 beasts #G2226 , and #G2532 in #G1722 the midst #G3319 of the elders # G4245 , stood #G2476 (5761) a Lamb #G721 as #G5613 it had been slain #G4969 (5772), having #G2192 (5723) seven #G2033 horns #G2768 and #G2532 seven #G2033 eyes #G3788 , which #G3739 are #G1526 (5748) the seven #G2033 Spirits #G4151 of God #G2316 sent forth #G649 (5772) into #G1519 all #G3956 the earth #G1093 .
strkjv@Revelation:5:8 @ And #G2532 when #G3753 he had taken #G2983 (5627) the book #G975 , the four #G5064 beasts #G2226 and #G2532 four #G5064 and twenty #G1501 elders # G4245 fell down #G4098 (5627) before #G1799 the Lamb #G721 , having #G2192 (5723) every one of them #G1538 harps #G2788 , and #G2532 golden #G5552 vials #G5357 full #G1073 (5723) of odours #G2368 , which #G3739 are #G1526 (5748) the prayers #G4335 of saints #G40 .
strkjv@Revelation:5:11 @ And #G2532 I beheld #G1492 (5627), and #G2532 I heard #G191 (5656) the voice #G5456 of many #G4183 angels #G32 round about #G2943 the throne #G2362 and #G2532 the beasts #G2226 and #G2532 the elders # G4245 : and #G2532 the number #G706 of them #G846 was #G2258 (5713) ten thousand #G3461 times ten thousand #G3461 , and #G2532 thousands #G5505 of thousands #G5505 ;
strkjv@Revelation:5:14 @ And #G2532 the four #G5064 beasts #G2226 said #G3004 (5707), Amen #G281 . And #G2532 the four #G5064 and twenty #G1501 elders # G4245 fell down #G4098 (5627) and #G2532 worshipped #G4352 (5656) him that liveth #G2198 (5723) for #G1519 ever #G165 and ever #G165 .
strkjv@Revelation:6:10 @ And #G2532 they cried #G2896 (5707) with a loud #G3173 voice #G5456 , saying #G3004 (5723), How #G2193 long # G4219 , O Lord #G1203 , holy #G40 and #G2532 true #G228 , dost thou #G2919 # not #G3756 judge #G2919 (5719) and #G2532 avenge #G1556 (5719) our #G2257 blood #G129 on #G575 them that dwell #G2730 (5723) on #G1909 the earth #G1093 ?
strkjv@Revelation:7:11 @ And #G2532 all #G3956 the angels #G32 stood #G2476 (5715) round about #G2945 the throne #G2362 , and #G2532 about the elders # G4245 and #G2532 the four #G5064 beasts #G2226 , and #G2532 fell #G4098 (5627) before #G1799 the throne #G2362 on #G1909 their #G846 faces #G4383 , and #G2532 worshipped #G4352 (5656) God #G2316 ,
strkjv@Revelation:7:13 @ And #G2532 one #G1520 of #G1537 the elders # G4245 answered #G611 (5662), saying #G3004 (5723) unto me #G3427 , What #G5101 are #G1526 (5748) these #G3778 which #G3588 are arrayed in #G4016 (5772) white #G3022 robes #G4749 ? and #G2532 whence #G4159 came they #G2064 (5627)?
strkjv@Revelation:8:10 @ And #G2532 the third #G5154 angel #G32 sounded #G4537 (5656), and #G2532 there fell #G4098 (5627) a great #G3173 star #G792 from #G1537 heaven #G3772 , burning #G2545 (5746) as it were #G5613 a lamp #G2985 , and #G2532 it fell #G4098 (5627) upon #G1909 the third part #G5154 of the rivers # G4215 , and #G2532 upon #G1909 the fountains #G4077 of waters #G5204 ;
strkjv@Revelation:9:14 @ Saying #G3004 (5723) to the sixth #G1623 angel #G32 which #G3739 had #G2192 (5707) the trumpet #G4536 , Loose #G3089 (5657) the four #G5064 angels #G32 which #G3588 are bound #G1210 (5772) in #G1909 the great #G3173 river # G4215 Euphrates #G2166 .
strkjv@Revelation:9:21 @ Neither #G2532 #G3756 repented they #G3340 (5656) of #G1537 their #G846 murders #G5408 , nor #G3777 of #G1537 their #G846 sorceries #G5331 , nor #G3777 of #G1537 their #G846 fornication # G4202 , nor #G3777 of #G1537 their #G846 thefts #G2809 .
