strkjv@1Peter:2:13 @ #G3767 Submit yourselves #G5293 (5649) to every #G3956 ordinance #G2937 of man #G442 for #G1223 the Lords sake #G2962 : whether it be #G1535 to the king # G935 , as #G5613 supreme #G5242 (5723);
strkjv@1Peter:2:17 @ Honour #G5091 (5657) all #G3956 men. Love #G25 (5720) the brotherhood #G81 . Fear #G5399 (5737) God #G2316 . Honour #G5091 (5720) the king # G935 .
strkjv@1Timothy:1:17 @ Now #G1161 unto the King # G935 eternal #G165 , immortal #G862 , invisible #G517 , the only #G3441 wise #G4680 God #G2316 , be honour #G5092 and #G2532 glory #G1391 for #G1519 ever #G165 and ever #G165 . Amen #G281 .
strkjv@1Timothy:2:2 @ For #G5228 kings # G935 , and #G2532 for all #G3956 that are #G5607 (5752) in #G1722 authority #G5247 ; that #G2443 we may lead #G1236 (5725) a quiet #G2263 and #G2532 peaceable #G2272 life #G979 in #G1722 all #G3956 godliness #G2150 and #G2532 honesty #G4587 .
strkjv@1Timothy:6:15 @ Which #G3739 in his #G2398 times #G2540 he shall shew #G1166 (5692), who #G3588 is the blessed #G3107 and #G2532 only #G3441 Potentate #G1413 , the King # G935 of kings #G936 (5723), and #G2532 Lord #G2962 of lords #G2961 (5723);
strkjv@2Corinthians:11:32 @ In #G1722 Damascus #G1154 the governor #G1481 under Aretas #G702 the king # G935 kept #G5432 # the city #G4172 of the Damascenes #G1153 with a garrison #G5432 (5707), desirous #G2309 (5723) to apprehend #G4084 (5658) me #G3165 :
strkjv@Acts:4:26 @ The kings # G935 of the earth #G1093 stood up #G3936 (5656), and #G2532 the rulers #G758 were gathered #G4863 (5681) together #G1909 #G846 against #G2596 the Lord #G2962 , and #G2532 against #G2596 his #G846 Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@Acts:7:10 @ And #G2532 delivered #G1807 (5639) him #G846 out of #G1537 all #G3956 his #G846 afflictions #G2347 , and #G2532 gave #G1325 (5656) him #G846 favour #G5485 and #G2532 wisdom #G4678 in the sight #G1726 of Pharaoh #G5328 king # G935 of Egypt #G125 ; and #G2532 he made #G2525 (5656) him #G846 governor #G2233 (5740) over #G1909 Egypt #G125 and #G2532 all #G3650 his #G846 house #G3624 .
strkjv@Acts:7:18 @ Till #G891 #G3739 another #G2087 king # G935 arose #G450 (5627), which #G3739 knew #G1492 (5715) not #G3756 Joseph #G2501 .
strkjv@Acts:9:15 @ But #G1161 the Lord #G2962 said #G2036 (5627) unto #G4314 him #G846 , Go thy way #G4198 (5737): for #G3754 he #G3778 is #G2076 (5748) a chosen #G1589 vessel #G4632 unto me #G3427 , to bear #G941 (5658) my #G3450 name #G3686 before #G1799 the Gentiles #G1484 , and #G2532 kings # G935 , and #G5037 the children #G5207 of Israel #G2474 :
strkjv@Acts:12:1 @ Now #G1161 about #G2596 that #G1565 time #G2540 Herod #G2264 the king # G935 stretched forth #G1911 (5627) his hands #G5495 to vex #G2559 (5658) certain #G5100 of #G575 the church #G1577 .
strkjv@Acts:12:20 @ And #G1161 Herod #G2264 was #G2258 (5713) highly displeased #G2371 (5723) with them of Tyre #G5183 and #G2532 Sidon #G4606 : but #G1161 they came #G3918 (5713) with one accord #G3661 to #G4314 him #G846 , and #G2532 , having made #G3982 # Blastus #G986 the kings # G935 chamberlain #G1909 #G2846 their friend #G3982 (5660), desired #G154 (5710) peace #G1515 ; because #G1223 their #G846 country #G5561 was nourished #G5142 (5745) by #G575 the kings #G937 country.
strkjv@Acts:13:21 @ And afterward #G2547 they desired #G154 (5668) a king # G935 : and #G2532 God #G2316 gave #G1325 (5656) unto them #G846 Saul #G4549 the son #G5207 of Cis #G2797 , a man #G435 of #G1537 the tribe #G5443 of Benjamin #G958 , by the space of forty #G5062 years #G2094 .
strkjv@Acts:13:22 @ And #G2532 when he had removed #G3179 (5660) him #G846 , he raised up #G1453 (5656) unto them #G846 David #G1138 to be #G1519 their king # G935 ; to whom #G3739 also #G2532 he gave testimony #G3140 (5660), and said #G2036 (5627), I have found #G2147 (5627) David #G1138 the son of Jesse #G2421 , a man #G435 after #G2596 mine own #G3450 heart #G2588 , which #G3739 shall fulfil #G4160 (5692) all #G3956 my #G3450 will #G2307 .
