strkjv@1Peter:3:5 @ For #G1063 after this manner #G3779 in the old time #G4218 the holy #G40 women #G1135 also #G2532 , who #G3588 trusted #G1679 (5723) in #G1909 God #G2316 , adorned #G2885 (5707) themselves #G1438 , being in subjection #G5293 (5746) unto their own #G2398 husbands #G435 :
strkjv@1Peter:3:6 @ Even as #G5613 Sara #G4564 obeyed #G5219 (5656) Abraham #G11 , calling #G2564 (5723) him #G846 lord #G2962 : whose #G3739 daughters #G5043 ye are #G1096 (5675), as long as ye do well #G15 (5723), and #G2532 are #G5399 # not #G3361 afraid #G5399 (5740) with any #G3367 amazement #G4423 .
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