rwp@Acts:27:33 @{While the day was coming on} (\achri hou hˆmera ˆmellen ginesthai\). More likely here \achri hou\ (for \achri toutou h“i\) with the imperfect \ˆmellen\, has its usual meaning, "until which time day was about to come on (\ginesthai\, present middle infinitive, linear action)." That is Paul kept on exhorting or beseeching (\parekalei\, imperfect active) them until dawn began to come on (cf. verse 39| when day came). In kjv@Hebrews:3:13| \achri hou\ with the present indicative has to mean "so long as" or while, but that is not true here (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 975). See on ¯Acts:2:46| for the same phrase for partaking food (\metalamban“ trophˆs\, genitive case) as also in 27:34|. Paul wanted them to be ready for action when day really came. "Fourteenth day" repeated (verse 27|), only here in the accusative of duration of time (\hˆmeran\). It is not clear whether the "waiting" (\prosdok“ntes\, present active participle predicate nominative complementary participle after \diateleite\, Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1121) means fourteen days of continuous fasting or only fourteen successive nights of eager watching without food. Galen and Dionysius of Halicarnassus employ the very idiom used here by Luke (\asitos diatele“\). {Having taken nothing} (\mˆthen proslabomenoi\). Second aorist middle participle of \proslamban“\ with the accusative \mˆthen\ rather than the more usual \mˆden\. Probably Paul means that they had taken no regular meals, only bits of food now and then.
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