strkjv@Revelation:10:1 @ And #G2532 I saw #G1492 (5627) another #G243 mighty #G2478 angel #G32 come down #G2597 (5723) from #G1537 heaven #G3772 , clothed #G4016 (5772) with a cloud #G3507 : and #G2532 a rainbow #G2463 was upon #G1909 his #G846 head #G2776 , and #G2532 his #G846 face #G4383 was as it were #G5613 the sun #G2246 , and #G2532 his #G846 feet # G4228 as #G5613 pillars #G4769 of fire #G4442 :
strkjv@Revelation:10:2 @ And #G2532 he had #G2192 (5707) in #G1722 his #G846 hand #G5495 a little book #G974 open #G455 (5772): and #G2532 he set #G5087 (5656) his #G846 right #G1188 foot # G4228 upon #G1909 the sea #G2281 , and #G1161 his left #G2176 foot on #G1909 the earth #G1093 ,
strkjv@Revelation:11:11 @ And #G2532 after #G3326 three #G5140 days #G2250 and #G2532 an half #G2255 the Spirit #G4151 of life #G2222 from #G1537 God #G2316 entered #G1525 (5627) into #G1909 them #G846 , and #G2532 they stood #G2476 (5627) upon #G1909 their #G846 feet # G4228 ; and #G2532 great #G3173 fear #G5401 fell #G4098 (5627) upon #G1909 them which saw #G2334 (5723) them #G846 .
strkjv@Revelation:11:16 @ And #G2532 the four #G5064 and #G2532 twenty #G1501 elders # G4245 , which #G3588 sat #G2521 (5740) before #G1799 God #G2316 on #G1909 their #G846 seats #G2362 , fell #G4098 (5627) upon #G1909 their #G846 faces #G4383 , and #G2532 worshipped #G4352 (5656) God #G2316 ,
strkjv@Revelation:12:1 @ And #G2532 there appeared #G3700 (5681) a great #G3173 wonder #G4592 in #G1722 heaven #G3772 ; a woman #G1135 clothed #G4016 (5772) with the sun #G2246 , and #G2532 the moon #G4582 under #G5270 her #G846 feet # G4228 , and #G2532 upon #G1909 her #G846 head #G2776 a crown #G4735 of twelve #G1427 stars #G792 :
strkjv@Revelation:12:15 @ And #G2532 the serpent #G3789 cast #G906 (5627) out of #G1537 his #G846 mouth #G4750 water #G5204 as #G5613 a flood # G4215 after #G3694 the woman #G1135 , that #G2443 he might cause #G4160 (5661) her #G5026 to be carried away of the flood # G4216 .
strkjv@Revelation:12:16 @ And #G2532 the earth #G1093 helped #G997 (5656) the woman #G1135 , and #G2532 the earth #G1093 opened #G455 (5656) her #G846 mouth #G4750 , and #G2532 swallowed up #G2666 (5627) the flood # G4215 which #G3739 the dragon #G1404 cast #G906 (5627) out of #G1537 his #G846 mouth #G4750 .
strkjv@Revelation:13:2 @ And #G2532 the beast #G2342 which #G3739 I saw #G1492 (5627) was #G2258 (5713) like #G3664 unto a leopard #G3917 , and #G2532 his #G846 feet # G4228 were as #G5613 the feet of a bear #G715 , and #G2532 his #G846 mouth #G4750 as #G5613 the mouth #G4750 of a lion #G3023 : and #G2532 the dragon #G1404 gave #G1325 (5656) him #G846 his #G846 power #G1411 , and #G2532 his #G846 seat #G2362 , and #G2532 great #G3173 authority #G1849 .
strkjv@Revelation:14:3 @ And #G2532 they sung #G103 (5719) as it were #G5613 a new #G2537 song #G5603 before #G1799 the throne #G2362 , and #G2532 before #G1799 the four #G5064 beasts #G2226 , and #G2532 the elders # G4245 : and #G2532 no man #G3762 could #G1410 (5711) learn #G3129 (5629) that song #G5603 but #G1508 the hundred #G1540 and forty #G5062 and four #G5064 thousand #G5505 , which #G3588 were redeemed #G59 (5772) from #G575 the earth #G1093 .
strkjv@Revelation:14:8 @ And #G2532 there followed #G190 (5656) another #G243 angel #G32 , saying #G3004 (5723), Babylon #G897 is fallen #G4098 (5627), is fallen #G4098 (5627), that great #G3173 city #G4172 , because #G3754 she made # G4222 # all #G3956 nations #G1484 drink # G4222 (5758) of #G1537 the wine #G3631 of the wrath #G2372 of her #G846 fornication # G4202 .
strkjv@Revelation:14:10 @ The same #G846 #G2532 shall drink #G4095 (5695) of #G1537 the wine #G3631 of the wrath #G2372 of God #G2316 , which #G3588 is poured out #G2767 (5772) without mixture #G194 into #G1722 the cup # G4221 of his #G846 indignation #G3709 ; and #G2532 he shall be tormented #G928 (5701) with #G1722 fire #G4442 and #G2532 brimstone #G2303 in the presence #G1799 of the holy #G40 angels #G32 , and #G2532 in the presence #G1799 of the Lamb #G721 :
strkjv@Revelation:16:4 @ And #G2532 the third #G5154 angel #G32 poured out #G1632 (5656) his #G846 vial #G5357 upon #G1519 the rivers # G4215 and #G2532 #G1519 fountains #G4077 of waters #G5204 ; and #G2532 they became #G1096 (5633) blood #G129 .
