rwp@1Corinthians:3:13 @{The day} (\hˆ hˆmera\). The day of judgment as in kjv@1Thessalonians:5:4| (which see), kjv@Romans:13:12; kjv@Hebrews:10:25|. The work (\ergon\) of each will be made manifest. There is no escape from this final testing. {It is revealed in fire} (\en puri apokaluptetai\). Apparently "the day" is the subject of the verb, not the work, not the Lord. See kjv@2Thessalonians:1:8; 2:8|. This metaphor of fire was employed in the O.T. (Daniel:7:9f.; kjv@Malachi:4:1|) and by John the Baptist (Matthew:3:12; kjv@Luke:3:16f.|). It is a metaphor that must not be understood as purgatorial, but simple testing (Ellicott) as every fire tests ({the fire itself will test}, \to pur auto dokimasei\) the quality of the material used in the building, {of what sort it is} (\hopoion estin\), qualitative relative pronoun. Men today find, alas, that some of the fireproof buildings are not fireproof when the fire actually comes.
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