strkjv@1Peter:1:2 @ Elect #G1588 according #G2596 to the foreknowledge # G4268 of God #G2316 the Father #G3962 , through #G1722 sanctification #G38 of the Spirit #G4151 , unto #G1519 obedience #G5218 and #G2532 sprinkling #G4473 of the blood #G129 of Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 : Grace #G5485 unto you #G5213 , and #G2532 peace #G1515 , be multiplied #G4129 (5684).
strkjv@1Peter:1:20 @ Who verily #G3303 was foreordained # G4267 (5772) before #G4253 the foundation #G2602 of the world #G2889 , but #G1161 was manifest #G5319 (5685) in #G1909 these last #G2078 times #G5550 for #G1223 you #G5209 ,
strkjv@1Peter:2:25 @ For #G1063 ye were #G2258 (5713) as #G5613 sheep # G4263 going astray #G4105 (5746); but #G235 are #G1994 # now #G3568 returned #G1994 (5648) unto #G1909 the Shepherd #G4166 and #G2532 Bishop #G1985 of your #G5216 souls #G5590 .
strkjv@1Timothy:5:4 @ But #G1161 if any #G1536 widow #G5503 have #G2192 (5719) children #G5043 or #G2228 nephews #G1549 , let them learn #G3129 (5720) first #G4412 to shew piety #G2151 (5721) at home #G2398 #G3624 , and #G2532 to requite #G287 #G591 (5721) their parents # G4269 : for #G1063 that #G5124 is #G2076 (5748) good #G2570 and #G2532 acceptable #G587 before #G1799 God #G2316 .
strkjv@2Peter:3:17 @ Ye #G5210 therefore #G3767 , beloved #G27 , seeing ye know these things before # G4267 (5723), beware #G5442 (5732) lest #G3363 ye also #G1601 # , being led away #G4879 (5685) with the error #G4106 of the wicked #G113 , fall from #G1601 (5632) your own #G2398 stedfastness #G4740 .
strkjv@2Timothy:1:3 @ I thank #G2192 (5719) #G5485 God #G2316 , whom #G3739 I serve #G3000 (5719) from #G575 my forefathers # G4269 with #G1722 pure #G2513 conscience #G4893 , that #G5613 without ceasing #G88 I have #G2192 (5719) remembrance #G3417 of #G4012 thee #G4675 in #G1722 my #G3450 prayers #G1162 night #G3571 and #G2532 day #G2250 ;
strkjv@Acts:2:23 @ Him #G5126 , being delivered #G1560 by the determinate #G3724 (5772) counsel #G1012 and #G2532 foreknowledge # G4268 of God #G2316 , ye have taken #G2983 (5631), and by #G1223 wicked #G459 hands #G5495 have crucified #G4362 (5660) and slain #G337 (5627):
strkjv@Acts:8:32 @ #G1161 The place #G4042 of the scripture #G1124 which #G3739 he read #G314 (5707) was #G2258 (5713) this #G3778 , He was led #G71 (5681) as #G5613 a sheep # G4263 to #G1909 the slaughter #G4967 ; and #G2532 like #G5613 a lamb #G286 dumb #G880 before #G1726 his #G846 shearer #G2751 (5723), so #G3779 opened he #G455 (5719) not #G3756 his #G846 mouth #G4750 :
strkjv@Acts:19:33 @ And #G1161 they drew # G4264 (5656) Alexander #G223 out of #G1537 the multitude #G3793 , the Jews #G2453 putting # G4261 # him #G846 forward # G4261 (5660) (5625) # G4261 (5723). And #G1161 Alexander #G223 beckoned #G2678 (5660) with the hand #G5495 , and would #G2309 (5707) have made his defence #G626 (5738) unto the people #G1218 .
strkjv@Acts:22:24 @ The chief captain #G5506 commanded #G2753 (5656) him #G846 to be brought #G71 (5745) into #G1519 the castle #G3925 , and bade #G2036 (5631) that he #G846 should be examined # G426 (5745) by scourging #G3148 ; that #G2443 he might know #G1921 (5632) wherefore #G1223 #G3739 #G156 they cried #G2019 # so #G3779 against #G2019 (5707) him #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:22:29 @ Then #G3767 straightway #G2112 they departed #G868 (5627) from #G575 him #G846 which #G3588 should #G3195 (5723) have examined # G426 (5721) him #G846 : and #G1161 the chief captain #G5506 also #G2532 was afraid #G5399 (5675), after he knew #G1921 (5631) that #G3754 he was #G2076 (5748) a Roman #G4514 , and #G2532 because #G3754 he had #G2258 (5713) bound #G1210 (5761) him #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:26:5 @ Which knew # G4267 (5723) me #G3165 from the beginning #G509 , if #G1437 they would #G2309 (5725) testify #G3140 (5721), that #G3754 after #G2596 the most straitest #G196 sect #G139 of our #G2251 religion #G2356 I lived #G2198 (5656) a Pharisee #G5330 .
