strkjv@Acts:2:46 @ And #G5037 they, continuing #G4342 (5723) daily #G2596 #G2250 with one accord #G3661 in #G1722 the temple #G2411 , and #G5037 breaking #G2806 (5723) bread #G740 from #G2596 house to house #G3624 , did eat #G3335 (5707) their meat # G5160 with #G1722 gladness #G20 and #G2532 singleness #G858 of heart #G2588 ,
strkjv@Acts:9:19 @ And #G2532 when he had received #G2983 (5631) meat # G5160 , he was strengthened #G1765 (5656). Then #G1161 was #G1096 (5633) Saul #G4569 certain #G5100 days #G2250 with #G3326 the disciples #G3101 which were at #G1722 Damascus #G1154 .
strkjv@Acts:14:17 @ Nevertheless #G2544 #G2532 he left #G863 (5656) not #G3756 himself #G1438 without witness #G267 , in that he did good #G15 (5723), and gave #G1325 (5723) us #G2254 rain #G5205 from heaven #G3771 , and #G2532 fruitful #G2593 seasons #G2540 , filling #G1705 (5723) our #G2257 hearts #G2588 with food # G5160 and #G2532 gladness #G2167 .
strkjv@Acts:27:33 @ And #G1161 while #G891 #G3739 the day #G2250 was coming #G1096 (5738) on #G3195 (5707), Paul #G3972 besought #G3870 (5707) them all #G537 to take #G3335 (5629) meat # G5160 , saying #G3004 (5723), This day #G4594 is the fourteenth #G5065 day #G2250 that ye have tarried #G4328 (5723) and continued #G1300 (5719) fasting #G777 , having taken #G4355 (5642) nothing #G3367 .
strkjv@Acts:27:34 @ Wherefore #G1352 I pray #G3870 (5719) you #G5209 to take #G4355 (5629) some meat # G5160 : for #G1063 this #G5124 is #G5225 (5719) for #G4314 your #G5212 health #G4991 : for #G1063 there shall #G4098 # not #G3762 # an hair #G2359 fall #G4098 (5695) from #G1537 the head #G2776 of any #G3762 of you #G5216 .
strkjv@Acts:27:36 @ Then #G1161 were #G1096 # they #G846 #G1096 (5637) all #G3956 of good cheer #G2115 , and they #G4355 # also #G2532 took #G4355 (5639) some meat # G5160 .
strkjv@Acts:27:38 @ And #G1161 when they had eaten # G5160 enough #G2880 (5685), they lightened #G2893 (5707) the ship #G4143 , and cast out #G1544 (5734) the wheat #G4621 into #G1519 the sea #G2281 .
strkjv@Hebrews:5:12 @ For #G2532 #G1063 when for #G1223 the time #G5550 ye ought #G3784 (5723) to be #G1511 (5750) teachers #G1320 , ye have #G2192 (5719) need #G5532 that one teach #G1321 (5721) you #G5209 again #G3825 which #G5101 be the first #G746 principles #G4747 of the oracles #G3051 of God #G2316 ; and #G2532 are become such as #G1096 (5754) have #G2192 (5723) need #G5532 of milk #G1051 , and #G2532 not #G3756 of strong #G4731 meat # G5160 .
strkjv@Hebrews:5:14 @ But #G1161 strong #G4731 meat # G5160 belongeth to them that are #G2076 (5748) of full age #G5046 , even those who by reason #G1223 of use #G1838 have #G2192 (5723) their senses #G145 exercised #G1128 (5772) to #G4314 discern #G1253 both #G5037 good #G2570 and #G2532 evil #G2556 .
strkjv@James:2:15 @ If #G1437 #G1161 a brother #G80 or #G2228 sister #G79 be #G5225 (5725) naked #G1131 , and #G2532 destitute #G3007 (5746) #G5600 (5753) of daily #G2184 food # G5160 ,
strkjv@John:4:8 @ (For #G1063 his #G846 disciples #G3101 were gone away #G565 (5715) unto #G1519 the city #G4172 to #G2443 buy #G59 (5661) meat # G5160 .)
strkjv@Luke:12:23 @ The life #G5590 is #G2076 (5748) more #G4119 than meat # G5160 , and #G2532 the body #G4983 is more than raiment #G1742 .
strkjv@Matthew:3:4 @ And #G1161 the same #G846 John #G2491 had #G2192 (5707) his #G846 raiment #G1742 of #G575 camels #G2574 hair #G2359 , and #G2532 a leathern #G1193 girdle #G2223 about #G4012 his #G846 loins #G3751 ; and #G1161 his #G846 meat # G5160 was #G2258 (5713) locusts #G200 and #G2532 wild #G66 honey #G3192 .
strkjv@Matthew:6:25 @ Therefore #G1223 #G5124 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , Take no #G3361 thought #G3309 (5720) for your #G5216 life #G5590 , what #G5101 ye shall eat #G5315 (5632), or #G2532 what #G5101 ye shall drink #G4095 (5632); nor yet for #G3366 your #G5216 body #G4983 , what #G5101 ye shall put on #G1746 (5672). Is #G2076 (5748) not #G3780 the life #G5590 more than #G4119 meat # G5160 , and #G2532 the body #G4983 than raiment #G1742 ?
strkjv@Matthew:10:10 @ Nor #G3361 scrip #G4082 for #G1519 your journey #G3598 , neither #G3366 two #G1417 coats #G5509 , neither #G3366 shoes #G5266 , nor #G3366 yet staves #G4464 : for #G1063 the workman #G2040 is #G2076 (5748) worthy #G514 of his #G846 meat # G5160 .
strkjv@Matthew:24:45 @ Who #G5101 then #G686 is #G2076 (5748) a faithful #G4103 and #G2532 wise #G5429 servant #G1401 , whom #G3739 his #G846 lord #G2962 hath made ruler #G2525 (5656) over #G1909 his #G846 household #G2322 , to give #G1325 (5721) them #G846 meat # G5160 in #G1722 due season #G2540 ?
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