rwp@Ephesians:2:14 @{For he is our peace} (\autos gar estin hˆ eirˆnˆ hˆm“n\). He himself, not just what he did (necessary as that was and is). He is our peace with God and so with each other (Jews and Gentiles). {Both one} (\ta amphotera hen\). "The both" (Jew and Gentile). Jesus had said "other sheep I have which are not of this fold" (John:10:16|). {One} (\hen\) is neuter singular (oneness, unity, identity) as in kjv@Galatians:3:28|. Race and national distinctions vanish in Christ. If all men were really in Christ, war would disappear. {Brake down the middle wall of partition} (\to mesotoichon tou phragmou lusas\). "Having loosened (first aorist active participle of \lu“\, see kjv@John:2:19|) the middle-wall (late word, only here in N.T., and very rare anywhere, one in papyri, and one inscription) of partition (\phragmou\, old word, fence, from \phrass“\, to fence or hedge, as in kjv@Matthew:21:33|)." In the temple courts a partition wall divided the court of the Gentiles from the court of Israel with an inscription forbidding a Gentile from going further (Josephus, _Ant_. VIII. 3, 2). See the uproar when Paul was accused of taking Trophimus beyond this wall (Acts:21:28|).
rwp@Ephesians:2:15 @{Having abolished} (\katargˆsas\). First aorist active participle of \katarge“\, to make null and void. {The enmity} (\tˆn echthran\). But it is very doubtful if \tˆn echthran\ (old word from \echthros\, hostile, kjv@Luke:23:12|) is the object of \katargˆsas\. It looks as if it is in apposition with to \mesotoichon\ and so the further object of \lusas\. The enmity between Jew and Gentile was the middle wall of partition. And then it must be decided whether "in his flesh" (\en tˆi sarki autou\) should be taken with \lusas\ and refer especially to the Cross (Colossians:1:22|) or be taken with \katargˆsas\. Either makes sense, but better sense with \lusas\. Certainly "the law of commandments in ordinances (\ton nomon t“n entol“n en dogmasin\) is governed by \katargˆsas\. {That he might create} (\hina ktisˆi\). Final clause with first aorist active subjunctive of \ktiz“\. {The twain} (\tous duo\). The two men (masculine here, neuter in verse 14|), Jew and Gentile. {One new man} (\eis hena kainon anthr“pon\). Into one fresh man (Colossians:3:9-11|) "in himself" (\en haut“i\). Thus alone is it possible. {Making peace} (\poi“n eirˆnˆn\). Thus alone can it be done. Christ is the peace-maker between men, nations, races, classes.
rwp@Ephesians:2:16 @{And might reconcile} (\kai apokatallaxˆi\). Final clause with \hina\ understood of first aorist active subjunctive of \apokatallass“\ for which see kjv@Colossians:1:20,22|. {Them both} (\tous amphoterous\). "The both," "the two" (\tous duo\), Jew and Gentile. {In one body} (\en heni s“mati\). The "one new man" of verse 15| of which Christ is Head (1:23|), the spiritual church. Paul piles up metaphors to express his idea of the Kingdom of God with Christ as King (the church, the body, the commonwealth of Israel, oneness, one new man in Christ, fellow-citizens, the family of God, the temple of God). {Thereby} (\en aut“i\). On the Cross where he slew the enmity (repeated here) between Jew and Gentile.
rwp@Ephesians:2:17 @{Preached peace} (\euˆggelisato eirˆnˆn\). First aorist middle of \euaggeliz“\. "He gospelized peace" to both Jew and Gentile, "to the far off ones" (\tois makran\) and "to the nigh ones" (\tois eggus\). By the Cross and after the Cross Christ could preach that message.
rwp@Ephesians:2:18 @{Through him} (\di' autou\). Christ. {We both} (\hoi amphoteroi\). "We the both" (Jew and Gentile). {Our access} (\tˆn prosag“gˆn\). The approach, the introduction as in kjv@Romans:5:2|. {In one Spirit} (\en heni pneumati\). The Holy Spirit. {Unto the Father} (\pros ton patera\). Songs:the Trinity as in 1:13f|. The Three Persons all share in the work of redemption.