strkjv@Hebrews:11:40 @ God #G2316 having provided # G4265 (5671) some #G5100 # better #G2909 thing #G5100 for #G4012 us #G2257 , that #G3363 # they #G5048 # without #G5565 us #G2257 should #G5048 # not #G3363 be made perfect #G5048 (5686).
strkjv@Hebrews:13:20 @ Now #G1161 the God #G2316 of peace #G1515 , that brought again #G321 (5631) from #G1537 the dead #G3498 our #G2257 Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 , that great #G3173 shepherd #G4166 of the sheep # G4263 , through #G1722 the blood #G129 of the everlasting #G166 covenant #G1242 ,
strkjv@John:2:14 @ And #G2532 found #G2147 (5627) in #G1722 the temple #G2411 those that sold #G4453 (5723) oxen #G1016 and #G2532 sheep # G4263 and #G2532 doves #G4058 , and #G2532 the changers of money #G2773 sitting #G2521 (5740):
strkjv@John:2:15 @ And #G2532 when he had made #G4160 (5660) a scourge #G5416 of #G1537 small cords #G4979 , he drove #G1544 (5627) them all #G3956 out of #G1537 the temple #G2411 , and #G5037 the sheep # G4263 , and #G2532 the oxen #G1016 ; and #G2532 poured out #G1632 (5656) the changers #G2855 money #G2772 , and #G2532 overthrew #G390 (5656) the tables #G5132 ;
strkjv@John:5:2 @ Now #G1161 there is #G2076 (5748) at #G1722 Jerusalem #G2414 by #G1909 the sheep # G4262 market a pool #G2861 , which #G3588 is called #G1951 (5746) in the Hebrew tongue #G1447 Bethesda #G964 , having #G2192 (5723) five #G4002 porches #G4745 .
strkjv@John:10:1 @ Verily #G281 , verily #G281 , I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , He that entereth #G1525 (5740) not #G3361 by #G1223 the door #G2374 into #G1519 the sheepfold # G4263 #G833 , but #G235 climbeth up #G305 (5723) some other way #G237 , the same #G1565 is #G2076 (5748) a thief #G2812 and #G2532 a robber #G3027 .
strkjv@John:10:2 @ But #G1161 he that entereth in #G1525 (5740) by #G1223 the door #G2374 is #G2076 (5748) the shepherd #G4166 of the sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@John:10:3 @ To him #G5129 the porter #G2377 openeth #G455 (5719); and #G2532 the sheep # G4263 hear #G191 (5719) his #G846 voice #G5456 : and #G2532 he calleth #G2564 (5719) his own #G2398 sheep # G4263 by #G2596 name #G3686 , and #G2532 leadeth #G1806 # them #G846 out #G1806 (5719).
strkjv@John:10:4 @ And #G2532 when #G3752 he putteth forth #G1544 (5632) his own #G2398 sheep # G4263 , he goeth #G4198 (5736) before #G1715 them #G846 , and #G2532 the sheep # G4263 follow #G190 (5719) him #G846 : for #G3754 they know #G1492 (5758) his #G846 voice #G5456 .
strkjv@John:10:7 @ Then #G3767 said #G2036 (5627) Jesus #G2424 unto them #G846 again #G3825 , Verily #G281 , verily #G281 , I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , #G3754 I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748) the door #G2374 of the sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@John:10:8 @ All #G3956 that ever #G3745 came #G2064 (5627) before #G4253 me #G1700 are #G1526 (5748) thieves #G2812 and #G2532 robbers #G3027 : but #G235 the sheep # G4263 did #G191 # not #G3756 hear #G191 (5656) them #G846 .
