strkjv@Ezekiel:28:18 @ Thou hast defiled #H2490 chalal# (8765) thy sanctuaries #H4720 miqdash# by the multitude #H7230 rob# of thine iniquities #H5771 #avon#, by the iniquity #H5766 #evel# of thy traffick #H7404 r@kullah#; therefore will I bring forth #H3318 yatsa# (8686) a fire #H784 #esh# from the midst #H8432 tavek# of thee, it shall devour #H398 #akal# (8804) thee, and I will bring #H5414 nathan# (8799) thee to ashes #H665 #epher# upon the earth #H776 #erets# in the sight #H5869 #ayin# of all them that behold #H7200 ra#ah# (8802) thee.
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