strkjv@Acts:17:7 @ Whom #G3739 Jason #G2394 hath received #G5264 (5766): and #G2532 these #G3778 all #G3956 do #G4238 (5719) contrary #G561 to the decrees #G1378 of Caesar #G2541 , saying #G3004 (5723) that there is #G1511 (5750) another #G2087 king # G935 , one Jesus #G224 .
strkjv@Acts:25:13 @ And #G1161 after #G1230 (5637) certain #G5100 days #G2250 king # G935 Agrippa #G67 and #G2532 Bernice #G959 came #G2658 (5656) unto #G1519 Caesarea #G2542 to salute #G782 (5697) Festus #G5347 .
strkjv@Acts:25:14 @ And #G1161 when #G5613 they had been #G1304 (5707) there #G1563 many #G4119 days #G2250 , Festus #G5347 declared #G394 (5639) Pauls #G3972 cause #G2596 unto the king # G935 , saying #G3004 (5723), There is #G2076 (5748) a certain #G5100 man #G435 left #G2641 (5772) in bonds #G1198 by #G5259 Felix #G5344 :
strkjv@Acts:25:24 @ And #G2532 Festus #G5347 said #G5346 (5748), King # G935 Agrippa #G67 , and #G2532 all #G3956 men #G435 which #G3588 are here present #G4840 (5752) with us #G2254 , ye see #G2334 (5719) this man #G5126 , about #G4012 whom #G3739 all #G3956 the multitude #G4128 of the Jews #G2453 have dealt #G1793 (5627) with me #G3427 , both #G5037 at #G1722 Jerusalem #G2414 , and #G2532 also here #G1759 , crying #G1916 (5723) that he ought #G1163 (5750) not #G3361 to live #G2198 (5721) any longer #G3371 .
strkjv@Acts:25:26 @ Of #G4012 whom #G3739 I have #G2192 (5719) no #G3756 certain #G804 thing #G5100 to write #G1125 (5658) unto my lord #G2962 . Wherefore #G1352 I have brought #G4254 # him #G846 forth #G4254 (5627) before #G1909 you #G5216 , and #G2532 specially #G3122 before #G1909 thee #G4675 , O king # G935 Agrippa #G67 , that #G3704 , after examination #G351 had #G1096 (5637), I might have #G2192 (5632) somewhat #G5100 to write #G1125 (5658).
strkjv@Acts:26:2 @ I think #G2233 (5766) myself #G1683 happy #G3107 , king # G935 Agrippa #G67 , because I shall #G3195 (5723) answer for myself #G626 (5738) this day #G4594 before #G1909 thee #G4675 touching #G4012 all the things #G3956 whereof #G3739 I am accused #G1458 (5743) of #G5259 the Jews #G2453 :
strkjv@Acts:26:7 @ Unto #G1519 which #G3739 promise our #G2257 twelve tribes #G1429 , instantly #G1722 #G1616 serving #G3000 (5723) God day #G2250 and #G2532 night #G3571 , hope #G1679 (5719) to come #G2658 (5658). For #G4012 which #G3739 hopes sake #G1680 , king # G935 Agrippa #G67 , I am accused #G1458 (5743) of #G5259 the Jews #G2453 .
strkjv@Acts:26:13 @ At midday #G2250 #G3319 , O king # G935 , I saw #G1492 (5627) in #G2596 the way #G3598 a light #G5457 from heaven #G3771 , above #G5228 the brightness #G2987 of the sun #G2246 , shining round about #G4034 (5660) me #G3165 and #G2532 them which journeyed #G4198 (5740) with #G4862 me #G1698 .
strkjv@Acts:26:19 @ Whereupon #G3606 , O king # G935 Agrippa #G67 , I was #G1096 (5633) not #G3756 disobedient #G545 unto the heavenly #G3770 vision #G3701 :
strkjv@Acts:26:26 @ For #G1063 the king # G935 knoweth #G1987 (5736) of #G4012 these #G5130 things, before #G4314 whom #G3739 also #G2532 I speak #G2980 (5719) freely #G3955 (5740): for #G1063 I am persuaded #G3982 (5743) that #G3756 none #G5100 #G3762 of these things #G5130 are hidden #G2990 (5721) from him #G846 ; for #G1063 this thing #G5124 was #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 done #G4238 (5772) in #G1722 a corner #G1137 .
strkjv@Acts:26:27 @ King # G935 Agrippa #G67 , believest thou #G4100 (5719) the prophets #G4396 ? I know #G1492 (5758) that #G3754 thou believest #G4100 (5719).
strkjv@Acts:26:30 @ And #G2532 when he #G846 had #G2036 # thus #G5023 spoken #G2036 (5631), the king # G935 rose up #G450 (5627), and #G2532 the governor #G2232 , and #G5037 Bernice #G959 , and #G2532 they that sat with #G4775 (5740) them #G846 :
strkjv@Hebrews:7:1 @ For #G1063 this #G3778 Melchisedec #G3198 , king # G935 of Salem #G4532 , priest #G2409 of the most high #G5310 God #G2316 , who #G3588 met #G4876 (5660) Abraham #G11 returning #G5290 (5723) from #G575 the slaughter #G2871 of the kings # G935 , and #G2532 blessed #G2127 (5660) him #G846 ;
strkjv@Hebrews:7:2 @ To whom #G3739 also #G2532 Abraham #G11 gave #G3307 (5656) a tenth part #G1181 of #G575 all #G3956 ; first #G4412 #G3303 being by interpretation #G2059 (5746) King # G935 of righteousness #G1343 , and #G1161 after that #G1899 also #G2532 King # G935 of Salem #G4532 , which is #G3603 (5748), King # G935 of peace #G1515 ;
strkjv@Hebrews:11:23 @ By faith #G4102 Moses #G3475 , when he was born #G1080 (5685), was hid #G2928 (5648) three months #G5150 of #G5259 his #G846 parents #G3962 , because #G1360 they saw #G1492 (5627) he was a proper #G791 child #G3813 ; and #G2532 they were #G5399 # not #G3756 afraid #G5399 (5675) of the kings # G935 commandment #G1297 .
