strkjv@Exodus:23:16 @ And the feast #H2282 chag# of harvest #H7105 qatsiyr#, the firstfruits #H1061 bikkuwr# of thy labours #H4639 ma#aseh#, which thou hast sown #H2232 zara# (8799) in the field #H7704 sadeh#: and the feast #H2282 chag# of ingathering #H614 #aciyph#, which is in the end #H3318 yatsa# (8800) of the year #H8141 shaneh#, when thou hast gathered #H622 #acaph# (8800) in thy labours #H4639 ma#aseh# out of the field #H7704 sadeh#.
strkjv@Exodus:23:17 @ Three #H7969 shalowsh# times #H6471 pa#am# in the year #H8141 shaneh# all thy males #H2138 zakuwr# shall appear #H7200 ra#ah# (8735) before #H6440 paniym# the Lord #H113 #adown# GOD #H3068 Y@hovah#.
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