rwp@Hebrews:12:2 @{Looking unto} (\aphor“ntes eis\). Present active participle of \aphora“\, old verb to look away, "looking away to Jesus." In N.T. only here and kjv@Phillipians:2:23|. Fix your eyes on Jesus, after a glance at "the cloud of witnesses," for he is the goal. Cf. Moses in 11:26| (\apeblepen\). {The author} (\ton archˆgon\). See 2:10| for this word. "The pioneer of personal faith" (Moffatt). {Perfecter} (\telei“tˆn\). A word apparently coined by the writer from \teleio“\ as it has been found nowhere else. Vulgate has _consummator_. {For the joy} (\anti tˆs charas\). Answering to, in exchange for (verse 16|), at the end of the race lay the joy "set before him" (\prokeimenˆs aut“i\), while here was the Cross (\stauron\) at this end (the beginning of the race) which he endured (\hupemeinen\, aorist active indicative of \hupomen“\), {despising shame} (\aischunˆs kataphronˆsas\). The cross at his time brought only shame (most shameful of deaths, "yea, the death of the cross" kjv@Phillipians:2:8|). But Jesus despised that, in spite of the momentary shrinking from it, and did his Father's will by submitting to it. {Hath sat down} (\kekathiken\). Perfect active indicative of \kathiz“\, and still is there (1:3|).
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