strkjv@Hebrews:11:27 @ By faith #G4102 he forsook #G2641 (5627) Egypt #G125 , not #G3361 fearing #G5399 (5679) the wrath #G2372 of the king # G935 : for #G1063 he endured #G2594 (5656), as #G5613 seeing #G3708 (5723) him who is invisible #G517 .
strkjv@John:1:49 @ Nathanael #G3482 answered #G611 (5662) and #G2532 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Rabbi #G4461 , thou #G4771 art #G1488 (5748) the Son #G5207 of God #G2316 ; thou #G4771 art #G1488 (5748) the King # G935 of Israel #G2474 .
strkjv@John:6:15 @ When Jesus #G2424 therefore #G3767 perceived #G1097 (5631) that #G3754 they would #G3195 (5719) come #G2064 (5738) and #G2532 take #G726 # him #G846 by force #G726 (5721), to #G2443 make #G4160 (5661) him #G846 a king # G935 , he departed #G402 (5656) again #G3825 into #G1519 a mountain #G3735 himself #G846 alone #G3441 .
strkjv@John:12:13 @ Took #G2983 (5627) branches #G902 of palm trees #G5404 , and #G2532 went forth #G1831 (5627) to #G1519 meet #G5222 him #G846 , and #G2532 cried #G2896 (5707), Hosanna #G5614 : Blessed #G2127 (5772) is the King # G935 of Israel #G2474 that cometh #G2064 (5740) in #G1722 the name #G3686 of the Lord #G2962 .
strkjv@John:12:15 @ Fear #G5399 (5732) (5737) not #G3361 , daughter #G2364 of Sion #G4622 : behold #G2400 (5628), thy #G4675 King # G935 cometh #G2064 (5736), sitting #G2521 (5740) on #G1909 an asss #G3688 colt #G4454 .
strkjv@John:18:33 @ Then #G3767 Pilate #G4091 entered #G1525 (5627) into #G1519 the judgment hall #G4232 again #G3825 , and #G2532 called #G5455 (5656) Jesus #G2424 , and #G2532 said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Art #G1488 (5748) thou #G4771 the King # G935 of the Jews #G2453 ?
strkjv@John:18:37 @ Pilate #G4091 therefore #G3767 said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Art #G1488 (5748) thou #G4771 a king # G935 then #G3766 ? Jesus #G2424 answered #G611 (5662), Thou #G4771 sayest #G3004 (5719) that #G3754 I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748) a king # G935 . To #G1519 this #G5124 end was #G1080 # I #G1473 born #G1080 (5769), and #G2532 for #G1519 this #G5124 cause came I #G2064 (5754) into #G1519 the world #G2889 , that #G2443 I should bear witness #G3140 (5661) unto the truth #G225 . Every one #G3956 that is #G5607 (5752) of #G1537 the truth #G225 heareth #G191 (5719) my #G3450 voice #G5456 .
strkjv@John:18:39 @ But #G1161 ye #G5213 have #G2076 (5748) a custom #G4914 , that #G2443 I should release #G630 (5661) unto you #G5213 one #G1520 at #G1722 the passover #G3957 : will ye #G1014 (5736) therefore #G3767 that I release #G630 (5661) unto you #G5213 the King # G935 of the Jews #G2453 ?
strkjv@John:19:3 @ And #G2532 said #G3004 (5707), Hail #G5463 (5720), King # G935 of the Jews #G2453 ! and #G2532 they smote #G1325 (5707) him #G846 with their hands #G4475 .
strkjv@John:19:12 @ And from #G1537 thenceforth #G5127 Pilate #G4091 sought #G2212 (5707) to release #G630 (5658) him #G846 : but #G1161 the Jews #G2453 cried out #G2896 (5707), saying #G3004 (5723), If #G1437 thou let #G630 # this man #G5126 go #G630 (5661), thou art #G1488 (5748) not #G3756 Caesars #G2541 friend #G5384 : whosoever #G3956 maketh #G4160 (5723) himself #G846 a king # G935 speaketh against #G483 (5719) Caesar #G2541 .
strkjv@John:19:14 @ And #G1161 it was #G2258 (5713) the preparation #G3904 of the passover #G3957 , and #G1161 about #G5616 the sixth #G1623 hour #G5610 : and #G2532 he saith #G3004 (5719) unto the Jews #G2453 , Behold #G2396 your #G5216 King # G935 !
strkjv@John:19:15 @ But #G1161 they cried out #G2905 (5656), Away with #G142 (5657) him, away with #G142 (5657) him, crucify #G4717 (5657) him #G846 . Pilate #G4091 saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , Shall I crucify #G4717 (5692) your #G5216 King # G935 ? The chief priests #G749 answered #G611 (5662), We have #G2192 (5719) no #G3756 king # G935 but #G1508 Caesar #G2541 .
