early_church_fathers@2Clement:8:1 <2CLEMENT>@ While we are on earth then, let us repent: for we are clay under the craftsman's hand.
early_church_fathers@2Clement:8:2 <2CLEMENT>@ For in like manner as the potter, if he be making a vessel, and it get twisted or crushed in his hands, reshapeth it again; but if he have once put it into the fiery oven, he shall no longer mend it: so also let us, while we are in this world, repent with our whole heart of the evil things which we have done in the flesh, that we may be saved by the Lord, while we have yet time for repentance.
early_church_fathers@2Clement:8:3 <2CLEMENT>@ For after that we have departed out of the world, we can no more make confession there, or repent any more.
early_church_fathers@2Clement:8:4 <2CLEMENT>@ Wherefore, brethren, if we shall have done the will of the Father and kept the flesh pure and guarded the commandments of the Lord, we shall receive life eternal.
early_church_fathers@2Clement:8:5 <2CLEMENT>@ For the Lord saith in the Gospel, If ye kept not that which is little, who shall give unto you that which is great? For I say unto you that he which is faithful in the least, is also faithful in much.
early_church_fathers@2Clement:8:6 <2CLEMENT>@ So then He meaneth this, Keep the flesh pure and the seal unstained, to the end that we may receive life.
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