strkjv@Mark:13:22 @ For #G1063 false Christs # G5580 and #G2532 false prophets #G5578 shall rise #G1453 (5701), and #G2532 shall shew #G1325 (5692) signs #G4592 and #G2532 wonders #G5059 , to #G4314 seduce #G635 (5721), if #G1487 it were possible #G1415 , even #G2532 the elect #G1588 .
strkjv@Matthew:24:24 @ For #G1063 there shall arise #G1453 (5701) false Christs # G5580 , and #G2532 false prophets #G5578 , and #G2532 shall shew #G1325 (5692) great #G3173 signs #G4592 and #G2532 wonders #G5059 ; insomuch that #G5620 , if #G1487 it were possible #G1415 , they shall deceive #G4105 (5658) the very #G2532 elect #G1588 .
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