strkjv@Revelation:16:12 @ And #G2532 the sixth #G1623 angel #G32 poured out #G1632 (5656) his #G846 vial #G5357 upon #G1909 the great #G3173 river # G4215 Euphrates #G2166 ; and #G2532 the water #G5204 thereof #G846 was dried up #G3583 (5681), that #G2443 the way #G3598 of the kings #G935 of #G575 the east #G395 #G2246 might be prepared #G2090 (5686).
strkjv@Revelation:16:19 @ And #G2532 the great #G3173 city #G4172 was divided #G1096 (5633) into #G1519 three #G5140 parts #G3313 , and #G2532 the cities #G4172 of the nations #G1484 fell #G4098 (5627): and #G2532 great #G3173 Babylon #G897 came in remembrance #G3415 (5681) before #G1799 God #G2316 , to give #G1325 (5629) unto her #G846 the cup # G4221 of the wine #G3631 of the fierceness #G2372 of his #G846 wrath #G3709 .
strkjv@Revelation:17:1 @ And #G2532 there came #G2064 (5627) one #G1520 of #G1537 the seven #G2033 angels #G32 which #G3588 had #G2192 (5723) the seven #G2033 vials #G5357 , and #G2532 talked #G2980 (5656) with #G3326 me #G1700 , saying #G3004 (5723) unto me #G3427 , Come hither #G1204 (5773); I will shew #G1166 (5692) unto thee #G4671 the judgment #G2917 of the great #G3173 whore # G4204 that sitteth #G2521 (5740) upon #G1909 many #G4183 waters #G5204 :
strkjv@Revelation:17:2 @ With #G3326 whom #G3739 the kings #G935 of the earth #G1093 have committed fornication # G4203 (5656), and #G2532 the inhabitants #G2730 (5723) of the earth #G1093 have been made drunk #G3184 (5681) with #G1537 the wine #G3631 of her #G846 fornication # G4202 .
strkjv@Revelation:17:4 @ And #G2532 the woman #G1135 was #G2258 (5713) arrayed #G4016 (5772) in purple # G4209 and #G2532 scarlet colour #G2847 , and #G2532 decked #G5558 (5772) with gold #G5557 and #G2532 precious #G5093 stones #G3037 and #G2532 pearls #G3135 , having #G2192 (5723) a golden #G5552 cup # G4221 in #G1722 her #G846 hand #G5495 full of #G1073 (5723) abominations #G946 and #G2532 filthiness #G168 of her #G846 fornication # G4202 :
strkjv@Revelation:17:5 @ And #G2532 upon #G1909 her #G846 forehead #G3359 was a name #G3686 written #G1125 (5772), MYSTERY #G3466 , BABYLON #G897 THE GREAT #G3173 , THE MOTHER #G3384 OF HARLOTS # G4204 AND #G2532 ABOMINATIONS #G946 OF THE EARTH #G1093 .
strkjv@Revelation:17:15 @ And #G2532 he saith #G3004 (5719) unto me #G3427 , The waters #G5204 which #G3739 thou sawest #G1492 (5627), where #G3757 the whore # G4204 sitteth #G2521 (5736), are #G1526 (5748) peoples #G2992 , and #G2532 multitudes #G3793 , and #G2532 nations #G1484 , and #G2532 tongues #G1100 .
strkjv@Revelation:17:16 @ And #G2532 the ten #G1176 horns #G2768 which #G3739 thou sawest #G1492 (5627) upon #G1909 the beast #G2342 , these #G3778 shall hate #G3404 (5692) the whore # G4204 , and #G2532 shall make #G4160 (5692) her #G846 desolate #G2049 (5772) and #G2532 naked #G1131 , and #G2532 shall eat #G5315 (5688) her #G846 flesh #G4561 , and #G2532 burn #G2618 (5692) her #G846 with #G1722 fire #G4442 .
strkjv@Revelation:18:3 @ For #G3754 all #G3956 nations #G1484 have drunk #G4095 (5758) of #G1537 the wine #G3631 of the wrath #G2372 of her #G846 fornication # G4202 , and #G2532 the kings #G935 of the earth #G1093 have committed fornication # G4203 (5656) with #G3326 her #G846 , and #G2532 the merchants #G1713 of the earth #G1093 are waxed rich #G4147 (5656) through #G1537 the abundance #G1411 of her #G846 delicacies #G4764 .
strkjv@Revelation:18:6 @ Reward #G591 (5628) her #G846 even #G2532 as #G5613 she #G846 (5625) #G3778 rewarded #G591 (5656) you #G5213 , and #G2532 double #G1363 (5657) unto her #G846 double #G1362 according to #G2596 her #G846 works #G2041 : in #G1722 the cup # G4221 which #G3739 she hath filled #G2767 (5656) fill #G2767 (5657) to her #G846 double #G1362 .