strkjv@John:10:11 @ I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748) the good #G2570 shepherd #G4166 : the good #G2570 shepherd #G4166 giveth #G5087 (5719) his #G846 life #G5590 for #G5228 the sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@John:10:12 @ But #G1161 he that is #G5607 (5752) an hireling #G3411 , and #G2532 not #G3756 the shepherd #G4166 , whose #G3739 own #G2398 the sheep # G4263 are #G1526 (5748) not #G3756 , seeth #G2334 (5719) the wolf #G3074 coming #G2064 (5740), and #G2532 leaveth #G863 (5719) the sheep # G4263 , and #G2532 fleeth #G5343 (5719): and #G2532 the wolf #G3074 catcheth #G726 (5719) them #G846 , and #G2532 scattereth #G4650 (5719) the sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@John:10:13 @ #G1161 The hireling #G3411 fleeth #G5343 (5719), because #G3754 he is #G2076 (5748) an hireling #G3411 , and #G2532 #G846 careth #G3199 (5719) not #G3756 for #G4012 the sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@John:10:15 @ As #G2531 the Father #G3962 knoweth #G1097 (5719) me #G3165 , even so #G2504 # know #G1097 (5719) I #G2504 the Father #G3962 : and #G2532 I lay down #G5087 (5719) my #G3450 life #G5590 for #G5228 the sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@John:10:16 @ And #G2532 other #G243 sheep # G4263 I have #G2192 (5719), which #G3739 are #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 of #G1537 this #G5026 fold #G833 : them also #G2548 I #G3165 must #G1163 (5748) bring #G71 (5629), and #G2532 they shall hear #G191 (5692) my #G3450 voice #G5456 ; and #G2532 there shall be #G1096 (5695) one #G3391 fold #G4167 , and one #G1520 shepherd #G4166 .
strkjv@John:10:26 @ But #G235 ye #G5210 believe #G4100 (5719) not #G3756 , because #G1063 ye are #G2075 (5748) not #G3756 of #G1537 my #G1699 sheep # G4263 , as #G2531 I said #G2036 (5627) unto you #G5213 .
strkjv@John:10:27 @ My #G1699 sheep # G4263 hear #G191 (5719) my #G3450 voice #G5456 , and I #G2504 know #G1097 (5719) them #G846 , and #G2532 they follow #G190 (5719) me #G3427 :
strkjv@John:21:16 @ He saith #G3004 (5719) to him #G846 again #G3825 the second time #G1208 , Simon #G4613 , son of Jonas #G2495 , lovest thou #G25 (5719) me #G3165 ? He saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Yea #G3483 , Lord #G2962 ; thou #G4771 knowest #G1492 (5758) that #G3754 I love #G5368 (5719) thee #G4571 . He saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Feed #G4165 (5720) my #G3450 sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@John:21:17 @ He saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 the third #G5154 time, Simon #G4613 , son of Jonas #G2495 , lovest #G5368 (5719) thou me #G3165 ? Peter #G4074 was grieved #G3076 (5681) because #G3754 he said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 the third #G5154 time, Lovest #G5368 (5719) thou me #G3165 ? And #G2532 he said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Lord #G2962 , thou #G4771 knowest #G1492 (5758) all things #G3956 ; thou #G4771 knowest #G1097 (5719) that #G3754 I love #G5368 (5719) thee #G4571 . Jesus #G2424 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Feed #G1006 (5720) my #G3450 sheep # G4263 .
strkjv@Luke:1:7 @ And #G2532 they #G846 had #G2258 (5713) no #G3756 child #G5043 , because #G2530 that Elisabeth #G1665 was #G2258 (5713) barren #G4723 , and #G2532 they #G846 both #G297 were #G2258 (5713) now well stricken # G4260 (5761) in #G1722 years #G2250 .
strkjv@Luke:1:18 @ And #G2532 Zacharias #G2197 said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 the angel #G32 , Whereby #G2596 #G5101 shall I know #G1097 (5695) this #G5124 ? for #G1063 I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748) an old man #G4246 , and #G2532 my #G3450 wife #G1135 well stricken # G4260 (5761) in #G1722 years #G2250 #G846 .
strkjv@Luke:2:36 @ And #G2532 there was #G2258 (5713) one Anna #G451 , a prophetess #G4398 , the daughter #G2364 of Phanuel #G5323 , of #G1537 the tribe #G5443 of Aser #G768 : she #G3778 (5625) #G846 was of a great #G4183 #G1722 age #G2250 # G4260 (5761), and had lived #G2198 (5660) with #G3326 an husband #G435 seven #G2033 years #G2094 from #G575 her #G846 virginity #G3932 ;
strkjv@Luke:15:4 @ What #G5101 man #G444 of #G1537 you #G5216 , having #G2192 (5723) an hundred #G1540 sheep # G4263 , if #G2532 he lose #G622 (5660) one #G1520 of #G1537 them #G846 , doth #G2641 # not #G3756 leave #G2641 (5719) the ninety and nine #G1768 in #G1722 the wilderness #G2048 , and #G2532 go #G4198 (5736) after #G1909 that which is lost #G622 (5756), until #G2193 he find #G2147 (5632) it #G846 ?
