rwp@1Corinthians:15:55 @{Victory} (\nikos\). Late form of \nikˆ\. {O death} (\thanate\). Second instance. Here Paul changes Hades of the LXX for Hebrew Sheol (Hosea:13:14|) to death. Paul never uses Hades. {Thy sting} (\sou to kentron\). Old word from \kentre“\, to prick, as in kjv@Acts:26:14|. In kjv@Revelation:9:10| of the sting of locusts, scorpions. The serpent death has lost his poison fangs.
rwp@1Corinthians:15:56 @{The power of sin} (\hˆ dunamis tˆs hamartias\). See kjv@Romans:4:15; 5:20; 6:14; 7; kjv@Galatians:2:16; 3:1-5:4| for Paul's ideas here briefly expressed. In man's unrenewed state he cannot obey God's holy law.
rwp@1Corinthians:15:57 @{But thanks be to God} (\t“i de the“i charis\). Exultant triumph through Christ over sin and death as in kjv@Romans:7:25|.
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