strkjv@1Chronicles:7:20 @ And the sons #H1121 ben# of Ephraim #H669 #Ephrayim#; Shuthelah #H7803 Shuwthelach#, and Bered # H1260 Bered# his son #H1121 ben#, and Tahath #H8480 Tachath# his son #H1121 ben#, and Eladah #H497 #El#adah# his son #H1121 ben#, and Tahath #H8480 Tachath# his son #H1121 ben#,
strkjv@Genesis:16:14 @ Wherefore the well #H875 @#er# was called #H7121 qara# (8804) Beerlahairoi #H883 B@#er la-Chay Ro#iy# #H2416 chay#; behold, it is between Kadesh #H6946 Qadesh# and Bered # H1260 Bered#.
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