strkjv@John:19:19 @ And #G1161 #G2532 Pilate #G4091 wrote #G1125 (5656) a title #G5102 , and #G2532 put #G5087 (5656) it on #G1909 the cross #G4716 . And #G1161 the writing #G1125 (5772) was #G2258 (5713), JESUS #G2424 OF NAZARETH #G3480 THE KING # G935 OF THE JEWS #G2453 .
strkjv@John:19:21 @ Then #G3767 said #G3004 (5707) the chief priests #G749 of the Jews #G2453 to Pilate #G4091 , Write #G1125 (5720) not #G3361 , The King # G935 of the Jews #G2453 ; but #G235 that #G3754 he #G1565 said #G2036 (5627), I am #G1510 (5748) King # G935 of the Jews #G2453 .
strkjv@Luke:1:5 @ There was #G1096 (5633) in #G1722 the days #G2250 of Herod #G2264 , the king # G935 of Judaea #G2449 , a certain #G5100 priest #G2409 named #G3686 Zacharias #G2197 , of #G1537 the course #G2183 of Abia #G7 : and #G2532 his #G846 wife #G1135 was of #G1537 the daughters #G2364 of Aaron #G2 , and #G2532 her #G846 name #G3686 was Elisabeth #G1665 .
strkjv@Luke:10:24 @ For #G1063 I tell #G3004 (5719) you #G5213 , that #G3754 many #G4183 prophets #G4396 and #G2532 kings # G935 have desired #G2309 (5656) to see #G1492 (5629) those things which #G3739 ye #G5210 see #G991 (5719), and #G2532 have #G1492 # not #G3756 seen #G1492 (5627) them; and #G2532 to hear #G191 (5658) those things which #G3739 ye hear #G191 (5719), and #G2532 have #G191 # not #G3756 heard #G191 (5656) them.
strkjv@Luke:14:31 @ Or #G2228 what #G5101 king # G935 , going #G4198 (5740) to make #G4820 (5629) war #G4171 against #G1519 another #G2087 king # G935 , sitteth #G2523 # not #G3780 down #G2523 (5660) first #G4412 , and consulteth #G1011 (5736) whether #G1487 he be #G2076 (5748) able #G1415 with #G1722 ten #G1176 thousand #G5505 to meet #G528 (5658) him that cometh #G2064 (5740) against #G1909 him #G846 with #G3326 twenty #G1501 thousand #G5505 ?
strkjv@Luke:19:38 @ Saying #G3004 (5723), Blessed #G2127 (5772) be the King # G935 that cometh #G2064 (5740) in #G1722 the name #G3686 of the Lord #G2962 : peace #G1515 in #G1722 heaven #G3772 , and #G2532 glory #G1391 in #G1722 the highest #G5310 .
strkjv@Luke:21:12 @ But #G1161 before #G4253 all #G537 these #G5130 , they shall lay #G1911 (5692) their #G846 hands #G5495 on #G1909 you #G5209 , and #G2532 persecute #G1377 (5692) you, delivering #G3860 (5723) you up #G1519 to the synagogues #G4864 , and #G2532 into prisons #G5438 , being brought #G71 (5746) before #G1909 kings # G935 and #G2532 rulers #G2232 for #G1752 # my #G3450 names #G3686 sake #G1752 .
strkjv@Luke:22:25 @ And #G1161 he said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , The kings # G935 of the Gentiles #G1484 exercise lordship over #G2961 (5719) them #G846 ; and #G2532 they that exercise authority upon #G1850 (5723) them #G846 are called #G2564 (5743) benefactors #G2110 .
strkjv@Luke:23:2 @ And #G1161 they began #G756 (5662) to accuse #G2723 (5721) him #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), We found #G2147 (5627) this #G5126 fellow perverting #G1294 (5723) the nation #G1484 , and #G2532 forbidding #G2967 (5723) to give #G1325 (5721) tribute #G5411 to Caesar #G2541 , saying #G3004 (5723) that he himself #G1438 is #G1511 (5750) Christ #G5547 a King # G935 .
strkjv@Luke:23:3 @ And #G1161 Pilate #G4091 asked #G1905 (5656) him #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), Art #G1488 (5748) thou #G4771 the King # G935 of the Jews #G2453 ? And #G1161 he answered #G611 (5679) him #G846 and said #G5346 (5713), Thou #G4771 sayest #G3004 (5719) it.
strkjv@Luke:23:37 @ And #G2532 saying #G3004 (5723), If #G1487 thou #G4771 be #G1488 (5748) the king # G935 of the Jews #G2453 , save #G4982 (5657) thyself #G4572 .
strkjv@Luke:23:38 @ And #G1161 a superscription #G1923 also #G2532 was #G2258 (5713) written #G1125 (5772) over #G1909 him #G846 in letters #G1121 of Greek #G1673 , and #G2532 Latin #G4513 , and #G2532 Hebrew #G1444 , THIS #G3778 IS #G2076 (5748) THE KING # G935 OF THE JEWS #G2453 .
