strkjv@Ezekiel:27:12 @ Tarshish #H8659 Tarshiysh# was thy merchant #H5503 cachar# (8802) by reason of the multitude #H7230 rob# of all kind of riches #H1952 hown#; with silver #H3701 keceph#, iron #H1270 barzel#, tin #H913 b@diyl#, and lead #H5777 #owphereth#, they traded #H5414 nathan# (8804) in thy fairs #H5801 #izzabown#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:13 @ Javan #H3120 Yavan#, Tubal #H8422 Tuwbal#, and Meshech #H4902 Meshek#, they were thy merchants #H7402 rakal# (8802): they traded #H5414 nathan# (8804) the persons #H5315 nephesh# of men #H120 #adam# and vessels #H3627 k@liy# of brass #H5178 n@chosheth# in thy market #H4627 ma#arab#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:14 @ They of the house #H1004 bayith# of Togarmah #H8425 Towgarmah# traded #H5414 nathan# (8804) in thy fairs #H5801 #izzabown# with horses #H5483 cuwc# and horsemen #H6571 parash# and mules #H6505 pered#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:15 @ The men #H1121 ben# of Dedan #H1719 D@dan# were thy merchants #H7402 rakal# (8802); many #H7227 rab# isles #H339 #iy# were the merchandise #H5506 c@chorah# of thine hand #H3027 yad#: they brought #H7725 shuwb# (8689) thee for a present #H814 #eshkar# horns #H7161 qeren# of ivory #H8127 shen# and ebony #H1894 hoben#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:16 @ Syria #H758 #Aram# was thy merchant #H5503 cachar# (8802) by reason of the multitude #H7230 rob# of the wares of thy making #H4639 ma#aseh#: they occupied #H5414 nathan# (8804) in thy fairs #H5801 #izzabown# with emeralds #H5306 nophek#, purple #H713 #argaman#, and broidered work #H7553 riqmah#, and fine linen #H948 buwts#, and coral #H7215 ra#mah#, and agate #H3539 kadkod#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:17 @ Judah #H3063 Y@huwdah#, and the land #H776 #erets# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el#, they were thy merchants #H7402 rakal# (8802): they traded #H5414 nathan# (8804) in thy market #H4627 ma#arab# wheat #H2406 chittah# of Minnith #H4511 Minniyth#, and Pannag #H6436 pannag#, and honey #H1706 d@bash#, and oil #H8081 shemen#, and balm #H6875 ts@riy#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:18 @ Damascus #H1834 Dammeseq# was thy merchant #H5503 cachar# (8802) in the multitude #H7230 rob# of the wares of thy making #H4639 ma#aseh#, for the multitude #H7230 rob# of all riches #H1952 hown#; in the wine #H3196 yayin# of Helbon #H2463 Chelbown#, and white #H6713 tsachar# wool #H6785 tsemer#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:19 @ Dan #H2051 V@dan# (8676) #H1835 Dan# also and Javan #H3120 Yavan# going to and fro #H235 #azal# (8794) occupied #H5414 nathan# (8804) in thy fairs #H5801 #izzabown#: bright #H6219 #ashowth# iron #H1270 barzel#, cassia #H6916 qiddah#, and calamus #H7070 qaneh#, were in thy market #H4627 ma#arab#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:20 @ Dedan #H1719 D@dan# was thy merchant #H7402 rakal# (8802) in precious #H2667 Chophesh# clothes #H899 beged# for chariots #H7396 rikbah#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:21 @ Arabia #H6152 # Arab#, and all the princes #H5387 nasiy# of Kedar #H6938 Qedar#, they occupied #H5503 cachar# # with thee #H3027 yad# in lambs #H3733 kar#, and rams #H352 #ayil#, and goats #H6260 #attuwd#: in these were they thy merchants #H5503 cachar# (8802).
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:22 @ The merchants #H7402 rakal# (8802) of Sheba #H7614 Sh@ba# and Raamah #H7484 Ra#mah#, they were thy merchants #H7402 rakal# (8802): they occupied #H5414 nathan# (8804) in thy fairs #H5801 #izzabown# with chief #H7218 ro#sh# of all spices #H1314 besem#, and with all precious #H3368 yaqar# stones #H68 #eben#, and gold #H2091 zahab#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:23 @ Haran #H2771 Charan#, and Canneh #H3656 Kanneh#, and Eden #H5729 #Eden#, the merchants #H7402 rakal# (8802) of Sheba #H7614 Sh@ba# , Asshur #H804 #Ashshuwr#, and Chilmad #H3638 Kilmad#, were thy merchants #H7402 rakal# (8802).
