strkjv@Daniel:9:10 @ Neither have we obeyed #H8085 shama# (8804) the voice #H6963 qowl# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# our God #H430 #elohiym#, to walk #H3212 yalak# (8800) in his laws #H8451 towrah#, which he set #H5414 nathan# (8804) before #H6440 paniym# us by #H3027 yad# his servants #H5650 #ebed# the prophets #H5030 nabiy# .
strkjv@Daniel:9:11 @ Yea, all Israel #H3478 Yisra#el# have transgressed #H5674 #abar# (8804) thy law #H8451 towrah#, even by departing #H5493 cuwr# (8800), that they might not obey #H8085 shama# (8800) thy voice #H6963 qowl#; therefore the curse #H423 #alah# is poured #H5413 nathak# (8799) upon us, and the oath #H7621 sh@buw#ah# that is written #H3789 kathab# (8803) in the law #H8451 towrah# of Moses #H4872 Mosheh# the servant #H5650 #ebed# of God #H430 #elohiym#, because we have sinned #H2398 chata# (8804) against him.
strkjv@Daniel:9:12 @ And he hath confirmed #H6965 quwm# (8686) his words #H1697 dabar#, which he spake #H1696 dabar# (8765) against us, and against our judges #H8199 shaphat# (8802) that judged #H8199 shaphat# (8804) us, by bringing #H935 bow# (8687) upon us a great #H1419 gadowl# evil #H7451 ra# : for under the whole heaven #H8064 shamayim# hath not been done #H6213 #asah# (8738) as hath been done #H6213 #asah# (8738) upon Jerusalem #H3389 Y@ruwshalaim#.
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