strkjv@Ezekiel:28:13 @ Thou hast been in Eden #H5731 #Eden# the garden #H1588 gan# of God #H430 #elohiym#; every precious #H3368 yaqar# stone #H68 #eben# was thy covering #H4540 m@cukkah#, the sardius #H124 #odem#, topaz #H6357 pitdah#, and the diamond #H3095 yahalom#, the beryl #H8658 tarshiysh#, the onyx #H7718 shoham#, and the jasper #H3471 yash@pheh#, the sapphire #H5601 cappiyr#, the emerald #H5306 nophek#, and the carbuncle #H1304 bareqeth#, and gold #H2091 zahab#: the workmanship #H4399 m@la#kah# of thy tabrets #H8596 toph# and of thy pipes #H5345 neqeb# was prepared #H3559 kuwn# (8797) in thee in the day #H3117 yowm# that thou wast created #H1254 bara# (8736).
strkjv@Ezekiel:28:14 @ Thou art the anointed #H4473 mimshach# cherub #H3742 k@ruwb# that covereth #H5526 cakak# (8802); and I have set #H5414 nathan# (8804) thee so: thou wast upon the holy #H6944 qodesh# mountain #H2022 har# of God #H430 #elohiym#; thou hast walked up and down #H1980 halak# (8694) in the midst #H8432 tavek# of the stones #H68 #eben# of fire #H784 #esh#.
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