strkjv@Ezekiel:3:18 @ When I say #H559 #amar# (8800) unto the wicked #H7563 rasha# , Thou shalt surely #H4191 muwth# (8800) die #H4191 muwth# (8799); and thou givest him not warning #H2094 zahar# (8689), nor speakest #H1696 dabar# (8765) to warn #H2094 zahar# (8687) the wicked #H7563 rasha# from his wicked #H7563 rasha# way #H1870 derek#, to save his life #H2421 chayah# (8763); the same wicked #H7563 rasha# man shall die #H4191 muwth# (8799) in his iniquity #H5771 #avon#; but his blood #H1818 dam# will I require #H1245 baqash# (8762) at thine hand #H3027 yad#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:3:19 @ Yet if thou warn #H2094 zahar# (8689) the wicked #H7563 rasha# , and he turn #H7725 shuwb# (8804) not from his wickedness #H7562 resha# , nor from his wicked #H7563 rasha# way #H1870 derek#, he shall die #H4191 muwth# (8799) in his iniquity #H5771 #avon#; but thou hast delivered #H5337 natsal# (8689) thy soul #H5315 nephesh#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:3:20 @ Again #H7725 shuwb# # , When a righteous #H6662 tsaddiyq# man doth turn #H7725 shuwb# (8800) from his righteousness #H6664 tsedeq#, and commit #H6213 #asah# (8804) iniquity #H5766 #evel#, and I lay #H5414 nathan# (8804) a stumblingblock #H4383 mikshowl# before #H6440 paniym# him, he shall die #H4191 muwth# (8799): because thou hast not given him warning #H2094 zahar# (8689), he shall die #H4191 muwth# (8799) in his sin #H2403 chatta#ah#, and his righteousness #H6666 ts@daqah# which he hath done #H6213 #asah# (8804) shall not be remembered #H2142 zakar# (8735); but his blood #H1818 dam# will I require #H1245 baqash# (8762) at thine hand #H3027 yad#.
strkjv@Ezekiel:3:21 @ Nevertheless if thou warn #H2094 zahar# (8689) the righteous #H6662 tsaddiyq# man, that the righteous #H6662 tsaddiyq# sin #H2398 chata# (8800) not, and he doth not sin #H2398 chata# (8804), he shall surely #H2421 chayah# (8800) live #H2421 chayah# (8799), because he is warned #H2094 zahar# (8737); also thou hast delivered #H5337 natsal# (8689) thy soul #H5315 nephesh#.
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