strkjv@Genesis:19:1 @ And there came #H935 bow# (8799) two #H8147 sh@nayim# angels #H4397 mal#ak# to Sodom #H5467 C@dom# at even #H6153 #ereb#; and Lot #H3876 Lowt# sat #H3427 yashab# (8802) in the gate #H8179 sha#ar# of Sodom #H5467 C@dom#: and Lot #H3876 Lowt# seeing #H7200 ra#ah# (8799) them rose up #H6965 quwm# (8799) to meet #H7125 qir#ah# (8800) them; and he bowed #H7812 shachah# (8691) himself with his face #H639 #aph# toward the ground #H776 #erets#;
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