strkjv@Mark:6:14 @ And #G2532 king # G935 Herod #G2264 heard #G191 (5656) of him; (for #G1063 his #G846 name #G3686 was #G1096 (5633) spread abroad #G5318 :) and #G2532 he said #G3004 (5707), That #G3754 John #G2491 the Baptist #G907 (5723) was risen #G1453 (5681) from #G1537 the dead #G3498 , and #G2532 therefore #G1223 #G5124 mighty works #G1411 do shew forth themselves #G1754 (5719) in #G1722 him #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:6:22 @ And #G2532 when the daughter #G2364 of the said #G846 Herodias #G2266 came in #G1525 (5631), and #G2532 danced #G3738 (5666), and #G2532 pleased #G700 (5660) Herod #G2264 and #G2532 them that sat with him #G4873 (5740), the king # G935 said #G2036 (5627) unto the damsel #G2877 , Ask #G154 (5657) of me #G3165 whatsoever #G3739 #G1437 thou wilt #G2309 (5725), and #G2532 I will give #G1325 (5692) it thee #G4671 .
strkjv@Mark:6:25 @ And #G2532 she came in #G1525 (5631) straightway #G2112 with #G3326 haste #G4710 unto #G4314 the king # G935 , and asked #G154 (5668), saying #G3004 (5723), I will #G2309 (5719) that #G2443 thou give #G1325 (5632) me #G3427 by and by #G1824 in #G1909 a charger #G4094 the head #G2776 of John #G2491 the Baptist #G910 .
strkjv@Mark:6:26 @ And #G2532 the king # G935 was #G1096 (5637) exceeding sorry #G4036 ; yet for #G1223 his oaths sake #G3727 , and #G2532 for their sakes which #G3588 sat with him #G4873 (5740), he would #G2309 (5656) not #G3756 reject #G114 (5658) her #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:6:27 @ And #G2532 immediately #G2112 the king # G935 sent #G649 (5660) an executioner #G4688 , and commanded #G2004 (5656) his #G846 head #G2776 to be brought #G5342 (5683): and #G1161 he went #G565 (5631) and beheaded #G607 (5656) him #G846 in #G1722 the prison #G5438 ,
strkjv@Mark:13:9 @ But #G1161 take heed #G5210 #G991 (5720) to yourselves #G1438 : for #G1063 they shall deliver #G3860 # you #G5209 up #G3860 (5692) to #G1519 councils #G4892 ; and #G2532 in #G1519 the synagogues #G4864 ye shall be beaten #G1194 (5691): and #G2532 ye shall be brought #G2476 (5701) (5625) #G71 (5701) before #G1909 rulers #G2232 and #G2532 kings # G935 for my #G1700 sake #G1752 , for #G1519 a testimony #G3142 against them #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:15:2 @ And #G2532 Pilate #G4091 asked #G1905 (5656) him #G846 , Art #G1488 (5748) thou #G4771 the King # G935 of the Jews #G2453 ? And #G1161 he answering #G611 (5679) said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Thou #G4771 sayest #G3004 (5719) it.
strkjv@Mark:15:9 @ But #G1161 Pilate #G4091 answered #G611 (5662) them #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), Will ye #G2309 (5719) that I release #G630 (5661) unto you #G5213 the King # G935 of the Jews #G2453 ?
strkjv@Mark:15:12 @ And #G1161 Pilate #G4091 answered #G611 (5679) and said #G2036 (5627) again #G3825 unto them #G846 , What #G5101 will ye #G2309 (5719) then #G3767 that I shall do #G4160 (5661) unto him whom #G3739 ye call #G3004 (5719) the King # G935 of the Jews #G2453 ?
strkjv@Mark:15:18 @ And #G2532 began #G756 (5662) to salute #G782 (5738) him #G846 , Hail #G5463 (5720), King # G935 of the Jews #G2453 !
strkjv@Mark:15:26 @ And #G2532 the superscription #G1923 of his #G846 accusation #G156 was #G2258 (5713) written over #G1924 (5772), THE KING # G935 OF THE JEWS #G2453 .
strkjv@Mark:15:32 @ Let #G2597 # Christ #G5547 the King # G935 of Israel #G2474 descend #G2597 (5628) now #G3568 from #G575 the cross #G4716 , that #G2443 we may see #G1492 (5632) and #G2532 believe #G4100 (5661). And #G2532 they that were crucified #G4957 (5772) with him #G846 reviled #G3679 (5707) him #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:1:6 @ And #G1161 Jesse #G2421 begat #G1080 (5656) David #G1138 the king # G935 ; and #G1161 David #G1138 the king # G935 begat #G1080 (5656) Solomon #G4672 of #G1537 her #G3588 that had been the wife of Urias #G3774 ;
strkjv@Matthew:2:1 @ Now #G1161 when Jesus #G2424 was born #G1080 (5685) in #G1722 Bethlehem #G965 of Judaea #G2449 in #G1722 the days #G2250 of Herod #G2264 the king # G935 , behold #G2400 (5628), there came #G3854 (5633) wise men #G3097 from #G575 the east #G395 to #G1519 Jerusalem #G2414 ,
strkjv@Matthew:2:2 @ Saying #G3004 (5723), Where #G4226 is #G2076 (5748) he that is born #G5088 (5685) King # G935 of the Jews #G2453 ? for #G1063 we have seen #G1492 (5627) his #G846 star #G792 in #G1722 the east #G395 , and #G2532 are come #G2064 (5627) to worship #G4352 (5658) him #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:2:3 @ When #G1161 Herod #G2264 the king # G935 had heard #G191 (5660) these things, he was troubled #G5015 (5681), and #G2532 all #G3956 Jerusalem #G2414 with #G3326 him #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:2:9 @ When #G1161 they had heard #G191 (5660) the king # G935 , they departed #G4198 (5675); and #G2532 , lo #G2400 (5628), the star #G792 , which #G3739 they saw #G1492 (5627) in #G1722 the east #G395 , went before #G4254 (5707) them #G846 , till #G2193 it came #G2064 (5631) and stood #G2476 (5627) over #G1883 where #G3757 the young child #G3813 was #G2258 (5713).
