rwp@1Corinthians:4:15 @{To admonish} (\nouthet“n\). Literally, admonishing (present active participle of \nouthete“\). See on ¯1Thessalonians:5:12,14|. {For though ye should have} (\ean gar echˆte\). Third-class condition undetermined, but with prospect of being determined (\ean\ and present subjunctive), "for if ye have." {Tutors} (\paidag“gous\). This old word (\pais\, boy, \ag“gos\, leader) was used for the guide or attendant of the child who took him to school as in kjv@Galatians:3:24| (Christ being the schoolmaster) and also as a sort of tutor who had a care for the child when not in school. The papyri examples (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_) illustrate both aspects of the paedagogue. Here it is the "tutor in Christ" who is the Teacher. These are the only two N.T. examples of the common word. {I begot you} (\humas egennˆsa\). Paul is their {spiritual father} in Christ, while Apollos and the rest are their {tutors} in Christ.
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