rwp@Hebrews:11:7 @{Being warned of God} (\chrˆmatistheis\). First aorist passive participle of \chrˆmatiz“\, old word for oracular or divine communications as already in 8:5| (cf. kjv@Matthew:2:12,22|, etc.). {Moved with godly fear} (\eulabˆthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \eulabeomai\, old verb from \eulabˆs\ (from \eu\ and \labein\, to take hold well or carefully), to show oneself \eulabˆs\, to act circumspectly or with reverence, here only in N.T. (save Textus Receptus in kjv@Acts:23:10|), often in LXX. {An ark} (\kib“ton\). kjv@Genesis:6:15; kjv@Matthew:24:38|. Shaped like a box (cf. kjv@Hebrews:9:4|). {Through which} (\di' hˆs\). Through his faith as shown in building the ark. {The world} (\ton kosmon\). Sinful humanity as in verse 38|. {Heir} (\klˆronomos\). In kjv@2Peter:2:5| Noah is called "a preacher of righteousness" as here "heir of righteousness." He himself believed his message about the flood. Like Enoch he walked with God (Genesis:6:9|).
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