strkjv@Luke:15:6 @ And #G2532 when he cometh #G2064 (5631) #G1519 home #G3624 , he calleth together #G4779 (5719) his friends #G5384 and #G2532 neighbours #G1069 , saying #G3004 (5723) unto them #G846 , Rejoice #G4796 (5645) with me #G3427 ; for #G3754 I have found #G2147 (5627) my #G3450 sheep # G4263 which #G3588 was lost #G622 (5756).
strkjv@Luke:21:30 @ When #G3752 they now #G2235 shoot forth # G4261 (5632), ye see #G991 (5723) and know #G1097 (5719) of #G575 your own selves #G1438 that #G3754 summer #G2330 is #G2076 (5748) now #G2235 nigh at hand #G1451 .
strkjv@Mark:1:19 @ And #G2532 when he had gone # G4260 # a little #G3641 further # G4260 (5631) thence #G1564 , he saw #G1492 (5627) James #G2385 the son #G3588 of Zebedee #G2199 , and #G2532 John #G2491 his #G846 brother #G80 , who #G846 also #G2532 were in #G1722 the ship #G4143 mending #G2675 (5723) their nets #G1350 .
strkjv@Mark:6:34 @ And #G2532 Jesus #G2424 , when he came out #G1831 (5631), saw #G1492 (5627) much #G4183 people #G3793 , and #G2532 was moved with compassion #G4697 (5675) toward #G1909 them #G846 , because #G3754 they were #G2258 (5713) as #G5613 sheep # G4263 not #G3361 having #G2192 (5723) a shepherd #G4166 : and #G2532 he began #G756 (5662) to teach #G1321 (5721) them #G846 many things #G4183 .
strkjv@Mark:14:27 @ And #G2532 Jesus #G2424 saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , #G3754 All ye #G3956 shall be offended #G4624 (5701) because of #G1722 me #G1722 #G1698 this #G5026 night #G3571 : for #G3754 it is written #G1125 (5769), I will smite #G3960 (5692) the shepherd #G4166 , and #G2532 the sheep # G4263 shall be scattered #G1287 (5701).
strkjv@Matthew:4:21 @ And #G2532 going on # G4260 (5631) from thence #G1564 , he saw #G1492 (5627) other #G243 two #G1417 brethren #G80 , James #G2385 the son of #G3588 Zebedee #G2199 , and #G2532 John #G2491 his #G846 brother #G80 , in #G1722 a ship #G4143 with #G3326 Zebedee #G2199 their #G846 father #G3962 , mending #G2675 (5723) their #G846 nets #G1350 ; and #G2532 he called #G2564 (5656) them #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:7:15 @ Beware #G1161 #G4337 (5720) of #G575 false prophets #G5578 , which #G3748 come #G2064 (5736) to #G4314 you #G5209 in #G1722 sheeps # G4263 clothing #G1742 , but #G1161 inwardly #G2081 they are #G1526 (5748) ravening #G727 wolves #G3074 .
strkjv@Matthew:9:36 @ But #G1161 when he saw #G1492 (5631) the multitudes #G3793 , he was moved with compassion #G4697 (5675) on #G4012 them #G846 , because #G3754 they fainted #G2258 (5713) #G1590 (5772), and #G2532 were scattered abroad #G4496 (5772), as #G5616 sheep # G4263 having #G2192 (5723) no #G3361 shepherd #G4166 .
strkjv@Matthew:10:6 @ But #G1161 go #G4198 (5737) rather #G3123 to #G4314 the lost #G622 (5756) sheep # G4263 of the house #G3624 of Israel #G2474 .
strkjv@Matthew:10:16 @ Behold #G2400 (5628), I #G1473 send #G649 # you #G5209 forth #G649 (5719) as #G5613 sheep # G4263 in #G1722 the midst #G3319 of wolves #G3074 : be ye #G1096 (5737) therefore #G3767 wise #G5429 as #G5613 serpents #G3789 , and #G2532 harmless #G185 as #G5613 doves #G4058 .
strkjv@Matthew:12:11 @ And #G1161 he said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , What #G5101 man #G444 shall there be #G2071 (5704) among #G1537 you #G5216 , that #G3739 shall have #G2192 (5692) one #G1520 sheep # G4263 , and #G2532 if #G1437 it #G5124 fall #G1706 (5632) into #G1519 a pit #G999 on the sabbath day #G4521 , will he #G2902 # not #G3780 lay hold #G2902 (5692) on it #G846 , and #G2532 lift it out #G1453 (5692)?
strkjv@Matthew:12:12 @ How much #G4214 then #G3767 is a man #G444 better than #G1308 (5719) a sheep # G4263 ? Wherefore #G5620 it is lawful #G1832 (5748) to do #G4160 (5721) well #G2573 on the sabbath days #G4521 .