strkjv@Matthew:5:35 @ Nor #G3383 by #G1722 the earth #G1093 ; for #G3754 it is #G2076 (5748) his #G846 footstool #G4228 #G5286 : neither #G3383 by #G1519 Jerusalem #G2414 ; for #G3754 it is #G2076 (5748) the city #G4172 of the great #G3173 King # G935 .
strkjv@Matthew:10:18 @ And #G2532 ye shall be brought #G71 (5701) before #G1909 governors #G2232 and #G2532 #G1161 kings # G935 for my #G1752 sake #G1700 , for #G1519 a testimony #G3142 against them #G846 and #G2532 the Gentiles #G1484 .
strkjv@Matthew:11:8 @ But #G235 what #G5101 went ye out #G1831 (5627) for to see #G1492 (5629)? A man #G444 clothed #G294 (5772) in #G1722 soft #G3120 raiment #G2440 ? behold #G2400 (5628), they that wear #G5409 (5723) soft #G3120 clothing are #G1526 (5748) in #G1722 kings # G935 houses #G3624 .
strkjv@Matthew:14:9 @ And #G2532 the king # G935 was sorry #G3076 (5681): nevertheless for #G1161 #G1223 the oaths sake #G3727 , and #G2532 them which sat with him at meat #G4873 (5740), he commanded #G2753 (5656) it to be given #G1325 (5683) her.
strkjv@Matthew:17:25 @ He saith #G3004 (5719), Yes #G3483 . And #G2532 when #G3753 he was come #G1525 (5627) into #G1519 the house #G3614 , Jesus #G2424 prevented #G4399 (5656) him #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), What #G5101 thinkest #G1380 (5719) thou #G4671 , Simon #G4613 ? of #G575 whom #G5101 do #G2983 # the kings # G935 of the earth #G1093 take #G2983 (5719) custom #G5056 or #G2228 tribute #G2778 ? of #G575 their own #G846 children #G5207 , or #G2228 of #G575 strangers #G245 ?
strkjv@Matthew:18:23 @ Therefore #G1223 #G5124 is the kingdom #G932 of heaven #G3772 likened #G3666 (5681) unto a certain #G444 king # G935 , which #G3739 would #G2309 (5656) take #G4868 (5658) account #G3056 of #G3326 his #G846 servants #G1401 .
strkjv@Matthew:21:5 @ Tell ye #G2036 (5628) the daughter #G2364 of Sion #G4622 , Behold #G2400 (5628), thy #G4675 King # G935 cometh #G2064 (5736) unto thee #G4671 , meek #G4239 , and #G2532 sitting #G1910 (5761) upon #G1909 an ass #G3688 , and #G2532 a colt #G4454 the foal #G5207 of an ass #G5268 .
strkjv@Matthew:22:2 @ The kingdom #G932 of heaven #G3772 is like #G3666 (5681) unto a certain #G444 king # G935 , which #G3748 made #G4160 (5656) a marriage #G1062 for his #G846 son #G5207 ,
strkjv@Matthew:22:7 @ But #G1161 when the king # G935 heard #G191 (5660) thereof, he was wroth #G3710 (5681): and #G2532 he sent forth #G3992 (5660) his #G846 armies #G4753 , and destroyed #G622 (5656) those #G1565 murderers #G5406 , and #G2532 burned up #G1714 (5656) their #G846 city #G4172 .
strkjv@Matthew:22:11 @ And #G1161 when #G1525 # the king # G935 came in #G1525 (5631) to see #G2300 (5664) the guests #G345 (5740), he saw #G1492 (5627) there #G1563 a man #G444 which had #G1746 # not #G3756 on #G1746 (5765) a wedding #G1062 garment #G1742 :
strkjv@Matthew:22:13 @ Then #G5119 said #G2036 (5627) the king # G935 to the servants #G1249 , Bind #G1210 (5660) him #G846 hand #G5495 and #G2532 foot #G4228 , and take #G142 # him #G846 away #G142 (5657), and #G2532 cast #G1544 (5628) him into #G1519 outer #G1857 darkness #G4655 ; there #G1563 shall be #G2071 (5704) weeping #G2805 and #G2532 gnashing #G1030 of teeth #G3599 .
strkjv@Matthew:25:34 @ Then #G5119 shall the King # G935 say #G2046 (5692) unto them on #G1537 his #G846 right hand #G1188 , Come #G1205 (5773), ye blessed #G2127 (5772) of my #G3450 Father #G3962 , inherit #G2816 (5657) the kingdom #G932 prepared #G2090 (5772) for you #G5213 from #G575 the foundation #G2602 of the world #G2889 :
strkjv@Matthew:25:40 @ And #G2532 the King # G935 shall answer #G611 (5679) and say #G2046 (5692) unto them #G846 , Verily #G281 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , Inasmuch #G1909 as #G3745 ye have done #G4160 (5656) it unto one #G1520 of the least #G1646 of these #G5130 my #G3450 brethren #G80 , ye have done #G4160 (5656) it unto me #G1698 .
