strkjv@Genesis:41:55 @ And when all the land #H776 #erets# of Egypt #H4714 Mitsrayim# was famished #H7456 ra#eb# (8799), the people #H5971 #am# cried #H6817 tsa#aq# (8799) to Pharaoh #H6547 Par#oh# for bread #H3899 lechem#: and Pharaoh #H6547 Par#oh# said #H559 #amar# (8799) unto all the Egyptians #H4714 Mitsrayim#, Go #H3212 yalak# (8798) unto Joseph #H3130 Yowceph#; what he saith #H559 #amar# (8799) to you, do #H6213 #asah# (8799).
strkjv@Genesis:41:56 @ And the famine #H7458 ra#ab# was over all the face #H6440 paniym# of the earth #H776 #erets#: And Joseph #H3130 Yowceph# opened #H6605 pathach# (8799) all the storehouses, and sold #H7666 shabar# (8799) unto the Egyptians #H4714 Mitsrayim#; and the famine #H7458 ra#ab# waxed sore #H2388 chazaq# (8799) in the land #H776 #erets# of Egypt #H4714 Mitsrayim#.
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