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:24 @ These were thy merchants #H7402 rakal# (8802) in all sorts #H4360 miklul# of things, in blue #H8504 t@keleth# clothes #H1545 g@lowm#, and broidered work #H7553 riqmah#, and in chests #H1595 genez# of rich apparel #H1264 b@rowm#, bound #H2280 chabash# (8803) with cords #H2256 chebel#, and made of cedar #H729 #araz#, among thy merchandise #H4819 markoleth#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:25 @ The ships #H591 #oniyah# of Tarshish #H8659 Tarshiysh# did sing #H7788 shuwr# (8802) of thee in thy market #H4627 ma#arab#: and thou wast replenished #H4390 male# (8735), and made very #H3966 m@#od# glorious #H3513 kabad# (8799) in the midst #H3820 leb# of the seas #H3220 yam#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:26 @ Thy rowers #H7751 shuwt# (8801) have brought #H935 bow# (8689) thee into great #H7227 rab# waters #H4325 mayim#: the east #H6921 qadiym# wind #H7307 ruwach# hath broken #H7665 shabar# (8804) thee in the midst #H3820 leb# of the seas #H3220 yam#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:27 @ Thy riches #H1952 hown#, and thy fairs #H5801 #izzabown#, thy merchandise #H4627 ma#arab#, thy mariners #H4419 mallach#, and thy pilots #H2259 chobel#, thy calkers #H919 bedeq# #H2388 chazaq# (8688), and the occupiers #H6148 #arab# (8802) of thy merchandise #H4627 ma#arab#, and all thy men #H582 #enowsh# of war #H4421 milchamah#, that are in thee, and in all thy company #H6951 qahal# which is in the midst #H8432 tavek# of thee, shall fall #H5307 naphal# (8799) into the midst #H3820 leb# of the seas #H3220 yam# in the day #H3117 yowm# of thy ruin #H4658 mappeleth#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:28 @ The suburbs #H4054 migrash# shall shake #H7493 ra#ash# (8799) at the sound #H6963 qowl# of the cry #H2201 za#aq# of thy pilots #H2259 chobel#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:29 @ And all that handle #H8610 taphas# (8802) the oar #H4880 mashowt#, the mariners #H4419 mallach#, and all the pilots #H2259 chobel# of the sea #H3220 yam#, shall come down #H3381 yarad# (8804) from their ships #H591 #oniyah#, they shall stand #H5975 #amad# (8799) upon the land #H776 #erets#;
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:30 @ And shall cause their voice #H6963 qowl# to be heard #H8085 shama# (8689) against thee, and shall cry #H2199 za#aq# (8799) bitterly #H4751 mar#, and shall cast up #H5927 #alah# (8686) dust #H6083 #aphar# upon their heads #H7218 ro#sh#, they shall wallow #H6428 palash# (8691) themselves in the ashes #H665 #epher#:
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:31 @ And they shall make themselves utterly #H7144 qorchah# bald #H7139 qarach# (8689) for thee, and gird #H2296 chagar# (8804) them with sackcloth #H8242 saq#, and they shall weep #H1058 bakah# (8804) for thee with bitterness #H4751 mar# of heart #H5315 nephesh# and bitter #H4751 mar# wailing #H4553 micepd#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:32 @ And in their wailing #H5204 niy# they shall take up #H5375 nasa# (8804) a lamentation #H7015 qiynah# for thee, and lament #H6969 quwn# (8790) over thee, saying, What city is like Tyrus #H6865 Tsor#, like the destroyed #H1822 dummah# in the midst #H8432 tavek# of the sea #H3220 yam#?
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:33 @ When thy wares #H5801 #izzabown# went forth #H3318 yatsa# (8800) out of the seas #H3220 yam#, thou filledst #H7646 saba# (8689) many #H7227 rab# people #H5971 #am#; thou didst enrich #H6238 #ashar# (8689) the kings #H4428 melek# of the earth #H776 #erets# with the multitude #H7230 rob# of thy riches #H1952 hown# and of thy merchandise #H4627 ma#arab#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:34 @ In the time #H6256 #eth# when thou shalt be broken #H7665 shabar# (8737) by the seas #H3220 yam# in the depths #H4615 ma#amaq# of the waters #H4325 mayim# thy merchandise #H4627 ma#arab# and all thy company #H6951 qahal# in the midst #H8432 tavek# of thee shall fall #H5307 naphal# (8804).
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:35 @ All the inhabitants #H3427 yashab# (8802) of the isles #H339 #iy# shall be astonished #H8074 shamem# (8804) at thee, and their kings #H4428 melek# shall be sore #H8178 sa#ar# afraid #H8175 sa#ar# (8804), they shall be troubled #H7481 ra#am# (8804) in their countenance #H6440 paniym#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:27:36 @ The merchants #H5503 cachar# (8802) among the people #H5971 #am# shall hiss #H8319 sharaq# (8804) at thee; thou shalt be a terror #H1091 ballahah#, and never shalt be any more #H5704 #ad# #H5769 #owlam#.
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