early_church_fathers@1Clement:35:1 <1CLEMENT>@ How blessed and marvelous are the gifts of God, dearly beloved!!
early_church_fathers@1Clement:35:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Life in immortality, splendor in righteousness, truth in boldness, faith in confidence, temperance in sanctification! And all these things fall under our apprehension.
early_church_fathers@1Clement:35:3 <1CLEMENT>@ What then, think ye, are the things preparing for them that patiently await Him? The Creator and Father of the ages, the All holy One Himself knoweth their number and their beauty.
early_church_fathers@1Clement:35:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us therefore contend, that we may be found in the number of those that patiently await Him, to the end that we may be partakers of His promised gifts.
early_church_fathers@1Clement:35:5 <1CLEMENT>@ But how shall this be, dearly beloved? If our mind be fixed through faith towards God; if we seek out those things which are well pleasing and acceptable unto Him; if we accomplish such things as beseem His faultless will, and follow the way of truth, casting off from ourselves all unrighteousness and iniquity, covetousness, strifes, malignities and deceits, whisperings and backbitings, hatred of God, pride and arrogance, vainglory and inhospitality.
early_church_fathers@1Clement:35:6 <1CLEMENT>@ For they that do these things are hateful to God; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent unto them.
early_church_fathers@1Clement:35:7 <1CLEMENT>@ For the scripture saith, But unto the sinner said God, Wherefore dost thou declare Mine ordinances, and takest My covenant upon thy lips?
early_church_fathers@1Clement:35:8 <1CLEMENT>@ Yet Thou didst hate instruction and didst cast away My words behind thee. If thou sawest a thief thou didst keep company with him, and with the adulterers thou didst set thy portion. Thy mouth multiplied wickedness and thy tongue wove deceit. Thou sattest and spakest against thy brother, and against the son of thy mother thou didst lay a stumbling block.
early_church_fathers@1Clement:35:9 <1CLEMENT>@ These things Thou hast done, and I kept silence. Thou thoughtest, unrighteous man, that I should be like unto thee.
early_church_fathers@1Clement:35:10 <1CLEMENT>@ I will convict thee and will set thee face to face with thyself.
early_church_fathers@1Clement:35:11 <1CLEMENT>@ Now understand ye these things, ye that forget God, lest at any time He seize you as a lion, and there be none to deliver.
early_church_fathers@1Clement:35:12 <1CLEMENT>@ The sacrifice of praise shall glorify Me, and there is the way wherein I will show him the salvation of God.
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