strkjv@Matthew:27:11 @ And #G1161 Jesus #G2424 stood #G2476 (5627) before #G1715 the governor #G2232 : and #G2532 the governor #G2232 asked #G1905 (5656) him #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), Art #G1488 (5748) thou #G4771 the King # G935 of the Jews #G2453 ? And #G1161 Jesus #G2424 said #G5346 (5713) unto him #G846 , Thou #G4771 sayest #G3004 (5719).
strkjv@Matthew:27:29 @ And #G2532 when they had platted #G4120 (5660) a crown #G4735 of #G1537 thorns #G173 , they put #G2007 (5656) it upon #G1909 his #G846 head #G2776 , and #G2532 a reed #G2563 in #G1909 his #G846 right hand #G1188 : and #G2532 they bowed the knee #G1120 (5660) before #G1715 him #G846 , and mocked #G1702 (5707) him #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), Hail #G5463 (5720), King # G935 of the Jews #G2453 !
strkjv@Matthew:27:37 @ And #G2532 set up #G2007 (5656) over #G1883 his #G846 head #G2776 his #G846 accusation #G156 written #G1125 (5772), THIS #G3778 IS #G2076 (5748) JESUS #G2424 THE KING # G935 OF THE JEWS #G2453 .
strkjv@Matthew:27:42 @ He saved #G4982 (5656) others #G243 ; himself #G1438 he cannot #G3756 #G1410 (5736) save #G4982 (5658). If #G1487 he be #G2076 (5748) the King # G935 of Israel #G2474 , let him #G2597 # now #G3568 come down #G2597 (5628) from #G575 the cross #G4716 , and #G2532 we will believe #G4100 (5692) him #G846 .
strkjv@Revelation:1:5 @ And #G2532 from #G575 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 , who is the faithful #G4103 witness #G3144 , and the first begotten #G4416 of #G1537 the dead #G3498 , and #G2532 the prince #G758 of the kings # G935 of the earth #G1093 . Unto him that loved #G25 (5660) us #G2248 , and #G2532 washed #G3068 (5660) us #G2248 from #G575 our #G2257 sins #G266 in #G1722 his own #G846 blood #G129 ,
strkjv@Revelation:1:6 @ And #G2532 hath made #G4160 (5656) us #G2248 kings # G935 and #G2532 priests #G2409 unto God #G2316 and #G2532 his #G846 Father #G3962 ; to him #G846 be glory #G1391 and #G2532 dominion #G2904 for #G1519 ever #G165 and ever #G165 . Amen #G281 .
strkjv@Revelation:5:10 @ And #G2532 hast made #G4160 (5656) us #G2248 unto our #G2257 God #G2316 kings # G935 and #G2532 priests #G2409 : and #G2532 we shall reign #G936 (5692) on #G1909 the earth #G1093 .
strkjv@Revelation:6:15 @ And #G2532 the kings # G935 of the earth #G1093 , and #G2532 the great men #G3175 , and #G2532 the rich men #G4145 , and #G2532 the chief captains #G5506 , and #G2532 the mighty men #G1415 , and #G2532 every #G3956 bondman #G1401 , and #G2532 every #G3956 free man #G1658 , hid #G2928 (5656) themselves #G1438 in #G1519 the dens #G4693 and #G2532 in #G1519 the rocks #G4073 of the mountains #G3735 ;
strkjv@Revelation:9:11 @ And #G2532 they had #G2192 (5719) a king # G935 over #G1909 them #G848 , which is the angel #G32 of the bottomless pit #G12 , whose #G846 name #G3686 in the Hebrew tongue #G1447 is Abaddon #G3 , but #G2532 in #G1722 the Greek tongue #G1673 hath #G2192 (5719) his name #G3686 Apollyon #G623 .
strkjv@Revelation:10:11 @ And #G2532 he said #G3004 (5719) unto me #G3427 , Thou #G4571 must #G1163 (5748) prophesy #G4395 (5658) again #G3825 before #G1909 many #G4183 peoples #G2992 , and #G2532 nations #G1484 , and #G2532 tongues #G1100 , and #G2532 kings # G935 .
strkjv@Revelation:15:3 @ And #G2532 they sing #G103 (5719) the song #G5603 of Moses #G3475 the servant #G1401 of God #G2316 , and #G2532 the song #G5603 of the Lamb #G721 , saying #G3004 (5723), Great #G3173 and #G2532 marvellous #G2298 are thy #G4675 works #G2041 , Lord #G2962 God #G2316 Almighty #G3841 ; just #G1342 and #G2532 true #G228 are thy #G4675 ways #G3598 , thou King # G935 of saints #G40 .
strkjv@Revelation:16:12 @ And #G2532 the sixth #G1623 angel #G32 poured out #G1632 (5656) his #G846 vial #G5357 upon #G1909 the great #G3173 river #G4215 Euphrates #G2166 ; and #G2532 the water #G5204 thereof #G846 was dried up #G3583 (5681), that #G2443 the way #G3598 of the kings # G935 of #G575 the east #G395 #G2246 might be prepared #G2090 (5686).
