strkjv@1Samuel:26:2 @ Then Saul #H7586 Sha#uwl# arose #H6965 quwm# (8799), and went down #H3381 yarad# (8799) to the wilderness #H4057 midbar# of Ziph #H2128 Ziyph#, having three #H7969 shalowsh# thousand #H505 #eleph# chosen #H977 bachar# (8803) men #H376 #iysh# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el# with him, to seek #H1245 baqash# (8763) David #H1732 David# in the wilderness #H4057 midbar# of Ziph #H2128 Ziyph#.
strkjv@1Samuel:26:3 @ And Saul #H7586 Sha#uwl# pitched #H2583 chanah# (8799) in the hill #H1389 gib#ah# of Hachilah #H2444 Chakiylah#, which is before #H6440 paniym# Jeshimon #H3452 y@shiymown#, by the way #H1870 derek#. But David #H1732 David# abode #H3427 yashab# (8802) in the wilderness #H4057 midbar#, and he saw #H7200 ra#ah# (8799) that Saul #H7586 Sha#uwl# came #H935 bow# (8804) after #H310 #achar# him into the wilderness #H4057 midbar#.
strkjv@1Samuel:26:4 @ David #H1732 David# therefore sent out #H7971 shalach# (8799) spies #H7270 ragal# (8764), and understood #H3045 yada# (8799) that Saul #H7586 Sha#uwl# was come #H935 bow# (8804) in very deed #H3559 kuwn# (8737).
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