strkjv@2Kings:22:1 @ Josiah #H2977 Yo#shiyah# was eight #H8083 sh@moneh# years #H8141 shaneh# old #H1121 ben# when he began to reign #H4427 malak# (8800), and he reigned #H4427 malak# (8804) thirty #H7970 sh@lowshiym# and one #H259 #echad# years #H8141 shaneh# in Jerusalem #H3389 Y@ruwshalaim#. And his mothers #H517 #em# name #H8034 shem# was Jedidah #H3040 Y@diydah#, the daughter #H1323 bath# of Adaiah #H5718 #Adayah# of Boscath # H1218 Botsqath#.
strkjv@Joshua:15:39 @ Lachish #H3923 Lachiysh#, and Bozkath # H1218 Botsqath#, and Eglon #H5700 #Eglown#,
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