strkjv@1Chronicles:11:31 @ Ithai #H863 #Ittay# the son #H1121 ben# of Ribai # H7380 Riybay# of Gibeah #H1390 Gib#ah#, that pertained to the children #H1121 ben# of Benjamin #H1144 Binyamiyn#, Benaiah #H1141 B@nayah# the Pirathonite #H6553 Pir#athowniy#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:29 @ Heleb #H2460 Cheleb# the son #H1121 ben# of Baanah #H1196 Ba#anah#, a Netophathite #H5200 N@tophathiy#, Ittai #H863 #Ittay# the son #H1121 ben# of Ribai # H7380 Riybay# out of Gibeah #H1390 Gib#ah# of the children #H1121 ben# of Benjamin #H1144 Binyamiyn#,
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