strkjv@2Corinthians:9:5 @ Therefore #G3767 I thought #G2233 (5662) it necessary #G316 to exhort #G3870 (5658) the brethren #G80 , that #G2443 they would go before # G4281 (5632) unto #G1519 you #G5209 , and #G2532 make up beforehand #G4294 (5661) your #G5216 bounty #G2129 , whereof ye had notice before #G4293 (5772), that the same #G5026 might be #G1511 (5750) ready #G2092 , #G3779 as #G5613 a matter of bounty #G2129 , and #G2532 not #G3361 as #G5618 of covetousness #G4124 .
strkjv@Acts:12:10 @ When #G1161 they were past #G1330 (5631) the first #G4413 and #G2532 the second #G1208 ward #G5438 , they came #G2064 (5627) unto #G1909 the iron #G4603 gate #G4439 that leadeth #G5342 (5723) unto #G1519 the city #G4172 ; which #G3748 opened #G455 (5681) to them #G846 of his own accord #G844 : and #G2532 they went out #G1831 (5631), and passed on through # G4281 (5627) one #G3391 street #G4505 ; and #G2532 forthwith #G2112 the angel #G32 departed #G868 (5627) from #G575 him #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:20:5 @ These #G3778 going before # G4281 (531) tarried #G3306 (5707) for us #G2248 at #G1722 Troas #G5174 .
strkjv@Acts:20:13 @ And #G1161 we #G2249 went before # G4281 (5631) to #G1909 ship #G4143 , and sailed #G321 (5681) unto #G1519 Assos #G789 , there #G1564 intending #G3195 (5723) to take in #G353 (5721) Paul #G3972 : for #G1063 so #G3779 had he #G2258 (5713) appointed #G1299 (5772), minding #G3195 (5723) himself #G846 to go afoot #G3978 (5721).
strkjv@Luke:1:17 @ And #G2532 he #G846 shall go # G4281 (5695) before #G1799 him #G846 in #G1722 the spirit #G4151 and #G2532 power #G1411 of Elias #G2243 , to turn #G1994 (5658) the hearts #G2588 of the fathers #G3962 to #G1909 the children #G5043 , and #G2532 the disobedient #G545 to #G1722 the wisdom #G5428 of the just #G1342 ; to make ready #G2090 (5658) a people #G2992 prepared #G2680 (5772) for the Lord #G2962 .
strkjv@Luke:22:47 @ And #G1161 while he #G846 yet #G2089 spake #G2980 (5723), behold #G2400 (5628) a multitude #G3793 , and #G2532 he that was called #G3004 (5746) Judas #G2455 , one #G1520 of the twelve #G1427 , went before # G4281 (5711) them #G846 , and #G2532 drew near #G1448 (5656) unto Jesus #G2424 to kiss #G5368 (5658) him #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:6:33 @ And #G2532 the people #G3793 saw #G1492 (5627) them #G846 departing #G5217 (5723), and #G2532 many #G4183 knew #G1921 (5627) him #G846 , and #G2532 ran #G4936 (5627) afoot #G3979 thither #G1563 out of #G575 all #G3956 cities #G4172 , and #G2532 outwent # G4281 (5627) them #G846 , and #G2532 came together #G4905 (5627) unto #G4314 him #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:14:35 @ And #G2532 he went forward # G4281 (5631) a little #G3397 , and fell #G4098 (5627) on #G1909 the ground #G1093 , and #G2532 prayed #G4336 (5711) that #G2443 , if #G1487 it were #G2076 (5748) possible #G1415 , the hour #G5610 might pass #G3928 (5632) from #G575 him #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:26:39 @ And #G2532 he went # G4281 # a little #G3397 further # G4281 (5631), and fell #G4098 (5627) on #G1909 his #G846 face #G4383 , and #G2532 prayed #G4336 (5740), saying #G3004 (5723), O my #G3450 Father #G3962 , if #G1487 it be #G2076 (5748) possible #G1415 , let #G3928 # this #G5124 cup #G4221 pass #G3928 (5628) from #G575 me #G1700 : nevertheless #G4133 not #G3756 as #G5613 I #G1473 will #G2309 (5719), but #G235 as #G5613 thou #G4771 wilt.
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