strkjv@Revelation:18:9 @ And #G2532 the kings #G935 of the earth #G1093 , who #G3588 have committed fornication # G4203 (5660) and #G2532 lived deliciously #G4763 (5660) with #G3326 her #G846 , shall bewail #G2799 (5695) her #G846 , and #G2532 lament #G2875 (5695) for #G1909 her #G846 , when #G3752 they shall see #G991 (5725) the smoke #G2586 of her #G846 burning #G4451 ,
strkjv@Revelation:18:12 @ The merchandise #G1117 of gold #G5557 , and #G2532 silver #G696 , and #G2532 precious #G5093 stones #G3037 , and #G2532 of pearls #G3135 , and #G2532 fine linen #G1040 , and #G2532 purple # G4209 , and #G2532 silk #G4596 , and #G2532 scarlet #G2847 , and #G2532 all #G3956 thyine #G2367 wood #G3586 , and #G2532 all manner #G3956 vessels #G4632 of ivory #G1661 , and #G2532 all manner #G3956 vessels #G4632 of #G1537 most precious #G5093 wood #G3586 , and #G2532 of brass #G5475 , and #G2532 iron #G4604 , and #G2532 marble #G3139 ,
strkjv@Revelation:18:13 @ And #G2532 cinnamon #G2792 , and #G2532 odours #G2368 , and #G2532 ointments #G3464 , and #G2532 frankincense #G3030 , and #G2532 wine #G3631 , and #G2532 oil #G1637 , and #G2532 fine flour #G4585 , and #G2532 wheat #G4621 , and #G2532 beasts #G2934 , and #G2532 sheep # G4263 , and #G2532 horses #G2462 , and #G2532 chariots #G4480 , and #G2532 slaves #G4983 , and #G2532 souls #G5590 of men #G444 .
strkjv@Revelation:18:16 @ And #G2532 saying #G3004 (5723), Alas #G3759 , alas #G3759 , that great #G3173 city #G4172 , that was clothed in #G4016 (5772) fine linen #G1039 , and #G2532 purple # G4210 , and #G2532 scarlet #G2847 , and #G2532 decked #G5558 (5772) with #G1722 gold #G5557 , and #G2532 precious #G5093 stones #G3037 , and #G2532 pearls #G3135 !
strkjv@Revelation:19:2 @ For #G3754 true #G228 and #G2532 righteous #G1342 are his #G846 judgments #G2920 : for #G3754 he hath judged #G2919 (5656) the great #G3173 whore # G4204 , which #G3748 did corrupt #G5351 (5707) the earth #G1093 with #G1722 her #G846 fornication # G4202 , and #G2532 hath avenged #G1556 (5656) the blood #G129 of his #G846 servants #G1401 at #G1537 her #G846 hand #G5495 .
strkjv@Revelation:19:4 @ And #G2532 the four #G5064 and #G2532 twenty #G1501 elders # G4245 and #G2532 the four #G5064 beasts #G2226 fell down #G4098 (5627) and #G2532 worshipped #G4352 (5656) God #G2316 that sat #G2521 (5740) on #G1909 the throne #G2362 , saying #G3004 (5723), Amen #G281 ; Alleluia #G239 .
strkjv@Revelation:19:10 @ And #G2532 I fell #G4098 (5627) at #G1715 his #G846 feet # G4228 to worship #G4352 (5658) him #G846 . And #G2532 he said #G3004 (5719) unto me #G3427 , See #G3708 (5720) thou do it not #G3361 : I am #G1510 (5748) thy #G4675 fellowservant #G4889 , and #G2532 of thy #G4675 brethren #G80 that have #G2192 (5723) the testimony #G3141 of Jesus #G2424 : worship #G4352 (5657) God #G2316 : for #G1063 the testimony #G3141 of Jesus #G2424 is #G2076 (5748) the spirit #G4151 of prophecy #G4394 .
strkjv@Revelation:21:8 @ But #G1161 the fearful #G1169 , and #G2532 unbelieving #G571 , and #G2532 the abominable #G948 (5772), and #G2532 murderers #G5406 , and #G2532 whoremongers # G4205 , and #G2532 sorcerers #G5332 , and #G2532 idolaters #G1496 , and #G2532 all #G3956 liars #G5571 , shall have their #G846 part #G3313 in #G1722 the lake #G3041 which #G3588 burneth #G2545 (5746) with fire #G4442 and #G2532 brimstone #G2303 : which is #G3603 (5748) the second #G1208 death #G2288 .
strkjv@Revelation:22:1 @ And #G2532 he shewed #G1166 (5656) me #G3427 a pure #G2513 river # G4215 of water #G5204 of life #G2222 , clear #G2986 as #G5613 crystal #G2930 , proceeding #G1607 (5740) out of #G1537 the throne #G2362 of God #G2316 and #G2532 of the Lamb #G721 .
