strkjv@Ezra:6:17 @ And offered #H7127 q@reb# (8684) at the dedication #H2597 chanukka# of this #H1836 den# house #H1005 bayith# of God #H426 #elahh# an hundred #H3969 ma#ah# bullocks #H8450 towr#, two hundred #H3969 ma#ah# rams #H1798 d@kar#, four #H703 #arba# hundred #H3969 ma#ah# lambs #H563 #immar#; and for a sin offering #H2402 chatta#ah# (8675) #H2409 chattaya# for #H5922 #al# all #H3606 kol# Israel #H3479 Yisra#el#, twelve #H8648 t@reyn# #H6236 #asar# he #H6841 ts@phiyr# goats #H5796 #ez#, according to the number #H4510 minyan# of the tribes #H7625 she@bat# of Israel #H3479 Yisra#el#.
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