rwp@1Timothy:5:23 @{Be no longer a drinker of water} (\mˆketi hudropotei\). Present active imperative (prohibition) of \hudropote“\, old verb (from \hudropotˆs\, water drinker, \hud“r, pin“\), here only in N.T. Not complete asceticism, but only the need of some wine urged in Timothy's peculiar physical condition (a sort of medical prescription for this case). {But use a little wine} (\alla ain“i olig“i chr“\). Present middle imperative of \chraomai\ with instrumental case. The emphasis is on \olig“i\ (a little). {For thy stomach's sake} (\dia ton stomachon\). Old word from \stoma\ (mouth). In Homer throat, opening of the stomach (Aristotle), stomach in Plutarch. Here only in N.T. Our word "stomach." {Thine often infirmities} (\tas puknas sou astheneias\). \Puknos\ is old word, dense, frequent. In N.T. only here, kjv@Luke:5:33; kjv@Acts:24:26|. \Astheneias\ = weaknesses, lack of strength (Romans:8:26|). Timothy was clearly a semi-invalid.
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