strkjv@Revelation:16:14 @ For #G1063 they are #G1526 (5748) the spirits #G4151 of devils #G1142 , working #G4160 (5723) miracles #G4592 , which go forth #G1607 (5738) (5625) #G3739 #G1607 (5736) unto #G1909 the kings # G935 of the earth #G1093 and #G2532 of the whole #G3650 world #G3625 , to gather #G4863 (5629) them #G846 to #G1519 the battle #G4171 of that #G1565 great #G3173 day #G2250 of God #G2316 Almighty #G3841 .
strkjv@Revelation:17:2 @ With #G3326 whom #G3739 the kings # G935 of the earth #G1093 have committed fornication #G4203 (5656), and #G2532 the inhabitants #G2730 (5723) of the earth #G1093 have been made drunk #G3184 (5681) with #G1537 the wine #G3631 of her #G846 fornication #G4202 .
strkjv@Revelation:17:10 @ And #G2532 there are #G1526 (5748) seven #G2033 kings # G935 : five #G4002 are fallen #G4098 (5627), and #G2532 one #G1520 is #G2076 (5748), and the other #G243 is #G2064 # not yet #G3768 come #G2064 (5627); and #G2532 when #G3752 he cometh #G2064 (5632), he #G846 must #G1163 (5748) continue #G3306 (5658) a short space #G3641 .
strkjv@Revelation:17:12 @ And #G2532 the ten #G1176 horns #G2768 which #G3739 thou sawest #G1492 (5627) are #G1526 (5748) ten #G1176 kings # G935 , which #G3748 have received #G2983 (5627) no #G3768 # kingdom #G932 as yet #G3768 ; but #G235 receive #G2983 (5719) power #G1849 as #G5613 kings # G935 one #G3391 hour #G5610 with #G3326 the beast #G2342 .
strkjv@Revelation:17:14 @ These #G3778 shall make war #G4170 (5692) with #G3326 the Lamb #G721 , and #G2532 the Lamb #G721 shall overcome #G3528 (5692) them #G846 : for #G3754 he is #G2076 (5748) Lord #G2962 of lords #G2962 , and #G2532 King # G935 of kings # G935 : and #G2532 they that are with #G3326 him #G846 are called #G2822 , and #G2532 chosen #G1588 , and #G2532 faithful #G4103 .
strkjv@Revelation:17:18 @ And #G2532 the woman #G1135 which #G3739 thou sawest #G1492 (5627) is #G2076 (5748) that great #G3173 city #G4172 , which #G3588 reigneth #G2192 (5723) #G932 over #G1909 the kings # G935 of the earth #G1093 .
strkjv@Revelation:18:3 @ For #G3754 all #G3956 nations #G1484 have drunk #G4095 (5758) of #G1537 the wine #G3631 of the wrath #G2372 of her #G846 fornication #G4202 , and #G2532 the kings # G935 of the earth #G1093 have committed fornication #G4203 (5656) with #G3326 her #G846 , and #G2532 the merchants #G1713 of the earth #G1093 are waxed rich #G4147 (5656) through #G1537 the abundance #G1411 of her #G846 delicacies #G4764 .
strkjv@Revelation:18:9 @ And #G2532 the kings # G935 of the earth #G1093 , who #G3588 have committed fornication #G4203 (5660) and #G2532 lived deliciously #G4763 (5660) with #G3326 her #G846 , shall bewail #G2799 (5695) her #G846 , and #G2532 lament #G2875 (5695) for #G1909 her #G846 , when #G3752 they shall see #G991 (5725) the smoke #G2586 of her #G846 burning #G4451 ,
strkjv@Revelation:19:16 @ And #G2532 he hath #G2192 (5719) on #G1909 his vesture #G2440 and #G2532 on #G1909 his #G846 thigh #G3382 a name #G3686 written #G1125 (5772), KING # G935 OF KINGS # G935 , AND #G2532 LORD #G2962 OF LORDS #G2962 .
strkjv@Revelation:19:18 @ That #G2443 ye may eat #G5315 (5632) the flesh #G4561 of kings # G935 , and #G2532 the flesh #G4561 of captains #G5506 , and #G2532 the flesh #G4561 of mighty men #G2478 , and #G2532 the flesh #G4561 of horses #G2462 , and #G2532 of them that sit #G2521 (5740) on #G1909 them #G846 , and #G2532 the flesh #G4561 of all #G3956 men, both free #G1658 and #G2532 bond #G1401 , both #G2532 small #G3398 and #G2532 great #G3173 .
strkjv@Revelation:19:19 @ And #G2532 I saw #G1492 (5627) the beast #G2342 , and #G2532 the kings # G935 of the earth #G1093 , and #G2532 their #G846 armies #G4753 , gathered together #G4863 (5772) to make #G4160 (5658) war #G4171 against #G3326 him that sat #G2521 (5740) on #G1909 the horse #G2462 , and #G2532 against #G3326 his #G846 army #G4753 .
strkjv@Revelation:21:24 @ And #G2532 the nations #G1484 of them which are saved #G4982 (5746) shall walk #G4043 (5692) in #G1722 the light #G5457 of it #G846 : and #G2532 the kings # G935 of the earth #G1093 do bring #G5342 (5719) their #G846 glory #G1391 and #G2532 honour #G5092 into #G1519 it #G846 .
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