rwp@1Thessalonians:4:13 @{We would not have} (\ou thelomen\). We do not wish. {You ignorant} (\humas agnoein\). Old word, not to know (\a\ privative, \gno-\, root of \gin“sk“\). No advantage in ignorance of itself. {Concerning them that fall asleep} (\peri t“n koim“men“n\). Present passive (or middle) participle (Aleph B) rather than the perfect passive \kekoimˆmen“n\ of many later MSS. From old \koima“\, to put to sleep. Present tense gives idea of repetition, from time to time fall asleep. Greeks and Romans used this figure of sleep for death as Jesus does (John:11:11|) and N.T. generally (cf. our word _cemetery_). Somehow the Thessalonians had a false notion about the dead in relation to the second coming. {Even as the rest which have no hope} (\kath“s hoi loipoi hoi mˆ echontes elpida\). This picture of the hopelessness of the pagan world about the future life is amply illustrated in ancient writings and particularly by inscriptions on tombs (Milligan). Some few pagans clung to this hope, but most had none.
rwp@1Thessalonians:4:14 @{For if we believe} (\ei gar pisteuomen\). Condition of first class, assuming the death and resurrection of Jesus to be true. {In Jesus} (\dia tou Iˆsou\). Literally, through or by means of Jesus. It is amphibolous in position and can be taken either with \tous koimˆthentas\ (that are fallen asleep in or through Jesus) like \hoi koimˆthentes en Christ“i\ in kjv@1Corinthians:15:18| and probably correct or with \axei\ (through Jesus with God). {With him} (\sun aut“i\). Together with Jesus. Jesus is the connecting link (\dia\) for those that sleep (\koimˆthentas\ first aorist passive, but with middle sense) and their resurrection.
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