strkjv@Revelation:22:2 @ In #G1722 the midst #G3319 of the street #G4113 of it #G846 , and #G2532 on either #G2532 side #G1782 #G1782 of the river # G4215 , was there the tree #G3586 of life #G2222 , which bare #G4160 (5723) twelve #G1427 manner of fruits #G2590 , and yielded #G591 (5723) her #G846 fruit #G2590 every #G2596 #G1538 #G1520 month #G3376 : and #G2532 the leaves #G5444 of the tree #G3586 were for #G1519 the healing #G2322 of the nations #G1484 .
strkjv@Revelation:22:8 @ And #G2532 I #G1473 John #G2491 saw #G991 (5723) these things #G5023 , and #G2532 heard #G191 (5723) them. And #G2532 when #G3753 I had heard #G191 (5656) and #G2532 seen #G991 (5656), I fell down #G4098 (5627) to worship #G4352 (5658) before #G1715 the feet # G4228 of the angel #G32 which #G3588 shewed #G1166 (5723) me #G3427 these things #G5023 .
strkjv@Revelation:22:15 @ For #G1161 without #G1854 are dogs #G2965 , and #G2532 sorcerers #G5333 , and #G2532 whoremongers # G4205 , and #G2532 murderers #G5406 , and #G2532 idolaters #G1496 , and #G2532 whosoever #G3956 loveth #G5368 (5723) and #G2532 maketh #G4160 (5723) a lie #G5579 .
strkjv@Romans:1:2 @ (Which #G3739 he had promised afore # G4279 (5662) by #G1223 his #G846 prophets #G4396 in #G1722 the holy #G40 scriptures #G1124 ,)
strkjv@Romans:1:4 @ And declared #G3724 (5685) to be the Son #G5207 of God #G2316 with #G1722 power #G1411 , according #G2596 to the spirit #G4151 of holiness # G42 , by #G1537 the resurrection #G386 from the dead #G3498 :
strkjv@Romans:1:10 @ Making request #G1189 (5740), if by any means #G1513 now #G2235 at length # G4218 I might have a prosperous journey #G2137 (5701) by #G1722 the will #G2307 of God #G2316 to come #G2064 (5629) unto #G4314 you #G5209 .
strkjv@Romans:1:15 @ So #G3779 , as much as #G2596 in me is #G1691 , I am ready # G4289 to preach the gospel #G2097 (5670) to you #G5213 that are at #G1722 Rome #G4516 also #G2532 .
strkjv@Romans:1:29 @ Being filled with #G4137 (5772) all #G3956 unrighteousness #G93 , fornication # G4202 , wickedness #G4189 , covetousness #G4124 , maliciousness #G2549 ; full #G3324 of envy #G5355 , murder #G5408 , debate #G2054 , deceit #G1388 , malignity #G2550 ; whisperers #G5588 ,
strkjv@Romans:1:32 @ Who #G3748 knowing #G1921 (5631) the judgment #G1345 of God #G2316 , that #G3754 they which commit # G4238 (5723) such things #G5108 are #G1526 (5748) worthy #G514 of death #G2288 , not #G3756 only #G3440 do #G4160 (5719) the same #G846 , but #G235 #G2532 have pleasure #G4909 (5719) in them that do # G4238 (5723) them.
strkjv@Romans:2:1 @ Therefore #G1352 thou art #G1488 (5748) inexcusable #G379 , O #G5599 man #G444 , whosoever #G3956 thou art that judgest #G2919 (5723): for #G1063 wherein #G1722 #G3739 thou judgest #G2919 (5719) another #G2087 , thou condemnest #G2632 (5719) thyself #G4572 ; for #G1063 thou that judgest #G2919 (5723) doest # G4238 (5719) the same things #G846 .
strkjv@Romans:2:2 @ But #G1161 we are sure #G1492 (5758) that #G3754 the judgment #G2917 of God #G2316 is #G2076 (5748) according #G2596 to truth #G225 against #G1909 them which commit # G4238 (5723) such things #G5108 .
strkjv@Romans:2:3 @ And #G1161 thinkest thou #G3049 (5736) this #G5124 , O #G5599 man #G444 , that judgest #G2919 (5723) them which do # G4238 (5723) such things #G5108 , and #G2532 doest #G4160 (5723) the same #G846 , that #G3754 thou #G4771 shalt escape #G1628 (5695) the judgment #G2917 of God #G2316 ?
strkjv@Romans:2:25 @ For #G1063 circumcision #G4061 verily #G3303 profiteth #G5623 (5719), if #G1437 thou keep # G4238 (5725) the law #G3551 : but #G1161 if #G1437 thou be #G5600 (5753) a breaker #G3848 of the law #G3551 , thy #G4675 circumcision #G4061 is made #G1096 (5754) uncircumcision #G203 .
