strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:31 @ For their rock #H6697 tsuwr# is not as our Rock #H6697 tsuwr#, even our enemies #H341 #oyeb# (8802) themselves being judges #H6414 paliyl#.
strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:32 @ For their vine #H1612 gephen# is of the vine #H1612 gephen# of Sodom #H5467 C@dom#, and of the fields #H7709 sh@demah# of Gomorrah #H6017 #Amorah#: their grapes #H6025 #enab# are grapes #H6025 #enab# of gall #H7219 ro#sh#, their clusters #H811 #eshkowl# are bitter #H4846 m@rorah#:
strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:33 @ Their wine #H3196 yayin# is the poison #H2534 chemah# of dragons #H8577 tanniyn#, and the cruel #H393 #akzar# venom #H7219 ro#sh# of asps #H6620 pethen#.
strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:34 @ Is not this laid up in store #H3647 kamac# (8803) with me, and sealed up #H2856 chatham# (8803) among my treasures #H214 #owtsar#?
strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:35 @ To me belongeth vengeance #H5359 naqam#, and recompence #H8005 shillem#; their foot #H7272 regel# shall slide #H4131 mowt# (8799) in due time #H6256 #eth#: for the day #H3117 yowm# of their calamity #H343 #eyd# is at hand #H7138 qarowb#, and the things that shall come #H6264 #athiyd# upon them make haste #H2363 chuwsh# (8804).
strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:36 @ For the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# shall judge #H1777 diyn# (8799) his people #H5971 #am#, and repent #H5162 nacham# (8691) himself for his servants #H5650 #ebed#, when he seeth #H7200 ra#ah# (8799) that their power #H3027 yad# is gone #H235 #azal# (8804), and there is none #H657 #ephec# shut up #H6113 #atsar# (8803), or left #H5800 #azab# (8803).
strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:37 @ And he shall say #H559 #amar# (8804), Where are their gods #H430 #elohiym#, their rock #H6697 tsuwr# in whom they trusted #H2620 chacah# (8804),
strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:38 @ Which did eat #H398 #akal# (8799) the fat #H2459 cheleb# of their sacrifices #H2077 zebach#, and drank #H8354 shathah# (8799) the wine #H3196 yayin# of their drink offerings #H5257 n@ciyk#? let them rise up #H6965 quwm# (8799) and help #H5826 #azar# (8799) you, and be your protection #H5643 cether#.
strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:39 @ See #H7200 ra#ah# (8798) now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god #H430 #elohiym# with me: I kill #H4191 muwth# (8686), and I make alive #H2421 chayah# (8762); I wound #H4272 machats# (8804), and I heal #H7495 rapha# (8799): neither is there any that can deliver #H5337 natsal# (8688) out of my hand #H3027 yad#.
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