strkjv@Ezekiel:23:2 @ Son #H1121 ben# of man #H120 #adam#, there were two #H8147 sh@nayim# women #H802 #ishshah#, the daughters #H1323 bath# of one #H259 #echad# mother #H517 #em#:
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:3 @ And they committed whoredoms #H2181 zanah# (8799) in Egypt #H4714 Mitsrayim#; they committed whoredoms #H2181 zanah# (8804) in their youth #H5271 na#uwr#: there were their breasts #H7699 shad# pressed #H4600 ma#ak# (8795), and there they bruised #H6213 #asah# (8765) the teats #H1717 dad# of their virginity #H1331 b@thuwliym#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:4 @ And the names #H8034 shem# of them were Aholah #H170 #Oholah# the elder #H1419 gadowl#, and Aholibah #H172 #Oholiybah# her sister #H269 #achowth#: and they were mine, and they bare #H3205 yalad# (8799) sons #H1121 ben# and daughters #H1323 bath#. Thus were their names #H8034 shem#; Samaria #H8111 Shom@rown# is Aholah #H170 #Oholah#, and Jerusalem #H3389 Y@ruwshalaim# Aholibah #H172 #Oholiybah#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:5 @ And Aholah #H170 #Oholah# played the harlot #H2181 zanah# (8799) when she was mine #H8478 tachath#; and she doted #H5689 #agab# (8799) on her lovers #H157 #ahab# (8764), on the Assyrians #H804 #Ashshuwr# her neighbours #H7138 qarowb#,
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:6 @ Which were clothed #H3847 labash# (8803) with blue #H8504 t@keleth#, captains #H6346 pechah# and rulers #H5461 cagan#, all of them desirable #H2531 chemed# young men #H970 bachuwr#, horsemen #H6571 parash# riding #H7392 rakab# (8802) upon horses #H5483 cuwc#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:7 @ Thus she committed #H5414 nathan# (8799) her whoredoms #H8457 taznuwth# with them, with all them that were the chosen #H4005 mibchar# men #H1121 ben# of Assyria #H804 #Ashshuwr#, and with all on whom she doted #H5689 #agab# (8804): with all their idols #H1544 gilluwl# she defiled #H2930 tame# (8738) herself.
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:8 @ Neither left #H5800 #azab# (8804) she her whoredoms #H8457 taznuwth# brought from Egypt #H4714 Mitsrayim#: for in her youth #H5271 na#uwr# they lay #H7901 shakab# (8804) with her, and they bruised #H6213 #asah# (8765) the breasts #H1717 dad# of her virginity #H1331 b@thuwliym#, and poured #H8210 shaphak# (8799) their whoredom #H8457 taznuwth# upon her.
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:9 @ Wherefore I have delivered #H5414 nathan# (8804) her into the hand #H3027 yad# of her lovers #H157 #ahab# (8764), into the hand #H3027 yad# of the Assyrians #H1121 ben# #H804 #Ashshuwr#, upon whom she doted #H5689 #agab# (8804).
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:10 @ These discovered #H1540 galah# (8765) her nakedness #H6172 #ervah#: they took #H3947 laqach# (8804) her sons #H1121 ben# and her daughters #H1323 bath#, and slew #H2026 harag# (8804) her with the sword #H2719 chereb#: and she became famous #H8034 shem# among women #H802 #ishshah#; for they had executed #H6213 #asah# (8804) judgment #H8196 sh@phowt# upon her.
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:11 @ And when her sister #H269 #achowth# Aholibah #H172 #Oholiybah# saw #H7200 ra#ah# (8799) this, she was more corrupt #H7843 shachath# (8686) in her inordinate love #H5691 #agabah# than she, and in her whoredoms #H8457 taznuwth# more than her sister #H269 #achowth# in her whoredoms #H2183 zanuwn#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:12 @ She doted #H5689 #agab# (8804) upon the Assyrians #H1121 ben# #H804 #Ashshuwr# her neighbours #H7138 qarowb#, captains #H6346 pechah# and rulers #H5461 cagan# clothed #H3847 labash# (8803) most gorgeously #H4358 miklowl#, horsemen #H6571 parash# riding #H7392 rakab# (8802) upon horses #H5483 cuwc#, all of them desirable #H2531 chemed# young men #H970 bachuwr#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:13 @ Then I saw #H7200 ra#ah# (8799) that she was defiled #H2930 tame# (8738), that they took both #H8147 sh@nayim# one #H259 #echad# way #H1870 derek#,
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:14 @ And that she increased #H3254 yacaph# (8686) her whoredoms #H8457 taznuwth#: for when she saw #H7200 ra#ah# (8799) men #H582 #enowsh# pourtrayed #H2707 chaqah# (8794) upon the wall #H7023 qiyr#, the images #H6754 tselem# of the Chaldeans #H3778 Kasdiy# pourtrayed #H2710 chaqaq# (8803) with vermilion #H8350 shashar#,
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:15 @ Girded #H2289 chagowr# with girdles #H232 #ezowr# upon their loins #H4975 mothen#, exceeding #H5628 carach# (8803) in dyed attire #H2871 tabuwl# upon their heads #H7218 ro#sh#, all of them princes #H7991 shaliysh# to look to #H4758 mar#eh#, after the manner #H1823 d@muwth# of the Babylonians #H1121 ben# #H894 Babel# of Chaldea #H3778 Kasdiy#, the land #H776 #erets# of their nativity #H4138 mowledeth#:
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:16 @ And as soon as she saw #H4758 mar#eh# them with her eyes #H5869 #ayin#, she doted #H5689 #agab# (8799) upon them, and sent #H7971 shalach# (8799) messengers #H4397 mal#ak# unto them into Chaldea #H3778 Kasdiy#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:17 @ And the Babylonians #H1121 ben# #H894 Babel# came #H935 bow# (8799) to her into the bed #H4904 mishkab# of love #H1730 dowd#, and they defiled #H2930 tame# (8762) her with their whoredom #H8457 taznuwth#, and she was polluted #H2930 tame# (8799) with them, and her mind #H5315 nephesh# was alienated #H3363 yaqa# (8799) from them.
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:18 @ So she discovered #H1540 galah# (8762) her whoredoms #H8457 taznuwth#, and discovered #H1540 galah# (8762) her nakedness #H6172 #ervah#: then my mind #H5315 nephesh# was alienated #H3363 yaqa# (8799) from her, like as my mind #H5315 nephesh# was alienated #H5361 naqa# (8804) from her sister #H269 #achowth#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:19 @ Yet she multiplied #H7235 rabah# (8686) her whoredoms #H8457 taznuwth#, in calling to remembrance #H2142 zakar# (8800) the days #H3117 yowm# of her youth #H5271 na#uwr#, wherein she had played the harlot #H2181 zanah# (8804) in the land #H776 #erets# of Egypt #H4714 Mitsrayim#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:20 @ For she doted #H5689 #agab# (8799) upon their paramours #H6370 piylegesh#, whose flesh #H1320 basar# is as the flesh #H1320 basar# of asses #H2543 chamowr#, and whose issue #H2231 zirmah# is like the issue #H2231 zirmah# of horses #H5483 cuwc#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:23:21 @ Thus thou calledst to remembrance #H6485 paqad# (8799) the lewdness #H2154 zimmah# of thy youth #H5271 na#uwr#, in bruising #H6213 #asah# (8800) thy teats #H1717 dad# by the Egyptians #H4714 Mitsrayim# for the paps #H7699 shad# of thy youth #H5271 na#uwr#.
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