strkjv@John:11:20 @ Then #G3767 Martha #G3136 , as soon as #G5613 she heard #G191 (5656) that #G3754 Jesus #G2424 was coming #G2064 (5736), went and met # G5221 (5656) him #G846 : but #G1161 Mary #G3137 sat #G2516 (5711) still in #G1722 the house #G3624 .
strkjv@John:11:30 @ Now #G1161 Jesus #G2424 was #G2064 # not yet #G3768 come #G2064 (5715) into #G1519 the town #G2968 , but #G235 was #G2258 (5713) in #G1722 that place #G5117 where #G3699 Martha #G3136 met # G5221 (5656) him #G846 .
strkjv@John:12:18 @ For this #G5124 cause #G1223 the people #G3793 also #G2532 met # G5221 (5656) him #G846 , for that #G3754 they heard #G191 (5656) that #G846 he had done #G4160 (5760) this #G5124 miracle #G4592 .
strkjv@Luke:8:27 @ And #G1161 when he #G846 went forth #G1831 (5631) to #G1909 land #G1093 , there met # G5221 (5656) him #G846 out of #G1537 the city #G4172 a certain #G5100 man #G435 , which #G3739 had #G2192 (5707) devils #G1140 long #G1537 #G2425 time #G5550 , and #G2532 ware #G1737 (5710) no #G3756 clothes #G2440 , neither #G2532 #G3756 abode #G3306 (5707) in #G1722 any house #G3614 , but #G235 in #G1722 the tombs #G3418 .
strkjv@Matthew:8:28 @ And #G2532 when he #G846 was come #G2064 (5631) to #G1519 the other side #G4008 into #G1519 the country #G5561 of the Gergesenes #G1086 , there met # G5221 (5656) him #G846 two #G1417 possessed with devils #G1139 (5740), coming #G1831 (5740) out of #G1537 the tombs #G3419 , exceeding #G3029 fierce #G5467 , so that #G5620 no #G3361 man #G5100 might #G2480 (5721) pass #G3928 (5629) by #G1223 that #G1565 way #G3598 .
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