strkjv@2Samuel:22:17 @ He sent #H7971 shalach# (8799) from above #H4791 marowm#, he took #H3947 laqach# (8799) me; he drew #H4871 mashah# (8686) me out of many #H7227 rab# waters #H4325 mayim#;
strkjv@2Samuel:22:18 @ He delivered #H5337 natsal# (8686) me from my strong #H5794 #az# enemy #H341 #oyeb# (8802), and from them that hated #H8130 sane# (8802) me: for they were too strong #H553 #amats# (8804) for me.
strkjv@2Samuel:22:19 @ They prevented #H6923 qadam# (8762) me in the day #H3117 yowm# of my calamity #H343 #eyd#: but the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# was my stay #H4937 mish#en#.
strkjv@2Samuel:22:20 @ He brought me forth #H3318 yatsa# (8686) also into a large place #H4800 merchab#: he delivered #H2502 chalats# (8762) me, because he delighted #H2654 chaphets# (8804) in me.
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