strkjv@Romans:3:9 @ What #G5101 then #G3767 ? are we better # G4284 (5736) than they? No #G3756 , in no wise #G3843 : for #G1063 we have before proved # G4256 (5662) both #G5037 Jews #G2453 and #G2532 Gentiles #G1672 , that they are #G1511 (5750) all #G3956 nder #G5259 sin #G266 ;
strkjv@Romans:3:15 @ Their #G846 feet # G4228 are swift #G3691 to shed #G1632 (5658) blood #G129 :
strkjv@Romans:3:25 @ Whom #G3739 God #G2316 hath set forth #G4388 (5639) to be a propitiation #G2435 through #G1223 faith #G4102 in #G1722 his #G846 blood #G129 , to #G1519 declare #G1732 his #G846 righteousness #G1343 for #G1223 the remission #G3929 of sins #G265 that are past # G4266 (5761), through #G1722 the forbearance #G463 of God #G2316 ;
strkjv@Romans:3:27 @ Where # G4226 is boasting #G2746 then #G3767 ? It is excluded #G1576 (5681). By #G1223 what #G4169 law #G3551 ? of works #G2041 ? Nay #G3780 : but #G235 by #G1223 the law #G3551 of faith #G4102 .
strkjv@Romans:4:19 @ And #G2532 being not #G3361 weak #G770 (5660) in faith #G4102 , he considered #G2657 (5656) not #G3756 his own #G1438 body #G4983 now #G2235 dead #G3499 (5772), when he was #G5225 (5723) about # G4225 an hundred years old #G1541 , neither yet #G2532 the deadness #G3500 of Saras #G4564 womb #G3388 :
strkjv@Romans:7:9 @ For #G1161 I #G1473 was alive #G2198 (5707) without #G5565 the law #G3551 once # G4218 : but #G1161 when the commandment #G1785 came #G2064 (5631), sin #G266 revived #G326 (5656), and #G1161 I #G1473 died #G599 (5627).
strkjv@Romans:7:15 @ For #G1063 that which #G3739 I do #G2716 (5736) I allow #G1097 (5719) not #G3756 : for #G1063 what #G3739 I would #G2309 (5719), that #G5124 do I # G4238 (5719) not #G3756 ; but #G235 what #G3739 I hate #G3404 (5719), that #G5124 do I #G4160 (5719).
strkjv@Romans:7:19 @ For #G1063 #G3739 the good #G18 that I would #G2309 (5719) I do #G4160 (5719) not #G3756 : but #G235 the evil #G2556 which #G3739 I would #G2309 (5719) not #G3756 , that #G5124 I do # G4238 (5719).
strkjv@Romans:8:13 @ For #G1063 if #G1487 ye live #G2198 (5719) after #G2596 the flesh #G4561 , ye shall #G3195 (5719) die #G599 (5721): but #G1161 if #G1487 ye #G2289 # through the Spirit #G4151 do mortify #G2289 (5719) the deeds # G4234 of the body #G4983 , ye shall live #G2198 (5695).
strkjv@Romans:8:28 @ And #G1161 we know #G1492 (5758) that all things #G3956 work together #G4903 (5719) for #G1519 good #G18 to them that #G3754 love #G25 (5723) God #G2316 , to them who are #G5607 (5752) the called #G2822 according #G2596 to his purpose # G4286 .
strkjv@Romans:8:29 @ For #G3754 whom #G3739 he did foreknow # G4267 (5656), he #G4309 # also #G2532 did predestinate #G4309 (5656) to be conformed #G4832 to the image #G1504 of his #G846 Son #G5207 , that #G1519 he #G846 might be #G1511 (5750) the firstborn #G4416 among #G1722 many #G4183 brethren #G80 .
strkjv@Romans:8:36 @ As #G2531 it is written #G1125 (5769), #G3754 For thy #G4675 sake #G1752 we are killed #G2289 (5743) all #G3650 the day long #G2250 ; we are accounted #G3049 (5681) as #G5613 sheep # G4263 for the slaughter #G4967 .
strkjv@Romans:9:11 @ (For #G1063 the children being #G1080 # not yet #G3380 born #G1080 (5685), neither #G3366 having done # G4238 (5660) any #G5100 good #G18 or #G2228 evil #G2556 , that #G2443 the purpose # G4286 of God #G2316 according #G2596 to election #G1589 might stand #G3306 (5725), not #G3756 of #G1537 works #G2041 , but #G235 of #G1537 him that calleth #G2564 (5723);)
strkjv@Romans:9:23 @ And #G2532 that #G2443 he might make known #G1107 (5661) the riches #G4149 of his #G846 glory #G1391 on #G1909 the vessels #G4632 of mercy #G1656 , which #G3739 he had afore prepared # G4282 (5656) unto #G1519 glory #G1391 ,
strkjv@Romans:9:29 @ And #G2532 as #G2531 Esaias #G2268 said before # G4280 (5758), Except #G1508 the Lord #G2962 of Sabaoth #G4519 had left #G1459 (5627) us #G2254 a seed #G4690 , we had been #G302 #G1096 (5675) as #G5613 Sodoma #G4670 , and #G2532 been made like #G302 #G3666 (5681) unto #G5613 Gomorrha #G1116 .
strkjv@Romans:10:15 @ And #G1161 how #G4459 shall they preach #G2784 (5692), except #G3362 they be sent #G649 (5652)? as #G2531 it is written #G1125 (5769), How #G5613 beautiful #G5611 are the feet of them # G4228 that preach the gospel #G2097 (5734) of peace #G1515 , and bring glad tidings #G2097 (5734) of good things #G18 !