rwp@Ephesians:2:19 @{Songs:then} (\ara oun\). Two inferential particles (accordingly therefore). {No more} (\ouketi\). No longer. {Sojourners} (\paroikoi\). Old word for dweller by (near by, but not in). Songs:Acts:7:6,29; kjv@1Peter:2:11| (only other N.T. examples). Dwellers just outside the house or family of God. {Fellow-citizens} (\sunpolitai\, old, but rare word, here only in N.T.), members now of the \politeia\ of Israel (verse 12|), the opposite of \xenoi kai paroikoi\. {Of the household of God} (\oikeioi tou theou\). Old word from \oikos\ (house, household), but in N.T. only here, kjv@Galatians:6:10; kjv@1Timothy:5:8|. Gentiles now in the family of God (Romans:8:29|).
rwp@Ephesians:2:20 @{Being built upon} (\epoikodomˆthentes\). First aorist passive participle of \epoikodome“\, for which double compound verb see kjv@1Corinthians:3:10; Co; 2:17|. {The foundation} (\epi t“i themeli“i\). Repetition of \epi\ with the locative case. See kjv@1Corinthians:3:11| for this word. {Of the apostles and prophets} (\ton apostol“n kai prophˆt“n\). Genitive of apposition with \themeli“i\, consisting in. If one is surprised that Paul should refer so to the apostles, he being one himself, Peter does the same thing (2Peter:3:2|). Paul repeats this language in 3:5|. {Christ Jesus himself being the chief corner stone} (\ont“s akrog“nianiou autou Christou Iˆsou\). Genitive absolute. The compound \akrog“niaios\ occurs only in the LXX (first in kjv@Isaiah:28:16|) and in the N.T. (here, kjv@1Peter:2:6|). \Lithos\ (stone) is understood. Jesus had spoken of himself as the stone, rejected by the Jewish builders (experts), but chosen of God as the head of the corner (Matthew:21:42|), \eis kephalˆn g“nias\. "The \akrog“niaios\ here is the primary foundation-stone at the angle of the structure by which the architect fixes a standard for the bearings of the walls and cross-walls throughout" (W. W. Lloyd).
rwp@Ephesians:2:21 @{Each several building} (\pƒsa oikodomˆ\). Songs:without article Aleph B D G K L. \Oikodomˆ\ is a late word from \oikos\ and \dem“\, to build for building up (edification) as in kjv@Ephesians:4:29|, then for the building itself as here (Mark:13:1f.|). Ordinary Greek idiom here calls for "every building," not for "all the building" (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 772), though it is not perfectly clear what that means. Each believer is called a \naos theou\ (1Corinthians:3:16|). One may note the plural in kjv@Mark:13:1| (\oikodomai\) of the various parts of the temple. Perhaps that is the idea here without precise definition of each \oikodomˆ\. But there are examples of \pƒs\ without the article where "all" is the idea as in \pƒsˆs ktise“s\ (all creation) in kjv@Colossians:1:15|. {Fitly framed together} (\sunarmologoumenˆ\). Double compound from \sun\ and \harmologos\ (binding, \harmos\, joint and \leg“\), apparently made by Paul and in N.T. only here and kjv@Ephesians:4:16|. Architectural metaphor. {Into a holy temple} (\eis naon hagion\). The whole structure with all the \oikodomai\. Another metaphor for the Kingdom of God with which compare Peter's "spiritual house" (\oikos pneumatikos\) in which each is a living stone being built in (1Peter:2:5|).
rwp@Ephesians:2:22 @{Ye also are builded together} (\kai humeis sunoikodomeisthe\). Ye Gentiles also. Present passive indicative (continuous process) of common old verb \sunoikodome“\, to build together with others or out of varied materials as here. Only here in N.T. In kjv@1Peter:2:5| Peter uses \oikodomeisthe\ for the same process. {For a habitation} (\eis katoikˆtˆrion\). Late word (LXX), in N.T. only here and kjv@Revelation:18:2|. From \katoike“\, to dwell, as kjv@Ephesians:3:17|. Possibly each of us is meant here to be the "habitation of God in the Spirit" and all together growing (\auxei\) "into a holy temple in the Lord," a noble conception of the brotherhood in Christ.
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