early_church_fathers@1Clement:41:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Let each of you, brethren, in his own order give thanks unto God, maintaining a good conscience and not transgressing the appointed rule of his service, but acting with all seemliness.
early_church_fathers@1Clement:41:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Not in every place, brethren, are the continual daily sacrifices offered, or the freewill offerings, or the sin offerings and the trespass offerings, but in Jerusalem alone. And even there the offering is not made in every place, but before the sanctuary in the court of the altar; and this too through the high priest and the afore said ministers, after that the victim to be offered hath been inspected for blemishes.
early_church_fathers@1Clement:41:3 <1CLEMENT>@ They therefore who do any thing contrary to the seemly ordinance of His will receive death as the penalty.
early_church_fathers@1Clement:41:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Ye see, brethren, in proportion as greater knowledge hath been vouchsafed unto us, so much the more are we exposed to danger.
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