strkjv@Romans:11:2 @ God #G2316 hath #G683 # not #G3756 cast away #G683 (5662) his #G846 people #G2992 which #G3739 he foreknew # G4267 (5656). #G2228 Wot ye #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 what #G5101 the scripture #G1124 saith #G3004 (5719) of #G1722 Elias #G2243 ? how #G5613 he maketh intercession #G1793 (5719) to God #G2316 against #G2596 Israel #G2474 , saying #G3004 (5723),
strkjv@Romans:11:12 @ Now #G1161 if #G1487 the fall #G3900 of them #G846 be the riches #G4149 of the world #G2889 , and #G2532 the diminishing #G2275 of them #G846 the riches #G4149 of the Gentiles #G1484 ; how # G4214 much more #G3123 their #G846 fulness #G4138 ?
strkjv@Romans:11:24 @ For #G1063 if #G1487 thou #G4771 wert cut #G1581 (5648) out of #G1537 the olive tree which is wild #G65 by #G2596 nature #G5449 , and #G2532 wert graffed #G1461 (5681) contrary to #G3844 nature #G5449 into #G1519 a good olive tree #G2565 : how much # G4214 more #G3123 shall these #G3778 , which be the natural #G2596 #G5449 branches, be graffed into #G1461 (5701) their own #G2398 olive tree #G1636 ?
strkjv@Romans:11:30 @ For #G1063 as #G5618 #G2532 ye #G5210 in times past # G4218 have not believed #G544 (5656) God #G2316 , yet #G1161 have #G1653 # now #G3568 obtained mercy #G1653 (5681) through #G5130 their unbelief #G543 :
strkjv@Romans:11:33 @ O #G5599 the depth #G899 of the riches #G4149 both #G2532 of the wisdom #G4678 and #G2532 knowledge #G1108 of God #G2316 ! how #G5613 unsearchable #G419 are his #G846 judgments #G2917 , and #G2532 his #G846 ways #G3598 past finding out # G421 !
strkjv@Romans:11:35 @ Or #G2228 who #G5101 hath first given # G4272 (5656) to him #G846 , and #G2532 it shall be recompensed #G467 # unto him #G846 again #G467 (5701)?
strkjv@Romans:12:4 @ For #G1063 as #G2509 we have #G2192 (5719) many #G4183 members #G3196 in #G1722 one #G1520 body #G4983 , and #G1161 all #G3956 members #G3196 have #G2192 (5719) not #G3756 the same #G846 office # G4234 :
strkjv@Romans:12:8 @ Or #G1535 he that exhorteth #G3870 (5723), on #G1722 exhortation #G3874 : he that giveth #G3330 (5723), let him do it with #G1722 simplicity #G572 ; he that ruleth # G4291 (5734), with #G1722 diligence #G4710 ; he that sheweth mercy #G1653 (5723), with #G1722 cheerfulness #G2432 .
strkjv@Romans:12:10 @ Be kindly affectioned #G5387 one to another #G1519 #G240 with brotherly love #G5360 ; in honour #G5092 preferring # G4285 (5740) one another #G240 ;
strkjv@Romans:12:20 @ Therefore #G3767 if #G1437 thine #G4675 enemy #G2190 hunger #G3983 (5725), feed #G5595 (5720) him #G846 ; if #G1437 he thirst #G1372 (5725), give # G4222 # him #G846 drink # G4222 (5720): for #G1063 in so #G5124 doing #G4160 (5723) thou shalt heap #G4987 (5692) coals #G440 of fire #G4442 on #G1909 his #G846 head #G2776 .
strkjv@Romans:13:4 @ For #G1063 he is #G2076 (5748) the minister #G1249 of God #G2316 to thee #G4671 for #G1519 good #G18 . But #G1161 if #G1437 thou do #G4160 (5725) that which is evil #G2556 , be afraid #G5399 (5737); for #G1063 he beareth #G5409 (5719) not #G3756 the sword #G3162 in vain #G1500 : for #G1063 he is #G2076 (5748) the minister #G1249 of God #G2316 , a revenger #G1558 to execute wrath #G3709 upon #G1519 him that doeth # G4238 (5723) evil #G2556 .
strkjv@Romans:13:12 @ The night #G3571 is far spent # G4298 (5656), #G1161 the day #G2250 is at hand #G1448 (5758): let us #G659 # therefore #G3767 cast off #G659 (5643) the works #G2041 of darkness #G4655 , and #G2532 let us put on #G1746 (5672) the armour #G3696 of light #G5457 .
strkjv@Romans:14:17 @ For #G1063 the kingdom #G932 of God #G2316 is #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 meat #G1035 and #G2532 drink # G4213 ; but #G235 righteousness #G1343 , and #G2532 peace #G1515 , and #G2532 joy #G5479 in #G1722 the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 .