strkjv@Matthew:14:8 @ And #G1161 she, being before instructed # G4264 (5685) of #G5259 her #G846 mother #G3384 , said #G5346 (5748), Give #G1325 (5628) me #G3427 here #G5602 John #G2491 Baptists #G910 head #G2776 in #G1909 a charger #G4094 .
strkjv@Matthew:15:24 @ But #G1161 he answered #G611 (5679) and said #G2036 (5627), I am #G649 # not #G3756 sent #G649 (5648) but #G1508 unto #G1519 the lost #G622 (5756) sheep # G4263 of the house #G3624 of Israel #G2474 .
strkjv@Matthew:18:12 @ How #G5101 think #G1380 (5719) ye #G5213 ? if #G1437 #G5100 a man #G444 have #G1096 (5638) an hundred #G1540 sheep # G4263 , and #G2532 one #G1520 of #G1537 them #G846 be gone astray #G4105 (5686), doth he #G863 # not #G3780 leave #G863 (5631) the ninety and nine #G1768 , and goeth #G4198 (5679) into #G1909 the mountains #G3735 , and seeketh #G2212 (5719) that which #G3588 is gone astray #G4105 (5746)?
strkjv@Matthew:25:32 @ And #G2532 before #G1715 him #G846 shall be gathered #G4863 (5701) all #G3956 nations #G1484 : and #G2532 he shall separate #G873 (5692) them #G846 one #G240 # from #G575 another #G240 , as #G5618 a shepherd #G4166 divideth #G873 (5719) his sheep # G4263 from #G575 the goats #G2056 :
strkjv@Matthew:25:33 @ And #G2532 he shall set #G2476 (5692) #G3303 the sheep # G4263 on #G1537 his #G846 right hand #G1188 , but #G1161 the goats #G2055 on #G1537 the left #G2176 .
strkjv@Matthew:26:31 @ Then #G5119 saith #G3004 (5719) Jesus #G2424 unto them #G846 , All #G3956 ye #G5210 shall be offended #G4624 (5701) because #G1722 of me #G1722 #G1698 this #G5026 night #G3571 : for #G1063 it is written #G1125 (5769), I will smite #G3960 (5692) the shepherd #G4166 , and #G2532 the sheep # G4263 of the flock #G4167 shall be scattered abroad #G1287 (5701).
strkjv@Revelation:18:13 @ And #G2532 cinnamon #G2792 , and #G2532 odours #G2368 , and #G2532 ointments #G3464 , and #G2532 frankincense #G3030 , and #G2532 wine #G3631 , and #G2532 oil #G1637 , and #G2532 fine flour #G4585 , and #G2532 wheat #G4621 , and #G2532 beasts #G2934 , and #G2532 sheep # G4263 , and #G2532 horses #G2462 , and #G2532 chariots #G4480 , and #G2532 slaves #G4983 , and #G2532 souls #G5590 of men #G444 .
strkjv@Romans:3:25 @ Whom #G3739 God #G2316 hath set forth #G4388 (5639) to be a propitiation #G2435 through #G1223 faith #G4102 in #G1722 his #G846 blood #G129 , to #G1519 declare #G1732 his #G846 righteousness #G1343 for #G1223 the remission #G3929 of sins #G265 that are past # G4266 (5761), through #G1722 the forbearance #G463 of God #G2316 ;
strkjv@Romans:8:29 @ For #G3754 whom #G3739 he did foreknow # G4267 (5656), he #G4309 # also #G2532 did predestinate #G4309 (5656) to be conformed #G4832 to the image #G1504 of his #G846 Son #G5207 , that #G1519 he #G846 might be #G1511 (5750) the firstborn #G4416 among #G1722 many #G4183 brethren #G80 .
strkjv@Romans:8:36 @ As #G2531 it is written #G1125 (5769), #G3754 For thy #G4675 sake #G1752 we are killed #G2289 (5743) all #G3650 the day long #G2250 ; we are accounted #G3049 (5681) as #G5613 sheep # G4263 for the slaughter #G4967 .
strkjv@Romans:11:2 @ God #G2316 hath #G683 # not #G3756 cast away #G683 (5662) his #G846 people #G2992 which #G3739 he foreknew # G4267 (5656). #G2228 Wot ye #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 what #G5101 the scripture #G1124 saith #G3004 (5719) of #G1722 Elias #G2243 ? how #G5613 he maketh intercession #G1793 (5719) to God #G2316 against #G2596 Israel #G2474 , saying #G3004 (5723),
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