strkjv@1Peter:1:11 @ Searching #G2045 (5723) what #G1519 #G5101 , or #G2228 what manner #G4169 of time #G2540 the Spirit #G4151 of Christ #G5547 which #G3588 was in #G1722 them #G846 did signify #G1213 (5707), when it testified beforehand #G4303 (5740) the sufferings #G3804 of #G1519 Christ #G5547 , and #G2532 the glory #G1391 that should follow #G3326 #G5023 .
strkjv@1Peter:1:12 @ Unto whom #G3739 it was revealed #G601 (5681), that #G3754 not #G3756 unto themselves #G1438 , but #G1161 unto us #G2254 they did minister #G1247 (5707) the things #G846 , which #G3739 are #G312 # now #G3568 reported #G312 (5648) unto you #G5213 by #G1223 them that have preached the gospel #G2097 (5671) unto you #G5209 with #G1722 the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 sent down #G649 (5651) from #G575 heaven #G3772 ; which things #G3739 the angels #G32 desire #G1937 (5719) to look #G3879 (5658) into #G1519 .
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