strkjv@Romans:15:4 @ For #G1063 whatsoever things #G3745 were written aforetime # G4270 (5648) were written # G4270 (5648) for #G1519 our #G2251 learning #G1319 , that #G2443 we #G2192 # through #G1223 patience #G5281 and #G2532 comfort #G3874 of the scriptures #G1124 might have #G2192 (5725) hope #G1680 .
strkjv@Romans:16:2 @ That #G2443 ye receive #G4327 (5667) her #G846 in #G1722 the Lord #G2962 , as becometh #G516 saints #G40 , and #G2532 that ye assist #G3936 (5632) her #G846 in #G1722 whatsoever #G3739 #G302 business # G4229 she hath need #G5535 (5725) of you #G5216 : for #G1063 she #G3778 (5625) #G846 hath been #G1096 (5675) a succourer #G4368 of many #G4183 , and #G2532 of myself #G846 #G1700 also #G2532 .
strkjv@Romans:16:3 @ Greet #G782 (5663) Priscilla # G4252 and #G2532 Aquila #G207 my #G3450 helpers #G4904 in #G1722 Christ #G5547 Jesus #G2424 :
strkjv@Romans:16:7 @ Salute #G782 (5663) Andronicus #G408 and #G2532 Junia #G2458 , my #G3450 kinsmen #G4773 , and #G2532 my #G3450 fellowprisoners #G4869 , who #G3748 are #G1526 (5748) of note #G1978 among #G1722 the apostles #G652 , who #G3739 also #G2532 were #G1096 (5754) in #G1722 Christ #G5547 before # G4253 me #G1700 .
strkjv@Romans:16:20 @ And #G1161 the God #G2316 of peace #G1515 shall bruise #G4937 (5692) Satan #G4567 under #G5259 your #G5216 feet # G4228 shortly #G1722 #G5034 . The grace #G5485 of our #G2257 Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 be with #G3326 you #G5216 . Amen #G281 .
strkjv@Titus:1:2 @ In #G1909 hope #G1680 of eternal #G166 life #G2222 , which #G3739 God #G2316 , that cannot lie #G893 , promised #G1861 (5662) before # G4253 the world #G166 began #G5550 ;
strkjv@Titus:1:5 @ For this #G5127 cause #G5484 left I #G2641 (5627) thee #G4571 in #G1722 Crete #G2914 , that #G2443 thou shouldest set in order #G1930 (5672) the things that are wanting #G3007 (5723), and #G2532 ordain #G2525 (5661) elders # G4245 in every #G2596 city #G4172 , as #G5613 I #G1473 had appointed #G1299 (5668) thee #G4671 :
strkjv@Titus:2:1 @ But #G1161 speak #G2980 (5720) thou #G4771 the things which #G3739 become # G4241 (5719) sound #G5198 (5723) doctrine #G1319 :
strkjv@Titus:2:2 @ That the aged men # G4246 be #G1511 (5750) sober #G3524 , grave #G4586 , temperate #G4998 , sound #G5198 (5723) in faith #G4102 , in charity #G26 , in patience #G5281 .
strkjv@Titus:2:3 @ The aged women # G4247 likewise #G5615 , that they be in #G1722 behaviour #G2688 as becometh holiness #G2412 , not #G3361 false accusers #G1228 , not #G3361 given #G1402 (5772) to much #G4183 wine #G3631 , teachers of good things #G2567 ;
strkjv@Titus:3:2 @ To speak evil of #G987 (5721) no man #G3367 , to be #G1511 (5750) no brawlers #G269 , but gentle #G1933 , shewing #G1731 (5734) all #G3956 meekness # G4236 unto #G4314 all #G3956 men #G444 .
strkjv@Titus:3:3 @ For #G1063 we ourselves #G2249 also #G2532 were #G2258 (5713) #G453 # sometimes # G4218 foolish #G453 , disobedient #G545 , deceived #G4105 (5746), serving #G1398 (5723) divers #G4164 lusts #G1939 and #G2532 pleasures #G2237 , living #G1236 (5723) in #G1722 malice #G2549 and #G2532 envy #G5355 , hateful #G4767 , and hating #G3404 (5723) one another #G240 .
strkjv@Titus:3:8 @ This is a faithful #G4103 saying #G3056 , and #G2532 these things #G4012 #G5130 I will #G1014 (5736) that thou #G4571 affirm constantly #G1226 (5738), that #G2443 they which have believed #G4100 (5761) in God #G2316 might be careful #G5431 (5725) to maintain # G4291 (5733) good #G2570 works #G2041 . These things #G5023 are #G2076 (5748) good #G2570 and #G2532 profitable #G5624 unto men #G444 .
strkjv@Titus:3:14 @ And #G1161 let #G3129 # ours #G2251 also #G2532 learn #G3129 (5720) to maintain # G4291 (5733) good #G2570 works #G2041 for #G1519 necessary #G316 uses #G5532 , that #G3363 # they be #G5600 (5753) not #G3363 unfruitful #G175 .
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