rwp@Hebrews:12:23 @{To the general assembly} (\panˆgurei\). Old word (from \pas\ and \aguris, ageir“\). Here only in N.T. \Panˆguriz“\ occurs in kjv@Isaiah:66:10| for keeping a festal holiday. Possibly to be connected with \aggel“n\, though not certain. {Church of the firstborn} (\ekklˆsiƒi pr“totok“n\). Probably an additional item besides the angelic host as the people of Israel are called firstborn (Exodus:4:22|). The word \ekklˆsia\ here has the general sense of all the redeemed, as in kjv@Matthew:16:18; kjv@Colossians:1:18; kjv@Ephesians:5:24-32|, and equivalent to the kingdom of God. {Who are enrolled in heaven} (\apogegrammen“n en ouranois\). Perfect passive participle of \apograph“\, old verb to write off, to copy, to enroll as in kjv@Luke:2:1,3,5| (only N.T. examples). Enrolled as citizens of heaven even while on earth (Luke:10:20; kjv@Phillipians:1:27; 3:20; 4:3; kjv@Revelation:13:8|, etc.). {To God the Judge of all} (\kritˆi the“i pant“n\). All these chief substantives in the dative case. People should not forget that God is the Judge of all men. {Made perfect} (\tetelei“men“n\). Perfect passive participle of \teleio“\, perfected at last (11:40|).
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