strkjv@Amos:4:6 @ And I also have given #H5414 nathan# (8804) you cleanness #H5356 niqqayown# of teeth #H8127 shen# in all your cities #H5892 #iyr#, and want #H2640 chocer# of bread #H3899 lechem# in all your places #H4725 maqowm#: yet have ye not returned #H7725 shuwb# (8804) unto me, saith #H5002 n@#um# (8803) the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#.
strkjv@Amos:4:7 @ And also I have withholden #H4513 mana# (8804) the rain #H1653 geshem# from you, when there were yet three #H7969 shalowsh# months #H2320 chodesh# to the harvest #H7105 qatsiyr#: and I caused it to rain #H4305 matar# (8689) upon one #H259 #echad# city #H5892 #iyr#, and caused it not to rain #H4305 matar# (8686) upon another #H259 #echad# city #H5892 #iyr#: one #H259 #echad# piece #H2513 chelqah# was rained #H4305 matar# (8735) upon, and the piece #H2513 chelqah# whereupon it rained #H4305 matar# (8686) not withered #H3001 yabesh# (8799).
strkjv@Amos:4:8 @ So two #H8147 sh@nayim# or three #H7969 shalowsh# cities #H5892 #iyr# wandered #H5128 nuwa# (8804) unto one #H259 #echad# city #H5892 #iyr#, to drink #H8354 shathah# (8800) water #H4325 mayim#; but they were not satisfied #H7646 saba# (8799): yet have ye not returned #H7725 shuwb# (8804) unto me, saith #H5002 n@#um# (8803) the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#.
strkjv@Amos:4:9 @ I have smitten #H5221 nakah# (8689) you with blasting #H7711 sh@dephah# and mildew #H3420 yeraqown#: when your gardens #H1593 gannah# and your vineyards #H3754 kerem# and your fig trees #H8384 t@#en# and your olive trees #H2132 zayith# increased #H7235 rabah# (8687), the palmerworm #H1501 gazam# devoured #H398 #akal# (8799) them: yet have ye not returned #H7725 shuwb# (8804) unto me, saith #H5002 n@#um# (8803) the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#.
strkjv@Amos:4:10 @ I have sent #H7971 shalach# (8765) among you the pestilence #H1698 deber# after the manner #H1870 derek# of Egypt #H4714 Mitsrayim#: your young men #H970 bachuwr# have I slain #H2026 harag# (8804) with the sword #H2719 chereb#, and have taken away #H7628 sh@biy# your horses #H5483 cuwc#; and I have made the stink #H889 b@#osh# of your camps #H4264 machaneh# to come up #H5927 #alah# (8686) unto your nostrils #H639 #aph#: yet have ye not returned #H7725 shuwb# (8804) unto me, saith #H5002 n@#um# (8803) the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#.
strkjv@Amos:4:11 @ I have overthrown #H2015 haphak# (8804) some of you, as God #H430 #elohiym# overthrew #H4114 mahpekah# Sodom #H5467 C@dom# and Gomorrah #H6017 #Amorah#, and ye were as a firebrand #H181 #uwd# plucked out #H5337 natsal# (8716) of the burning #H8316 s@rephah#: yet have ye not returned #H7725 shuwb# (8804) unto me, saith #H5002 n@#um# (8803) the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#.
strkjv@Amos:4:12 @ Therefore thus will I do #H6213 #asah# (8799) unto thee, O Israel #H3478 Yisra#el#: and because #H6118 #eqeb# I will do #H6213 #asah# (8799) this unto thee, prepare #H3559 kuwn# (8734) to meet #H7125 qir#ah# (8800) thy God #H430 #elohiym#, O Israel #H3478 Yisra#el#.
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