strkjv@2Peter:1:19 @ We have #G2192 (5719) also #G2532 a more sure #G949 word #G3056 of prophecy #G4397 ; whereunto #G3739 ye do #G4160 (5719) well #G2573 that ye take heed #G4337 (5723), as #G5613 unto a light #G3088 that shineth #G5316 (5730) in #G1722 a dark #G850 place #G5117 , until #G2193 #G3739 the day #G2250 dawn #G1306 (5661), and #G2532 the day star #G5459 arise #G393 (5661) in #G1722 your #G5216 hearts #G2588 :
strkjv@2Peter:1:20 @ Knowing #G1097 (5723) this #G5124 first #G4412 , that #G3754 no #G3756 #G3956 prophecy #G4394 of the scripture #G1124 is #G1096 (5736) of any private #G2398 interpretation #G1955 .
strkjv@2Peter:1:21 @ For #G1063 the prophecy #G4394 came #G5342 (5681) not #G3756 in old time #G4218 by the will #G2307 of man #G444 : but #G235 holy #G40 men #G444 of God #G2316 spake #G2980 (5656) as they were moved #G5342 (5746) by #G5259 the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 .
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