strkjv@1Timothy:1:13 @ Who #G3588 was #G5607 (5752) before #G4386 a blasphemer # G989 , and #G2532 a persecutor #G1376 , and #G2532 injurious #G5197 : but #G235 I obtained mercy #G1653 (5681), because #G3754 I did #G4160 (5656) it ignorantly #G50 (5723) in #G1722 unbelief #G570 .
strkjv@2Peter:2:11 @ Whereas #G3699 angels #G32 , which are #G5607 (5752) greater in #G3187 power #G2479 and #G2532 might #G1411 , bring #G5342 (5719) not #G3756 railing # G989 accusation #G2920 against #G2596 them #G846 before #G3844 the Lord #G2962 .
strkjv@2Timothy:3:2 @ For #G1063 men #G444 shall be #G2071 (5704) lovers of their own selves #G5367 , covetous #G5366 , boasters #G213 , proud #G5244 , blasphemers # G989 , disobedient #G545 to parents #G1118 , unthankful #G884 , unholy #G462 ,
strkjv@Acts:6:11 @ Then #G5119 they suborned #G5260 (5627) men #G435 , which said #G3004 (5723), #G3754 We have heard #G191 (5754) him #G846 speak #G2980 (5723) blasphemous # G989 words #G4487 against #G1519 Moses #G3475 , and #G2532 against God #G2316 .
strkjv@Acts:6:13 @ And #G5037 set up #G2476 (5627) false #G5571 witnesses #G3144 , which said #G3004 (5723), This #G5127 man #G444 ceaseth #G3973 (5731) not #G3756 to speak #G2980 (5723) blasphemous # G989 words #G4487 against #G2596 this #G3778 holy #G40 place #G5117 , and #G2532 the law #G3551 :
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